SDU Contribution to the SDGs
SDU supports the UN Sustainable Development Agenda in tackling the world’s most pressing challenges and promotes a Sustainability Culture at the University. Each year SDU works on expanding its contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals via teaching, research, community engagement, social responsibility and operations. Particularly, SDU focuses on decreasing poverty (SDG 1), promoting good health and well-being ( SDG 3), providing opportunities for quality education (SDG 4), promoting gender equality and reducing inequalities (SDG 5 & SDG 10), building and maintaining Smart Campus, responsible consumption, water management and sustainable community (SDG 6, SDG 11 & SDG 12) as well contributing to the country’s economic growth via staff support/well-being initiatives and innovations (SDG 8 & SDG 9) and focusing on good governance and partnerships on SDGs (SDG 16 & SDG 17). Please click each SDG below to find out more about.
Sustainable Development Goals
SDU provides support structures for affordable and accessible education both for local and international applicants and students living in poverty through scholarships and assistance packages (tuition and housing discounts).
Annually, we host an SPT Olympiad where the winners and the most talented students are sponsored by the University. These grants and discounts also include the Infomatrix grant, iSPT, international math competition, republican and regional olympiad winners.
The Public Foundation “Qazaqstan halqyna” announced a competition for grants and scholarships as part of the charitable program. This program is scheduled for 2022-2023 academic years.
Foundation provides grants with scholarships for applicants from low-income families from the countryside, children without parental care and children with disabilities who have not received any state or other grants to pay for higher education in bachelor’s degree programs.
Foundation also allows students enrolled in fee-paying university departments to continue their studies at the expense of the fund.
SDU contributes to the UN's Sustainable Development Agenda through its research. Confirmed by the Scopus data within 2020-2022, SDU published 6 publications related to the SDG 1.
For more details on 2021 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2021
For more details on 2022 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2022
For more details on 2023 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2023
Useful Links:
Financial aid
Fundraising Office
Program “Qazaqstan halqyna”
SPT Olympiad
ISPT Olympiad
ISPT news
International student admission
SDU Continuing Education Center
Alatau Creative Hub Almaty
SDSN Kazakhstan organized a series of roundtables covering various topics related to SDGs
Relevant policies:
We facilitate food production on campus and offer a variety of food sources available to students. Our central cafeteria provides breakfast, lunch, and dinner to dorm residents and lunch to all students on campus. The food catered is well-balanced, nutritious, and diverse. Students are served with seasonal vegetables and fruit; the service providers also include several options to choose from. In addition to the central cafeteria, there is a university-operated market and a smaller cafeteria to purchase snacks, pastry, coffee, and tea. Overall, the University strives to provide healthy regiment and eating habits to all students, as well as provide affordable options.
The university covers 50% of administrative and teaching staff daily lunch, there are also discounts for students in need.
For more details on 2021 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2021
For more details on 2022 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2022
For more details on 2023 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2023
The University is in the process of building a new sports center on the campus territory, as of now, we rent a sports center from local contractors. We have a functioning Medical Center on campus. Students and staff can get a free consultation from a general practitioner, staff and students can also use the services of the main clinic in the city of Kaskelen. The campus medical center also provides ultrasound, x-ray, and blood drawing services within campus.
The mental health of our students and staff is one of the priorities of the university, the psychological support center provides free consults, training programs, and seminars from trained professionals within the campus.
There are two gyms located in the dorms available for students and staff. Active sport culture is popular as we host an annual ‘sportakiyada’, regular marathons, ICE party on Medeu, football tournaments, student, faculty, and staff teambuilding in the open air. Football and basketball courts are available within walking distance from the main building.
We promote a non-smoking campus, however, there are two dedicated open smoking zones further on the campus territory.
Also, confirmed by the Scopus data within 2020-2022, SDU published 4 publications related to the SDG 3.
For more details on 2021 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2021
For more details on 2022 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2022
For more details on 2023 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2023
Useful Links:
Social Affairs
Psychological Service Center
Сampus tour
SDU Games 2022
SDU provides and/or actively participates in promoting life-long learning opportunities among the SDU Community and beyond via organizing different learning schemes for retraining purposes.
In 2021 we have established a new Center for Professional Development and Innovation whose goal is to provide opportunities for lifelong education. This center’s objectives include the Pedagogical Retraining Program designed for people without a pedagogical education, but who want to teach in schools. This program reflects on a significant shortage of teachers in schools, especially on a regional scale. The retraining program can be completed in 6 months and welcomes everyone with a higher education degree regardless of age and gender. The center also organizes and hosts online and offline seminars and training programs for school and university teachers; these programs introduce the audience to new methods of teaching, new skills, and best practices to fulfill their professional needs. The Center for Continuing Education offers short-term language courses within campus.
Since 2019, University is closely working with a higher education international consultant - Mrs. Sophia Butt. One of the projects being implemented at this moment is the project of inclusivity in learning. We want to promote a healthy and welcoming environment for all, therefore Ms. Butt’s valuable expertise and guidance help the University to move forward.
The “Zhas Maman” project allows our students to experience teaching at the university. Alongside faculty members, ‘zhas mamans’ or young professionals operate as research and teaching assistants. We believe that this opportunity provides a unique opportunity to engage students in an academic environment.
In addition, the university is the organizer of various international conferences on an annual basis, e.g. ICBCB conference on Promoting Equitable Education in the Changing World.
As a part of the round table organized by SGS Kazakhstan in October 2021, the issues of Sustainable Development Education in the Tertiary Sector were discussed.
In June 2022, SDU University held an International Competition “INFOMATRIX – ASIA”. 365 inventors from our country and other countries participated in this competition. Contestants presented projects in 6 main categories: Robotics, Computer Programming, Computer Art, Hardware Control Systems, Short Movie and Mathematics Project.
“INFOMATRIX-ASIA was held for the 8th time in 2022. The difference of this competition from others is that there are 6 categories. It is very important to test the IT skills of children in different areas. Over 400 projects were registered for the competition. Commission members selected 165 projects. A total of 365 students participated in the contest. Their work was assessed by experts working for such global companies as Google and Facebook. Children’s interest in IT is growing and we have noticed that their level is improving year by year.
SDU contributes to the UN's Sustainable Development Agenda through its research. Confirmed by the Scopus data within 2020-2022, SDU published 9 publications related to the SDG 4.
For more details on 2021 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2021
For more details on 2022 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2022
For more details on 2023 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2023
Useful Links:
Center for Professional Development and Innovation
Department of Secondary Education and Mass Open Online Courses
ICBCB 2022 Conference: Promoting Equitable Education in a Changing World
2022 International Young Scholars Conference
2021 International Young Scholars Conference
SDSN Kazakhstan organized a series of roundtables covering various topics related to SDGs
Relevant policies:
SDU prioritized equal opportunities for all University community to ensure no discrimination. It correlates with gender equality that supports women on campus. For students and staff, there are many childcare facilities, rooms for nursing mothers, staff on maternity leave are supported through providing flexible working hours on campus and remotely. As our scientific library is undergoing renovations, we have planned to dedicate a section of the library for children’s activities, these will include playgrounds, children’s books, and events.
Female students can be engaged in multiple clubs for women, supported by the university administration. The Ladies’ Club for teaching and administrative staff hosts workshops and seminars on the topics of women's health, education, mental health, career development, and others.
SDU contributes to the UN's Sustainable Development Agenda through its research. Confirmed by the Scopus data within 2020-2022, SDU published 2 publications related to the SDG 5.
For more details on 2021 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2021
For more details on 2022 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2022
For more details on 2023 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2023
Useful Links:
Ladies Club events
Psychological Service Center
Students club “Vision”
Relevant policies:
SDU’s new campus is relatively new construction in the outskirts of Almaty city. As the campus is still under construction, it gives the advantage to build and renovate according to new energy-saving principles.
The campus uses water from its own well, the water quality of which meets all sanitary requirements. Also, additional filters are installed for drinking purposes. All of the students and employees are provided with free drinking water. Drinking fountains are installed in the campus building and dormitories.
Undergraduate programs include the courses PED248 Ecology and Sustainable Development, IN 440 Global Sustainable Development, PED 265 Ecology and Life Security Precautions.
In 2022, SDU became one of the winners of the competition of projects within the scope of the program Sustainability Living Lab: Outreach, organized by the Office of Sustainable Development of Nazarbayev University. As a part of the participation, the containers for separate waste collection were purchased on campus and the SDU ECO FEST 2022 was held.
The official opening of SDSN Kazakhstan took place on June 8, 2022. During the opening ceremony the first meeting of SDSN Kazakhstan members was held and the issue of SDG6 was also discussed during panel sessions.
For more details on 2021 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2021
For more details on 2022 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2022
For more details on 2023 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2023
Useful Links:
SDSN digest (May-June-2022)
Students research club “Alliance of Blue Owl”
NU Green Campus: Sustainability Living Lab
SDU’s new campus is relatively new construction in the outskirts of Almaty city. As the campus is still under construction, it gives the advantage to build and renovate according to new energy-saving principles. During the winter season, the Campus operates on natural gas heating. We practice waste sorting, in the near future we would like to plan to implement recycling. The campus territory is kept green and flourishing by our gardener.
The environmental issues are also addressed by various student groups such as Shapagat, Vision that host events on recycling, environmental disaster discussions, charity events with a focus on reusing clothing, furniture, toys, and books.
Undergraduate programs include the courses PED248 Ecology and Sustainable Development, IN 440 Global Sustainable Development, PED 265 Ecology and Life Security Precautions.
In 2022, SDU became one of the winners of the competition of projects within the scope of the program Sustainability Living Lab: Outreach, organized by the Office of Sustainable Development of Nazarbayev University. As a part of the participation, the containers for separate waste collection were purchased on campus and the SDU ECO FEST 2022 was held.
SDU contributes to the UN's Sustainable Development Agenda through its research. Confirmed by the Scopus data within 2020-2022, SDU published 5 publications related to the SDG 7.
For more details on 2021 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2021
For more details on 2022 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2022
For more details on 2023 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2023
Useful Links:
Students charity club “Shapagat”
Students club “Vision”
Students research club “Alliance of Blue Owl”
NU Green Campus: Sustainability Living Lab
SDSN Kazakhstan organized a series of roundtables covering various topics related to SDGs
SDU contributes both to the creation of more new jobs and to the national economic growth.
In 2020, the university HR department has introduced the grading system under which the earnings have been standardized to avoid unequal pay. Under this system, positions with equal responsibilities are graded on the same level regardless of competencies of the employee. Overall, our new comfortable campus is accessible to all the needs of our students and staff, we provide a safe working and learning environment.
The HR Department practices Monitoring employment outcomes and academic workload management. We as a university try to adjust accordingly to market needs in the workforce, each faculty is interested in providing every student with fair employment opportunities, such a project can include Beta Career. The project facilitates future employment opportunities by connecting students and their future employers - close university partners. The Grant Office organizes various fundraisings to help students in need, these include tuition and housing discounts.
SDU contributes to the UN's Sustainable Development Agenda through its research. Confirmed by the Scopus data within 2020-2022, SDU published 9 publications related to the SDG 8.
For more details on 2021 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2021
For more details on 2022 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2022
For more details on 2023 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2023
Useful Links:
HR department
Financial aid
Fundraising Office
Beta Career
Beta Career (instagram)
SDSN Kazakhstan organized a series of roundtables covering various topics related to SDGs
Relevant policies:
Technopark office supports students’ startups and business ideas, their participation in hackathons, and promotes students’ startups implementation within the industry. The University strives to reduce unnecessary paperwork by implementing DMS, a portal for all internal operations, and a PMS portal for staff. Students use a newly updated MYSDU portal in which they can add/drop classes, obtain a variety of documents and transcripts. The university reduces resources allocated to non-academic activities by using outsourcing, catering, maintenance, cleaning, and renovations are operated by third-party vendors.
In 2021, a new educational program by the name 6B01801 Social Pedagogy and Self-knowledge based on values was launched in the university. One of the learning outcomes is establishing the relationship between science, technology, industry, society and the environment.
SDU contributes to the UN's Sustainable Development Agenda through its research. Confirmed by the Scopus data within 2020-2022, SDU published 5 publications related to the SDG 9.
For more details on 2021 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2021
For more details on 2022 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2022
For more details on 2023 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2023
Useful Links:
SDU Technopark
SDU Technopark (youtube)
Automation systems
IT services
Educational program
SDSN Kazakhstan organized a series of roundtables covering various topics related to SDGs
SDU promotes diversity, inclusivity and equal opportunities for all in teaching, research, decent working and living conditions.
In 2020, the university HR department has introduced the grading system under which the earnings have been standardized to avoid unequal pay. Under this system, positions with equal responsibilities are graded on the same level regardless of competencies of the employee. Overall, our new comfortable campus is accessible to all the needs of our students and staff, we provide a safe working and learning environment.
Since 2018, the Performance Management Development System has been introduced in the SDU. By PMDS we mean a formal developmental process of self-evaluation and structured discussion aimed at the personal, professional, and career development of an individual member of staff. Four general principles underpin the development of a review system for SDU:
- Self-assessment
- Achieving the strategic targets at university, department and individual levels
- Facilitation of staff in reaching their full potential
- A means of enhancing quality
SDU contributes to the UN's Sustainable Development Agenda through its research. Confirmed by the Scopus data within 2020-2022, SDU published 6 publications related to the SDG 10.
For more details on 2021 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2021
For more details on 2022 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2022
For more details on 2023 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2023
Useful Links:
HR department
Relevant policies:
The University promotes the academic environment, which includes extensive reading and learning zones across campus, a newly renovated library, and high-speed internet access. Due to the remote location of the campus, in 2021, the management has implemented shuttles - transferring services from the university to the staff living in Almaty. As the only University in the city of Kaskelen, SDU is in close contact with the local government. University has facilitated the growth of Kaskelen’s economy and infrastructure in the past eleven years, such as hotels, houses, and food services.
In September 2022 akim of Karasay district in Almaty region Zhasulan Yestenov visited SDU University. The university leadership informed Akim about university innovations, educational programmes and departmental activities. During the campus tour, guests visited the new educational block, student house and the new innovative library. In his speech, Zhasulan Yestenov expressed his appreciation, saying that the SDU has a great role in district development.
Remember that SDU University campus was moved to Kaskelen in 2011. For 11 years, the university has been employing regional residents, participating in the formation of the regional academic environment and promoting small and medium-sized businesses.
Also, as part of the project “Mamandygym – bolashagym”, the university intends to create a complex model for continuing education and career development in Almaty region. It will give a new impetus for the cultivation of a new generation of personnel with the necessary specialization for the region. There will also be knowledge and skills assessments, including data collection and analysis of the region’s human capital.
Regional Standard is a tool built into the regional management system, which will combine the resources of the local executive body and key stakeholders in order to improve the efficiency of training processes for the regional economy.
As a result, it will develop a regional atlas of human resource needs, a system of accumulation of knowledge about talents, assessment and diagnosis of human capital of the region. In addition, a “Reassembly” of educational programs according to employers’ requirements will be developed.
SDU strategy is committed to optimizing the contribution to achieving sustainable development through research, teaching, campus and operations.
For more details on 2021 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2021
For more details on 2022 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2022
For more details on 2023 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2023
Useful Links:
Strategic Plan
Student House
University news: Akim of Karasay district visited SDU , SDU will develop a regional Atlas of Emerging Jobs
Relevant policies:
SDU’s new campus is relatively new construction in the outskirts of Almaty city. As the campus is still under construction, it gives the advantage to build and renovate according to new energy-saving principles. During the winter season, the Campus operates on natural gas heating. We practice waste sorting, in the near future we would like to plan to implement recycling. The campus territory is kept green and flourishing by our gardener.
The environmental issues are also addressed by various student groups such as Shapagat, Vision that host events on recycling, environmental disaster discussions, charity events with a focus on reusing clothing, furniture, toys, and books.
SDU strategy is committed to optimizing the contribution to achieving sustainable development through research, teaching, campus and operations.
SDU contributes to the UN's Sustainable Development Agenda through its research. Confirmed by the Scopus data within 2020-2022, SDU published 3 publications related to the SDG 12.
For more details on 2021 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2021
For more details on 2022 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2022
For more details on 2023 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2023
Useful Links:
Strategic Plan
SDSN Kazakhstan organized a series of roundtables covering various topics related to SDGs
SDU’s new campus is relatively new construction in the outskirts of Almaty city. As the campus is still under construction, it gives the advantage to build and renovate according to new energy-saving principles. During the winter season, the Campus operates on natural gas heating. We practice waste sorting, in the near future we would like to plan to implement recycling. The campus territory is kept green and flourishing by our gardener.
The environmental issues are also addressed by various student groups such as Shapagat, Vision that host events on recycling, environmental disaster discussions, charity events with a focus on reusing clothing, furniture, toys, and books.
In 2022, SDU became one of the winners of the competition of projects within the scope of the program Sustainability Living Lab: Outreach, organized by the Office of Sustainable Development of Nazarbayev University. As a part of the participation, the containers for separate waste collection were purchased on campus and the SDU ECO FEST 2022 was held.
Undergraduate programs include the courses PED248 Ecology and Sustainable Development, IN 440 Global Sustainable Development, PED 265 Ecology and Life Security Precautions.
In 2021, a new educational program by the name 6B01801 Social Pedagogy and Self-knowledge based on values was launched in the university. One of the learning outcomes is establishing the relationship between science, technology, industry, society and the environment.
SDU strategy is committed to optimizing the contribution to achieving sustainable development through research, teaching, campus and operations.
SDU contributes to the UN's Sustainable Development Agenda through its research. Confirmed by the Scopus data within 2020-2022, SDU published 6 publications related to the SDG 13.
For more details on 2021 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2021
For more details on 2022 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2022
For more details on 2023 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2023
Useful Links:
Strategic Plan
Students charity club “Shapagat”
Students club “Vision”
Students research club “Alliance of Blue Owl”
Educational program
NU Green Campus: Sustainability Living Lab
SDSN Kazakhstan organized a series of roundtables covering various topics related to SDGs
SDU’s new campus is relatively new construction in the outskirts of Almaty city. As the campus is still under construction, it gives the advantage to build and renovate according to new energy-saving principles. During the winter season, the Campus operates on natural gas heating. We practice waste sorting, in the near future we would like to plan to implement recycling. The campus territory is kept green and flourishing by our gardener.
The environmental issues are also addressed by various student groups such as Shapagat, Vision that host events on recycling, environmental disaster discussions, charity events with a focus on reusing clothing, furniture, toys, and books.
In 2022, SDU became one of the winners of the competition of projects within the scope of the program Sustainability Living Lab: Outreach, organized by the Office of Sustainable Development of Nazarbayev University. As a part of the participation, the containers for separate waste collection were purchased on campus and the SDU ECO FEST 2022 was held.
Undergraduate programs include the courses PED248 Ecology and Sustainable Development, IN 440 Global Sustainable Development, PED 265 Ecology and Life Security Precautions.
SDU strategy is committed to optimizing the contribution to achieving sustainable development through research, teaching, campus and operations.
For more details on 2021 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2021
For more details on 2022 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2022
For more details on 2023 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2023
Useful Links:
Strategic Plan
Students charity club “Shapagat”
Students research club “Alliance of Blue Owl”
NU Green Campus: Sustainability Living Lab
SDSN Kazakhstan organized a series of roundtables covering various topics related to SDGs
SDU’s new campus is relatively new construction in the outskirts of Almaty city. As the campus is still under construction, it gives the advantage to build and renovate according to new energy-saving principles. During the winter season, the Campus operates on natural gas heating. We practice waste sorting, in the near future we would like to plan to implement recycling. The campus territory is kept green and flourishing by our gardener.
The environmental issues are also addressed by various student groups such as Shapagat, Vision that host events on recycling, environmental disaster discussions, charity events with a focus on reusing clothing, furniture, toys, and books.
In 2022, SDU became one of the winners of the competition of projects within the scope of the program Sustainability Living Lab: Outreach, organized by the Office of Sustainable Development of Nazarbayev University. As a part of the participation, the containers for separate waste collection were purchased on campus and the SDU ECO FEST 2022 was held.
Undergraduate programs include the courses PED248 Ecology and Sustainable Development, IN 440 Global Sustainable Development, PED 265 Ecology and Life Security Precautions.
SDU strategy is committed to optimizing the contribution to achieving sustainable development through research, teaching, campus and operations.
For more details on 2021 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2021
For more details on 2022 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2022
For more details on 2023 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2023
Useful Links:
Strategic Plan
Students charity club “Shapagat”
Students research club “Alliance of Blue Owl”
NU Green Campus: Sustainability Living Lab
SDSN Kazakhstan organized a series of roundtables covering various topics related to SDGs
SDU promotes good governance practices at all levels through its organizational structure, staff, faculty, and student engagement in policy making, student and staff organizations.
At the University level there are several committees and councils that manage academic processes. They are as follows: Executive Board, University Senate, Scientific Board. At the student level, there are Student Government and 32 student Clubs. In addition, as a gender equality promoting initiative there is Ladies Clubs that is focused on women support and development.
In addition, the academic and operational processes are regulated by the appropriate policies related to the teaching & learning process, research, HR, Academic Policy on Integrity & Freedom, Admission & recruitment & Quality Policy.
University is a member of an alliance against corruption with other Kazakhstan universities - ‘League of Academic Honesty’, we propose the values and goals of this alliance to promote a corruption-free learning environment. The mission of the league is to improve academic quality in the country by promoting and implementing fundamental principles of academic honesty.
University promotes intercultural communication among students and staff. These include events, we support and organize events and workshops where ethnic and cultural minorities exchange their unique values with our students, language events, international fairs. University stakeholders and students are involved in all decision-making processes. The formal decision-making processes include the rectorate is an executive board, which includes top managerial positions and school deans, student government representatives for all decision-making processes. Among that, there is an additional committee of the main stakeholders.
Informal decision-making processes include social media engagement among students, different surveys to increase students’ presence in important decision making.
Safety on campus is our priority, we have security measurements to provide a safe environment, comfortable air conditioning, security systems, and infrastructure.
SDU strategy is committed to optimizing the contribution to achieving sustainable development through research, teaching, campus and operations.
SDU contributes to the UN's Sustainable Development Agenda through its research. Confirmed by the Scopus data within 2020-2022, SDU published 7 publications related to the SDG 16.
For more details on 2021 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2021
For more details on 2022 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2022
For more details on 2023 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2023
Useful Links:
Strategic Plan
League of Academic Honesty
The University Senate
Student Government of SDU
SDU Culture Day
University news:
SDU strives to collaborate with the university partners, to build strategies and culture that openly supports SDGs and promotes main targets. These partnerships include the following universities:
- Collegium Civitas, Poland
- Oklahoma State University, USA
- Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
- The University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden, Germany
- Hof University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
- Siauliai University, Lithuania
- Management and Science University, Malaysia
- Turiba University, Latvia
- SolBridge International School of Business, South Korea
- Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
- Hankuk University of foreign studies, South Korea
- Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus
- Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
- Sookmyung Women’s University, South Korea
- Umea University, Sweden
Student volunteering programmes: The SDU League of Volunteers takes part in various socially significant campaigns: disseminating the necessary information, preparing and conducting public actions, training and much more.
Undergraduate programs include the courses PED248 Ecology and Sustainable Development, IN 440 Global Sustainable Development, PED 265 Ecology and Life Security Precautions.
In 2021, a new educational program by the name 6B01801 Social Pedagogy and Self-knowledge based on values was launched in the university. One of the learning outcomes is establishing the relationship between science, technology, industry, society and the environment.
SDU strategy is committed to optimizing the contribution to achieving sustainable development through research, teaching, campus and operations.
SDU contributes to the UN's Sustainable Development Agenda through its research. Confirmed by the Scopus data within 2020-2022, SDU published 2 publications related to the SDG 17.
For more details on 2021 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2021
For more details on 2022 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2022
For more details on 2023 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2023
Useful Links:
SDU League of Volunteers
SDSN Kazakhstan
Educational program
SDSN Kazakhstan organized a series of roundtables covering various topics related to SDGs
University news: University Putra Malaysia delegation visited SDU
Sustainable Research
SDU contributes to the UN’s Sustainable Development Agenda through its research. Confirmed by the Scopus data within 2020-2022, SDU published 70 publications related to the SDGs out of 167 publications for these years. Please see below infographics for more information.
Number of publications sustainability 2020-2022
Financial Sustainability
In promoting SDGs and Sustainability Culture, SDU organizes regular events related to the SDGs.
Decreasing Inequalities events
Good Health & Well-being
Gender Equality
Responsible Consumption & Production
Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
ECO Campus
SDSN Kazakhstan
The UN SDSN was set up in 2012 under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General to promote SDGs through education, research, policy analysis, and global cooperation. SDSN Global has 1600 member institutions from 137 countries: including 1318 universities and research institutions organized into 47 National and Regional Networks. On 8th June 2022, under the umbrella of the global SDSN, the SDSN Kazakhstan was inaugurated as a national chapter.
SDSN Kazakhstan has 20 members.
Useful Links:
SDSN Global
SDSN Kazakhstan
Launch SDSN Kazakhstan
Times Higher Education Impact Rankings
The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, based on universities’ contributions to delivering the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), show that universities worldwide are seizing the moment to double down on a long tradition of public service of delivering sustainable social and economic impact for their communities and society at large.
We are happy to announce that in 2023 SDU has been ranked in the Times Higher Education Impact Ranking alongside 1705 world universities.
University participated in 8 out of 17 Sustainable Development Goals:
- SDG 1. No poverty (2023 Rank: 601-800);
- SDG 3. Good health and well-being (2023 Rank: 1001+)
- SDG 4. Quality education (2023 Rank: 401-600);
- SDG 5. Gender equality (2023 Rank: 601-800)
- SDG 8. Decent work and economic growth (2023 Rank: 801+)
- SDG 10. Reducing inequalities (2023 Rank: 601-800)
- SDG 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions (2023 Rank:401-600)
- SDG 17. Partnerships for the goals (2022 Rank: 801-1000).
The Impact Ranking reflects the contribution of the University to UN SDGs, the ranking indicators include anti-poverty programs, percentage of first generation students, percentage of women academic, research progress and others.
SDU strategy is committed to optimizing the contribution to achieving sustainable development through research, teaching, campus and operations. Therefore, we have signed the SDG Accord and continue to develop our sustainability initiative.
Impact Rankings 2022
Impact Rankings 2023
For more details on 2021 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2021
For more details on 2022 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2022
For more details on 2023 please refer to: SDG Progress Report 2023
- SDU University Regulations on Scholarship and Grant Programs
- SDU University Policy on Tuition Fee
- Regulations on the Provision of Advanced Training Services in SDU University to Employees of Educational Institutions
- SDU University Policy on Internal Discipline
- Regulation on the Rules of Registration of Personnel Procedures in SDU University
- SDU University Regulations on Recruitment and Hiring
- Methodology of the SDU University Grading System
- SDU University Policy on Remuneration of Labour
- SDU University Policy on Conciliation Committee
- SDU University Labour Regulations
- SDU University Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity Policy
- SDU University Quality Policy
- SDU University Academic Policy
Sustainable Development Center
About us
As a part of the Sustainability Agenda, SDU initiated the opening of the Sustainable Development Center effective from January 30, 2023.
Our mission is to sensitize society, building skills, developing solutions and providing services to government & industry on the issues related to sustainable future.
To be a Role model SDG center in the Central Asia through demonstrated tangible impact & outreach
Areas of focus
SDU’s Sustainable Development Center will focus on the following 6S:
- S–sensitization
- S–skills (Training)
- S–solving (Research)
- S–service (Consulting)
- S–strategic partner
- S–specialization
- Mr. Kairat Moldashev, Vice-Rector for Research
- Dr Anjan Ghosh, Sustainable Development Center Director, Associate Professor of Business School
- Ms Assem Kaukenova, Chief Expert of the Science Department
- Ms Gulnaz Toguzbayeva, Director of the Quality Assurance Department
- Ms Saule Zhardayeva, Chief Expert of the Quality Assurance Department
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