Project manager: Kosherbayeva Lyazzat
Program title: “Integration of children with autism spectrum disorder into the social and educational environment based on comprehensive support: challenges and benefits”
Program IRN: BR18574199
Project manager: Kadyrov Shirali
Project title: Irregular sets in Dynamical Systems
Project IRN: AP08051987
Time of project: 1 January 2020 – 31 December 2022, 3 years.
The aim of the project is to carry out scientific research in the field of dynamical systems and make contributions to the development of fundamental science and train young scientists in the field. Preliminary joint experimental research of PI with the team members provides evidence that many interesting new findings can be obtained the field of dynamical systems. With the present project, we aim to provide rigorous and mathematically valid proofs for our experimental initial analysis of irregular sets.
1 List of Publications
List of Scopus and Web of Science publications for 2022
1 Mashurov F., Kaygorodov I. One-generated nilpotent assosymmetric algebras // Journal of Algebra and Its Application. – 2022. – No. 21 (2). – P. 2250031 Scopus 2021 Percentile 57%
2 Kadyrov S., Orynbassar A., Saydaliyev H., Yergesh D. Mathematical Modelling the Impact Evaluation of Lockdown on Infection Dynamics of COVID-19 in Italy // International Journal of Management and Applied Science. – 2022. – No. 8 (1). – P. 88–92.
List of Scopus and Web of Science publications for 2021
1 Kadyrov S., Mashurov F. Unified computational approach to nilpotent algebra classification problems // Communication in Mathematics. – 2021. – No. 29. – P. 215–226. Scopus 2021 Percentile 9%
2 Kadyrov S., Mashurov F.. Generalized continued fraction expansions for π and e // Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography. – 2021. – No. 24 (6). – P. 1809–1819. Scopus 2021 Percentile 77%
3 Kadyrov S., Kashkynbayev A., Skrzypacz P., Kaloudis K., Bountis A. Periodic solutions and the avoidance of pull‐in instability in nonautonomous microelectromechanical systems // Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. – 2021. – No. 44 (18). – P. 14556-14568. Scopus 2021 Percentile 91%
List of KOKSNVO publications for 2020
1 Aitu N., Kadyrov S. Survivor sets in subshifts of finite type // Kazakh Mathematical Journal. – 2020. – No. 20 (2). – P. 54–62.
Project manager: Yeliussizov Damir
Project title: Asymptotic problems in algebraic combinatorics
Project IRN: AP08053036
Algebraic combinatorics deals with rich structures arising in connections with algebras, groups, representation theory, algebraic geometry and other fields of mathematics. Most objects and problems arising in algebraic combinatorics are usually studied from pure algebraic, enumerative, or geometric perspectives but not asymptotically. Besides some classical problems such as large dimensions of irreducible representations of the symmetric group, the area has recently faced many new open challenging problems. Some of them were initiated and posed by R. Stanley, e.g. problems on asymptotic behavior of largest Littlewood-Richardson coefficients and limits of specializations of Schubert polynomials. In this project, we address these and other closely related problems.
We aim to study certain fundamental asymptotic and probabilistic questions related to combinatorial objects arising in algebraic combinatorics, representation theory, algebraic geometry and in particular, Schubert calculus and combinatorial K-theory. As we have already mentioned, these objects were previously studied mostly non-asymptotically from algebraic or geometric perspective and this area has many open problems of asymptotic nature. Interest in these questions is growing due to connections with various fields.
More specifically, we address several concrete problems of asymptotic and probabilistic nature arising in algebraic combinatorics and related fields, especially in combinatorial K-theory.
List of published works
1 Yeliussizov D. Positive specializations of symmetric Grothendieck polynomials // Advances in Mathematics. -2020. -Vol. 363. -Article 107000. -35 p. [WoS Q1]
2 Yeliussizov D. Dual Grothendieck polynomials via last-passage percolation // Comptes Rendus Mathematique. -2020. -Vol. 358. –P.497-503 [WoS Q3, Scopus Percentile 61%]
3 Yeliussizov D. Enumeration of plane partitions by descents // Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, -2021. -Vol. 178. -Article 105367. -18 p. [WoS Q2]
4 Yeliussizov D. Random plane partitions and corner distributions // Algebraic Combinatorics. -2021. -Vol. 4. -P. 599-617 [Scopus Percentile 39%]
5 Amanov A., Yeliussizov D. Determinantal formulas for dual Grothendieck polynomials // Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. -2022. -Vol. 150. -P. 4113-4128 [WoS Q2]
Information about conferences and seminars
1 Yeliussizov D. Inequalities and bounds for the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients // Asymptotic Algebraic Combinatorics Workshop, IPAM UCLA, Los Angeles, USA. -2020
2 D. Yeliussizov, 2020-2022, SQuaRE program ‘Young tableau asymptotics’ // American Institute of Mathematics (AIM)
3 D. Yeliussizov, Spring 2021, participant of virtual program ‘Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry’, ICERM, Brown University
4 D. Yeliussizov, MacMahon’s statistics on higher-dimensional partitions // Zheltoksan Algebraic Conference, Dec. 2020, Almaty, Kazakhstan
5 Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry (MEGA), Krakow, June 20-24, 2022.
6 Recent Advances in Classical Algebraic Geometry, Krakow June 28 – July 2, 2022.
7 Cracow Summer School in Discrete Mathematics, Krakow, July 4-8, 2022.
8 Summer School in Algebraic Combinatorics, Krakow, July 11-15, 2022.
9 (AGATES) Algebraic Geometry with Applications to TEnsors and Secants: Introductory school
10 (AGATES) Algebraic Geometry with Applications to TEnsors and Secants: Kickoff workshop
11 (AGATES) Algebraic Geometry with Applications to TEnsors and Secants: Tensors from physics viewpoint
12 Determinantal formulas for dual Grothendieck polynomials // KBTU Research seminars, May 2020
13 MacMahon’s statistics on higher-dimensional partitions // KBTU Research seminars, October 2021
14 MacMahon’s statistics on higher-dimensional partitions // ADA University weekly research seminars, November 2021, Baku, Azerbaijan
15 Fundamental invariants of tensors, Latin hypercubes, and rectangular Kronecker coefficients // Summer School in Algebraic Combinatorics, Krakow, July 11, 2022
16 Fundamental invariants of tensors, Latin hypercubes, and rectangular Kronecker coefficients, (AGATES) Algebraic Geometry with Applications to TEnsors and Secants: Kickoff workshop, July 15, 2022
Project manager: Tulibayeva Zh.M.
Project title: The history of the Golden Horde in the work “Muntahab al-tavārіkh-i Mu‘іni”
Project IRN: АР08856086
The purpose of the research: Introduction into scientific circulation of all the material on the history of the Golden Horde, contained in the work Muntakhab al-Tavārīkh-i Mu‘īnī by Mawlānā Mu‛īn al-Dīn Natanzī, as well as its critical and comprehensive research.
For the first time, a special study is being carried out to identify and scientifically translate from the Persian language all the material on the history of the Golden Horde, contained in the work “Muntahab al-tavārіkh-i Mu‘ini” (“Selected Works of Mu‘ini”).
Articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals indexed in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index of the Web of Science database
1 Tulibyaeva Zh.M., Tulibayev S.T. Land Law of Kazakhs: from Yassa of Genghis Khan to “Zhety Zhargy” of Tauke Khan // Voprosy Istorii. – 2021. – No. 6 (1). – pp. 174-184 (Russian)
DOI: 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202106Statyi25
(link to journal:
2 Tulibayeva Zh.M., Tulibayev T.E. Rulers and Islam in the Golden Horde: based on materials from Timurid sources of the first half of the 15th century // Voprosy Istorii. – 2022. – No. 5 (2). – pp. 67-77 (Russian)
DOI: 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202205Statyi40
(link to journal:
Articles in peer-reviewed domestic publications with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by CQASES)
3 Tulibayeva Zh.M., Tulibayev T.E. History of Kazakhstan in early Timurid historiography // QazŪU Habarşysy. Şyğystanu seriasy. – 2021. – No. 2 (97). – pp. 116-124. (Kazakh)
4 Tulibayeva Zh.M. Extracts on the history of the Golden Horde from “Shajara-yi Turk va Mugūl” // L.N. Gumilev atyndağy Eurazia ūlttyq universitetınıñ Habarşysy. Tarihi ğylymdar. Filosofia. Dıntanu seriasy. – 2021. – No. 3 (136). – pp. 133-146. (Russian)
5 Tulibayeva Zh.M., Tulibayev T.E. On the history of the appearance of two editions of the work of Mu‛īn al-Dīn Natanzī // QazŪU Habarşysy. Tarih seriasy. – 2021. – No. 4 (103). – pp. 92-100. (Russian)
6 Tulibayeva Zh.M. Estate of the descendants of Jūdzhī Khān: Translation of extracts from Muntakhab al-Tavārīkh-i Mu‘īnī // QazŪU Habarşysy. Tarih seriasy. – 2022. – No. 2 (105). – pp. 58-70. (Russian)
Collection of materials of the International round table
7 The history of Central Asia in the written monuments of the East: Collection of materials of the International round table. – Kaskelen: SDU University, 2022. – 98 p. (Kazakh, Russian)
Publications in proceedings of international conferences
8 Tulibayeva Zh., Tulibayev T. The first Timurid historiographers and their writings. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii, posvyashchennyye 150-letiyu A.Yu. Krymskogo. – Kyiv: Natsionalnyy pedagogicheski universitet imeni M.P. Dragomanova, 2021. – pp. 84-86. (Russian)
9 Tulibayeva Zh., Tulibayev T. Mu‛īn al-Dīn Natanzī and his work Muntakhab al-Tavārīkh-i Mu‘īnī // Materialy mizhnarodnoyi naukovoyi konferentsiyi «Skhid ta Ukrayina: naukova konferentsiya prysvyachena pamyati Yaroslava Dashkevycha». – Kyiv: Natsionalnyy pedahohichnyy universytet imeni M. P. Drahomanova, 2022. – pp. 226-231. (Ukrainian)
Publication in the collection of materials of the International round table
10 Tulibayeva Zh., Tulibayev T. Mu‛īn al-Dīn Natanzī and his historical work Muntakhab al-Tavārīkh-i Mu‘īnī // History of Central Asia in the written monuments of the East: Collection of materials of the International round table. – Kaskelen: SDU University, 2022. – pp. 5-33. (Russian)
Project manager: Galym Zhussipbek
Project title: Development of an inclusive society: the role of the model of education and the social state (general welfare), the experience of the Scandinavian countries
IRN: AP08856467
Project start and end date: 10/01/2020 – 12/31/2022, 27 months.
The aim of the project is to develop a theoretical and conceptual framework for the development of an inclusive society, which shows the relationship between the creation of a social state based on institutionalized care, empowering (humanistic) education and the phenomenon of an active citizen.
Publications of 2021:
Articles in journals recommended by the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
1 G. Zhussipbek, Zh. Nagayeva, Fundamental human right to health, the importance of a non-commercialized healthcare system and the challenges of neoliberal capitalism (Фундаментальное право человека на здоровье, важность некоммерциализированной системы здравоохранения и вызовы неолиберального капитализма) in rus., Philosophical and social and humanitarian journal “Adam Alemi” No. 3 (89), 2021 p.100, Impact-factor: 0.025 (2017), //
2 G. Zhussipbek, Zh. Nagayeva, A. Baktybek, The importance of the welfare state model in creating an inclusive society (Важность модели социального государства в создании инклюзивного общества) in rus., Philosophical and political spiritual and educational journal “Al-Farabi” No. 3 (75) 2021 p.86, Impact-factor: 0.027 (2017), //
Chapters in collective publications
3 G. Zhussipbek prepared the chapter “The COVID-19 pandemic as an anathema to the commercialization of medicine and consciousness: is there a clear discourse in the Kazakh media that criticizes the commercialization of consciousness and the commercialization of state functions” (Пандемия COVID-19 как анафема коммерциализации медицины и сознания: существует ли в казахстанской медиа четкий дискурс, критикующий коммерциализацию сознания и коммерциализацию функций государства) in rus., for the collective work “Kazakhstan and COVID-19: media, culture, politics” (Казахстан и COVID-19: медиа, культура, политика) in rus., Representative Office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Kazakhstan, Almaty: DELUXE Printery Publishing House, 2021 p.118-145 //
4 G. Zhussipbek, Primordial ethno-nationalism as an ideology hindering the observance of human rights and inclusive development (Примордиальный этнонационализм как идеология препятствующая соблюдению прав человека и инклюзивному развитию) in rus., in the collective work of the Scientific Expert Group of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan “Ethno-social processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan” (Этносоциальные процессы в Республике Казахстан) Part 2, Almaty, 2021, p. 130-158, //
Publications in scientific and popular web sources
5 G. Zhussipbek, What caused the negative reaction to the draft law on combating domestic violence? (Чем вызвана негативная реакция на законопроект о борьбе с семейным насилием?) in rus., QMonitor, 13.05.2021,
6 G. Zhussipbek, Can feminism take root in Kazakhstan? (Сможет ли феминизм прижиться в Казахстане?) in rus., QMonitor, 02.06.2021,
7 A. Yermekov, The Development of Inclusive Institutions in the Context of Interethnic Relations and Geopolitical Structures in the Post-Soviet Space on the Example of Kazakhstan (Развитие инклюзивных институтов в контексте межэтнических отношений и геополитической конструкции в постсоветском пространстве на примере Казахстана) in rus., research Internet platform “Y Research Club”, 7.08.2021 //
Publications of 2022:
Articles in peer-reviewed academic journals:
1 The article “Failed children in the Eurasian country context: How strongly parenting influences the [un-]development of children’s rights.” G. Zhussipbek, Zh. Nagayeva, was prepared and submitted on December 1, 2021 to The International Journal of Children’s Rights. (Under review after 4 revisions). Scopus. Impact Factor 1.25; Percentile 67%.;
2 The article “The need to bridge the gap between research on children’s rights and parenting styles: some insights from the Eurasian country’s context” G. Zhussipbek, Zh. Nagayeva, was prepared and submitted on June 11, 2022 to the Journal of Human Rights Practice. (Under review by reviewers). Scopus. Impact Factor 0.734; Percentile 88%.