Winter 2022
Winter 2023
Spring 2023
Date and location | Speaker and topic |
14 December 2022 | Birzhan Ayanbayev (SDU University, Kazakhstan) Some problems of the vectorial calculus of variations in L^\inftyI will talk about some problems in Vectorial Calculus of Variation in L^\infty. This topic was introduced by Gunnar Aronsson in 1960s in one dimensional case. He first studied the relation between \infty laplacian and the absolute minimisers, where the infinity Laplacian plays a role similar to Euler Lagrange equation. Recently in 2010s Nikos Katzourakis proposed an extension of the Aronsson’s equation to vectorial case (N-dimensions with N\geq 2). In this talk we will discuss the history of the problem, some results in high dimensions with classical solutions and technical challenges of the deriving the “best’’ vectorial \infinity laplacian. |
21 December 2022 | Duvan Cardona (Ghent University, Belgium) Control theory for diffusion models on compact manifolds Over the years, in control theory, the null-controllability of diffusion models for (non-local) elliptic pseudo-differential operators has been an open problem. We will discuss the recent progress on it in the case of closed manifolds |
28 December 2022 | Madi Yergaliyev (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling, Kazakhstan) On an inverse problem with an integral overdetermination for the Burgers equation In the work we consider one inverse problem for the Burgers equation with an integral overdetermination and periodic boundary conditions. In the course of solving the inverse problem, we reduce it to investigation the initial boundary value problem for the loaded Burgers equation. For the latter theorem on its unique solvability in Sobolev classes is proved by the methods of Faedo-Galerkin, a priori estimates and functional analysis. Further, the theorems on the unique solvability of the initial inverse problem are also proved. Graphs of the solution to the initial boundary value problem for the loaded Burgers equation and the desired function of the inverse problem are presented |
Date and location | Speaker and topic |
13 February 2023 | Juan Pablo Velasquez Rodriguez (Ghent University, Belgium) Harmonic analysis on locally profinite groups The purpose of this talk is to give a brief introduction to the analysis based on the Vladimirov-Taibleson operator on locally profinite groups, and to explain the way the Vladimirov-Taibleson operator plays an analogous role to the Laplacian on Lie groups, even though properties of pseudo-differential operators on locally connected spaces differ a lot from the totally disconnected case. In order to give some motivation on this topic, we will start off by discussing the Vladimirov operator on the field of p-adic numbers and some interesting pseudo-differential equations associated to it. We will consider the generalizations of this operator to several dimensions and, after discussing a little bit about the representation theory of locally profinite groups, we will move on to the more interesting non commutative case where the group Fourier transform will be our main tool |
27 February 2023 | Bauyrzhan Derbissaly (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling, Kazakhstan) Green’s function of asymmetric characteristic initial boundary value problems for a hyperbolic equation The talk is devoted to studying and constructing the Green’s function of various asymmetric characteristic initial-boundary value problems for a general second-order hyperbolic equation with variable coefficients |
27 February 2023 | Bauyrzhan Derbissaly (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling, Kazakhstan) Green’s function of asymmetric characteristic initial boundary value problems for a hyperbolic equation The talk is devoted to studying and constructing the Green’s function of various asymmetric characteristic initial-boundary value problems for a general second-order hyperbolic equation with variable coefficients |
27 February – 4 March, 2023 | ![]() ![]() |
Date and location | Speaker and topic |
Thursday 9 March from 11.00 to 13.00 Allvet, G219 Friday 10 March from 11.00 to 13.00 FENS Meeting room, F209 | ![]() |
Research talk 10:00-11:00 Mini Red Hall General audience talk 14:00 – 15:00, Allvet G219 | ![]() |
27 March 2023 | Bolys Sabitbek (Queen Mary University of London, UK) TBA |
10 April 2023 | Penpark Sirimark (Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Thailand) TBA |