Legal department
The Legal Department is a structural subdivision of the SDU University and carries out its activities in accordance with the current legislation of the RK, the University Statute and the Regulations on the Department.
Legal department services
Legal protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the university.
Carrying out on the instructions of the management of legal inspections.
Maintenance of observance of legality in activity of university.
Explanation of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Dacha conclusions, consultations on legal issues arising in the activities of the university.
Work in the composition of various commissions to review legal and other issues.
Representation and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the university in judicial and other bodies when considering legal issues.
Participation in university meetings.
Carrying out work among university employees on explaining the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Conducting legal expertise of draft normative acts, orders, decisions and other documents of a legal nature.
Implementation of legal documentation prepared by the relevant departments on embezzlement, mercenary abuses, shortages and other offenses for their transfer to law enforcement and judicial bodies.
Providing legal assistance in the work to recover material damage caused to the university, ensuring compliance with the procedures and guarantees provided by law when employees are reimbursed for material damage.
Conducting legal expertise and checking the compliance of orders, instructions, contracts, agreements and other legal documents submitted for signature to the project management with the requirements of the current legislation, as well as participation in their preparation.
Provision of the rector, vice-rectors and at the request of the heads of the university departments with the necessary normative documents.