
Master of Social sciences

Program length

2 years



Related specialties

Publishing and editing


Graduate School Coordinator

Training a master of data journalism who can handle big data, critically analyze and produce data based media content. The program focuses on data journalism, the dynamics and direction of its development, application of state-of-the-art technology, and advanced data visualization techniques. Practical subjects are aimed at developing professional skills such as data sorting following with forming data based media content in storytelling format.

  • History of Kazakh journalism
  • Genre forms and functions of modern journalism

Introduction to Journalism – (5 ECTS);
Media language and Style – (5 ECTS);
Total: 10 ECTS

There is no need to study prerequisite subjects if your Bachelor degree (major) is in relative speciality.

Create a full-fledged journalistic data material, using the analysis of the processed data;
• Use methods to store, access and process information by interacting with website APIs, JSON,
SQL databases, raw text dumps, creating web scrapers and converting hard-to-use PDFs into
useful information;
• Develop interactive data content in various genres and forms of journalism, taking into account
the competent formulation of a judgment based on incomplete or limited information, knowledge
of basic Python coding algorithms and the principles of operation of other services for in-depth
processing of large data arrays;
• Make correct hypotheses based on big data through their filtering and comparative analysis;
• Plan and create journalistic visual data projects by using new technologies and services in
working with open data sources;
• Classify the rights and freedoms of journalists in working with open and confidential data
sources through the analysis of legal issues in the field of data journalism;
• Apply the key aspects of data journalism to influence the media sphere by effectively searching
for data, followed by filtering and processing until the stage of transformation into full-fledged
media content;
• Summarize the laws of science development, apply psychology in the management of society,
create media texts in English and gain practical pedagogical skills.

AE – Area elective
code title th pr cr ects type term
JUR 503 Methods of research in media and communications (qualitative and quantitative analysis) 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 1
JUR 540 Social Science Research Methods and Statistics 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 1
JUR 501 Narrative Writing 1 2+0 3 5 Elective 2
JUR 513 Machine Learning, Neural Networks and AI for Journalists 2 1+0 3 4 Elective 2
JUR 514 Data Visualization 1 2+0 3 5 Elective 2
JUR 517 Animation and Motion Design 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 2
JUR 527 New technologies for journalism 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 2
JUR 529 Advanced Reporting 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 2
JUR 506 Gender and media 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 3
JUR 508 Media and Law 1 2+0 3 5 Elective 3
JUR 511 Multimedia Storytelling 1 2+0 3 5 Elective 3
JUR 519 Programming and Data Analysis 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 3
JUR 615 Digital Rights 1 1+0 2 4 Elective 3
JUR 628 Work with Data and Databases 1 2+0 3 5 Elective 3
JUR 801 Statistics for journalists 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 3
JUR 802 Data and Society 2 0+2 3 5 Elective 3

1 semestr
code title th pr cr ects
JUR 510 Introduction to Data Journalism 1 2+0 3 5
JUR 516 Research work for the Master’s Degree including an internship and a Master’s Thesis 1 0 3+0 3 5
JUR 523 Intoduction to Data Science 1 2+0 3 5
MDE 501 History and Philosophy of Science 2 1+0 3 5
MDE 522 Psychology of Management 2 1+0 3 5
XXX XXX [ AE ] Elective (JUR 503 / JUR 540) 2 1+0 3 5
Local Credit ECTS
Theoretical course: 15 Theoretical course: 25
Non Theoretical course: 3 Non Theoretical course: 5
Sum: 18 Sum: 30

2 semestr
code title th pr cr ects
JUR 518 Teaching Practice 0 1+0 1 2
JUR 520 Research work for the Master’s Degree including an internship and a Master’s Thesis2 0 3+0 3 5
MDE 552 Tertiary Teaching 1 1+0 2 3
MDE 554 Foreign Language (for specific purposes) 0 3+0 3 5
JUR XXX [ AE ] Narrative Writing / Advanced Reporting (JUR 501 / JUR 529) 1 2+0 3 5
JUR XXX [ AE ] DataVisualization / Animation and Motion Design (JUR 514 / JUR 517) 1 2+0 3 5
JUR XXX [ AE ] New technologies for journalism / Media and Law (JUR 527 / JUR 508) 1 2+0 3 5
Local Credit ECTS
Theoretical course: 14 Theoretical course: 23
Non Theoretical course: 4 Non Theoretical course: 7
Sum: 18 Sum: 30

3 semestr
code title th pr cr ects
JUR 521 Research work for the Master’s Degree including an internship and a Master’s Thesis 3 0 3+0 3 5
JUR XXX [ AE ] Data driven journalism/Investigative Journalism Toolkit (JUR 812/JUR 716) 5 2+0 7 10
JUR XXX [ AE ] Work with Data and Databases / Gender and Media (JUR 628 / JUR 506) 1 2+0 3 5
JUR XXX [ AE ] Digital Rights / Machine Learning, Neural Networks and AI for Journalists (JUR 615 / JUR 513) 1 1+0 2 4
JUR XXX [ AE ] Statistics for journalists / Programming and Data Analysis (JUR 801 / JUR 519) 1 2+0 3 5
JUR XXX [ AE ] Multimedia storytelling / Data and Society (JUR 511 / JUR 802) 1 2+0 3 5
Local Credit ECTS
Theoretical course: 18 Theoretical course: 29
Non Theoretical course: 3 Non Theoretical course: 5
Sum: 21 Sum: 34

4 semestr
code title th pr cr ects
JUR 522 Research work for the Master’s Degree including an internship and a Master’s Thesis 4 0 3+0 3 9
JUR 524 Research practice 0 3+0 3 9
JUR 530 Registration and defense of masters degree dissertation 0 1+0 1 8
Local Credit ECTS
Theoretical course: 1 Theoretical course: 8
Non Theoretical course: 6 Non Theoretical course: 18
Sum: 7 Sum: 26

Total Local Credit Total ECTS
Theoretical course: 48 Theoretical course: 85
Non Theoretical course: 16 Non Theoretical course: 35
Sum: 64 Sum: 120

Upon completion of the program, graduates can find work in various sectors where data plays an important role and the analysis, visualization and communication of information based on data is required. In particular, data journalists are in demand in online publications and news sites, on television and radio, research centers, marketing and advertising agencies, non-profit organizations and activist groups, consulting firms, in higher education and training. In addition, data journalists can work as freelancers, offering their services to various organizations and clients.

Many of our undergraduates work during the day, so we can organize classes at your convenience in the evening or in an online format.

Our program is necessary not only for theoretical, but also for journalistic professional skills, skills that are used in practice. It is very important that the communication between the company and the client, the editorial office and the audience is good and reliable. The implementation of this project on an online platform has become a particularly urgent problem. Our program offers the skills and knowledge needed to meet these needs in a high-quality and professional manner. By learning these skills, you will be able to reach new and Mature heights in your professional field.

Madiyar Saudbayev

Dean of faculty


Dean of faculty

Academic career
Bachelor of Arts (BA) in International Journalism, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 2004
Master of Arts (MA) in Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 2006
Exchange Semester in Mass Communication/Media Studies, Istanbul University 2014
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Journalism, Mass Communication/Media Studies, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 2015

Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, SDU University 2021 – Present
Member of the National Educational and Methodological Council, Lead by L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University 2019 – Present
Member of the Editorial Board, Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University 2019 – 2023
Founder & Director, and “Ақпарат медиа” LLP 2017 – 2023
Head of the Department of Social Sciences, SDU University 2017 – 2021
Assistant Professor, Journalism Education Program 2015 – 2017
Vice Dean for Social and Administrative Affairs, Faculty of Philology and Pedagogical Sciences SDU University 2014 – 2015
Senior Lecturer, Journalism Education Program, Editor-in-Chief of SDU Tribune Newspaper SDU University 2013 – 2015
Journalism Program Coordinator, SDU University 2013 – 2015
Lecturer, Journalism Education Program SDU University 2010 – 2013
Deputy Editor, International Cultural-Intellectual Magazine “daKazakhstan” 2005 – 2010
Brand Manager, Professional Studio “ProStudio” 2003 – 2005

1. “Менеджмент в образовании: управление образовательными программами”
2. “Основы бережливых KAIZEN технологии”
3. Wisefull Coaching Training Course
4. Coaching Training Course

1. “Жаңа коммуника-ция құралдары және жаңа ақпарат алмасу орталарындағы зәру мәселелер” Herald of the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University №3 (100) 2014. p. 354-359
2. “Қазіргі интерактивті телевидениедегі «екінші экран» ұғымы (second screen)” Herald of the Kazakh National University, А, 2 (36), Journalism Series. 2014. p. 248-255
3. “Measurement of PR Effectiveness During the Era of Social Media” Herald of the Kazakh National University, А, 2 (36), Journalism series. 2014. p. 30-32
4. “Ғаламторда тоғысқан дәстүрлі бақ пен жаңа медиа немесе репортаж жанрының түрленуі” Herald of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Philology series, А, 4 (50) 2015
5. “Әлеуметтік желілер: терминнің шығу тарихы мен оның қоғамдық ғылымдарда қолданысы (алғашқы кезең)” Herald of the Kazakh National University, А, 1 (43), Journalism series. 2017. P.30-32
6. “Әлеуметтік желілер» ұғымы мен оның заманауи желілік қоғамдағы алар орны” Herald of the Kazakh National University, 2 (44), Journalism series. 2017. P.48-51
7. “Журналистік контенттің таргеттенуі немесе ақпаратты нақты адресатқа жолдау механизмдері” Herald of the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (118) 2017
8. “The Role and Features of Analytical Journalism in Kazakh society in the Era of Asian Social Science.” Vol 10, No 15, 2014. pp. 55-62
9. “Social information exchange In Aitys performance” 2nd World Conference on Design, Arts and Education DAE-2013. /Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 122 ( 2014 ) pp. 72 – 76

Aisulu Shaikenova

Candidate of philology


Candidate of philology

Academic career
September 1985 – June 1990: Karaganda National University, specialist in Russian Literature and language, North Kazakhstan University
September 2016 – June 2018: named after Manash Kozybayev, bachelor in Journalism

1995- 1997:  Teacher, senior teacher of “Kazakh language” department of North-Kazakhstan State University
1997: Announcer at the channel MTRK (municipal TV and radio channel) Petropavlovsk
2010: Associate professor of department “Kazakh language” of the North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybaev
2011: Deputy Dean for educational work of the Institute of Language and Literature of SKSU named after M. Kozybaev
2015: Scientific Secretary of M. Kozybaev SCU
2017: Head of the Department of “Journalism” SKU named after M.Kozybaev
2023: Head of the Department of “Social Sciences” SDU University. Kaskelen

38 publications, including 11 articles recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science, 4 textbooks

Yessengul Kap

Candidate of philology
Assistant professor


Candidate of philology, Assistant professor

Academic career
Bachelor: KazNU, specialist in Kazakh Literature and language, 1995, Turan, bachelor in Journalism, 2019
Master of Art, Newcastle University, 2022
PhD: KazNU, candidate of Philology science, 2001

30 years, 21 years as a professional Journalist. Worked as print, radio and online Journalist, organised NGO to support Kazakh Journalists, media trainer, 9 years as a Senior lecturer, and became an Assistant professor from this year


Project Works
Media Ethics and children’s representation in Kazakh Media

— Сөздің шыны, Есенгүл Кәпқызы, 372, Textbook,  Kazakhstan, Almaty city,  July 2007
— Жырақта қалған тағдырлар, Есенгүл Кәпқызы, 190, Textbook,  Kazakhstan, October 2010
— Ой түбінде жатқан сөз, Есенгүл Кәпқызы, 285, Textbook, , Kazakhstan,  November 2013
— Журналистика бойынша оқу бағдарламаларының моделі, Есенгүл Кәпқызы (жалпы редакциясын басқарған), 152, Textbook,  Kazakhstan, Almaty city, November 2014
— Қазіргі кездегі журналистік білім беру: Инновациялар, жаңа технологиялар, Есенгүл Кәпқызы (редакторы), 168, Textbook, Kazakhstan, Almaty city,  June 2014
— Сараптамалық журналистика, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Bulletin series, Journalism, SSCI, Есенгүл Кәпқызы, October 2015
— «Ақпаратты жазуда нені ескереміз?», Вестник Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Гумилева. Journalism, SSCI, Есенгүл Кәпқызы,  January 2016
— Ақпараттың шынайылығын қалай тексереміз? Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Bulletin series, Journalism, SSCI, Yessengul Kapkyzy, 6, January 2017
— РЕСЕЙ-УКРAИНA ҚAҚТЫҒЫСЫ: ҚAЗAҚСТAНДЫҚ БАҚ КӨЗІМЕН, Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ-нің Хабаршысы, Journalism, Other,, Yessengul Kap, November 2018
— КОНСПИРОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕОРИИ И ДЕЗИНФОРМАЦИЯ В КАЗАХОЯЗЫЧНЫХ МЕДИА, Әлеуметтану – Sociology, Book chapt, Other,, Yessengul Kap,  August 2020
— ҚАЗАҚ ТІЛІНДЕГІ МЕДИА: КТК, АЙҚЫН ЖӘНЕ WWW.MALIM.KZ МЕДИА ҚҰРАЛДАРЫНДАҒЫ КӨПБАЛАЛЫ АНАЛАР РЕПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯСЫ, Әлеуметтану – Sociology, Book chapt, Other,, Yessengul Kap, , September 2022: Monitoring public electoral sentiment through online comments in the news media: a comparative study of the 2019 and 2022 presidential elections in Kazakhstan, Asian Social Science, Scopus, Other,, Yerkebulan Sayrambay, Assel Khamza, Yessengul Kap & Bakhtyar Nurumov, , United Kingdom, July 2023

Askhat Yerkimbay

MA, senior lecturer


MA, senior lecturer

Academic career
Bachelor of Kazakh Language and Literature: May 2005 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay
Master of Social Studies in Journalism: Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi May 2011
Master of Arts in Communication: University of Wyoming – Laramie, WY (U.S.A.) May 2013

September 2014 – present: Teacher, Department of Media and Communication, SDU University, Faculty of Law and Social Science
September 2013 – August 2014: Teacher, Department of International Journalism and UNESCO, Kazakh National University named after Al Farabi, Faculty of Journalism
September 2012 – July 2013: Master Thesis: Kazakh Language issues in the Kazakh Language Blogosphere, University of Wyoming, Department of Communication and Journalism
September 2011 – March 2013: Supervisor: Dr. John Couper, professor, Chair of JMC Department at the KIMEP, Almaty, Kazakhstan
The research sponsored by Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation, Public Fund “Minber” Center for Supporting Journalism
September 2011 – May 2012: Master Thesis: The Kazakh Language Blogosphere: current situation, Kazakh National University named after Al Farabi, Department of Print and Online Journalism
Media training:
Media-trainer — May 2009 – present
Freelancer, media-trainer — November 2013 – March 2015
Media Trainer, Eppson Center for Seniors — March 2012 – April 2013
Teacher/Media Trainer of “Blogging Journalism” and “Multimedia Journalism” courses — 2010 September – 2011 May
Media Trainer, “MediaNet” International Center of Journalism — 2009 – present

JUR 628 Data and Databases

Project Works
Media specialists , member of the International Fact – Checkers expert at Poynter, Institute for Media Studies (U.S.) | VR project, “Inside Xinhang’s Prison State,” for Newyorker magazine (U.S.).

M.Brown, K.Myssaeva, A. Yerkimbay “Radio and the Development of Kazakh as a National Language”, (Journal of Radio and Audio Media) Manuscript ID HJRS-2016-0314.R1 (2017), Мультимедиа анықтамалығы/Справочник по Мультимедиа [“Handbook on Multimedia”] (2013) 170 pg, By “Kazcontent” JSC request, Жаңа медиа: монологтан диалогқа [“New media: From Monolog to Dialog”] (2012) 170 pg,Publication was sponsored by OSCE centre in Astana, Kazakhstan
Медиа құқық, [Media Law] (2011) handbook for journalist translated from English into Kazakh), Page 4 of 4 60 pg, Publication was sponsored by U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan

Yelnur Alimova

MA, senior lecturer


MA, senior lecturer

Degree Qualifications
Bachelor: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Journalism, 2009
Master: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Journalism, 2010, Durham University (UK) MA Social Research Methods, 2017

Correspondent and executive editor of Zhas Alash newspaper – May 2008 – January 2020
Correspondent of Malim portal – February 2020 – October 2021
SDU University Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences – January 2019-present

JUR 501 Narrative Writing

Berdak Bayimbetov

MA, senior lecturer


MA, senior lecturer

Academic career
Bachelor: Uzbek National University, Uzbekistan
Master: University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
PhD: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium (ongoing)

Senior Lecturer — SDU University 2012 – present
Corporate Communications Officer — Westminster International University in Tashkent 2008 – 2010
Deputy Head of the Department, Lecturer — Uzbek State World Languages University, Faculty of International Journalism 2005 – 2007
Research fellow — Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Rep. of UZB 2022 – 2005

Educational background
Brussels School of Governance — Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium 2017 – present
Communication Studies — Anadolu University, Turkey 2010 – 2012
Faculty of Journalism and Political Science — University of Warsaw, Poland 2007 – 2008
School of Media Studies — University of Ulster, NI, United Kingdom 2000 – 2002
Faculty of Journalism, Department of International Journalism — Tashkent State University, Uzbekistan (now National University of Uzbekistan) 1995 – 1999

JUR 607 Political Communication
JUR 613 Media, Activism, and Social Changes

Project Works
World Journalism Studies Project

— “Mass Media’s role in political and social transformation in post-Soviet Central Asia”. Book Chapter. Turdubaeva, E. & E. Papoutsaki, Eds. (2023) “Mapping the media and communication landscape of Central Asia: an anthology of emerging and contemporary issues”, Published by Lexington Books. An imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.
— “Social Information Exchange in Aitys Performances”. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 122 (2014) 72–76.
— “Measurement of Public Relations effectiveness”. VI-International Conference: Building Cultural Bridges. Suleyman Demirel University, 2014
— “Using social media in studying public opinion”. V-International Conference: Building Cultural Bridges. Suleyman Demirel University, 2013

Yerkebulan Sairambay

PhD, senior lecturer


PhD, senior lecturer

Academic career
1999-2011, Public school, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
2011-2015, BSc in Marketing, South Kazakhstan State University
2013 Sep-Dec, Visiting student, University of Luxembourg
2014-2015, Erasmus student, University of Padua 
2016-2017, MSc in Russian, Central and East European studies, University of Glasgow 
2017-2018, MA in political science, Corvinus University of Budapest 
2021 Apr-Sep, Visiting research fellow, University of Tartu
2018-2022, PhD in (media political) sociology, University of Cambridge

2022-present, assistant professor and research fellow, SDU University
2022 – 2023, research associate, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge
2021, visiting PhD scholar and assistant lecturer, University of Tartu Estonia
2017 – 2017, camp counsellor, Concordia Language Villages (United States)
2015 – 2016, economist, IE ‘Toksanbaeva G.E.’, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
2015 – 2015, marketing manager, Best IELTS Center, Shymkent, Kazakhstan

Numerous conferences, seminars, contests, competitions, forums in regional, national and international levels –
more than 100, including:
• Connecting Protest Research(ers) workshop, the OSCE Academy in Bishkek, 15-17 May 2023;
• Law, media, society, politics, & geo-economics in the changing landscape of Eurasia, SDU, 24 April 2023;
• Various conferences, events, seminars, and workshops at the University of Cambridge, 2018-2022;
• BASEES Annual Conference, Robinson college, Cambridge, 8-10 April 2022;
• ESA PhD Summer School, Barcelona, 28-30 August 2021;
• Fifth Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies, Estonia, 7-9 June 2021;
• «4th Eurasian Research Forum», University of Cambridge, 17 March, 2017;
• «29th Annual European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy» Conference, Corvinus University
of Budapest, Hungary, 2017;
• «Giornata Internazionale dei Diritti Umani 2014», Padova, Italy, 2014;
• «XXX national congress of the Italian society of protistology ONLUS», University of Padova, Padova,
Italy, 2014;
• «Innovative economy of Kazakhstan: sustainable development in the conditions of globalization»
International Scientific Conference, VII Astana Economic Forum, Astana, Kazakhstan, 2014;
• «Europe 2014: Humanities Between Past and Future» International Student Conference, European
Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2014;
• «SCIENCE and EDUCATION – 2014» IX International Scientific Conference, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian
National University, Astana, Kazakhstan, 2014;
• «Less Must» program in European Parliament, Strasbourg, France, 2013;
• «SCIENCE and EDUCATION – 2013» VIII International Scientific Conference, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian
National University, Astana, Kazakhstan, 2013;
• «International competition of youth business projects «Business Eurasia», IV EEFY, Yekaterinburg, Russia,

• 2023 (November) — New Media and Political Participation in Russia and Kazakhstan: Exploring the Lived-Experiences of Young People in Eurasia. Lexington Books | Rowman & Littlefield.
• 2023 — Monitoring public electoral sentiment through online comments in the news media: A comparative
study of the 2019 and 2022 presidential elections in Kazakhstan. Media Asia. [Scopus, Q2]
• 2022 — How Young People Use New Media in Political Participation in Russia and Kazakhstan.
Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research, 14(2), 38-72. [Scopus, Q2]
• 2022 — Internet and Social Media Use by Young People for Information About (Inter)National News and Politics in Russia and Kazakhstan. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 14(1), 56-70. [Scopus, Q2]
• 2022 — The Contributions of New Media to Young People’s Political Participation in Russia and Kazakhstan. Central Asian Survey, 41(3), 571-595. [Scopus, Q2]
• 2021 — Political Culture and Participation in Russia and Kazakhstan: A New Civic Culture with Contestation? Slavonica, 26(2), 116-127. [Scopus, Q3]
• 2021 — Transitional Justice and Democratic Consolidation in the Post-Communist Space: A Comparative Review of the Czech Republic, Latvia, and Slovakia. Politics in Central Europe, 17(1), 127-142. [Scopus, Q2]
• 2020 — The contemporary challenges of measuring political participation. Slovak Journal of Political
Sciences, 20(2), 206-226. [Scopus, Q2]
• 2020 — Reconceptualising Political Participation. Human Affairs, 30(1), 120-127. [Scopus, Q1]
• 2019 — Young People’s Perspectives on How ‘Zhuz’ and ‘Ru’ Clans Affect Them: Evidence from Three Cities in Post-Soviet Qazaqstan. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 11(1), 39-54. [Scopus, Q2]
• 2019 — Post-Soviet Russian Nation-Building: ‘Purposefully Ambiguous’ or ‘Sufficiently Flexible’ with ‘a
Russian Flavour’. Slavonica, 24(1-2), 1-11. [Scopus, Q3]

Mukhtar Senggirbay

PhD, senior lecturer




PhD, senior lecturer

Academic career
International Journalist, Al-Farabi Kazakh State University Journalism Faculty – 1996 – 2001
Master of Arts in Journalism, Georgian Institute of Public Affairs, Caucasus School of Journalism and Media Management Tbilisi, Georgia – 2007 – 2009
PhD in Political Science, Al-Farabi Kazakh State University – 2009 – 2012

Director of the Business Kazakh Language Center, International Academy of Business – 2013
Information Assistant, US Consulate General – 2009 – 2012
Correspondent in Caucasus, Zhas Alash Newspaper, Tblisi – 2008 – 2009
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Zhas Alash Newspaper, Almaty – 2005 – 2008
Trainer, MediaNET Journalism School – 2006 – 2008
Editor and translator, Khabar TV News Agency – 2002 – 2005
Assistant Professor, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Journalism Faculty – 2001 – 2002

Research interests
Ethnic conflicts; ethnic identity; national identity

Professional trainings, certificates
Economy for Journalists, Warsaw, Poland (2009)
Consecutive Interpretation Techniques, Marshall Center, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany (2010)
Creating Digital Media for Public Diplomacy Outreach, US Consulate General Mumbai, India (2012)

1. Біз судья да, прокурор да емеспіз (қақтығыс аймақтарынан хабар таратудың қыр-сыры). – Қазақстан журналистерінің тәжірибесінен (тәжірибелік нұсқаулық). – Алматы, 2008: МедиаНет ХЖО. 212-бет
2. Медиа құқық (қойын дәптер). – АҚШ Мемлекеттік департаменті. – Вена, 2011. Қазақша нұсқасының редакторы. Editor of the Kazakh version of the Media Law Handbook
3. Основные факторы и причины конфликтов в Кыргызстане. //Analytic – 6/2010. – C. 71-73. (В соавторстве с Насимовой Г. и Жунусбековым Е.)
4. Кавказдағы конфликтілердің ортақ сипаттары. // ҚазҰУ хабаршысы. Саясаттану, философия, мәдениеттану сериясы – №1 (38), 2012, 52-б.
5. Этностық шиеленістерді жіктеу мен типтеу мәселелері. // Ақиқат – №8, 2012. 102-б.
6. Этностық конфликтілерді реттеу ұғымына негізгі көзқарастар // ҚазҰУ хабаршысы. Саясаттану, философия, мәдениеттану сериясы – №2, 2012
7. Main approaches to the definition of ethnic conflicts // International Journal of Academic Research. – Volume 3. – №1. – Baku (Azerbaijan), 2011. – P. 889 – 891.
8. Предотвращение деструктивных конфликтов в Казахстане: проблемы и противоречия. – Вопросы политологии. – № 2 (6). – Москва, 2012. – С. 128-136

Madiyar Saudbayev

Dean of faculty


Dean of faculty

Academic career
Bachelor of Arts (BA) in International Journalism, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 2004
Master of Arts (MA) in Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 2006
Exchange Semester in Mass Communication/Media Studies, Istanbul University 2014
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Journalism, Mass Communication/Media Studies, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 2015

Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, SDU University 2021 – Present
Member of the National Educational and Methodological Council, Lead by L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University 2019 – Present
Member of the Editorial Board, Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University 2019 – 2023
Founder & Director, and “Ақпарат медиа” LLP 2017 – 2023
Head of the Department of Social Sciences, SDU University 2017 – 2021
Assistant Professor, Journalism Education Program 2015 – 2017
Vice Dean for Social and Administrative Affairs, Faculty of Philology and Pedagogical Sciences SDU University 2014 – 2015
Senior Lecturer, Journalism Education Program, Editor-in-Chief of SDU Tribune Newspaper SDU University 2013 – 2015
Journalism Program Coordinator, SDU University 2013 – 2015
Lecturer, Journalism Education Program SDU University 2010 – 2013
Deputy Editor, International Cultural-Intellectual Magazine “daKazakhstan” 2005 – 2010
Brand Manager, Professional Studio “ProStudio” 2003 – 2005

1. “Менеджмент в образовании: управление образовательными программами”
2. “Основы бережливых KAIZEN технологии”
3. Wisefull Coaching Training Course
4. Coaching Training Course

1. “Жаңа коммуника-ция құралдары және жаңа ақпарат алмасу орталарындағы зәру мәселелер” Herald of the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University №3 (100) 2014. p. 354-359
2. “Қазіргі интерактивті телевидениедегі «екінші экран» ұғымы (second screen)” Herald of the Kazakh National University, А, 2 (36), Journalism Series. 2014. p. 248-255
3. “Measurement of PR Effectiveness During the Era of Social Media” Herald of the Kazakh National University, А, 2 (36), Journalism series. 2014. p. 30-32
4. “Ғаламторда тоғысқан дәстүрлі бақ пен жаңа медиа немесе репортаж жанрының түрленуі” Herald of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Philology series, А, 4 (50) 2015
5. “Әлеуметтік желілер: терминнің шығу тарихы мен оның қоғамдық ғылымдарда қолданысы (алғашқы кезең)” Herald of the Kazakh National University, А, 1 (43), Journalism series. 2017. P.30-32
6. “Әлеуметтік желілер» ұғымы мен оның заманауи желілік қоғамдағы алар орны” Herald of the Kazakh National University, 2 (44), Journalism series. 2017. P.48-51
7. “Журналистік контенттің таргеттенуі немесе ақпаратты нақты адресатқа жолдау механизмдері” Herald of the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (118) 2017
8. “The Role and Features of Analytical Journalism in Kazakh society in the Era of Asian Social Science.” Vol 10, No 15, 2014. pp. 55-62
9. “Social information exchange In Aitys performance” 2nd World Conference on Design, Arts and Education DAE-2013. /Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 122 ( 2014 ) pp. 72 – 76

Aisulu Shaikenova

Candidate of philology


Candidate of philology

Academic career
September 1985 – June 1990: Karaganda National University, specialist in Russian Literature and language, North Kazakhstan University
September 2016 – June 2018: named after Manash Kozybayev, bachelor in Journalism

1995- 1997:  Teacher, senior teacher of “Kazakh language” department of North-Kazakhstan State University
1997: Announcer at the channel MTRK (municipal TV and radio channel) Petropavlovsk
2010: Associate professor of department “Kazakh language” of the North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybaev
2011: Deputy Dean for educational work of the Institute of Language and Literature of SKSU named after M. Kozybaev
2015: Scientific Secretary of M. Kozybaev SCU
2017: Head of the Department of “Journalism” SKU named after M.Kozybaev
2023: Head of the Department of “Social Sciences” SDU University. Kaskelen

38 publications, including 11 articles recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science, 4 textbooks

Yessengul Kap

Candidate of philology
Assistant professor


Candidate of philology, Assistant professor

Academic career
Bachelor: KazNU, specialist in Kazakh Literature and language, 1995, Turan, bachelor in Journalism, 2019
Master of Art, Newcastle University, 2022
PhD: KazNU, candidate of Philology science, 2001

30 years, 21 years as a professional Journalist. Worked as print, radio and online Journalist, organised NGO to support Kazakh Journalists, media trainer, 9 years as a Senior lecturer, and became an Assistant professor from this year


Project Works
Media Ethics and children’s representation in Kazakh Media

— Сөздің шыны, Есенгүл Кәпқызы, 372, Textbook,  Kazakhstan, Almaty city,  July 2007
— Жырақта қалған тағдырлар, Есенгүл Кәпқызы, 190, Textbook,  Kazakhstan, October 2010
— Ой түбінде жатқан сөз, Есенгүл Кәпқызы, 285, Textbook, , Kazakhstan,  November 2013
— Журналистика бойынша оқу бағдарламаларының моделі, Есенгүл Кәпқызы (жалпы редакциясын басқарған), 152, Textbook,  Kazakhstan, Almaty city, November 2014
— Қазіргі кездегі журналистік білім беру: Инновациялар, жаңа технологиялар, Есенгүл Кәпқызы (редакторы), 168, Textbook, Kazakhstan, Almaty city,  June 2014
— Сараптамалық журналистика, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Bulletin series, Journalism, SSCI, Есенгүл Кәпқызы, October 2015
— «Ақпаратты жазуда нені ескереміз?», Вестник Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Гумилева. Journalism, SSCI, Есенгүл Кәпқызы,  January 2016
— Ақпараттың шынайылығын қалай тексереміз? Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Bulletin series, Journalism, SSCI, Yessengul Kapkyzy, 6, January 2017
— РЕСЕЙ-УКРAИНA ҚAҚТЫҒЫСЫ: ҚAЗAҚСТAНДЫҚ БАҚ КӨЗІМЕН, Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ-нің Хабаршысы, Journalism, Other,, Yessengul Kap, November 2018
— КОНСПИРОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕОРИИ И ДЕЗИНФОРМАЦИЯ В КАЗАХОЯЗЫЧНЫХ МЕДИА, Әлеуметтану – Sociology, Book chapt, Other,, Yessengul Kap,  August 2020
— ҚАЗАҚ ТІЛІНДЕГІ МЕДИА: КТК, АЙҚЫН ЖӘНЕ WWW.MALIM.KZ МЕДИА ҚҰРАЛДАРЫНДАҒЫ КӨПБАЛАЛЫ АНАЛАР РЕПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯСЫ, Әлеуметтану – Sociology, Book chapt, Other,, Yessengul Kap, , September 2022: Monitoring public electoral sentiment through online comments in the news media: a comparative study of the 2019 and 2022 presidential elections in Kazakhstan, Asian Social Science, Scopus, Other,, Yerkebulan Sayrambay, Assel Khamza, Yessengul Kap & Bakhtyar Nurumov, , United Kingdom, July 2023

Yerkebulan Sairambay

PhD, senior lecturer


PhD, senior lecturer

Academic career
1999-2011, Public school, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
2011-2015, BSc in Marketing, South Kazakhstan State University
2013 Sep-Dec, Visiting student, University of Luxembourg
2014-2015, Erasmus student, University of Padua 
2016-2017, MSc in Russian, Central and East European studies, University of Glasgow 
2017-2018, MA in political science, Corvinus University of Budapest 
2021 Apr-Sep, Visiting research fellow, University of Tartu
2018-2022, PhD in (media political) sociology, University of Cambridge

2022-present, assistant professor and research fellow, SDU University
2022 – 2023, research associate, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge
2021, visiting PhD scholar and assistant lecturer, University of Tartu Estonia
2017 – 2017, camp counsellor, Concordia Language Villages (United States)
2015 – 2016, economist, IE ‘Toksanbaeva G.E.’, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
2015 – 2015, marketing manager, Best IELTS Center, Shymkent, Kazakhstan

Numerous conferences, seminars, contests, competitions, forums in regional, national and international levels –
more than 100, including:
• Connecting Protest Research(ers) workshop, the OSCE Academy in Bishkek, 15-17 May 2023;
• Law, media, society, politics, & geo-economics in the changing landscape of Eurasia, SDU, 24 April 2023;
• Various conferences, events, seminars, and workshops at the University of Cambridge, 2018-2022;
• BASEES Annual Conference, Robinson college, Cambridge, 8-10 April 2022;
• ESA PhD Summer School, Barcelona, 28-30 August 2021;
• Fifth Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies, Estonia, 7-9 June 2021;
• «4th Eurasian Research Forum», University of Cambridge, 17 March, 2017;
• «29th Annual European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy» Conference, Corvinus University
of Budapest, Hungary, 2017;
• «Giornata Internazionale dei Diritti Umani 2014», Padova, Italy, 2014;
• «XXX national congress of the Italian society of protistology ONLUS», University of Padova, Padova,
Italy, 2014;
• «Innovative economy of Kazakhstan: sustainable development in the conditions of globalization»
International Scientific Conference, VII Astana Economic Forum, Astana, Kazakhstan, 2014;
• «Europe 2014: Humanities Between Past and Future» International Student Conference, European
Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2014;
• «SCIENCE and EDUCATION – 2014» IX International Scientific Conference, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian
National University, Astana, Kazakhstan, 2014;
• «Less Must» program in European Parliament, Strasbourg, France, 2013;
• «SCIENCE and EDUCATION – 2013» VIII International Scientific Conference, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian
National University, Astana, Kazakhstan, 2013;
• «International competition of youth business projects «Business Eurasia», IV EEFY, Yekaterinburg, Russia,

• 2023 (November) — New Media and Political Participation in Russia and Kazakhstan: Exploring the Lived-Experiences of Young People in Eurasia. Lexington Books | Rowman & Littlefield.
• 2023 — Monitoring public electoral sentiment through online comments in the news media: A comparative
study of the 2019 and 2022 presidential elections in Kazakhstan. Media Asia. [Scopus, Q2]
• 2022 — How Young People Use New Media in Political Participation in Russia and Kazakhstan.
Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research, 14(2), 38-72. [Scopus, Q2]
• 2022 — Internet and Social Media Use by Young People for Information About (Inter)National News and Politics in Russia and Kazakhstan. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 14(1), 56-70. [Scopus, Q2]
• 2022 — The Contributions of New Media to Young People’s Political Participation in Russia and Kazakhstan. Central Asian Survey, 41(3), 571-595. [Scopus, Q2]
• 2021 — Political Culture and Participation in Russia and Kazakhstan: A New Civic Culture with Contestation? Slavonica, 26(2), 116-127. [Scopus, Q3]
• 2021 — Transitional Justice and Democratic Consolidation in the Post-Communist Space: A Comparative Review of the Czech Republic, Latvia, and Slovakia. Politics in Central Europe, 17(1), 127-142. [Scopus, Q2]
• 2020 — The contemporary challenges of measuring political participation. Slovak Journal of Political
Sciences, 20(2), 206-226. [Scopus, Q2]
• 2020 — Reconceptualising Political Participation. Human Affairs, 30(1), 120-127. [Scopus, Q1]
• 2019 — Young People’s Perspectives on How ‘Zhuz’ and ‘Ru’ Clans Affect Them: Evidence from Three Cities in Post-Soviet Qazaqstan. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 11(1), 39-54. [Scopus, Q2]
• 2019 — Post-Soviet Russian Nation-Building: ‘Purposefully Ambiguous’ or ‘Sufficiently Flexible’ with ‘a
Russian Flavour’. Slavonica, 24(1-2), 1-11. [Scopus, Q3]

Kanat Syzdykov

PhD, senior lecturer


PhD, senior lecturer

Academic career
Бакалавриат: Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі, Қ.А.Яссауи атындағы Халықаралық Қазақ-Түрік университеті 2001
Магистратура: Ағылшын тілі мен әдебиеті магистрі, Қ.А.Яссауи атындағы Халықаралық Қазақ-Түрік университеті 2004
Докторантура: Педагогика ғылымдарының кандидаты, Х.Досмұғамбетов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті 1997 – 2001

2007 – present: Ағылшын тілі оқытушысы және педагогика пәні лектор, SDU University
2001 – 2006: Ағылшын тілі оқытушысы, Қ.А.Яссауи атындағы Халықаралық Қазақ-Түрік университеті

Оқытудың заманауи формалары мен әдістері: ізденістер және шешімдер – Өрлеу БАҰО. Нұрсұлтан қаласы. Сертификат №17
Болашақ бағдарламасы степендияты 2013 ж

— Practical English
— General Pedagogy (English)
— Pedagogy in Higher Education (English)
— Research Techniques in Linguistics (English)
— Practical techniques in ELT (English)
— Theory and Methods of Character Education/Training Work (English)
— Criteria-based assessment technology  (English)
— Value based education (English)

1. Critical thinking in the context of the professional development of the higher education teachers; working in the limited educational environment. Learning and Motivation journal. July.2022
2. «Environmental awareness on the basis of Proverbs» Revista Dilemas Contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores. ISSN: 2007 – 7890. Año: IV. Número: 3. Artículo no.16 Período: Febrero – Mayo, 2017, Indexed by Thomson Reuters, ISI
3. «Contrastive Studies on Proverbs» ELSEVIER, ScienceDirect, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 136 ( 2014 ) 318 – 321
4. «Instilling Patriotism on the Basis of Proverbs»  [SYLWAN., 159(9)]. ISI Indexed – Sep 2015, 214-221
5. «Impacts of proverbs on building patriotism» Kazakh National University Abay, “Herald” scientific journal №1, 2015, 165-169
6. The Essence of Ethnopedagogics and Its Educational Value.  Science and Life of Kazakhstan, 2016, 284-286
Доклады Казахской академии образования №4, 2018

Research interests
The effect of proverbs on English as a FL student’s academic performance
Teaching English connecting with students’ diverse backgrounds
— Teaching English to non-native students by Lesson Study method
— The value of integrating character education in as a foreign language environment
— Consequences of using Multiple Intelligence theory in English language teaching (on the base of college students)
— Developing cognitive skills in school students’ through comprehension reading
— Investigating the relationship between spiritual intelligence and Burnout among Kazakhstani EFL Teachers
— Local pedagogical college students’’ perceptions of using videos in English Language micro-teaching classes
— The EFL students’ perceptions of using LMS

Yessengul Kap

Candidate of philology
Assistant professor


Candidate of philology, Assistant professor

Academic career
Bachelor: KazNU, specialist in Kazakh Literature and language, 1995, Turan, bachelor in Journalism, 2019
Master of Art, Newcastle University, 2022
PhD: KazNU, candidate of Philology science, 2001

30 years, 21 years as a professional Journalist. Worked as print, radio and online Journalist, organised NGO to support Kazakh Journalists, media trainer, 9 years as a Senior lecturer, and became an Assistant professor from this year


Project Works
Media Ethics and children’s representation in Kazakh Media

— Сөздің шыны, Есенгүл Кәпқызы, 372, Textbook,  Kazakhstan, Almaty city,  July 2007
— Жырақта қалған тағдырлар, Есенгүл Кәпқызы, 190, Textbook,  Kazakhstan, October 2010
— Ой түбінде жатқан сөз, Есенгүл Кәпқызы, 285, Textbook, , Kazakhstan,  November 2013
— Журналистика бойынша оқу бағдарламаларының моделі, Есенгүл Кәпқызы (жалпы редакциясын басқарған), 152, Textbook,  Kazakhstan, Almaty city, November 2014
— Қазіргі кездегі журналистік білім беру: Инновациялар, жаңа технологиялар, Есенгүл Кәпқызы (редакторы), 168, Textbook, Kazakhstan, Almaty city,  June 2014
— Сараптамалық журналистика, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Bulletin series, Journalism, SSCI, Есенгүл Кәпқызы, October 2015
— «Ақпаратты жазуда нені ескереміз?», Вестник Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Гумилева. Journalism, SSCI, Есенгүл Кәпқызы,  January 2016
— Ақпараттың шынайылығын қалай тексереміз? Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Bulletin series, Journalism, SSCI, Yessengul Kapkyzy, 6, January 2017
— РЕСЕЙ-УКРAИНA ҚAҚТЫҒЫСЫ: ҚAЗAҚСТAНДЫҚ БАҚ КӨЗІМЕН, Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ-нің Хабаршысы, Journalism, Other,, Yessengul Kap, November 2018
— КОНСПИРОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕОРИИ И ДЕЗИНФОРМАЦИЯ В КАЗАХОЯЗЫЧНЫХ МЕДИА, Әлеуметтану – Sociology, Book chapt, Other,, Yessengul Kap,  August 2020
— ҚАЗАҚ ТІЛІНДЕГІ МЕДИА: КТК, АЙҚЫН ЖӘНЕ WWW.MALIM.KZ МЕДИА ҚҰРАЛДАРЫНДАҒЫ КӨПБАЛАЛЫ АНАЛАР РЕПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯСЫ, Әлеуметтану – Sociology, Book chapt, Other,, Yessengul Kap, , September 2022: Monitoring public electoral sentiment through online comments in the news media: a comparative study of the 2019 and 2022 presidential elections in Kazakhstan, Asian Social Science, Scopus, Other,, Yerkebulan Sayrambay, Assel Khamza, Yessengul Kap & Bakhtyar Nurumov, , United Kingdom, July 2023

Berdak Bayimbetov

MA, senior lecturer


MA, senior lecturer

Academic career
Bachelor: Uzbek National University, Uzbekistan
Master: University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
PhD: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium (ongoing)

Senior Lecturer — SDU University 2012 – present
Corporate Communications Officer — Westminster International University in Tashkent 2008 – 2010
Deputy Head of the Department, Lecturer — Uzbek State World Languages University, Faculty of International Journalism 2005 – 2007
Research fellow — Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Rep. of UZB 2022 – 2005

Educational background
Brussels School of Governance — Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium 2017 – present
Communication Studies — Anadolu University, Turkey 2010 – 2012
Faculty of Journalism and Political Science — University of Warsaw, Poland 2007 – 2008
School of Media Studies — University of Ulster, NI, United Kingdom 2000 – 2002
Faculty of Journalism, Department of International Journalism — Tashkent State University, Uzbekistan (now National University of Uzbekistan) 1995 – 1999

JUR 607 Political Communication
JUR 613 Media, Activism, and Social Changes

Project Works
World Journalism Studies Project

— “Mass Media’s role in political and social transformation in post-Soviet Central Asia”. Book Chapter. Turdubaeva, E. & E. Papoutsaki, Eds. (2023) “Mapping the media and communication landscape of Central Asia: an anthology of emerging and contemporary issues”, Published by Lexington Books. An imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.
— “Social Information Exchange in Aitys Performances”. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 122 (2014) 72–76.
— “Measurement of Public Relations effectiveness”. VI-International Conference: Building Cultural Bridges. Suleyman Demirel University, 2014
— “Using social media in studying public opinion”. V-International Conference: Building Cultural Bridges. Suleyman Demirel University, 2013

Aksaule Alzhan

MA, senior lecturer


MA, senior lecturer

Academic career
Bachelor: L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University (ENU), Faculty of Social Sciences, 2006
Master: Graduate School of Journalism at University of California, Berkeley, 2020

2003-2009 — Era Broadcasting Company, Astana, journalist
2009-2015 — Sedmoy Channel, Astana, journalist, editor
2015-2016 — Khabar Agency, journalist, TV host
2019-2020 — Investigative Reporting program, Berkeley, research assistant
2021-2022 — Lecturer of the Faculty of Journalism at Buketov University, Karagandy

JUR 505 Theories and concepts in media and communication
Медиа и культурные исследования

БАҚ саласындағы Қазақстан Президентінің Гранты иегері (2006, “Жылы жүздесу”
бағдарламасы үшін, ЭРА ТВ телекомпаниясы)
Мемлекеттік органдар мен жекеменшік компаниялардан көптеген марапаттары
мен алғыс хаттары бар.

Америкалық Mission Local, Richmond Confidential, the New York Times газеттерінде мақалалары жарияланды

Bakhtiyar Nurumov

MA, senior lecturer


MA, senior lecturer

Academic career
Bachelor: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Journalism, 2004
Master: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Journalism, 2006
PhD: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Journalism, PhD student since 2018

Department of Journalism. Teaching courses: TV and Radio journalism, Audio journalism, Foreign journalism, SDU University 2017 – present
Editor-in-chief (reviewer) of the editorial staff of information-analytical and morning programs (Almaty),
Deputy Head of the editorial office (Astana), Deputy Editor-in-chief of the Almaty studio, Kazakh Radio 2006 – 2017
Marketing and advertising department. Engaged in issues of articles, design, circulation and distribution of the journal, International cultural and intellectual journal “da Kazakhstan” Almaty 2005 – 2006
Marketing department. Engaged in issues of circulation and distribution of the newspaper,  People’s social and political newspaper “Kazakhstan Zaman” 2004 – 2005

JUR 516 Research work for the Master’s Degree including an internship and a Master’s Thesis

Training on media and information literacy for university teachers in Kazakhstan. Organizers: MediaNet International Center for Journalism and the Department of Media and Communications at KIMEP University with the assistance of Albany Associates International and IREX Europe and the support of the British Embassy in Astana September 24-25, 2018.
I have a certificate of completion of 72-hour educational courses WinterED 2024, organized from January 9-23, 2024 by SDU Extension School

Research experience
I work together with research leaders (doctor of political sciences Ibrayeva G.Zh. and Edirisingha P., PhD) on the organization of a project, funded by the University of Leicester, on creating virtual and augmented reality. I am doing practical work in a multimedia laboratory on immersive journalism at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Nurumov Bakhtiyar A., Brown Michael, Ibrayeva Galiya Zh., & Myssayeva Karlyga N. (2021). ONLINE AUDIENCES OF CENTRAL ASIA AND KAZAKHSTAN: CHOICE AND PREFERENCES IN THE ERA OF MULTIMEDIA NEWS CONTENT. Вестник Московского университета. Серия 10. Журналистика, (3), 54-73. Nurumov, B., Berkenova, G., Freedman, E., & Ibrayeva, G. (2020). Informing the Public about the Dangers of a Pandemic. Early COVID-19 Coverage by News Organizations in Kazakhstan. In M. Laruelle (Ed.), COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND CENTRAL ASIA: Crisis Management, Economic Impact, and Social Transformations (pp. 99-113). Washington, D.C.: The George Washington University, Central Asia Program. Nurumov, B. A. (2019). Immersive technologies in the education of students majoring in journalism. In Conference materials: IV International scientific and methodological conference “Modern education: methods, technologies, quality”, January 18-19, 2019, Academy of Economics and Law named after. U.A. Dzholdasbekova, Taldykorgan (114-117). ISBN 978-601-332-265-0.

Toty Aitzhan

MA, senior lecturer


MA, senior lecturer

Academic career
Бакалавр: SDU University шетел филологиясы 2001
Магистратура: Абай атындағы ҚАЗҰПУ екі шет тілі 2015
Докторантура оқуда 2019: Қазақ Ұлттық Қыздар Педагогикалық Университетінде, Екі Шет Тілі

2006 – 2007 — шетел тілі мұғалімі №9 орта мектеп, Қостанай
2009 – 2012 — шетел тілі мұғалімі, Шамалған орта мектебі, Алматы облысы

Scientific interests
Enhancing digital competence in foreign language learning and teaching

Practical English

1. Daniyar T., Importance of case study in teaching professional English // Khabarshy KAZNPU №2, p.90, 2015
2. Daniyar T., Case study in Legal English // International conference, p.112, 2014
3. Daniyar T., Maintaining interest and involvement by using story telling approach 2018

Mukhtar Senggirbay

PhD, senior lecturer




PhD, senior lecturer

Academic career
International Journalist, Al-Farabi Kazakh State University Journalism Faculty – 1996 – 2001
Master of Arts in Journalism, Georgian Institute of Public Affairs, Caucasus School of Journalism and Media Management Tbilisi, Georgia – 2007 – 2009
PhD in Political Science, Al-Farabi Kazakh State University – 2009 – 2012

Director of the Business Kazakh Language Center, International Academy of Business – 2013
Information Assistant, US Consulate General – 2009 – 2012
Correspondent in Caucasus, Zhas Alash Newspaper, Tblisi – 2008 – 2009
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Zhas Alash Newspaper, Almaty – 2005 – 2008
Trainer, MediaNET Journalism School – 2006 – 2008
Editor and translator, Khabar TV News Agency – 2002 – 2005
Assistant Professor, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Journalism Faculty – 2001 – 2002

Research interests
Ethnic conflicts; ethnic identity; national identity

Professional trainings, certificates
Economy for Journalists, Warsaw, Poland (2009)
Consecutive Interpretation Techniques, Marshall Center, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany (2010)
Creating Digital Media for Public Diplomacy Outreach, US Consulate General Mumbai, India (2012)

1. Біз судья да, прокурор да емеспіз (қақтығыс аймақтарынан хабар таратудың қыр-сыры). – Қазақстан журналистерінің тәжірибесінен (тәжірибелік нұсқаулық). – Алматы, 2008: МедиаНет ХЖО. 212-бет
2. Медиа құқық (қойын дәптер). – АҚШ Мемлекеттік департаменті. – Вена, 2011. Қазақша нұсқасының редакторы. Editor of the Kazakh version of the Media Law Handbook
3. Основные факторы и причины конфликтов в Кыргызстане. //Analytic – 6/2010. – C. 71-73. (В соавторстве с Насимовой Г. и Жунусбековым Е.)
4. Кавказдағы конфликтілердің ортақ сипаттары. // ҚазҰУ хабаршысы. Саясаттану, философия, мәдениеттану сериясы – №1 (38), 2012, 52-б.
5. Этностық шиеленістерді жіктеу мен типтеу мәселелері. // Ақиқат – №8, 2012. 102-б.
6. Этностық конфликтілерді реттеу ұғымына негізгі көзқарастар // ҚазҰУ хабаршысы. Саясаттану, философия, мәдениеттану сериясы – №2, 2012
7. Main approaches to the definition of ethnic conflicts // International Journal of Academic Research. – Volume 3. – №1. – Baku (Azerbaijan), 2011. – P. 889 – 891.
8. Предотвращение деструктивных конфликтов в Казахстане: проблемы и противоречия. – Вопросы политологии. – № 2 (6). – Москва, 2012. – С. 128-136

Askhat Yerkimbay

MA, senior lecturer


MA, senior lecturer

Academic career
Bachelor of Kazakh Language and Literature: May 2005 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay
Master of Social Studies in Journalism: Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi May 2011
Master of Arts in Communication: University of Wyoming – Laramie, WY (U.S.A.) May 2013

September 2014 – present: Teacher, Department of Media and Communication, SDU University, Faculty of Law and Social Science
September 2013 – August 2014: Teacher, Department of International Journalism and UNESCO, Kazakh National University named after Al Farabi, Faculty of Journalism
September 2012 – July 2013: Master Thesis: Kazakh Language issues in the Kazakh Language Blogosphere, University of Wyoming, Department of Communication and Journalism
September 2011 – March 2013: Supervisor: Dr. John Couper, professor, Chair of JMC Department at the KIMEP, Almaty, Kazakhstan
The research sponsored by Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation, Public Fund “Minber” Center for Supporting Journalism
September 2011 – May 2012: Master Thesis: The Kazakh Language Blogosphere: current situation, Kazakh National University named after Al Farabi, Department of Print and Online Journalism
Media training:
Media-trainer — May 2009 – present
Freelancer, media-trainer — November 2013 – March 2015
Media Trainer, Eppson Center for Seniors — March 2012 – April 2013
Teacher/Media Trainer of “Blogging Journalism” and “Multimedia Journalism” courses — 2010 September – 2011 May
Media Trainer, “MediaNet” International Center of Journalism — 2009 – present

JUR 628 Data and Databases

Project Works
Media specialists , member of the International Fact – Checkers expert at Poynter, Institute for Media Studies (U.S.) | VR project, “Inside Xinhang’s Prison State,” for Newyorker magazine (U.S.).

M.Brown, K.Myssaeva, A. Yerkimbay “Radio and the Development of Kazakh as a National Language”, (Journal of Radio and Audio Media) Manuscript ID HJRS-2016-0314.R1 (2017), Мультимедиа анықтамалығы/Справочник по Мультимедиа [“Handbook on Multimedia”] (2013) 170 pg, By “Kazcontent” JSC request, Жаңа медиа: монологтан диалогқа [“New media: From Monolog to Dialog”] (2012) 170 pg,Publication was sponsored by OSCE centre in Astana, Kazakhstan
Медиа құқық, [Media Law] (2011) handbook for journalist translated from English into Kazakh), Page 4 of 4 60 pg, Publication was sponsored by U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan

Berdak Bayimbetov

MA, senior lecturer


MA, senior lecturer

Academic career
Bachelor: Uzbek National University, Uzbekistan
Master: University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
PhD: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium (ongoing)

Senior Lecturer — SDU University 2012 – present
Corporate Communications Officer — Westminster International University in Tashkent 2008 – 2010
Deputy Head of the Department, Lecturer — Uzbek State World Languages University, Faculty of International Journalism 2005 – 2007
Research fellow — Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Rep. of UZB 2022 – 2005

Educational background
Brussels School of Governance — Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium 2017 – present
Communication Studies — Anadolu University, Turkey 2010 – 2012
Faculty of Journalism and Political Science — University of Warsaw, Poland 2007 – 2008
School of Media Studies — University of Ulster, NI, United Kingdom 2000 – 2002
Faculty of Journalism, Department of International Journalism — Tashkent State University, Uzbekistan (now National University of Uzbekistan) 1995 – 1999

JUR 607 Political Communication
JUR 613 Media, Activism, and Social Changes

Project Works
World Journalism Studies Project

— “Mass Media’s role in political and social transformation in post-Soviet Central Asia”. Book Chapter. Turdubaeva, E. & E. Papoutsaki, Eds. (2023) “Mapping the media and communication landscape of Central Asia: an anthology of emerging and contemporary issues”, Published by Lexington Books. An imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.
— “Social Information Exchange in Aitys Performances”. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 122 (2014) 72–76.
— “Measurement of Public Relations effectiveness”. VI-International Conference: Building Cultural Bridges. Suleyman Demirel University, 2014
— “Using social media in studying public opinion”. V-International Conference: Building Cultural Bridges. Suleyman Demirel University, 2013

  • Training of a modern specialist who can constantly improve himself, effectively use individual characteristics and abilities, work with the date on a professional level;
  • Instilling the skills of collecting, processing, filtering large amounts of data, making a hypothesis with a logical basis;
  • Release of a date journalist that can deduce the value and event line from the processed date and perfectly convey it to the audience with visual elements;
  • Training of masters who are familiar with the basic features of coding, well-versed in the original technologies and programs necessary for date processing;
  • Training in methods for building and processing information in a non-fully processed format that can work with various information formats, such as JSON, CSV;
  • Formation of professional communication that contributes to the improvement of each other.

Beta Career

Beta Career is a special course for fourth year students that covers all elective courses of the penultimate semester of a study program. Beta Career is optional and has its own requirements described in the next sections. The number of students that are admitted to Beta Career is limited.


The goals of Beta Career are the following:
– Adjust professional preferences
– Apply theoretical knowledge to practice
– Get necessary basic knowledge
– Install network contacts


The duration of Beta Career is 15 weeks. It starts in September, and ends in December.

Grading Policy

The indicated score in the statement is 60 percent from the Organization and 40 percent (15 points for providing a weekly report, 25 points for the final presentation) from the University.
The assessment criteria should correspond to the quality of assimilation and application of skills corresponding to the subjects of the 7th semester specified in the syllabus.


The company should be located in the city of Almaty.
The company must be included in the list of:
– The legal 500; and/or
– Asia Pacific Law; and/or
– Chambers and Partners.

Мemorandum Duration Вilateral contract
ТОО NLC Partners unlimited Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry
Police Department of the Almaty city unlimited
Sсhmitt & Orlov LLC unlimited JSC passenger transportation
Republican Chamber of Private Bailiffs of the Republic of Kazakhstan unlimited
ТОО MG Partners Almaty unlimited LLP Center for Research, Analysis and Performance Evaluation
Public Association “Red Crescebt society of the Republic of Kazakhstan” unlimited Samruk Business Academy
Police Department of the Almaty region unlimited Almaty City Bar Association
Karasay District Court of Almaty region unlimited Mangystau Region Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Аrtyushenko & partners law firm unlimited
GRATA law firm unlimited
Integrites Kazakhstan LLC unlimited
Akhmetov &Partners LLC unlimited
Administration of courts in the city of Almaty unlimited
Unicase Law Firm unlimited
Synegy Partners Law Firm LLC unlimited
Administration of courts in Zhambyl region unlimited
Zhylyoy district Police Department unlimited
Fors-mazhor LLC unlimited
Мemorandum Duration Вilateral contract
ТОО NLC Partners unlimited Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry
Police Department of the Almaty city unlimited
Sсhmitt & Orlov LLC unlimited JSC passenger transportation
Republican Chamber of Private Bailiffs of the Republic of Kazakhstan unlimited
ТОО MG Partners Almaty unlimited LLP Center for Research, Analysis and Performance Evaluation
Public Association “Red Crescebt society of the Republic of Kazakhstan” unlimited Samruk Business Academy
Police Department of the Almaty region unlimited Almaty City Bar Association
Karasay District Court of Almaty region unlimited Mangystau Region Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Аrtyushenko & partners law firm unlimited
GRATA law firm unlimited
Integrites Kazakhstan LLC unlimited
Akhmetov &Partners LLC unlimited
Administration of courts in the city of Almaty unlimited
Unicase Law Firm unlimited
Synegy Partners Law Firm LLC unlimited
Administration of courts in Zhambyl region unlimited
Zhylyoy district Police Department unlimited
Fors-mazhor LLC unlimited

Members of the advisory board of the EP «Data Journalism» for 2023-2024 academic year

Akisheva AssiyaEditor Media expert
Zhapisheva AssemEditor «Til Kespek Joq»
Amanzholkyzy BakhytgulDirector of AB Marketing, marketer
Karipov BaurzhanDirector of the website
Kurmangazinova NazerkeGraduate of «SDU university», journalist for the site
Nurumov Bakhtiyar“SDU university” MA, senior lecturer

Support the faculty (professors)

1. Support Research Internship Program. Faculty members develop academic curriculum and research at the University. Within the framework of this program SDU provides faculty members with the opportunities to do research abroad. Your donations will cover flight expenses, accommodation and monthly salary from 6 months up to 1 year. SDU also invites professors from abroad to share their knowledge and experience with local faculty and students.
2. Support “Zhas maman” Program. “Zhas maman” program is aimed at developing university human capital by selecting the best SDU graduates and helping them start their academic career as teaching assistants. Young specialists are encouraged to do PhD abroad and get rich research experience from prestigious universities. Teaching assistants are provided with scholarships and professional advise from the faculty.

Support the University

SDU campus is a central place for students educational and recreational activities. University aims to renew its basic infrastructure by building new facilities and substantially renovating existing ones. This includes buildings, roads, utilities, grounds and landscaping, student housing, and information technology resources needed to fully support the University mission. Maintaining up-to-date library resources and research facilities, equipment, and technological tools are also important.

Support talented students

This program is for outstanding students regardless of their welfare. Eligible students have to demonstrate outstanding academic and social achievements. This program is designed to foster professional and personal development of students by giving full or partial grants or providing dormitory. In order to keep the grant during the whole period of its validity the recipient has to meet certain minimum GPA each semester.


Question? Contact us!

Since Infomatrix Asia is an international project competition and current lingua franca is English language, we decided that everything(documentation, presentation, submission) will be in English.

Starting from this year, participation doesn’t give opportunity get max at ENT.

All participants who study at secondary school must participate with their supervisors. Due to the security concerns of the participants.

Mail to (Only technical questions)

Look carefully at category requirements, but common thing is: great presentation, clear documentation, completed project, short video demonstrating your knowledge of English Participants from Kazakhstan should have participated on regional, city, republic project competitions before.

Infomatrix Asia is an independent competition. Therefore, you are free to submit your project to any other competitions.

The participation fee is a required fixed cost that covers: transportation, medals, t-shirts, certificates, food, lodging and so on…


We are inviting participants to stay in our comfortable and modern “Student House” located on the territory of SDU.

The student house of Suleyman Demirel University offers students not only accommodation and meals on the territory of the Smart Campus during their studies, but also the opportunity to improve their social skills and strengthen international relationships.

Do you need help? Contact us!

Бонус ұпай қалай жинауға болады?

Қатысушылардың Instagram желісіндегі парақшасында SPT олимпиадасы туралы қызықты әрі креатив пост жариялау арқылы 1-ден 5-ке дейін бонус ұпайға ие болу мүмкіндігі бар. Пост сурет, мәтін немесе видео сияқты кез келген форматта бола алады.

Шығармашылық шектеу жоқ, қиялыңа ерік бер!
Арманыңды жаз, әңгіме құрастыр, видео түсір, достарыңа мотивация бер,  оларды да қатысуға шақыр!

Бұл – тіпті қосымша 0,5 ұпайдың грант иесі атануда шешуші рөл атқара алатын тұсы. Сондықтан мұндай тамаша мүмкіндікті міндетті түрде пайдалануға кеңес береміз.


  • Қызықты және креативті пост жариялау (мәтін 50 cөзден кем емес, қатысышының өз атынан жазылады)
  • Cуретте @sdukz белгілеу (tag)
  • Хэштег – #spt2020 #sdukz
  • Пост соңында аты-жөнін, кластер мен ЖСН соңғы 6 цифрін хэштег арқылы көрсету (мысалы, Ахметов Айбек, #Кластер5, #123456).
  • Қатысушы парақшасы 10 наурызға дейін ашық болуы керек.

*Посттарды олимпиада ұйымдастырушылары былай бағалайды (жалпы ереже):

▫️1 ұпай:
— Пост жарияланған, талаптарға сай;
▫️2 ұпай:
— Мәтіні өте жақсы жазылған пост;
▫️3 ұпай:
— сапалы түсірілген және монтаждалған видео-пост;
▫️4 және 5 ұпай:
— Көп қаралым жинаған, лайк пен комментарий саны көп сапалы пост. 

Алайда баға беруші посттың сапасына көбірек қарайды. Яғни, тек қана мәтінмен-ақ +5 балл алу мүмкіндігі де бар. Немесе керісінше, көп лайк жинаған пост сапасыз болғандықтан 1 ұпай ғана жинауы мүмкін.

Посттар онлайн тіркелу аяқталғанға дейін қабылданады.

Как заработать бонусные баллы?

Участники имеют возможность заработать от 1 до 5 бонусных баллов, написав интересный и креативный пост об олимпиаде SPT на своей странице в Instagram. Пост может быть в любом формате, как текст, фото или видео.

Творчеству нет предела, дай волю своим фантазиям!
Напиши мечту, сочини рассказ, сними видео, мотивируй своих друзей, пригласи их участвовать вместе!

Это тот самый момент, когда даже 0,5 баллов решают, достоин ты гранта или нет. Поэтому очень советуем воспользоваться этой  возможностью.


  • Опубликовать интересный и креативный пост (с текстом не менее 50 слов, от имени участника)
  • Отметить @sdukz на фото (tag)
  • Хэштег #spt2020 #sdukz
  • Указать в посте ФИО, кластер и последние 6 цифр своего ИИН через хэштег (например, Ахметов Айбек, #кластер2, #123456.
  • Страница участника должна быть открытой до 10 марта.

Посты оцениваются организаторами олимпиады таким образом:

▫️1 балл:
— есть пост, выполнены все условия;
▫️2 балла:
— пост с хорошо написанным текстом;
▫️3 балла:
— интересный пост с качественно снятым и смонтированным видео;
▫️4 и 5 баллов:
— качественные посты с хорошим охватом, количеством лайков и комментариев.

Оценивая посты, организаторы в первую очередь обращают внимание на качество поста. То есть, даже с текстом можно получить максимальный балл. Или наоборот, посты которые набрали тысячи лайкав, могут получить только 1 балл из за плохого качества.

Посты принимаются до завершения онлайн регистрации.


ISPT Registration


«Болашақ» халықаралық стипендиясының екі дүркін иегері. 2011 жылы Англияның Newcastle университетінің магистратурасын Халықаралық мультимедиалық журналистика мамандығы бойынша бітірген. Ал 2021 жылдың наурыз айында Шотландияның Glasgow университетінде үш жылдан астам уақыт бойы жазған докторлық диссертациясын мерзімінен бұрын сәтті қорғап шықты. 1 айдан кейін оған Медиа және мәдени саясат мамандығы бойынша ресми түрде Философия докторы ғылыми атағы берілді. Dr Әсел негізі 1451 жылы қаланған университеттің Мәдени саясатты зерттеу орталығында (Centre for Cultural Policy Research) қызмет еткен. Аты әлемге әйгілі, nationalism ұғымының Ұлыбританияда негізін қалаушылардың бірі Эрнест Геллнерден тәлім алған Филип Слесинджердің шәкірті. Сондай-ақ, ол  магистратура студенттеріне Зерттеу әдістері (Research Methods) пәнінен дәріс оқып, Қазақстаннан тұңғыш рет PhD дәрежесін иеленген маман атанады. 

Докторлық диссертациясы, «Қазақ киносы және ұлт: сыни талдау» тақырыбы, ұлт құрылысы (nation building)  тәсілімдемесі арқылы зерттелген (Kazakh cinema and the nation: a critical analysis – Enlighten: Theses ( Ғылыми еңбекте ол қазақ киносына британ әлеуметтанушы Энтони Смиттің энтосимволизм концепциясы бойынша талдау жасап, қазақ халқының ұлт болып қалыптасуына атажұрттық фильмдердің әсері қаншалықты деген сұраққа жан-жақты жауап беруге ұмтылады. 

Диссертацияның жаңалығы – бұл отандық Еуразия Халықаралық  кинофестивалін академиялық тұрғыдан алғаш рет зерттеп, ғылымның фильм фестивальдері (film festival studies) атты жаңа саласына EurIFF ұғымын тұңғыш рет енгізді (бұл турасында ағылшын тілді ғылымда бір де бір диссертацияны айтағанның өзінде,  ғылыми орта назар аударарлық мақала да жоқтың қасы). Сонымен қатар, осы саланы зерттеп жүрген әлем зерттеушілеріне қазақ киносын, Қазақстанның халықаралық фестивалін ғылыми еңбегі арқылы танымалдандырды. 

Бұған дейін Әсел Қамза «Хабар» арнасында 2006-2010 жж. аралығында  «Азамат» жастар бағдарламасының редакторы, кейіннен продюсері, «Біз айтсақ…» ток-шоуының шеф-редакторы, қазақ және орыс тілінде хабар таратқан «Бизнес мекен» таңғы бағдарламасының сценарисі қызметін атқарып, ондаған тікелей эфирлерде жұмыс жасап, практик-журналист ретінде тәжірибесін толықтырды. Оның ішінде 2008-2009 жылдары «Қазақстанда жасалған» атты отандық өндірушілерді қолдау мақсатында ашылған тележобаның сценарист-редакторы әрі жүргізушісі болып жұмыс істеген. 2011-2014 жылдары «Қазақстан темір жолы» ҰК» АҚ Ішкі протокол және бұқарамен байланыс департаментінде маман деңгейінен бастап, жарнама бөлімінің бастығы позициясына дейін көтеріліп, 160 000-нан астам қызметкері бар  ұлттық компанияның  PR стратегиясын дамытып, үйлестіруге үлес қосқан. 

Сулейман Демирель Университетінде бакалавриат және магистратура шәкірттеріне қазақ және ағылшын тілдерінде Масс коммуникация теориясы, Зерттеу әдістері, Масс коммуникациядағы зерттеу әдістері, Медиа Социология және Бейне композиция пәндерінен сабақ береді. Ұлыбританияда 5 жылға жуық уақыт ішінде жинаған бүкіл өнегесі мен бар тәжірибесін күнделікті дәрісінде пайдалануға тырысады. Студенттеріне сыни ойлауға, сындарлы пікір білдіруге жөн сілтейді. Ғылыми жұмыс жазған кезде, кеңестік кезден келе жатқан дәстүрлі жүйе бойынша, тек ғылыми жетекшінің жөн-жобасын ғана басшылыққа алуды ғана үйретпей, шын мәнінде бүкіл жауапкершілікті өз мойнына алуға, өз бетінше, еркін және тәуелсіз жұмыс істеуге дағдыландырады. 

Мақалалары отандық ғылыми журналдарда жарық көрген. Қазіргі таңда толерантты журналистика, автобиографиялық фильмдерге қатысты зерттеу жұмыстарымен айналысады. 

Өмірлік ұстанымы – талап, сапа, нәтиже!

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