Диджитал Маркетинг
Диджитал Маркетинг білім беру бағдарламасының Бизнес және басқару бакалавры
4 жыл
Грантқа түсу шекті балл
Ақылы бөлімге түсу шекті балл
Талап етілетін ағылшын тіл деңгейі
B1 (Intermediate)
Бұл бағдарламаның мақсаты – жергілікті және әлемдік нарықта туындайтын іскерлік қызмет пен міндеттерді шеше алатын маркетинг саласындағы білікті мамандарды даярлау. Бағдарламаның негізінде студенттер маркетинг саласындағы заманауи кәсіби білім мен дағдыларды игере алады.
Негізгі оқу бағдарламасын бітірген соң студент төмендегідей нәтижелерге қол жеткізе алады:
• іскерлік қызметте кездесетін түрлі жағдайларды шешу үшін шығармашылық, сыни тұрғыдан және рефлексивті ойлауды меңгеру;
• маркетингте тиімді пайдаланылатын аналитикалық шеңберлермен негізгі құралдарды білу;
• ауызша, жазбаша, аудиовизуалды, сонымен қатар болашақта қажет сандық технологиялар негізінде қарым-қатынас жасаудың бірнеше дағдыларын меңгеру;
• коммерциялық мәселелер бойынша шешімдер қабылдау кезінде маркетинг саласындағы қарым-қатынастың құқықтық базасын сыни тұрғыдан талдай білу және бағалау;
• ұйым ішінде және одан тыс жерлерде нарықтық қызмет үдерістерін қолдау үшін сандық технологиялар негізінде қосалқы бағдарламалар құру.
Қазіргі уақытта маркетинг адам өмірінің барлық салаларында қолданылады, сондықтан осы мамандықтың студенттері кез-келген салада жұмыс істеуге мүмкіндік алады. Біздің түлектеріміздің алдында сауда маркетингінен, халық тұтынатын тауарлар секторынан (FMCG), жарнама агенттіктерінен, бөлшек саудадан, қызмет көрсету маркетингінен және цифрлық маркетингтен бастап, қайырымдылық, жергілікті басқару немесе жоғары оқу орындары сияқты коммерциялық емес ұйымдарға дейінгі көптеген бағыттар ашылады.
Ainur Abdrazakova
Head of the department
Head of the department
Ainur Abdrazakova joined SDU University as a Head of «Economics and Business» Department in 2023. Dr. Abdrazakova has more than 20 years of teaching experience in Higher education both in Kazakhstan and abroad. Ainur Abdrazakova is a highly experienced, motivated and creative professional with extensive research, pedagogical and administrative experience. Dr. Abdrazakova’s research interests include Educational Leadership, HRM, Cost-benefit analysis, and Institutional Memory among others. In 2011-2017 Dr. Abdrazakova served as an Expert of JSC “National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise”(Kazakhstan).
Degree Qualifications
2001 – Diploma in ELT, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, KZ
2007 – Diploma in Economics and Management, Lomonosov Moscow State University, RF
2004 – MSc in Management, Narxoz University, KZ
2015 – PhD in Economics and Business, Narxoz University, KZ
2014 – Postdoctoral studies in Strategy and Marketing, Business School of Huddersfield University, UK
1. FLIGBY – “Flow Is Good Business for You”. Leadership Simulation and Program organized by the Leadership & Flow Global Research Network (2023).
2. Trainer of Nexus Simulation Game «Water-Energy-Food” Trainers. Academy of Public Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the USAID, (2022).
3. Project Management: ISO 21500 (2022).
4. BusinessTrainer of National Chamber Entrepreneurs (Kazakhstan), (2018).
5. Professional Leadership Development Programme, Institute of Education of London, UK (2014).
6. International Management Teachers Academy (IMTA), CEEMAN, Strategic Management Track (2012).
– Change management
– Leadership
– Organizational behavior
– Educational management
– Economic theory
– Human resource management
1. Joint Research Monograph: «HRM in Transition-Practices of MNC Subsidiaries in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and Kazakhstan (2015–2016)”. J. Selye University, Komarno (Slovakia), 2017. ISBN: 978-80-218-4
2. A bibliometric mapping of cost-benefit analysis—Three decades of studies// Economies, MDPI, vol. 9(3), pages 1-29, August 2021 co-authored with Ingrid Majerova, https://doi.org/10.3390/economies9030110
3. Multinationals and the evolving contours of their human management practices in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union// Employee Relations, Vol. 42 No. 3 (2020), pp. 582-608 coauthored with Poór, J., Engle, A., Kovács, I., Morley, M., Kerekes, K., Slavic, A., Berber, N., Juhász, T., Zaharie, M., Legnerova, K., Dvorakova, Z., Stor, M., Suchodolski, A., Buzády, Z. https://doi.org/10.1108/ER-01-2019-0082
4. E-Government Diffusion in Czechia and Kazakhstan – Who Is Better?// Proceedings of the 21st International Scientific Conference “International Relations 2021: Current issues of world economy and politics” Bratislava: Ekonóm (2021) p. 489-502. Coauthored with Ingrid Majerova, ISBN 978-80-225–4904-2
5. Bibliometric Mapping on Smart Concept Research //Proceedings of the 21st International Scientific Conference “International Relations 2020: Current issues of world economy and politics” Bratislava: Economy (2020) p. 442-450. Coauthored with Ingrid Majerova, ISBN 978-80-225-4786-4.
6. Regional Development of Central European Countries in the Pre-COVID Period// 39th EBES CONFERENCE-ROME PROCEEDINGS-VOLUME I – (2022). p.245
7. Digital Agriculture: Challenges and Prospects in Kazakhstan. In. Kotlanova, E. and Gajdova, K (eds/). //Proceedings of International Conference Economic and Societal Challenges of the European Economy. Karviná: Silesian University, pp. 1-14. Coauthored with Ingrid Majerova and Nurlan Abdildin, ISBN 978-80-7510-527-1.
Research interests
– Educational Leadership
– Cost-benefit analysis
– Institutional memory
– Smart technologies
– Economic development
– Human capital development
– Strategic management in Higher Education
Membership of professional organizations
1. The British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society (BELMAS)
2. Central and Eastern European International Research Team (CEEIRT), Budapest, Hungary
3. Association of HR Managers of Kazakhstan
4. Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS)
Scholarships & awards
2009: The U.S. State Department Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Junior Faculty Development Program (JFDP), Florida State University, Department of Economics
2009: World Trade Organization
2010: Erasmus Mundus Programme, Visiting scholar, Middle East Technical University, Türkiye
2013: Erasmus Mundus CANEM Project , Postdoctoral studies, Huddersfield University, England, UK
Madina Kenzhegaranova
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Madina Kenzhegaranova joined SDU University in September 2019. She holds a PhD degree in Management (Kazakh National University after Al-Farabi, 2015 ) and a master’s degree in educational human resources development (Texas A&M University, 2008, The Presidential Bolashak sholarship holder). Madina Kenzhegaranova has 17 years of teaching experience and three years of the administrative staff experience (2016-2019) in the position of the Director of Doctoral programs at Almaty Management University (AlmaU). Research interests of Madina Kenzhegaranova: change management in organizations, entrepreneurship. She has taught at Universities of Lithuania and Poland within the framework of the Erasmus plus program (2017 (one week program), 2018 (one week program)
Degree qualifications
Zhetysu State University after I.Zhansugurov, Taldykorgan, RK (foreign languages) 2002
Master of Science in educational human resources development, Texas A&M University, Texas, USA 2008
PhD in Management, Kazakh National University after al-Farabi, Almaty, RK 2015
1. “Strategic thinking and capability course”, Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics, Jyväskylä city, Finland (28.04. 2019 – 03.05.2019)
2. “Agile management” course, Solbridge International School of Business, Daejeon city, South Korea (May 2017).
3. Training seminar “Organization and implementation processes of the e-learning in higher education institution” – IAB, January 24th, 2014
4. Certificate of professional development on the program “Teaching Excellence (2ndlevel)” – (28th of February to 16th June 2015), AlmaU.
– Change management
– Innovation management and business communications for bachelors
– Research methods in Social sciences for masters
1. Kenzhegaranova M.K. On the questions of theories and technologies of continuous improvement. Herald of the Kazakh National University after al-Farabi.Economic Series. Almaty. – 2015. – № 2 (108). Pp 140-145
2. Kenzhegaranova M.K. Organizational development patterns and regularities during implementation of change management strategies. Herald of the Kazakh National University after al-Farabi. Economic Series. Almaty. – 2014. – № 2 (102). Pp 138-143
3. Kenzhegaranova M.K. Concept of quality management in the implementation of organizational changes. Herald of the Kazakh National University after al-Farabi.. Economic Series. Almaty. – 2013. – № 6 (100). Pp 190-195
4. Kunanbayeva D.A., Kenzhegaranova M.K. Theoretical aspects of resistance to change in organizations. The monthly scientific journal “Young Scientist” Chita – Moscow, Russian Federation – 2013. – №9 (56). C. 200-204
Учебное пособие «Менеджмент: теория и практика Казахстана». Раздел: «Управление изменениями» – Алматы, 2-ое изд., доп.- Алматы: Игілікgroup, 2017 г. – 1,9 п.л.
1. International Conference: “Entrepreneurship and Business Education in a Changing World”, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the International Academy of Business, October 31, 2013, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2. IX International scientific-practical conference of IAB: “Business and Education: development vector”. The role of innovation in the international transfer of knowledge. International Academy of Business (IAB), February 8, 2013 in Almaty, Kazakhstan
3. International scientific-practical conference “Regulation of economic issues in the CU and the CES: Practice and Problems” Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, on December 6-7, 2013 in Almaty, Kazakhstan
4. International Conference: «ICEBMM 2012: International Conference on Economics, Business Management and Marketing», 12-13 May 2012 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Research interests
Change management in organizations, entrepreneurship
Scholarships & awards
International Presidential Bolashak Scholarship 2005-2008, Master’s program at Texas A&M University, Texas, USA.
Talshyn Baimuldanova
Senior lecturer
Senior lecturer
Talshyn Baimuldanova joined the SDU University in Kazakhstan in 2020 under the “Zhas Maman” program: she has been working as an assistant instructor at SDU Business school from 2020 to 2022. In 2022 she was appointed as a senior lecturer. Her research interests lie in human resources development, and organizational behavior. In her spare time, Talshyn enjoys hiking and travelling.
Degree qualifications
BA in Marketing (2020): SDU University, KZ
Master of Economics (2022): SDU University, KZ
TRA 457 – Еntrepreneurship
MAN 209 – Management
MAR 201 – Principles of Marketing
Bakhtiyor Meraliyev
Bakhtiyor Meraliyev joined the SDU University in Kazakhstan in 2020 as a member of Recruitment office. Since 2021, Bakhtiyor Meraliyev has been the lecturer of SDU Business School and also works in the field of analytics in HR. He teaches data analytics courses, conducts trainings on data analysis and actively participates in the life of the faculty and the university as a whole. His research interests lie in computer science, data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision and HR analytics. In his spare time, Bakhtiyor enjoys hiking, developing his musical skills, participate in intellectual games, play chess and watch football.
Degree Qualifications
BA Mathematics (2019): SDU University, KZ
MA in Computer Science (2021): SDU University, KZ
ECO 315 (b) – Introduction to Python
ECO 318 (b) – Introduction to Machine Learning
FIN 508 (m) – AI for FinTech
FIN 513 (m) – Introduction to Python for FinTech
FIN 515 (m) – Database principles and Development
1. B. Meraliyev, K. Kongratbayev. ‘Applying machine learning models for predicting forest fires in Australia and the influence of weather on the spread of fires based on satellite and weather forecast data.’ (2020) Proceedings of International Young Scholars Workshop, [S.l.], v. 9, ISSN 2709-1120, doi: 10.47344/iysw.v9i0.187.
2. B. Meraliyev, K. Kongratbayev and N. Sultanova, ‘Content Analysis of Extracted Suicide Texts From Social Media Networks by Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Techniques,’ 2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies (SIST), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/SIST50301.2021.9466001.
3. B. Meraliyev, K. Kongratbayev, M. Bekbalanova and C. Turan, ‘A Computer Vision Supported Investigation on Anxiety-Success Relationship in Educational Processes,’ 2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies (SIST), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/SIST50301.2021.9465880.
4. B. Meraliyev, E. Nabigazinova. ‘The impact of the use of internet memes in the process of teaching information technology disciplines on students of higher educational institutions.’ (2022) Proceedings of International Young Scholars Workshop, [S.l.], v. 11, ISSN 2709-1120. pp. 166-174
5. E. Nabigazinova, B. Meraliyev. ‘Exploration of the influence of esoteric programming languages on the involvement in the learning process.’ (2022) Proceedings of International Young Scholars Workshop, [S.l.], v. 11, ISSN 2709-1120. pp. 159-165
‘SDU Summer School’. Seminar presentation on Advanced Excel and Power BI. Kaskelen. Kazakhstan. July 2022
Research interests
Research interests lie in computer science, data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision and HR analytics
Elnura Nabigazinova
Senior lecturer
Senior lecturer
2014 as student, 2018 as staff, information systems, Dms analyst
Degree qualifications
BA: Information Systems 2018, SDU University
Askar Aitmagambetov
Senior lecturer
Senior lecturer
When you joined SDU – 2 September 2019
Background – IT and management in IT
previous activities – IT project manager in international companies (PetroKazakstan, DHL, Richfit International (Kazakhstan), Terralink Technologies)
Hobbies – music, gym, books
Degree qualifications
1. Bachelor: Information technologies and computer science 2012, KBTU, KZ
2. Master: MBA (major-finance), 2016, KIMEP, KZ
3 PhD: Business administration, 2021, Narxoz, KZ
Altynay Omirzakova
Senior lecturer
Senior lecturer
Altynay Omirzakova graduated bachelor’s degree in Journalism from the International IT University (2011-2015). Since 2013, she has worked as an editor and PR manager at local TV-channels and at the Press-service of the local government. From 2016-2017 she studied MA in Corporate Communications, Marketing and Public Relations at the University of Leeds. She was also a member of the IABC organizing team at the Leeds University Business School. In addition, Altynay gained practical experience in the company operated in the Oil & Gas sector as an Advisor. Since 2018, she has been working in an academic field as a lecturer: International IT University (2018-2019), SDU University (2019 – ).
Degree qualifications
Bachelor’s degree in Journalism (2015). International IT University, Kazakhstan
MA in Corporate Communications, Marketing and Public Relations (2017). University of Leeds, UK.
MAR 223 Basics of Marketing
MAR 301 Digital Advertising Strategy
MAR 309 Social Media Marketing
‘The influence of country brand equity on sustainable development of Kazakhstan tourism’. “Modernization of the Society in the Context of the National Program of Ruhani Zhangyrou” dedicated to President’s Day, IITU, Almaty, November 2018 .
Investment Opportunities and Strategies in an Era of Coronavirus Pandemic (2020). Elsevier Inc.
Research interests
– Marketing strategy
– Consumer Behaviour
– Corporate communications
Scholarships & awards
Bolashak Scholarhip: Kazakhstan government in 2015
Huawei scholarship: Kazakhstan, Almaty 2011-2015
Assyl Meyrambek
Assistant instructor
Assistant instructor
Assyl Meyrambek holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting and audit and master’s degree in economics from SDU. She has work experience as a junior associate in the audit department in PwC (2019-2020), and now she works as a assistant-instructor of “Principles of economics” and “Economic theory” at SDU. Her professional interests include Behavioral Economics and Entrepreneurship.
Degree qualifications
BA in Accounting and audit (2020). SDU, Kazakhstan
MSc in Economics (2022). SDU, Kazakhstan
ECO 109, BA, Principles of economics
ECO 113, BA, Economic theory
– ‘An examination of digital banking technology acceptance among middle aged people in Kazakhstan: A conceptual investigation.’ (2021) SDU Bulletin: Social Sciences, 2021/2 (55), IRSTI 06.54.31. PhD Ugur Choban
– ‘The relationship between human resource management and employees’ proactivity.’ (2022) Молодой ученый: Международный научный журнал No 15 (410) / 2022, ISSN 2072-0297. MSc Baimuldanova Talshyn
– ‘Human Resource Management’s involvement in attaining a competitive advantage.’ (2022) Международный научный журнал: «Наука через призму времени»- 2022.-№4 (61). ISSN 2541-9250. MSc Baimuldanova Talshyn
Research interests
Behavioral economics