Бизнес және Менеджмент бакалавры
4 жыл
Грантқа түсу шекті балл
Ақылы бөлімге түсу шекті балл
Талап етілетін ағылшын тіл деңгейі
B1 (Intermediate)
Бағдарламаның негізгі курстары бизнесті жүргізудің және жалпы менеджменттің негізгі қағидаттар туралы білім базасын қамтамасыз етеді. Студенттеріміз микроэкономика мен деректерді талдау, қаржылық есеп беруді басқару мен іскерлік белсенділікті жан-жақты шолу қағидаларын үйреніп, экономиканың сан саласында жұмыс жасау мүмкіндігіне ие болады. Тіпті трансұлттық компаниялар мен жаһандық мансап құруға да мүмкіндіктері бар.
Негізгі оқу бағдарламасын бітірген соң студент төмендегідей нәтижелерге қол жеткізе алады:
• Коммерциялық қызметті жүргізудің халықаралық шарттарын ескеере отырып теорияны практикада қолдана білу;
• Үш маңызды салада, атап айтқанда, тұлғааралық, сандық және сандық сауаттылықты дамыту. Ғаламтордағы бейне, брендті құрастыру мен дамыту, келіссөз жүргізу, компьютерлік модельдеу мен бағдарламалау сияқты дағдыларды меңгеруге қол жеткізеді. Себебі, бұл дағдылар жұмыс орнында іскерлік қарым-қатынас орнату мен нақты нәтижеге қол жеткізуге көмектеседі;
• CIMA бағдарламасы талап ететін негізгі біліктіліктерді үйрену.
Ainur Abdrazakova
Head of the department
Head of the department
Ainur Abdrazakova joined SDU University as a Head of «Economics and Business» Department in 2023. Dr. Abdrazakova has more than 20 years of teaching experience in Higher education both in Kazakhstan and abroad. Ainur Abdrazakova is a highly experienced, motivated and creative professional with extensive research, pedagogical and administrative experience. Dr. Abdrazakova’s research interests include Educational Leadership, HRM, Cost-benefit analysis, and Institutional Memory among others. In 2011-2017 Dr. Abdrazakova served as an Expert of JSC “National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise”(Kazakhstan).
Degree qualifications
Diploma in ELT, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, KZ 2001
MSc in Management, Narxoz University, KZ 2004
Diploma in Economics and Management, Lomonosov Moscow State University, RF 2007
Postdoctoral studies in Strategy and Marketing, Business School of Huddersfield University, UK 2014
Ph.D. in Economics and Business, Narxoz University, KZ 2010
1. FLIGBY – “Flow Is Good Business for You”. Leadership Simulation and Program organized by the Leadership & Flow Global Research Network (2023).
2. Trainer of Nexus Simulation Game «Water-Energy-Food” Trainers. Academy of Public Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the USAID, (2022).
3. Project Management: ISO 21500 (2022).
4. BusinessTrainer of National Chamber Entrepreneurs (Kazakhstan), (2018).
5. Professional Leadership Development Programme, Institute of Education of London, UK (2014).
6. International Management Teachers Academy (IMTA), CEEMAN, Strategic Management Track (2012).
– Change management
– Leadership
– Organizational behavior
– Educational management
– Economic theory
– Human resource management
1. Joint Research Monograph: «HRM in Transition-Practices of MNC Subsidiaries in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and Kazakhstan (2015–2016)”. J. Selye University, Komarno (Slovakia), 2017. ISBN: 978-80-218-4
2. 2. A bibliometric mapping of cost-benefit analysis—Three decades of studies// Economies, MDPI, vol. 9(3), pages 1-29, August 2021 co-authored with Ingrid Majerova, https://doi.org/10.3390/economies9030110
3. Multinationals and the evolving contours of their human management practices in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union// Employee Relations, Vol. 42 No. 3 (2020), pp. 582-608 coauthored with Poór, J., Engle, A., Kovács, I., Morley, M., Kerekes, K., Slavic, A., Berber, N., Juhász, T., Zaharie, M., Legnerova, K., Dvorakova, Z., Stor, M., Suchodolski, A., Buzády, Z. https://doi.org/10.1108/ER-01-2019-0082
4. E-Government Diffusion in Czechia and Kazakhstan – Who Is Better?// Proceedings of the 21st International Scientific Conference “International Relations 2021: Current issues of world economy and politics” Bratislava: Ekonóm (2021) p. 489-502. Coauthored with Ingrid Majerova, ISBN 978-80-225–4904-2
5. Bibliometric Mapping on Smart Concept Research //Proceedings of the 21st International Scientific Conference “International Relations 2020: Current issues of world economy and politics” Bratislava: Economy (2020) p. 442-450. Coauthored with Ingrid Majerova, ISBN 978-80-225-4786-4.
6. Regional Development of Central European Countries in the Pre-COVID Period// 39th EBES CONFERENCE-ROME PROCEEDINGS-VOLUME I – (2022). p.245
7. Digital Agriculture: Challenges and Prospects in Kazakhstan. In. Kotlanova, E. and Gajdova, K (eds/). //Proceedings of International Conference Economic and Societal Challenges of the European Economy. Karviná: Silesian University, pp. 1-14. Coauthored with Ingrid Majerova and Nurlan Abdildin, ISBN 978-80-7510-527-1.
Research interests
– Educational Leadership
– Cost-benefit analysis
– Institutional memory
– Smart technologies
– Economic development
– Human capital development
– Strategic management in Higher Education
Membership of professional organizations
1. The British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society (BELMAS)
2. Central and Eastern European International Research Team (CEEIRT), Budapest, Hungary
3. Association of HR Managers of Kazakhstan
4. Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS)
Scholarships & awards
2009 – The U.S. State Department Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Junior Faculty Development Program (JFDP), Florida State University, Department of Economics;
2009 – World Trade Organization;
2010 – Erasmus Mundus Programme, Visiting scholar, Middle East Technical University, Türkiye
2013 – Erasmus Mundus CANEM Project , Postdoctoral studies, Huddersfield University, England, UK
Kairat Moldashev
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Kairat Moldashev is an associate professor and Vice Rector for Research at SDU University, Kazakhstan. His research is concentrated in two areas: (1) political economy of regionalisms and identity politics, (2) and studies in higher education. In the field of political economy of regionalisms Kairat has published articles and books chapters on regional integration in Journal of International Relations and Development, Palgrave and Routledge edited volumes. He is an expert in Cabar.Asia analytical platform and provides commentaries on political and economic issues to various local and regional media. In the field of higher education Kairat has published in Studies in Higher Education and other international and local peer reviewed journals. He is an author of the research methods book in Russian that is widely used as a coursebook in PhD programs in Kazakhstan. Kairat also conducts research methods seminars and workshops for PhD students, early career researchers and analysts in think tanks.
Degree qualifications
BSc in Business Administration, KIMEP University
MA in Management, SDU University, Kazakhstan
PhD in Political Economy, University of Malaya (Bolashak scholar)
– Research Methods
– International Political Economy
1. De Lombaerde, P., Moldashev, K., Qoraboyev, I., & Taghon, S. (2022). Strategic responses of regional economic organizations to the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative: the cases of ASEAN, EAEU, and EU. Asia Pacific Business Review, 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1080/13602381.2022.2093526
2. Moldashev, K., & Tleuov, A. (2022). Response of local academia to the internationalization of research policies in a non-Anglophone country. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 30, 56-56. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.30.6788
3. Sanat Kozhakhmet, Kairat Moldashev, Aisulu Yenikeyeva & Assylbek Nurgabdeshov (2022) How training and development practices contribute to research productivity: a moderated mediation model, Studies in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2020.1754782
4. Qoraboyev, I., & Moldashev, K. (2021). EU–China relations in Central Asia in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative: A regional (ist) perspective. In The European Union, China and Central Asia (pp. 257-273). Routledge.
5. Kozhakhmet, S., Moldashev, K., Nurgabdeshov, A., & Gassanova, A. (2020). Does Professional Research Network Enhance Career Commitment? A Moderated Mediation model. In Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management 2020 (p. 309).
6. Ikboljon Qoraboyev and Kairat Moldashev (2018) The Belt and Road Initiative and Comprehensive Regionalism in Central Asia. In Maximilian Mayer (ed.): Rethinking the Silk-Road: China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Emerging Eurasian Relations. London: Palgrave https://www.palgrave.com/de/book/9789811059148
7. Galym Zhussipbek and Kairat Moldashev (2018) Rawlsian Liberalism and Rationalistic Maturidi Islam in Central Asia. In Rico Isaacs and Alessandro Frigerio (ed.): Theorizing Central Asian Politics: The State, Ideology and Power. London: Palgrave
8. Молдашев Кайрат (2017) От идеи к публикации: Методология исследований в социальных науках. Монография. Gerona: Алматы, www.metod.expert
Bulut, S., Deth, U., Moldashev. K. (2016) The Contemporary Geopolitics of Cambodia: Alignments in Regional and Global Contexts, (edited by Katherine Brickell and Simon Springer) in Handbook of Contemporary Cambodia, Routledge, New York.
9. Moldashev K. and Aslam M. (2015) Eurasian Union: Actor in the Making? Journal of International Relations and Development. doi: 10.1057/jird.2015.6
Moldashev K. (2015) National and regional development strategies in the Eurasian Economic Union: the swan-crab-pike principle at work. Paper presented at «The Eurasian Economic Union: political, economic and social aspects» Conference organized by American University of Central Asia, October 31 – November 1, 2015. Bishkek
10. Moldashev K. and Aslam M. (2015) Russia in the Pursuit of Eurasian Integration: Developmental Regionalism or an Identity Enterprise? Paper presented in International Studies Association (ISA) Global South Caucus Conference 2015 ‘Voices from Outside: Re-shaping International Relations Theory and Practice in an Era of Global Transformation’. January 8th-10th, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Research interests
Political Economy, International Economics, Eurasian Regionalism, Comparative Regionalism, Nation-Building, Research Culture, Higher Education Research
Symbat Moldabekova
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Degree qualifications
PhD Management
Level of Employment
Teaching Focus
Technology & Innovation Management
Interdisciplinary Aspects
Social aspects of technology and innovation
Conference participation
– Academy of International Business US-Northeast Chapter Conference
– International Conference on Business, Economics, Finance and Management
– Global Business and Technology Association
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities?
During teaching I refer to my research findings and empirics where necessary and this strengthens the delivered theories and supports them with valid empirics-based examples
Work experience
Bank Branch Manager
Property Appraiser
Teaching Assistant
S.Moldabekova & J.Fleck (2019). IT investment decision-making: Case studies on the implementation of contactless payments in commercial banks of Kazakhstan. Global Business and Technology Association. Developing Solutions to Contemporary Challenges in Uncertain Times. Twenty-First Annual International Conference Readings Book, (385-393)
Academy of International Business
Academic Activities
Reviewing activities for conferences and journals:
– Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
– Journal of International Business Studies
Personal Background/ Experience
Bachelor in the field of Services, Assessment
MSc Computer Science
Bolat Tatibekov
Tatibekov Bolat joined the SDU University in 2011 as full professor of the fuculty of Administrative Science and Economimcs.. From 2011 to 2013 he worked as head of the department of management and economics. Since 2013 he has been working as full profesor of Business School and Scientific supervisor of the Center of Economic, Social and Busines Studies. Bolat Tatibekov is recognized professor with international experience . He worked as professor at Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA (2002); Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan (2008); Oklahoma State University m(2009-2010),Oklahoma USA; KIMEP University (2002, 2019-2022) Kazakhstan; SDU University, Kazakhstan
Degree Qualifications
Diploma, Engineer – Economist. Almaty Institute of National Economy, 1968-1973
Diploma, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, 1989
Diploma, Doctor of Sciences (Management and Economics) Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana. 2007
– Chest Sign Ward for Outstanding Activity in the Sphere of Education. “The Best Instructor of University”. Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. January 2018
– Chest Sign. Ward for Outstanding Activity in the Sphere of Science. Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. December 2016.
– Certificate of Appreciation for active cooperation and participation in info-communicative platform G-Global. Association “Eurasian Economic Club of Scholars” .2013. Astana. Kazakhstan
– Letter of Appreciation for cooperation and valuable contribution to the Launch of the Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2009. United Nations. Economic and Social Comission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP). June 2009
– Certificate in Recognition of Outstanding Faculties. Department of Management and Entrepreneurship at Michael J. Coles College of Business in the Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA. April, 2002
– Academic Award for “Best Conceptual Paper”. American Society for Competitiveness. The joint paper with Dr. Janet Adams and Nancy Prochaska “Characteristic of Labor Market and Human Resource Management in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Virginia. USA. October, 2002
– Certificate of Honor from Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan. May 2011
– Honorary Member of International Geographical Society GAMMA THETA UPSILON., Chi Chapter. Oklahoma State University, USA. April, 2010
– Certificate of Completion of five-day intensive course “ Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods.” IV International Summer School in Research Methods and Data Science. RWTH Aachen University, German, August. 2018
– Certificate of Completion of five-day intensive course “Introduction to Applied Advanced Econometrics”. IV International Summer School in Research Methods and Data Science. RWTH Aachen University, German, September. 2018
ECO113 . Undergraduate program: Economic Theory
ECO 303 Undergraduate program: International Economics
MAN 305.2 Indergraduate program: Human Resource Management
ECO 633 Graduate program: International Business
MAN 525 Graduate program: Human Capital management
More than 70 papers. Among them:
1. Informal Economy in The Transitional Economy of Kazakhstan, 2020
(ASC) American Society for Competitiveness Publication, Competition Forum. Vol. 18, Number 1&2, 2020. ISSN# l5452581. Pages 208-222 Tatibekov B. Fatehi K. 2020
The Competition Forum (CF) is the Research Publication of the American Society for Competitiveness. It is listed in the Cabell’s Directory, Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, Gale Group, Oxbridge Communications, EBSCO and ProQuest
2. Development and Formalization Strategy of Labor Market of Kazakhstan under Conditions of Digitalization Reports on National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018, #6 Page 129-137. ISSN 2224–5227 Tatibekov B.
3. Spatial Dynamics of External labor Migration in Contemporary Kazakhstan Eurasia on the Move. Interdisciplinary Approaches to a Dynamic migration Region, 2018, National Analytical Washington University.Pages 69-88 Tatibekov B. Hanks R.http://centralasiaprogram.org/wp content/uploads/2018/07/migration_final_print.pdf
4. Policies measures to facilitate transition from informal to formal employment: the Kazakhstan model Material of International Conference which was organized by International Organization of Labour in Geneva “Regulating Decent Work”, Geneva, 2013
5. Concept of Migration Policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan (In Japanese language) Book: “Contemporary Migration Issues in Central Asia and Russia”, 2010, Japan, ISBN978-623-05752-8
6. Migrants to Astana, the New Capital City of Kazakhstan American Society for Competitiveness. USA Competition Forum, Annual Publication. Vol. 6, Number 2, 2008, ISSN# 1545-2581
7. Transitive economy of Kazakhstan: main features of the development (In Japanese language) Journal of the Institute of Eurasian studies: “Russian-Eurasian economy”, JAPAN, No. 917, December, 2008 ISSN 1882-0042
8. Millennium Development Goals in Kazakhstan: Implementations and Priorities The Journal of Central Asia Studies, Volume:XVII, 2008, No1. The University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India
9. Characteristics of Labor Market and Human Resource Management in the Republic of Kazakhstan (In The paper was awarded as Best Conceptual Paper at Conference of American Society for Competitiveness. USA) American Society for Competitiveness. USA Competition Forum. Annual Publication. An article from: Advances in Competitiveness Research http:findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb6482/is_1_12/ai_n29148723/
10. Peculiarities of Demographic Processes and Labor Market Development during the Transition Period in Kazakhstan(In English) Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, JAPAN, April, 2004 http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/apcity/unpan021591.pdf
1. Tatibekov Bolat Labor Economics of Kazakhstan: Development of Labor Market and Employment in Transitive Economy” Monograph. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the SDU University (Minutes №3, October 25, 2018) Kaskelen., SDU University. “Guppy Print”, 2018, 8.1 p. ISBN 978-601-7537-79-1
2. Tatibekov Bolat, Hanks Ruel Gravity Model of Ethnic Migration and Its Manifestation in Kazakhstan (in English) Monograph. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the SDU University (Minutes №9, April 27, 2017) Kaskelen., SDU University. “Guppy Print”, 2017.- 8.3 printer’s sheet. ISBN 978-601-7537-61-6
3. Tatibekov B., Dzholdybayeva S Regulation of Labor Market and/or Unemployment Insurance in the Time of Transition of Kazakhstan to Market Economy (In Russian) Monograph. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the SDU University (Minutes №8, April 04, 2017) Kaskelen., SDU University. “Guppy Print”, 2017.- 12.0 printer’s sheet ISBN 978-601-7537-54-8
4. Tatibekov B., Temirbekova Zh., Smirnova Y., Izekenova A. Mechanism of Unofficial Labor Market Reduction and Informal Employment in the Republic of Kazakhstan (in Russian) Monograph. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the SDU University (Minutes №4, October 26, 2017) Kaskelen., SDU University. “Guppy Print”, 2017.- 11.0 printer’s sheet ISBN 978-601-7537-68-5
Research interests
He was scientific supervisor and Head of the Kazakhstani’s team of scholars in different national and International projects like:
– INTAS project: “Labor, Migration, Identities: challenges and relations of social insecurities in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan”. 2005-2007
– INTAS (The International Association for the Promotion of Co-operation with Scientists from the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union. Funded by EU)
– UNESCAP “Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific” 2004
– ILO «Policies Measures to Facilitate Transition from Informal to Formal employment: The Kazakhstan Model. KAZ 153» 2011
– IOM “Migrants in the New Capital of Kazakhstan” 2005
– UNDP “Adaptation of Oralmans in Kazakhstan” 2005
– Research project: “Mechanism of Declining of Unofficial Labor Markets and Informal Employment in the Republic of Kazakhstan” Project is funded by Ministry of Education and Sciences. (2015-2017) Total sum of the project is 9745729 KZT or 28.664 USD
Membership of professional organisations
Honorary Member of International Geographical Society GAMMA THETA UPSILON., Chi Chapter. Oklahoma State University, USA. April, 2010
Member of Society for Human Resource Management (USA)
Member of International Studies Association (USA)
Scholarships & awards
Fulbrignt Scholarship, USA 2009-2010
Bauyrzhan Yedgenov
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Degree qualifications
SDU University, Kazakhstan Bachelor of Arts, Economics 2008
Master of Arts, Economics 2011
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA – USA
Ph.D. Economics 2017
Dissertation Title: “Essays on Fiscal Policy, Institutions and Economic Growth” Committee: Jorge Martinez-Vazquez – Chair (GSU), Sally Wallace (GSU), Andrew Feltenstein (GSU), Charles Hankla (GSU), Yongzheng Liu (Renmin University of China)
Professional and Academic Experience
International Center for Public Policy, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA- USA Senior Research Associate Mar 2018 – Aug 2023
The World Bank, Country Office in Astana, Kazakhstan Evaluation Consultant, Education GP Jul 2019 – Jun 2022
The World Bank, Washington, DC USA Field Coordinator, Development Impact Evaluation Unit Jul 2017-Jun 2019
International Center for Public Policy, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA-USA Research Assistant Jan 2011-Jun 2017
Journal Publications
1. “Reexamining the determinants of fiscal decentralization: What is the role of Geography?” (with G. Canavire-Bacarreza and J. Martinez-Vazquez), Journal of Economic Geography, Volume 17, Issue 6, Pages 1209–1249 (2017)
2. “Identifying and Disentangling the Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Economic Growth” (with G. Canavire-Bacarreza and J. Martinez-Vazquez), World Development 127 (2020)
3. “Promoting community and labor force engagement through service grants and non-cognitive skills training: A randomized control trial in Kazakhstan” (with J. Leight, E. Mvukiyehe, B. Crost and S. Bhanot), Journal of Development Economics, Volume 153, 102718 (2021)
4. “Role of Historical Malaria in Institutions and Contemporary Economic Development” (with E. Gooch and J. Martinez-Vazquez), Studies in Comparative International Development, 1-28 (2022)
5. “Fiscal Decentralization and Structural versus Cyclical Unemployment Levels” (with B. Akalbeo and J. Martinez-Vazquez), European Journal of Political Economy, pages 102477. (2023)
Working Papers, Book Chapters, Reports
1. “A Superior Instrument for the Role of Institutional Quality on Economic Development?” (with E. Gooch and J. Martinez-Vazquez), Andrew Young School of Policy Studies Research Paper Series No. 16-18 (2016)
2. “Philippines: Analytical and Advisory Services on Revenue Policies and Administration for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao” (with A. Timofeev and J. Martinez-Vazquez), World Bank Report (2021)
3. “Local government revenue diversification: Prospects for Connecticut” (with L. Wheeler), Chapter 3 in Tools for State and Local Fiscal Management (edited by A. Hathaway, J. Martinez-Vazquez and C. Thayer), Edward Elgar Publishing (2021)
4. “Overcoming Behavioral Impediments to Maternal Care: Experimental Evidence on Domain Knowledge and Nudgeability from Recalcitrant Pakistan” (with Y. Civelek, R. Cesur, M. Cyan, and R. Rothenberg), NBER Working paper, 30680 (2022)
5. “Personalized Nudges in Online Undergraduate Courses: A Field Experiment” (with G. Eau, D. Hoodin & T. Musaddiq) (2023)
6. “Role of text messages in employment outcomes among youth in Kazakhstan: a field experiment” (with A. Sagintayeva, A. Ibrasheva, et al.) (2023)
7. “Study of employment preferences of NEET youth in Kazakhstan through the method of experimental economics – a laboratory experiment” (with A. Sagintayeva, A. Ibrasheva, et al.) (2023)
8. “Role of Technology in Socio-Economic Development of Azerbaijan” (with R. Rzayeva and A. Aliyeva) (2023)
Research Grant Support and Activities
– Kazakhstan: Improving the teacher qualifications through behavioral science in secondary schools in Kazakhstan. (GSU FIPE Grant co-PI, PI: Sally Wallace), $8,000 (2022-2023)
– Kazakhstan: The evaluation of challenges of youth in Kazakhstan and piloting innovative solutions (National Academic of Sciences/USAID, PI: Alima Ibrasheva), $195,067 (2021-2023)
– Kazakhstan: Developing faculty collaboration through building research capacity in evidence-based policy evaluation methods in Kazakhstan (GSU FIPE Grant co-PI, PI: Sally Wallace), $4,000 (2021)
– Grenada: Grenada Fiscal System, Taxation and Social Expenditures Project (The World Bank, PI: Bauyrzhan Yedgenov), $6,500 (2021)
– Philippines: Philippines Revenue Management Project (The World Bank, PI: Jorge Martinez-Vazquez), $39,357 (2021)
– Kyrgyzstan: Evaluating the Fiscal Equalization Transfer Formula (The World Bank, PI: Jorge Martinez-Vazquez), $15,000 (2020-2021)
– USA: Analysis of municipal alternative funding sources for the Connecticut local governments (Connecticut Conference of Municipalities, PI: Laura Wheeler), $50,000 (2019-2020)
– Kazakhstan: Enhancing International Faculty Development and Exchange through Development of Evidence-Based Impact Evaluation Methods in Kazakhstan (GSU FIPE Grant co-PI, PI: Sally Wallace), $6,000 (2019)
– Nepal: Nepal Capacity Needs Assessment for Local Governments (The World Bank/UNDP, PI: Jorge Martinez-Vazquez), $150,000 (2019)
– Pakistan: Pakistan Evaluation Design, Technical Assistance to Post-Crisis Needs Assessment in FATA Secretariat (FATA/ The World Bank, PI: Musharraf Cyan), $611,775 (2014-2017)
– Pakistan: Saving Maternal and Infant Lives through Affordable Tech. in Pakistan (National Academy of Sciences/USAID, PI: Musharraf Cyan & Richard Rothenberg), $153,681 (2013-2018)
– Pakistan: Priming Rural Health Facilities in Pakistan (IFPRI, PI: Musharraf Cyan), $50.,000 (2013-2014)
– Cambodia: Cambodia Fiscal Decentralization Project (Government of Cambodia/ADB, PI: Jorge Martinez-Vazquez), $469,935 (2010-2015)
Teaching Experience
Global Economy (introductory level) – Fall 2016; Spring 2017; Fall 2019
International Trade (senior level) – Fall 2014, Summer 2017, Spring 2019
SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan 2007-2009
Honors & Awards
– Edmund S. Muskie Fellowship (U.S. Department of State), 2009-2011
– Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award (GSU Economics Department) – 2016
– E. D. Jack Dunn Fellowship Award (GSU Economics Department & Georgia Banks Association) – 2017
Professional Affiliations
American Economic Association; International Institute for Public Finance; Southern Economic Association
Research interests
Jorge Martinez-Vazquez
Regents Professor and Founding Director
International Center for Public Policy
Andrew Young School of Policy Studies
Georgia State University
14 Marietta Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30303, USA
Email: jorgemartinez@gsu.edu
Sally Wallace
Managing Director, Quantitative Economics and Statistics
Ernst & Young LLP
55 Ivan Allen Jr Blvd NW Suite 1000
Atlanta, GA 30308, USA
Email: sally.wallace@ey.com
Gustavo Javier Canavire-Bacarreza
Senior Economist
Poverty and Equity Global Practice
The World Bank
121 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20433 USA
Email: gcanavire@gmail.com
Laura Wheeler
Public Finance and Tax Policy Economist
Quantitative Economics and Statistics Group
Ernst & Young LLP
55 Ivan Allen Jr Blvd NW Suite 1000
Atlanta, GA 30308, USA
Email: laura.a.wheeler@ey.com
Musharraf Cyan
Lead Economic Advisor
UNPD, Pakistan
4th Floor, Serena Business Complex Khayaban-e-Suharwardy Islamabad, Pakistan
Email: musharraf.rasool@undp.org
Eric Mvukiyehe
Assistant Professor of Political Science Department of Political Science
Duke University
Gross Hall, 140 Science Dr, Durham, NC 27708, USA
Email: eric.mvukiyehe@duke.edu
Madina Kenzhegaranova
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Madina Kenzhegaranova joined SDU University in September 2019. She holds a PhD degree in Management (Kazakh National University after Al-Farabi, 2015 ) and a master’s degree in educational human resources development (Texas A&M University, 2008, The Presidential Bolashak sholarship holder). Madina Kenzhegaranova has 17 years of teaching experience and three years of the administrative staff experience (2016-2019) in the position of the Director of Doctoral programs at Almaty Management University (AlmaU). Research interests of Madina Kenzhegaranova: change management in organizations, entrepreneurship. She has taught at Universities of Lithuania and Poland within the framework of the Erasmus plus program (2017 (one week program), 2018 (one week program)
Degree qualifications
Zhetysu State University after I.Zhansugurov, Taldykorgan, RK (foreign languages) 2002
Master of Science in educational human resources development, Texas A&M University, Texas, USA 2008
PhD in Management, Kazakh National University after al-Farabi, Almaty, RK 2015
1. “Strategic thinking and capability course”, Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics, Jyväskylä city, Finland (28.04. 2019 – 03.05.2019)
2. “Agile management” course, Solbridge International School of Business, Daejeon city, South Korea (May 2017).
3. Training seminar “Organization and implementation processes of the e-learning in higher education institution” – IAB, January 24th, 2014
4. Certificate of professional development on the program “Teaching Excellence (2ndlevel)” – (28th of February to 16th June 2015), AlmaU.
– Change management
– Innovation management and business communications for bachelors
– Research methods in Social sciences for masters
1. Kenzhegaranova M.K. On the questions of theories and technologies of continuous improvement. Herald of the Kazakh National University after al-Farabi.Economic Series. Almaty. – 2015. – № 2 (108). Pp 140-145
2. Kenzhegaranova M.K. Organizational development patterns and regularities during implementation of change management strategies. Herald of the Kazakh National University after al-Farabi. Economic Series. Almaty. – 2014. – № 2 (102). Pp 138-143
3. Kenzhegaranova M.K. Concept of quality management in the implementation of organizational changes. Herald of the Kazakh National University after al-Farabi.. Economic Series. Almaty. – 2013. – № 6 (100). Pp 190-195
4. Kunanbayeva D.A., Kenzhegaranova M.K. Theoretical aspects of resistance to change in organizations. The monthly scientific journal “Young Scientist” Chita – Moscow, Russian Federation – 2013. – №9 (56). C. 200-204
Учебное пособие «Менеджмент: теория и практика Казахстана». Раздел: «Управление изменениями» – Алматы, 2-ое изд., доп.- Алматы: Игілікgroup, 2017 г. – 1,9 п.л.
1. International Conference: “Entrepreneurship and Business Education in a Changing World”, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the International Academy of Business, October 31, 2013, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2. IX International scientific-practical conference of IAB: “Business and Education: development vector”. The role of innovation in the international transfer of knowledge. International Academy of Business (IAB), February 8, 2013 in Almaty, Kazakhstan
3. International scientific-practical conference “Regulation of economic issues in the CU and the CES: Practice and Problems” Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, on December 6-7, 2013 in Almaty, Kazakhstan
4. International Conference: «ICEBMM 2012: International Conference on Economics, Business Management and Marketing», 12-13 May 2012 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Research interests
Change management in organizations, entrepreneurship
Scholarships & awards
International Presidential Bolashak Scholarship 2005-2008, Master’s program at Texas A&M University, Texas, USA.
Yerzhan Syzdykov
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Yerzhan Syzdykov joined the SDU University in the Kazakhstan in 2015 as a lecturer for the bachelor level students: he had worked as a junior lecturer until 2018. From 2018 to 2019, Yerzhan was senior lecturer of the Business school in Management field. Since 2019, he has been working as a coordinator of management and economics programs. He is currently completing his PhD studies in University Putra Malaysia (UPM) in Malaysia.
Degree qualifications
BA in Economics (2012). SDU University, KZ
MSc in Financial Engineering and Risk Management (2014). University of Essex, UK
PhD in Organizational Behavior, Management (in progress). University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
ACC 403, Bachelor, Financial Statement Analysis
MAN 209, Bachelor, Management
MAN 213, Bachelor, Cases in Management
ACC 206, Bachelor, Corporate and Business Law
MAN 203, Bachelor, Organizational Structure and Behavior
MAN 609, Masters, Organizational Behavior
Research interests
OB, HRM and Management
Alisher Tleubayev
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Alisher Tleubayev joined the SDU University in Kazakhstan in 2014 as a lecturer of SDU Business School. In 2015, he was a vice-dean of SDU Business School on research. From 2017 to 2020, Alisher did a PhD in agricultural economics at Martin Luther University in Germany. Since 2020, he has been the director of Science Department at SDU. He is a fellow of CERGE-EI career integration program and his research interests include gender and agricultural economics.
Degree qualifications
MSc in Financial Engineering and Risk Management, 2013, The University of Essex, United Kingdom
BOLASHAK scholarship for MSc degree, The University of Essex, United Kingdom, 2012
Bibizhamal Amangeldi
Bibizhamal Amangeldi joined SDU University in September 2023 as a lecturer at SDU Business School. From 2019-2022 she has worked at the Centre for International Programmes “Bolashak” as a manager coordinating scholarship holders and working with international educational organisations such as Campus France, DAAD and etc. After obtaining master’s degree, Bibizhamal worked as a Project Manager at the AlmaU Technology Commercialization Center.
Degree Qualifications
BA in Political Science and International Relations (2019), Nazarbayev University
MSc in International Management (2022), University of Sheffield, UK
Certificate in Business Analytics (2023)
– MAN 209 Management
– MAN 316 Project Management
– MAN 329 Production Management
Research interests
– Entrepreneurship
– SME internationalization
– Management competencies
Scholarships & awards
Bolashak scholarship holder for master’s degree
Askar Aitmagambetov
Senior lecturer
Senior lecturer
When you joined SDU – 2 September 2019
Background – IT and management in IT
previous activities – IT project manager in international companies (PetroKazakstan, DHL, Richfit International (Kazakhstan), Terralink Technologies)
Hobbies – music, gym, books
Degree qualifications
1. Bachelor: Information technologies and computer science 2012, KBTU, KZ
2. Master: MBA (major-finance), 2016, KIMEP, KZ
3 PhD: Business administration, 2021, Narxoz, KZ
Gaukhar Alipbay
Senior lecturer
Senior lecturer
She has been working at SDU since September 2021 as director of master’s programs. Total work experience 18 years. Previously, she worked in public service structures (Ministry of Finance, Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan), the National Company of Kazakhstan Temir Zholy and its subsidiaries, she also taught students at the Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Degree qualifications
BA Finance (2000). Narhoz, KZ
MA in Project Management (2018) UCL University, London, GB
Research interests
Bolashak scholatship for Master degree, UCL University, London, UK
Scholarships & awards
Bolashak scholatship for Master degree, UCL University, London, UK
Mukhametzhan Seitzhapparuly
Senior lecturer
Senior lecturer
Mukhametzhan Seitzhapparuly joined the SDU University in 2015 as a lecturer for the bachelor level students, currently he is a Senior Lecturer at SDU Business School. He have graduated his Masters degree in International Management in Essex University, UK. Since 2023, he has been working as a coordinator of economics programs.
Degree qualifications
BS in International Relations. SDU University
MS in International Management. Essex University
PhD candidate in Public Administration. Narxoz University
– MAN 209, Bachelor, Management
– MAR 313, Bachelor, Brand Management
– MAR 413, Bachelor, Service Marketing
Research interests
Higher Education Management (transformation, leadership)
Scholarships & awards
The holder of “Bolashak” Scholarship
Wani Qaswa Binte Firdous
Assistant instructor
Assistant instructor
Qaswa Wani joined SDU University in 2022 as a teaching assistant, while doing her Masters in management in SDU.
Degree qualifications
BA in management (2021), SDU University
MSc in management, (ongoing) SDU University
– IELTS: 7.0
– TOEFL: 103/120
MDE 167: Leadership
MAN 322: Entrepreneurship
Sabi Serik
Assistant instructor
Assistant instructor
Degree qualifications
Kazakh-Turkish high school 2018
Bachelor: SDU University 2023
Master: University of International Business, Almaty 2025
2020 – Tau Ken Service: Marketing
2020 – Акимат: intern
2020-2021 – Key to success: Branch Manager
2021 – LAW Dara Company: Operator Call centre
2023 – TM Beeline: Marketing-analytics
2023 – Green House Limited: Analytics
2023 – Jusan mobile: Marketing-analytics
Digital Marketing: Data Science 2023
SDU University: SMM 2020
Udemy: Data Science 2023