
Ақпараттық технологиялар бакалавры


4 жыл

Грантқа түсу шекті балл


Ақылы бөлімге түсу шекті балл


ЕНТ сабақтары


Талап етілетін ағылшын тіл деңгейі

B1 (Intermediate)

Аталмыш бағдарлама білім алушыларға жетекші компанияларда жұмыс істеуге мүмкіндік беретін «Beta Career» жобасын да қамтиды. Бағдарламада компанияның кеңселерінде орналасқан және кәсіби мамандар жүргізетін курстар бар. Қазіргі уақытта бұл модульдерді Automato және GreetGo ұсынады. Бағдарламаның негізгі мақсаты – білім алушыға алгоритмдер мен деректер құрылымын талдау, бағдарламалық қамтамасыз етуді жобалау схемалары, электроника, сандық құрылғылар мен бағдарламалық инженерияны құрастыру бойынша оқыту. 

  • Мобильді қосымшаларды  жобалау және әзірлеу;
  •  IT-құрылғыларды құрастыру мен деректерді талдау алгоритмдерін қолдану;
  • Тиісті алгоритмдердің нәтижелерін талдау және компьютерлік оқыту қосымшаларын іске асыру;
  • Топтық жобадағы жұмыс, өнімді қарым-қатынас орната білу.
AE – Area elective
code title th pr cr ects type term
CSS 114 Programming Fundamentals (Java) I and educational practice 2 2+0 4 5 AE 1
CSS 115 Programming Fundamentals (Python) I and educational practice 2 2+0 4 5 AE 1
CSS 116 Programming Fundamentals (Java) II and educational practice 2 2+0 4 5 AE 2
CSS 117 Programming Fundamentals (Python) II and educational practice 2 2+0 4 5 AE 2
CSS 231 Web programming: front end 2 2+0 4 5 AE 3
CSS 250 Electronics 2 0+2 3 5 AE 3
CSS 260 Introduction to Cybersecurity 1 2+0 3 5 AE 3
CSS 328 Introduction to Data Analysis 2 1+0 3 5 AE 3
CSS 232 Web programming: back end 2 2+0 4 5 AE 4
CSS 254 Digital design 1 2+0 3 5 AE 4
CSS 262 Linux administration & Nix systems for Cybercecurity 1 2+0 3 5 AE 4
INF 323 Data analysis 2 2+0 4 5 AE 4
CSS 214 Introduction to iOS Programming 1 2+0 3 5 AE 5
CSS 217 Software Architecture and Design Patterns 1 2+0 3 5 AE 5
CSS 309 Low-level Architecture 2 2+0 4 5 AE 5
CSS 324 Introduction to Machine Learning 2 1+0 3 5 AE 5
CSS 327 Introduction to Android Programming 1 2+0 3 5 AE 5
CSS 343 Introduction to Machine Learning 1 2+0 3 5 AE 5
CSS 344 Blockchain Development and Smart Contracts 1 2+0 3 5 AE 5
CSS 346 FPGA Programming 1 2+0 3 5 AE 5
CSS 350 Cloud Computing 1 2+0 3 5 AE 5
CSS 360 Network Security 1 2+0 3 5 AE 5
CSS 365 Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing 1 2+0 3 5 AE 5
CSS 390 Financial Technology (FinTech) 2 1+0 3 5 AE 5
CSS 439 Distributed Big Data Systems 2 1+0 3 5 AE 5
INF 345 Fundamentals of DevOps 2 1+0 3 5 AE 5
INF 346 UX/UI design 2 0+1 3 5 AE 5
CSS 305 Database Management Systems 2 1 2+0 3 5 AE 6
CSS 319 Software Testing and Validation 2 1+0 3 5 AE 6
CSS 338 Machine learning and Real world Data 1 2+0 3 5 AE 6
CSS 345 Advanced computer architecture 2 1+0 3 5 AE 6
CSS 356 Introduction to IoT 1 2+0 3 5 AE 6
CSS 357 Introduction to robotics 1 2+0 3 5 AE 6
CSS 361 Web Application Security 1 2+0 3 5 AE 6
CSS 383 Advanced iOS Programming 2 1+0 3 5 AE 6
CSS 384 Advanced Android Programming 2 1+0 3 5 AE 6
CSS 388 Hardware security 1 2+0 3 5 AE 6
CSS 421 Computer Vision 2 1+0 3 5 AE 6
CSS 434 Business analytics 1 2+0 3 5 AE 6
CSS 465 Project Management 2 1+0 3 5 AE 6
INF 314 Computer networks 2 1 2+0 3 5 AE 6
INF 337 Deep Learning 2 1+0 3 5 AE 6
INF 368 The Go programming language 1 2+0 3 5 AE 6
INF 376 Natural Language Processing 2 1+0 3 5 AE 6
MAT 364 Cryptography 2 1+0 3 5 AE 6
CSS 351 Artificial Intelligence in Fiction 2 1+0 3 5 AE 7
CSS 352 Data science for geoscience 2 1+0 3 5 AE 7
CSS 353 The ethics, law and politics of Artificial Intelligence 2 1+0 3 5 AE 7
CSS 372 IoT Data Management and Analytics 1 2+0 3 5 AE 7
CSS 415 IT Management 0 3+0 3 5 AE 7
CSS 438 Medical Image Processing 2 1+0 3 5 AE 7
CSS 441 Data Science and AI track completion project 0 3+0 3 5 AE 7
CSS 442 Software Engineering track completion project 0 3+0 3 5 AE 7
CSS 443 Hardware Engineering and Operating Systems track completion project 0 3+0 3 5 AE 7
CSS 447 General Project 0 3+0 3 5 AE 7
CSS 448 Comprehensive Cybersecurity and Penetration Testing track completion project 0 3+0 3 5 AE 7
CSS 450 Industrial project (Introduction) 3 0+0 3 5 AE 7
CSS 451 Industrial project (Development) 3 0+0 3 5 AE 7
CSS 452 Industrial project (Design) 3 0+0 3 5 AE 7
CSS 453 Industrial project (Testing) 3 0+0 3 5 AE 7
CSS 467 Information Visualization 1 2+0 3 5 AE 7
CSS 468 Digital Marketing 1 2+0 3 5 AE 7
CSS 469 IT in Education (EdTech) 2 1+0 3 5 AE 7
INF 360 IT Law 2 1+0 3 5 AE 7
INF 405 Personal Development in Computer Science 3 0+0 3 5 AE 7
INF 415 Leadership in IT 2 1+0 3 5 AE 7

NAE – Non-area elective
code title th pr cr ects type term
MDE 103 Foreign Language 1 (English for Academic Purposes – B1 level ) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 1
MDE 104 Foreign Language 1 (English for Academic Purposes – B2 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 1
MDE 107 Foreign Language 1 (General English – A1 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 1
MDE 109 Foreign Language 1 (General English – A2 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 1
MDE 156 Foreign Language 1 (English for Academic Purposes – B1 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 1
MDE 157 Foreign Language 1 (English for Academic Purposes – B2 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 1
MDE 190 Foreign Language 1 (English for Academic Purposes – B1 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 1
MDE 192 Foreign Language 1 (English for Academic Purposes – B2 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 1
MDE 195 Foreign Language 1 (General English – A2 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 1
MDE 197 Foreign Language 1 (English for Academic Purposes – B1 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 1
MDE 199 Foreign Language 1 (English for Academic Purposes – B2 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 1
MDE 283 Turkish language 1 (А1 level) 0 3+0 3 4 NAE 1
MDE 285 Turkish language 1 (B1 level) 0 3+0 3 4 NAE 1
MDE 106 Foreign Language 2 (English for Academic Purposes – B2+ level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 2
MDE 108 Foreign Language 2 (General English – A1+ level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 2
MDE 110 Foreign Language 2 (General English – A2+ level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 2
MDE 158 Foreign Language 2 (English for Specific Purposes – B2+ level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 2
MDE 187 Foreign Language 2 (English for Academic Purposes – B1+ level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 2
MDE 188 Foreign Language 2 (English for Academic Purposes – B1+ level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 2
MDE 191 Foreign Language 2 (English for Academic Purposes – B1+ level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 2
MDE 194 Foreign Language 2 (English for Specific Purposes – B2+ level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 2
MDE 196 Foreign Language 2 (General English – A2+ level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 2
MDE 198 Foreign Language 2 (English for Academic Purposes – B1+ level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 2
MDE 200 Foreign Language 2 (English for Specific Purposes – B2+ level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 2
MDE 284 Turkish language 2 (А2 level) 0 3+0 3 4 NAE 2
MDE 286 Turkish language 2 (B2 level) 0 3+0 3 4 NAE 2
MDE 111 Kazakh Language 1 (А1 level/ for foreigners) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 3
MDE 113 Kazakh Language 1 (B1 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 3
MDE 115 Kazakh Language 1 (B2 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 3
MDE 117 Kazakh Language 1 (C1 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 3
MDE 121 Russian Language 1 (А1 level/ for foreigners) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 3
MDE 123 Russian Language 1 (B1 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 3
MDE 125 Russian Language 1 (B2 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 3
MDE 127 Russian Language 1 (C1 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 3
MDE 112 Kazakh Language 2 (А2 level/for foreigners) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 4
MDE 114 Kazakh Language 2 (B1 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 4
MDE 116 Kazakh Language 2 (B2 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 4
MDE 118 Kazakh Language 2 (C1 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 4
MDE 119 Kazakh Language 2 (А2 level/for foreigners) (SDU Business School) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 4
MDE 120 Kazakh Language 2 (B1 level) (SDU Business School) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 4
MDE 122 Russian Language 2 (А2 level/ for foreigners) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 4
MDE 124 Russian Language 2 (B1 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 4
MDE 126 Russian Language 2 (B2 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 4
MDE 128 Russian Language 2 (C1 level) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 4
MDE 129 Kazakh Language 2 (B2 level) (SDU Business School) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 4
MDE 130 Kazakh Language 2 (C1 level) (SDU Business School) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 4
MDE 147 Russian Language 2 (А2 level/ for foreigners) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 4
MDE 148 Russian Language 2 (B1 level) (SDU Business School) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 4
MDE 149 Russian Language 2 (B2 level) (SDU Business School) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 4
MDE 150 Russian Language 2 (C1 level) (SDU Business School) 0 3+0 3 5 NAE 4
CSS 410 Research tools and methods 2 1+0 3 5 NAE 7
MDE 161 Еconomy 2 1+0 3 5 NAE 7
MDE 162 Law 2 1+0 3 5 NAE 7
MDE 163 Fundamentals of anti-corruption culture 2 1+0 3 5 NAE 7
MDE 164 Еcology 2 1+0 3 5 NAE 7
MDE 166 Еntrepreneurship 2 1+0 3 5 NAE 7
MDE 289 Financial literacy 2 1+0 3 5 NAE 7

NTE – Non Theoretical Elective
code title th pr cr ects type term
CSS 550 Passing a comprehensive exam 0 6+0 6 8 NTE 8
CSS 551 Writing and defense of thesis 0 6+0 6 8 NTE 8

RC – Requisite Courses
code title th pr cr ects type term
MDE 001 General English (A1 level) 0 5+0 5 6 RC
MDE 002 General English (A2 level) 0 5+0 5 6 RC
MDE 003 General English (B1 level) 0 5+0 5 6 RC
  • Біздің түлектеріміз әртүрлі қызмет салаларының кәсіпорындарында компьютерлік және микропроцессорлық технологиялар бойынша техникалық қолдау және қызметтер көрсететін компаниялар мен кәсіпорындарда;
  • Ақпараттық және телекоммуникациялық жүйелер компанияларында;
  • Мобильдік платформаларға немесе ойындарға арналған қосымшаларды әзірлеу бойынша компанияларда жұмыс істей алады;
  • Ақпараттық технологиялар бакалавры дәрежесін алғаннан кейін біздің түлектеріміз IT-сарапшылар ретінде жұмыс істей алады, мысалы, бағдарламашылар немесе жоба менеджерлері;
  • Біздің түлектеріміз Google, Facebook, Microsoft сияқты ірі әлемдік компанияларында жұмыс істейді, сондай-ақ өздерінің стартаптарын ұйымдастырады.

Igibek Koishybayev

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

Degree qualifications
PhD in Computer Science (2023) North Carolina State University, USA
MSc in Computer Engineering (2016) Boston University, USA
BA in Information Sciences (2013) International Information Technologies University, KZ

Working Experience
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Jun 2024 – present.
Senior Security Engineer, Qualcomm Technologies, USA, 1.05.2023 – present, Secure software development infrastructure from supply chain attacks
Research Assistant, North Carolina State University, USA, 2.08.2017 – 18.03.2023, Conducting research in software supply chain security
Participated in cybersecurity workshops and seminars, presenting research findings and conducting training sessions.ng Systems Track Leader

CSC 542 Introduction to Cybersecurity, Ms
CSC 536 Linux in Cybersecurity, Ms
CSC 306 Cybersecurity, Ms

Functions, Methods and Interfaces in Go (Coursera)
Getting Started with Go (Coursera)
Connect and Protect: Networks and Network Security (Coursera)
Tools of the Trade: Linux and SQL (Coursera)
Play it Safe: Manage Security Risks (Coursera)
Foundations of Cybersecurity (Coursera)

Research Interests
Software Supply Chain Security, Web Security, Cyber security

1. “Mininode: Reducing the Attack Surface of Node.js Applications” (2020) 23rd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2020), 121-134, Igibek Koishybayev, Alexandros Kapravelos
2. “yoU aRe a Liar://A Unified Framework for Cross-Testing URL Parsers” (2022) 2022 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), 51-58, Dashmeet Kaur Ajmani, Igibek Koishybayev, Alexandros Kapravelos
3. “Characterizing the security of github {CI} workflows” (2022) 31st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 22), 2747-2763, Igibek Koishybayev, Aleksandr Nahapetyan, Raima Zachariah, Siddharth Muralee, Bradley Reaves, Alexandros Kapravelos, Aravind Machiry
4. “{ARGUS}: A Framework for Staged Static Taint Analysis of {GitHub} Workflows and Actions” (2023) 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 23), 6983-7000, Siddharth Muralee, Igibek Koishybayev, Aleksandr Nahapetyan, Greg Tystahl, Brad Reaves, Antonio Bianchi, William Enck, Alexandros Kapravelos, Aravind Machiry
5. “UntrustIDE: Exploiting Weaknesses in VS Code Extensions” (2024) 31th Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, Elizabeth Lin, Igibek Koishybayev, Trevor Dunlap, William Enck, Alexandros Kapravelos

Distinguished Paper Award from NDSS, USA (2024)

Selcuk Cankurt

Senior lecturer


Senior lecturer

Degree qualifications
Engineering and Information Technologies Faculty in English(2015). International Burch University, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Master’s Degree Engineering and Information Technologies Faculty in English (2011). International Burch University, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bachelor’s degree Information Technologies in English (1997), Technical Education Faculty, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey.
English Prep School (1992) Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Working Experience
Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2021 till now as Senior Lecturer, Head of Information System Department, Coordinator of the PhD and Master Program at Engineering Faculty
Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Informatics Ala-Too International University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 2019 – 2021 as Senior Lecturer and Head of Computer Science Department
Lecturer, Engineering Faculty Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq, 2015 – 2019 as Senior Lecturer, a founder member and the first coordinator of the School of Graduate Studies.
Senior Teaching Assistant, Engineering Faculty International Burch University, Department of Information Technologies, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013 – 2015 as Senior Teaching Assistant and Department Welfare Coordinator.

INF 337 Deep Learning
CSS 619  Natural Language Processing
CSS 615 Big Data Analytics
CSS 516  Research Tools and Methods
CSS 507 Data Сollection, Wrangling, Analysis and Visualization
CSS 489 Diploma preparation

1. Cankurt, S. & Subaşi A. (2012). Comparison of linear regression and neural network models forecasting tourist arrivals to Turkey. Proceeding of 3rd International Symposium on Sustainable Development, ISSD. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2. Cankurt, S. (2016). Tourism Demand Forecasting using Ensembles of Regression Trees. Proceeding of IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, IS’16 (pp.702-708). Sofia, Bulgaria, doi: 10.1109/IS.2016.7737388 (Scopus Index)
3. Yıldırım M., Aksu C., Cankurt S. (2016). Performance evaluation of MIMO receivers in two-way decode and forward relaying. Proceeding of 2nd International Engineering Conference on Developments in Civil & Computer Engineering Applications, IEC2016 (pp. 154-161), ISSN 2409 – 6997 (Print). Erbil, Iraq.
4. Cankurt S.&Yasin M. (2018). Modelling energy demand forecasting using neural networks with univariate time series. Proceeding of 4th International Engineering Conference on Developments in Civil & Computer Engineering Applications, IEC2018 (pp.341-349). Erbil, Iraq, DOI : 10.23918/iec2018.26
5. Subasi A., Cankurt S.(2019) Prediction of default payment of credit card clients using Data Mining Techniques, Proceeding of IEEE International Engineering Conference (IEC2019) (pp.115-120) DOI : 10.1109/IEC47844.2019.8950597 (Scopus Index)
6. MS Gaso, S Cankurt, A Subasi (2021) Electromyography Signal Classification Using Deep Learning. Proceeding of IEEE 16th International Conference on Electronics DOI : 10.1109/ICECCO53203.2021.9663803 (Scopus Index)
7. M I Gulbarga, S Cankurt and et. al. (2023) Deep Learning (DL) Dense Classifier with Long Short-Term Memory Encoder Detection and Classification against Network Attacks.
Books: Database Basics with MS Access, Zambak press, Istanbul, 2012, ISBN: 978-605-112-382-0

Research interests
Data science, Data lake, Big data, Big data analytics, Deep learning and Natural language processing

Tolegen Akhmetov

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

Educational background
PhD in Robotics Engineering (2023), Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan
Master of Technical Sciences (2016), Yessenov University, Aktau, Kazakhstan
Bachelor of Information Systems (2012), SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Responsible Research Training (Curriculum Group), CITI Program, 2023
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for Computer Vision, Tokai University, Tokyo, 2022 (Internship and training in the laboratory of Prof. Kazuhiko Hamamoto)
Artificial Intelligence in Health Science Webinar, Universiti of Malaya, 2021
Becoming a student assistant: teaching and mentoring (online), University of Groningen,2020 Computing Teacher Education Training, London Roehampton University, London, 2018
Academic English and Teacher Training, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, 2017
Content and language integrated learning course, Global CPD, Astana, 2016
Cisco CCNA, ITE, IoT, Linux Essentials, Almaty, 2016 (Training)
Project-based learning course by J. McCarthy, Ustaz PLC, Astana, 2015

Working Experience
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Feb 2024 – present.
Computer Science and Information Technologies Teacher, Jambyl Innovation College, 2016–2019
Computer Science Teacher, Mangistau Bilim Innovation School for Gifted Boys, Aktau, 2012–2016
PHP Developer, Bilim Organization, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2011–2012 Java Developer, BeeSoft Company, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2010–2011

CSS 410 Research tools and methods, Bs

Research interests
Industrial safety, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, computer vision, Internet of things

1. T. Akhmetov, G. D. Moger, I. Tursynbek, and H. A. Varol, “Thermal Perception Using Augmented Reality for Industrial Safety”, accepted for RAAI 2023.
2. Z. Makhataeva, T. Akhmetov and H. A. Varol, “Augmented-Reality-Based Human Memory Enhancement Using Artificial Intelligence,” in IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 1048-1060, Dec. 2023, doi: 10.1109/THMS.2023.3307397.
3. T. Akhmetov and H. A. Varol, “An Augmented Reality-Based Warning System for Enhanced Safety in Industrial Settings,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 7966-7977, July 2023, doi: 10.1109/TII.2022.3216009.
4. Z. Makhataeva, T. Akhmetov, and H. A. Varol, “Augmented Reality for Cognitive Impairments,” In: Nee, A.Y.C., Ong, S.K. (eds) Springer Handbook of Augmented Reality. Springer Handbooks. pp. 765–793, Springer, Cham, 2023, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-67822-7_31.

Yessenov Foundation Launchpad, Kazakhstan (2022)

Batyrkhan Omarov

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

Degree Qualifications
Doctor of Philosophy in Information and Communication Technology

Working Experience
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Aug 2021 – present.
Lecturer, International University of Information Technology August 2011-October 2020.
Assistant, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University September 2010-August 2011.
Manager, АО “Народный Банк Казахстана” October 2008-January 2010.

CSS 324 Introduction to Machine Learning, Bs
CSS 489 Diploma preparation, Bs
CSS 410 Research tools and methods, Bs
CSS 438 Medical Image Processing, Bs
CSS 502 Methods of Writing MSc Thesis, Ms
CSS 503 Advanced Programming Technologies, Ms
CSS 528 Algorithms and Competitive Programming, Ms

Mohammed Alaa Fadhil Al-hadeethi

Assistant Professor



Assistant Professor

Degree qualifications
PhD in computer science (2023). University of Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Master in computer science (2017). University of Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
BA (2014). University of Baghdad

Best paper award. (2017), International conference of cloud computing, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Working Experience
Senior lecturer, Al-Turath University, Iraq, Baghdad, Jan 2023, Computer fundamentals
Lecturer, University of Putra Malaysia, Malaysia, 2021, Teacher assistant
Network optimizer, HUAWEI Malaysia, 2016-2017, Drive test optimizer (2G, 3G, and 4G)

CSS-215 – Bachelor – Introduction to algorithms
CSS-228 – Bachelor – Advanced algorithms
CSS-350 – Bachelor – Cloud computing

Research interests
Cloud Computing, Energy Consumption, Data Center, Virtual Machines, Cloud Infrastructure, Cloud Providers, Greenhouse Gas, Heuristic Algorithm, Internet Of Things, Load Balancing, Number Of Migrants, Power Consumption, Task Scheduling, Allocation Algorithm, Allocation Scheme, Ant Colony.

1. Range wise busy checking 2-way imbalanced algorithm for cloudlet allocation in cloud environment, (2018), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IOP Publishing, 1018, 1, 12018, Alanzy, Mohammed; Latip, Rohaya; Muhammed, Abdullah
2. Load balancing and server consolidation in cloud computing environments: a meta-study, (2019), IEEE Access, IEEE, 7, , 141868-141887, Ala’Anzy, Mohammed; Othman, Mohamed; . Dynamic energy efficient resource allocation strategy for load balancing in fog environment, (2020), IEEE Access, IEEE, 8, , 199829-199839, Rehman, Anees Ur; Ahmad, Zulfiqar; Jehangiri, Ali Imran; Ala’Anzy, Mohammed Alaa; Othman, Mohamed; Umar, Arif Iqbal; Ahmad, Jamil
3. Optimising Cloud Servers Utilisation Based on Locust-Inspired Algorithm, (2020), 2020 7th International Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence (ISCMI), IEEE, , , 23-27, Ala’anzy, Mohammed Alaa; Othman, Mohamed; Hasan, Sazlinah; Ghaleb, Safwan M; Latip, Rohaya
4. Scientific workflows management and scheduling in cloud computing: taxonomy, prospects, and challenges, (2021), IEEE Access, IEEE, 9, , 53491-53508, Ahmad, Zulfiqar; Jehangiri, Ali Imran; Ala’anzy, Mohammed Alaa; Othman, Mohamed; Latip, Rohaya; Zaman, Sardar Khaliq Uz; Umar, Arif Iqbal
5. Mapping and Consolidation of VMs Using Locust-Inspired Algorithms for Green Cloud Computing, (2022), Neural Processing Letters, Springer US New York, 54, 1, 405-421, Ala’anzy, Mohammed Alaa; Othman, Mohamed
6. Fault-tolerant and data-intensive resource scheduling and management for scientific applications in cloud computing, (2021), Sensors, MDPI, 21, 21, 7238, Ahmad, Zulfiqar; Jehangiri, Ali Imran; Ala’anzy, Mohammed Alaa; Othman, Mohamed; Umar, Arif Iqbal
7. Locust inspired algorithm for cloudlet scheduling in cloud computing environments, (2021), Sensors, MDPI, 21, 21, 7308, Ala’anzy, Mohammed Alaa; Othman, Mohamed; Hanapi, Zurina Mohd; Alrshah, Mohamed A
8. An exploration to graphics processing unit spot price prediction, (2022), Cluster Computing

Internal grant, SDU grant, 2024-2025

Scholarships  &  awards
“BOTA” Foundation”, Kazakh-British Technical University, Kazakhstan, 2011
JSC ”Center for International Programs”, Boston University, USA, 2018

Nazerke Sultanova

Associate Professor


Associate Professor

Degree qualifications
PhD in computer technology and software (2021) SDU University
MSc in Mathematics (2017) Pennsylvania State University
BSc in Computer Sciences (2011) SDU University

Working Experience
Data Scientist, Beeline Kazakhstan, April 2022 – present
Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, May 2022 – present
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Feb 2019 – May 2022
Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Aug 2017 – Feb 2019
Mathematics teacher, Educational Center “Astana-Dostyk”, Astana, Jan 2011 – May 2017

INF 101 Information and Communication Technologies, Bs
INF 106 Information and Communications Technologies, Bs
INF 423 Statistics and Visualization for Data Analysis, Bs
CSS 322 Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Bs
CSS 328 Introduction to Data Analysis, Bs
CSS 215 Introduction to Algorithms, Bs
CSS 324 Introduction to Machine Learning, Bs
CSS 511 Mathematics for Data Science, Ms
CSS 526 Mathematics for Data Science, Ms
CSS 507 Data Сollection, Wrangling, Analysis and Visualization, Ms
CSS 671 Scientific Research Work of Master Student 3, Ms
CSS 634 Deep Learning, Ms
CSS 652 Research Methodology and Practice, Ms

Research interests
Machine Learning, Data Science, Data Analysis, NLP

Assem Talasbek

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

Degree Qualifications
PhD in Computing Systems and Software (2021) SDU university (defended at Satbayev University),KZ
MSc in Information Systems (2017). Auezov University, KZ
Bs in Information Systems (2015). SDU university, KZ

Working Experience
IT specialist, NITEC, Shymkent 2016-2017, implementation and support of IT projects in government agencies
Assistant-instructor, SDU university, Kaskelen, 2017-2018, practice instructor
Lecturer, SDU university, Kaskelen, 2018-2019, conduction of lectures and learning materials
Senior Lecturer, SDU university, Kaskelen 2019-2021, conduction of lectures and learning materials
TR, SDU university, Kaskelen, 2020-2021, conduct of research, preparation of lectures and learning materials
Assistant Professor, SDU university, 2021-currently, conduct of research, preparation of lectures and learning materials
PhD academic program coordinator, SDU university, 2021-2023, development of PhD program in Computer Science Department

NF 106 Information and Communications Technologies, Bs
INF 202 Database Management Systems 1, Bs
CSS 305 Database Management Systems 2, Bs
CSS 324 Introduction to Machine Learning, Bs
CSS 330 Data wrangling and Visualization, Bs
CSS 410 Research tools and methods, Bs
CSS 507 Data Сollection, Wrangling, Analysis and Visualization, Ms
LAW 554 Basics of algorithms and programming languages, Ms
CSS 773 Scientific research work of the doctoral student 1 , Phd
CSS 973 Scientific research work of the doctoral student 9, Phd

Research interests
Data Science, IT in Education

1. Personality classification experiment by applying k-means clustering (2020) , International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(16) , p.162-177. Azamat Serek, Meirambek Zhaparov, Seong-Moo Yoo, Young-Kab Kim, and Geun-Ho Jeong.
2. Best practices in running it hackathons based on paragon university dataset (2020), International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(19), p.231-238. Azamat, Serek Meirambek Zhaparov, Seong-Moo Yoo, Assem Talasbek, Yong-Kab Kim, and Min-Woo Jin.
3. Recommendation System for Human Resource Management by the Use of Apache Spark Cluster (2023), 17th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO), p.1-4. Azamat Serek, Kamila Orynbekova, Darmen Kariboz, Gulnara Saimassay, and Andrey Bogdanchikov
4. MBTI personality classification using Apache Spark (2021), 16th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO), p. 1–4. Kamila Orynbekova, Abylay Omar, Andrey Bogdanchikov, and Shirali Kadyrov.
5. Designing a recommendation system for specialized courses for the university (2022), SDU Bulletin: Natural and Technical Sciences, 58(1), p. 5-14. Dayana Abdrakhmanovna Anefiyayeva, Nurdauler Anefiyayev 5. MBTI TYPE PREDICTION USING IMAGES FROM INSTAGRAM (2021), ВЕСТНИК КАЗАХСТАНСКО-БРИТАНСКОГО ТЕХНИЧЕСКОГО УНИВЕРСИТЕТА, 3 (58), p. 42-45. MUSSAYEVA D., KUANDYKOVA A., ORYNBEKOVA K. and KARIBOZ D
6. Optimization of data segments and number of cores for defining popularity of kazakh words using apache spark. (2021), Engineering Journal of Satbayev University, 143(3), p. 9-42. Meraliyev М, Orynbekova K, Kariboz D, Issabek A.

1. Personality Classification by Applying k-Means Clustering, 2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC).Fukuoka, Japan. 2020
2. Applying decision trees on Educational Camp dataset to improve its likeability across participants, МАТЕРИАЛЫ IV международной научно-практической конференции “Информатика и прикладная математика”, посвященной 70-летнему юбилею профессоров Биярова Т.Н., Вальдемара Вуйцика и 60-летию профессора Амиргалиева. Алматы, Казахстан. 2019
3. Algorithm For Reduction Of Space Allocation Of The Boxes In The Warehouse, 2018 14th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO),Kaskelen, Kazakhstan. 2018
4. MBTI personality classification using Apache Spark, 2021 16th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO), Kaskelen, Kazakhstan.2021
5. Разработка интеллектуального автоматизированного контроля знаний обучающихся в ВУЗе, Труды международной научно-практической конференции “Ауэзовские чтения 15: третья модернизация Казахстана-новые концепции и современные решения”, посвященной 120-летию Мухтара Омархановича Ауэзова. Шымкент, Казахстан. 2017

Cemil Turan

Assistant Professor


Senior Research Fellow

Degree qualifications
BCs in Electrical Engineering (1995), Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
MSc in Educational Mathematics, Suleyman Demirel University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
PhD in Electrical and Computer engineering, Mevlana University, Konya, Turkey

Nostrification by Kz as Radiotechnics, Electronics and Telecommunication

Working Experience
PhD, Assoc. Professor-Senior research fellow, SDU, Almaty/KZ, 2022
PhD, Assoc. Professor-Computer Science Department Chair, SDU, Almaty/KZ, 2021-2022
PhD, Assoc. Professor-Instructor, SDU, Almaty/KZ, 2020-2021
PhD, Assoc. Prof. Graduate School Program Coordinator, SDU, Almaty/KZ, 2019-2020
PhD, Assistant Professor-Instructor, SDU, Almaty/KZ, 2016-2019
Senior Lecturer-Instructor, SDU, Almaty/KZ, 2014-2016
PhD Student-Assistant, Mevlana Rumi University, Konya/TR, 2012-2014
Lecturer-Instructor, SDU University (SDU), Almaty/KZ, 2008-2012
Physics Teacher, Kazakh-Turkish Educational Foundation, Kazakhstan (KZ), 1995-2008

2008- : Instructor of ‘Basic Circuit Theory’, ‘Digital Design’, ‘Basic Electronics’, ‘Fundamentals of Electric Circuits’, ‘Microelectronics’, ‘Circuit Technologies’, ‘Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry’, ‘Research Tools and Methods’ for bachelors; ‘Digital Signal Processing’, ‘Research Tools and Methods in Computer Science’, ‘Writing MSc Thesis’, for MSc; ‘Research Methods and Writing Academic Paper’, ‘Writing PhD Thesis’, ‘Scientific Research Methods’, ‘Academic Writing Essentials’ for PhD.; ‘Computer Vision and Image Analysis’ for MSc.
1995-2008: Teacher of Physics for middle and high school including full content. Teacher of Mathematics and Geometry for high school (partial content), English Terminology of Science for prep classes.

Research interests
Digital Signal Processing, Adaptive Filtering, Computer Vision

International Journals:
1. Sadyk U., Baimukashev R., Bozshina A. and Turan C. “KZ-BD: Dataset of Kazakhstan banknotes with annotations”, Data in Brief (DiB), Volume 53, 2024.
2. Sadyk U., Baimukashev R. and Turan C. “State-of-the-Art Review of Deep Learning Methods in Fake Banknote Recognition Problem”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Volume 15, No 1, pp 848-856, 2024.
3. Sadyk U., Makhambet Y., Baimukashev R. and Turan C. ” Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Approaches in Kazakh Banknote Classification”, Bulletin of Electric Engineering and Informatics (BEEI), newly accepted, 2024.
4. Bazatbekov B., Turan C., Kadyrov S. and Aitimov A. “2D face recognition using PCA and triplet similarity embedding”, Bulletin of Electric Engineering and Informatics (BEEI), Volume 12, No 1, pp 580–586, 2023.
5. Turan C. and Salman M. S. “Zero-Attracting Function Controlled VSSLMS Algorithm with Analysis”, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (CSSP), Springer, Volume 34, Issue 9, pp 3071–3080, 2015.
6. Turan C. and Amirgaliev Y. “A Robust Leaky-LMS Algorithm for Sparse System Identification” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, pp 538-546, 2016.
7. Turan C. and Salman M. S. “A Transform Domain Function Controlled VSSLMS Algorithm for Sparse System Identification”, in World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering, 11(7), pp 720-724, 2017.
8. Aitimov A., Duisebekov Z., Kadyrov S. and Turan C. “PCA and Projection Based Hand Gesture Recognition”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT), Volume 99, No 15, pp 3801-3811, 2021.

International Conferences:
1. Ibrahim M. and Turan C. “Deep Learning in Crowd Analysis A Survey of Current Research Trends “, in 17th IEEE International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO), Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2023.
2. Sadyk U., Turan C. and Baimukashev R. “Overview of Deep Learning Models for Banknote Recognition”, in 17th IEEE International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO), Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2023.
3. Turan C., Orazbayeva N. and Kali V. “Kazakh Facial Phenotype”, in 17th IEEE International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO), Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2023.
4. Izbassarov T. and Turan C. “Understanding Authorship Attributions of Kazakh Texts via Distance Measures”, in International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies (SIST), Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, 2022.
5. Amenova S., Turan C. and Zarkynbek D. “Android Malware Classification by CNN-LSTM”, in International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies (SIST), Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, 2022.
6. Kongratbyev K., Turan C. and Tursunmamatov B. ” Computer Vision Based Pre-processing of Microscopic Images “, in 16th IEEE International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO), Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2021.
7. Kadyrov S., Turan C., Amirzhanov A. and Ozdemir C. ” Speaker Recognition from Spectrogram Images”, in IEEE Smart Information Systems and Technologies (SIST), Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, 2021.
8. Meraliyev B., Kongratbayev K., Bekbalanova M. and Turan C. ” A Computer Vision Supported Investigation on Anxiety-Success Relationship in Educational Processes”, in IEEE Smart Information Systems and Technologies (SIST), Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, 2021.
9. Turan C., Aitimov A., Kynabay B. and Aldabergen A. ” An Enhanced Face Recognition Method for Lighting Problem”, in 15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO), Abuja, Nigeria, 2019.
Adaptive Filtering for Sparse System Identification, SDU, Kaskelen, Almaty, 2020.

Local researcher in ERASMUS project of Advanced Centre for PhD Students and Young Researchers in Informatics (ACeSYRI), 2020-2023.
PI of state grant project titled ‘Building Efficient Delivery Systems with Neural Combinatorial Optimization’ with a budget of 86M Tenge (~190K $), 2023
PI of SDU internal grant project titled ‘Machine Learning Solutions for the Same Day Delivery Services’ with a budget of 1M Tenge (~2200$), 2023
I won grant and scholarship for Science Lyceum (state) when there are only five of them throughout the country (Turkey), 1986
My student won the 3rd place of Republican Physics Olympiads among 10th classes and 2nd place of Zhautykov Asian Physics Olympiads, 2005
I won the 1st place of Physics Olympiads among physics teachers of Kazakh-Turkish High Schools (~50 teachers), 2006
I won grant and scholarship for Ph.D. in Mevlana Rumi University (Turkey), 2012

Membership of professional organisations
IEEE, 2013

Gulsim Rysbayeva

Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer

Degree qualifications
PhD, Cybersecurity, 2023, GUET (Guilin University of electronic technology), China
Master, Economical science, 2011, Narxoz university, Kazakhstan
Bachelor, Automation and management, AUPET, Kazakhstan

Working Experience
Senior-lecturer, SDU, Kaskelen, Kazakhstan, Sep 2023 – present
Lecturer, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin, China, April 2020 – April 2021
Expert, Student Service Center, SDU, Kaskelen, Kazakhstan, Feb 2018 – Nov 2018
Economist, Astana Energo Service, JSC, Astana, Kazakhstan, Jan 2015 – Jun 2015
Office Manager, Buro Service, LLC, Tomsk, Russian Federation, Mar 2012 – Jun 2012
Economist, Almaty Heating Networks, LLP, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2011 – 2012
Software Engineer, Medinform, LLP, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2009 – 2011

INF 203 – Bachelor Level – Information security
INF 344 – Bachelor Level – IT security and Risk management

Research interests
Recomendation system

1. Рысбаева, Г. Б. Халал индустрияның Қазақстандағы қазіргі хал-ахуалы / Г. Б. Рысбаева //. – 2010. – No. 6(78). – ВЕСТНИК КАЗЭУ.
2. Рысбаева Г.Б., Умурзакова А. Д., K вопросу о необходимости разработки автоматизированной системы контроля состояния асинхронного двигателя с использованием искусственных нейронных сетей, Международная научно-практическая конференция «Сейфуллинские чтения – 18: «Молодежь и наука – взгляд в будущее» – 2022.- Т.I, Ч.V. – С. 230-233
3. Rysbaeva, G. B. Overview of methods and methods for monitoring the state of an induction motor using artificial neural networks / G. B. Rysbaeva, A. D. Umurzakova // Проблемы электроэнергетики и телекоммуникаций Севера России : Сборник научных трудов III Всероссийской с международным участием научно-практической конференции, Сургут, 21–22 апреля 2022 года. – Москва: Издательство “Знание-М”, 2022. 288-296.
4. Г.Б. Рысбаева, А. Д. Умурзакова, Обзор интеллектуальных методов контроля состояния и диагностики неисправностей асинхронных машин сельскохозяйственного назначения. = Международная научно-практическая конференция «Сейфуллинские чтения – 18(2): «Наука XXI века – эпоха трансформации» – 2022 .- Т.I, Ч.IV. 172-175
5. Cheng, X., Li, N., Rysbayeva, G. et al. Influence-Aware Successive Point-of-Interest Recommendation. World Wide Web 26, 615–629 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-022-01055-w
6. Рысбаева, Г. Б. Обзор методов контроля состояния и диагностики асинхронных двигателей сельскохозяйственного назначения с использованием искусственных нейронных сетей / Г. Б. Рысбаева, А. Д. Умурзакова // ЭНЕРГОСТАРТ : Материалы V Международной молодежной научно-практической конференции в рамках Десятилетия науки и технологий в Российской Федерации, Кемерово, 20–22 октября 2022 года / Кемерово: Кузбасский государственный технический университет имени Т.Ф. Горбачева, 2023. – С. 314-1-314-7. 7. Gulsim Rysbayeva and Jingwei Zhang, “Sequence Recommendation based on Deep Learning” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 14(2), 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.14569/IJACSA.2023.0140206

Dossay Oryspayev

Associate Professor


Associate Professor

Degree Qualifications
PhD, Computer Engineering

Working Experience
Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, May 2022 – present
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Sep 2006 – Aug 2022
Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Jan 2005 – Sep 2006

CSS 410 Research tools and methods, Bs
CSS 614 Introduction to High Performance Computing, Ms
CSS 528 Algorithms and Competitive Programming, Ms

Aigerim Bogyrbayeva

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

Degree qualifications
Doctor of Philosophy Industrial Engineering

Working Experience
Assistant Professor, SDU University 2021-present

CSS 571 Scientific Research Work of Master Student 1, Ms
CSS 516 Research Tools and Methods, Ms
CSS 633 Machine Learning, Ms
MAT 524 Neural networks, Ms
CSS 634 Deep Learning, Ms
CSS 507 Data Сollection, Wrangling, Analysis and Visualization, Ms
CSS 870 Scientific research work of the doctoral student, Phd
CSS 706 Advanced Artificial Intelligence, Phd

Research interests
Reinforcement Learning

Birzhan Moldagaliyev




Degree qualifications
PhD in Mathematics (2018). National University of Singapore
BSc in Mathematics (2014). Nanyang Technological University

Working Experience
Lecturer, SDU, Kaskelen, June 2018 – Present, Conducting lectures in Computer Science courses.

CSS 503 Advanced Programming Technologies, Ms
CSS 528 Algorithms and Competitive Programming, Ms

Research interests
Knowledge Representation

‘Randomness of formal languages via automatic martingales’. (2019) Theoretical Computer Science. vol. 782, pp. 113-128

‘Automatic Randomness Tests’. Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis. Daejeon, South Korea. July 2017.

National University of Singapore Research Scholarship (2014)
Nanyang Technological University College Scholarship (2010)

Zhanar Mukash

Assistant Professor
Head of the Department of Computer science


Assistant Professor
Head of the Department of Computer science

Degree Qualifications
Doctor of Philosophy in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Working Experience
The Head of the Department, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Sep 2022 – present
Senior Lecturer, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Sep 2018 – Aug 2022
Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Jan 2005 – Sep 2006
Lecturer, Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Aug 2017 – Jun 2018
Assistant, Satbayev University, Almaty, Sep 2013 – Jun 2015
Engeener, TOO “Institute of Physics and Technology”, Almaty, Jan 2010 – Aug 2013

CSS 152 Physics 1, Bs
CSS 111 Physics 1, Bs
CSS 112 Physics 1, Bs
CSS 410 Research tools and methods, Bs

Yedilkhan Amirgaliyev




Degree qualifications
Professor of Informatics and control, 2010

CSS 609 Models and algorithms for pattern recognition, Ms
CSS 508 Software Design Technologies for Real-Time Systems, Ms
CSS 973 Scientific research work of the doctoral student 9, Phd

Larissa Kiziyeva

Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer

Degree qualifications
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Working Experience
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Sep 2007 – present
The Head of the Department, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Sep 2005 – Sep 2007
Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Sep 2000 – Sep 2005

CSS 212 Digital Design, Bs
CSS 211 Electronics, Bs

Alexandr Ivanov

Senior Lecturer
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sciences


Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sciences

Degree Qualifications
Candidate of Physics-Mathematical Sciences (1988). Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics AS RK

Working Experience
Senior engineer Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan , Almaty, since 1978 till 1999
Consultant at the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1999 – 2000
Specialist in GIS (computer systems) International Projects Partnership Consultants, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, 2000 – 2001
Senior lecturer at Almaty State University named after Abay, Almaty, 2000 -2002
Senior Lecturer at SDU University, Almaty, 2003 – 2011
Head of the Department of Computer Science and Software, SDU University, Kaskelen, 2011 – 2013
Chairman of the Methodological Committee of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences of SDU, 2013 – 2016
Senior Lecturer at SDU University, Kaskelen, 2013 – 2024
Member of the Methodological Committee of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences of SDU.

NF 214 Architecture of Computer Systems, Bs
CSS 309 Assembly, Bs
CSS 208 Computer Organization and Architecture, Bs
CSS 309 Low-level Architecture, Bs
CSS 603 Architecture of high performance systems, Ms

Research Interests
Matrix theory and its applied aspects.

Gulfarida Tulemissova

Associate Professor


Associate Professor

Degree qualifications
Nostrification as PhD in Computer Science
Doctor competition of a scientific degree, the candidate of technical sciences on a specialty 05.13.18 – «Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes», Institute of Automation and Information Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic
M.Sc. (Automated control systems), Kazakh s Polytechnic University, June 1978, Alma-Ata, USSR.

Central Asia University Partnerships Program (UniCEN), Advanced Research Methodology Workshop, April 27-28, 2023, Tashkent. Uzbekistan, Certificate of AceSJRI. Course of Academy English, April 2022

Working Experience
28 years of academic experience in leading Kazakh universities
18 years of technical experience in the IT-structures of various companies in Kazakhstan
10 years of business cooperation with the companies of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Principality of Liechtenstein, Japan in the professional field of computer technology and electronics
10 years of international academic and public activity in professional field of computer technologies and electronics
Multilingual: Kazakh, Russian, English (Certificate IELTS), and communication skills in Central Asian languages.
September 2018 – present – SDU University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Associate professor of Department Computer Sciences
2017 September – 2018 May, Non-profit joint stock company “K. Satbayev Kazakh National Research Technical University, Ass. professor of Information defence, Military Department
2016 January – 2017 January Non-profit joint stock company “K. Satbayev Kazakh National Research Technical University, Head of the research and technological laboratory “Development and support of the distance education system”, Associate Professor of Computer and programming Engineering
2013 -2016 – Almaty Management University, Associate Professor of “Informational Technologies” Department, Staff Research Lab “IT in Education”
2009-2013 – Kazakh Academy of Labour and Social Relations, Position: Head of the Section “Computer Science and Software”
2007-2009 – Consulting company “Plankion Coach”, Position: IT – manager, coaching manager
2004 – 2006 – TOO “Mercury”, Almaty, Position: Head of the Department of Information Technology Holding.
Responsibilities: coordination and control of the department, information projects, contracts, quality of the documentation provided. Implementation of technical solutions, preparation of specifications, cost efficiency of automation projects, services, installation, working with design and estimate documentation.
Administration of electronic document management in corporations, preparation of documentation for the implementation of ISO 9001 quality system, IT – audit of the central office and subsidiaries of the holding company, controlling the activities of IT – services holding company. Analysis of Information Systems. Development of normative documents, regulations, job descriptions for IT – department.
Purchase of software and hardware for the holding. Drafting and control IT – budget holding. Work on standards ITIL.
2003 – 2004 – Regional Office for Central Asia, the company «HITACHI», Japan, Position: Manager with corporate customers.
Responsibilities: conclusion and management of contracts with corporate customers for the supply of computer technology, organization of presentations the company’s products in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, preparation and participation in exhibitions, consulting, advertising, marketing, market for the company.
2001 – 2003 – Regional Office for Central Asia, the international provider company «I-Sat AG», Liechtenstein, Position: Regional Manager.
Responsibilities: conclusion and management of contracts with corporate customers. Development of projects for Kazakhstan wireless Internet users. Advertising and consulting users on the wireless Internet. Advertising Equipment Group Nortell DASA – Germany.

CSS 345 Advanced computer architecture, Bs
CSS 345 FPGA programming, Bs
CSS 410 Research tools and methods, Bs

Research Interests
Internet of Things, FPGA programming, Embedded systems, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Twin.

1. Tulemissova G., Dauren Rakhmetolla, Conceptual approach to the formation of the digital twin of the Destination Earth (first glance), ICECCO 2023 (The seventeenth International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation) 1-2 june 2023, SDU- Scopus
2. L. Atymtayeva, M. Kanatov, A. M. A Musleh, Tulemissova G., Fast Facial Expression Recognition System: Selection of Models, International Journal, Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences, Scopus N.17, No. 2, p.375-383, 2023.
3. Altynbekova A., Digital Design: Textbook, Almaty, SDU University, ISBN 978-601-7647-18-6, 2022, 267 p. 4. Gulfarida Tulemissova, Olimzhon Baimuratov, Review of electronic industry in Kazakhstan: conditions and opportunities, International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation, ICECCO, SDU University, November 25-26, 2021, Kaskelen, Kazakhstan, Scopus
5. Gulfarida Tulemissova, Olimzhon Baimuratov, Using the FPGA platform to protect the multi-agent wireless pipeline sensor network, Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, ECCWS, University of Chester, UK, 25-26 June, 2020. Scopus
6. Lyazzat Atymtayeva, Gulfarida Tulemissova, Serik Nurmyshev. An Intelligent Approach and Data Management in Active Security Auditing Processes for Web Based Applications, Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design, Barcelona, Spain , 3-5 July 2017, p.136. – Springer
7. Lyazzat Atymtayeva, Gulfarida Tulemissova, Serik Nurmyshev and Ardakbek Kungaliyev, Some Issues in the Re-Engineering of Business Processes and Models by Using Intelligent Security Tools, Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design, Barcelona, Spain , 3-5 July 2017, p. 199. Scopus.
8. Gulfarida Tulemissova,”Case Method for the Conditions of Development of Startups Analysis in the IT Industry in Kazakhstan”, ICMLG 2017, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Management Leadership and Governance, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 16-17 March 2017, p.443-452. Scopus.
9. Tulemissova Gulfarida, “Sharing of teaching staff information via QR-code usage”, Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Information Systems Management (ECISM 2016), University of Évora, Portugal, 8-9 September 2016, p.195-203. Scopus.
10. Tulemissova Gulfarida, The Impact of the IoT and IoE Technologies on Changes of Knowledge Management Strategy, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Intellectual Capital, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy, 12 – 13 May 2016, V.1 ,p.317-325. Scopus.
11. Tulemissova Gulfarida,” Internet of things – a new paradigm of development and use of information technology for Kazakhstan”, Proceedings of the of the ІІ Іnternational scientific – practical conference «INFORMATION AND TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND PRACTICE», Almaty, Kazakhstan, December 3-4, 2015, V.2., p.482-488.
12. Tulemissova Gulfarida, Massanova Laura,” Mathematical thinking as a basis for the formation of intellectual capital analyst”, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning, IKI-SEA of Bangkok University, Thailand, 5-6 November 2015,p.289-297. Scopus.
13. Tulemissova Gulfarida,” Mobile learning as a condition for the evolution of competencies in the alternative periods of study”, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on e-Learning, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK, 29-30 October 2015,p.611-620. Scopus.
14. Gulfarida Tulemissova, Gulzada Serzhan, Svetlana Iskakova and Ermek Ramazanov, Evaluation Criteria of Experts for Knowledge Management System of a Business School, 15th European Conference on Knowledge Management. ECKM 2014. The Santarém School of Management and Technology Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, Santarém, Portugal, 4-5 September, 2014.Volume 3, p. 879-884. Scopus.
15. Tulemissova Gulfarida, “Mathematical model of service quality performance’s computing of multiservice network” [Text] / G.Tulemissova, // Proceedings of the International Forum “The 2014 International Conference on Internet Computing and Big Data» – Las Vegas, USA, www. world-academy-of-science.org . July 21-24, 2014, C.138-144.Web of Science.

1. Lyazzat Atymtayeva, Gulfarida Tulemissova, Serik Nurmyshev. An Intelligent Approach and Data Management in Active Security Auditing Processes for Web Based Applications, Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design, Barcelona, Spain , 3-5 July 2017, p.136. – Springer
2. Lyazzat Atymtayeva, Gulfarida Tulemissova, Serik Nurmyshev and Ardakbek Kungaliyev, Some Issues in the Re-Engineering of Business Processes and Models by Using Intelligent Security Tools, Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design, Barcelona, Spain , 3-5 July 2017, p. 199. Scopus
3. Gulfarida Tulemissova,”Case Method for the Conditions of Development of Startups Analysis in the IT Industry in Kazakhstan”, ICMLG 2017, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Management Leadership and Governance, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 16-17 March 2017, p.443-452.- Scopus
4. Tulemissova Gulfarida, Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Information Systems Management (ECISM 2016), Evora, Portugal, 8 – 9 September 2016, V.1 ,p.156-164. – Scopus
5. Tulemissova Gulfarida, The Impact of the IoT and IoE Technologies on Changes of, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Intellectual Capital, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy, 12 – 13 May 2016, V.1 ,p.317-325.– Scopus
6. Tulemissova Gulfarida,” Mobile learning as a condition for the evolution of competencies in the alternative periods of study”, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on e-Learning, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK, 29-30 October 2015,p.611-620.
7. Tulemissova Gulfarida, Massanova Laura,” Mathematical thinking as a basis for the formation of intellectual capital analyst”, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning, IKI-SEA of Bangkok University, Thailand, 5-6 November 2015,p.289-297.
8. Gulffarida Tulemissova, Gulzada Serzhan, Svetlana Iskakova and Ermek Ramazanov, Evaluation Criteria of Experts for Knowledge Management System of a Business School, 15th European Conference on Knowledge Management. ECKM 2014. The Santarém School of Management and Technology Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, Santarém, Portugal, 4-5 September, 2014.Volume 3, p. 879-884.
9. Tulemissova Gulfarida, “Sharing of teaching staff information via QR-code usage”, Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Information Systems Management (ECISM 2016), University of Évora, Portugal, 8-9 September 2016, p.195-203.
10. Tulemissova Gulfarida, The Impact of the IoT and IoE Technologies on Changes of Knowledge Management Strategy, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Intellectual Capital, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy, 12 – 13 May 2016, V.1 ,p.317-325.
11. Tulemissova Gulfarida,” Internet of things – a new paradigm of development and use of information technology for Kazakhstan”, Proceedings of the of the ІІ Іnternational scientific – practical conference «INFORMATION AND TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND PRACTICE», Almaty, Kazakhstan, December 3-4, 2015, V.2., p.482-488.
12. Tulemissova Gulfarida, “Mathematical model of service quality performance’s computing of multiservice network” [Text] / G.Tulemissova, // Proceedings of the International Forum “The 2014 International Conference on Internet Computing and Big Data» – Las Vegas, USA, www. world-academy-of-science. org. July 21-24, 2014, C.138-144- Web of Science
13. Tulemissova Gulfarida, “The development of IoT space in Kazakhstan”, Proceedings of the CSCI’15: The 2015 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, December 7-9, 2015, Las Vegas, USA.V.1,p.311-313.
14. Tulemissova, G. Algorithm for local control of the flow volume [Text] / Tulemissova G., Kalimoldaev M., // Journal “Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, № 2. – Almaty: NEC, 2013. – S. 112-116.
15. Tulemissova, G. Mathematical model of adaptive routing information flow networks for integrated Services [Text] / Collection “Science News Kazakhstan», № 2.-Almaty: 2013 – S.67-73.
16. Tulemissova, G. The algorithm limits the flow volume in the ISDN [Text] / Tulemissova G. // Collection “Science News Kazakhstan», № 2. – Almaty .: 2013. – S. 34-39
17. G. Tulemissova A mathematical model for calculating the parameters of quality of service multiservice network // Journal “Science and New Technologies», № 1. -Bishkek: “Scientific journals and children’s fiction”, 2013. – S.51-54.
18. Tulemissova, G. Method of optimal allocation of channel resources multiservice network // Journal “Science and New Technologies», № 1 – Bishkek: “Scientific journals and children’s fiction”, 2013. – S.44-47.
19. Tulemissova, G. Multiservice network management problems [Text] // Materials Science Forum, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of professor, Biyashev R. G. /. – Almaty: NC STI March 29, 2013.- S.42-45.
20. Tulemissova, G. Algorithm for calculating the parameters of quality of service digital network Integrated Services // Materials Science Forum, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Prof. academician MAIN Biyasheva R. – Almaty: NC STI, March 29, 2013. – P. 38-42.
21. Tulemissova, G. Multiservice networks or converged communications // The Role of Innovation in the international transfer of knowledge // Collection of articles IX International Scientific and Practical Conference MAB “Business and Education: development vector”.- Almaty: MAB, February 8, 2013. – S.145-147.
22. Tulemissova, G. Mathematical model of calculation parameters for asynchronous data transmission network with bypass lines // Journal “Proceedings of Universities», №5. – Bishkek: “Scientific journals and children’s fiction”, 2012. – p. 14-18
23. Tulemissova, G. Some mathematical representation of Erlang formula // Journal “Proceedings of Universities», №5. – Bishkek: “Scientific journals and children’s fiction,” 2012. – S.3-5.
24. Tulemissova, G. A mathematical model of computation characteristics for optimal user experience multiservice network// Herald Suleyman Demirel University, № 4 (24). – Almaty: 2012.- S.83-87.
25. Tulemissova, G. A mathematical model to compute quality parameters, Multiservice communication network in Kazakhstan [Text]/ Proceedings of the international scientific – practical conference “Actual problems of computer science and management processes,70- years. Hon. Scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Acad. Academy HS RK, – In 2 parts. Almaty Institute of Informatics and Control, November 15-16, 2012. – S.346-348.

Tulemissova G. , Altynbekova A., Digital Design: Textbook, Almaty, SDU University, ISBN 978-601-7647-18-6, 2022, 267 p.

nstructor excellence award in recognition of advanced level instructor excellence and lasting contribution to the Cisco networking academy program, 2013, USA, Academy of Cisco company. Instructor years of service award for 5 years of active participation and service in the Cisco networking academy, 2014, USA, Academy of Cisco company.

Membership of professional organizations
2015- 2018 – member of the “Internet of Things” committee of the international non-profit association of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
2016 – 2018 -member of the British Academy of Engineering
2019 – IEEE Sensors Council

Ali Baigelenov

Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer

Degree qualifications
PhD Candidate in Technology (2024). Purdue University, USA
MS in Computer Graphics Technology (2017). Purdue University, USA
BS in Computer Graphics Technology (2015). Purdue University, USA

Working Experience
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Feb 2024 – present

INF 232 Web programming: back end, Bs
CSS 206 Database Management Systems 1, Bs
CSS 489 Diploma preparation, Bs

Research Interests
Human-computer interaction, information visualization, cognition, design, education

1. Parsons, P. C., Shukla, P. C., Baigelenov, A., & Gray, C. M. (2023). Developing Framing Judgment Ability: Student Perceptions from a Graduate UX Design Program. In Proceedings of the 5th Annual Symposium on HCI Education (pp. 23-32).
2. Parsons, P., Gray, C. M., Baigelenov, A., & Carr, I. (2020). Design judgment in data visualization practice. arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.02628.
3. Parsons, P., Baigelenov, A., Hung, Y. H., & Schrank, C. (2020). What Design Methods do DataVis Practitioners Know and Use?. In Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-8).
4. Parsons, P., Hung, Y. H., & Baigelenov, A. (2018). Toward an Analysis of Practitioner-Oriented Resources for Visualization Design. In IEEE VIS ’18: Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Conference on Information Visualization, Poster Abstracts, pp. 2
5. Baigelenov, A., & Parsons, P. (2018). Interactivity Factors in Visualization-Based Exploratory Search.
6. In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Paper LBW009, 6 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3170427.3188558 (Acceptance rate: 39.8%)
7. Saenz, M., Baigelenov, A., Hung, Y. H., & Parsons, P. (2017). Reexamining the cognitive utility of 3D visualizations using augmented reality holograms. In Workshop on Immersive Analytics: Exploring Future Interaction and Visualization Technologies for Data Analytics (Immersive 2017), pp. 5.
8. Baigelenov, A., Saenz, M., Hung, Y. H., & Parsons, P. (2017). Toward an Understanding of Observational Advantages in Information Visualization. In IEEE VIS ’17: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Conference on Information Visualization, Poster Abstracts, pp. 2.

Sriver Award | USA, August 2018
Daniel and Martina Lewis Graduate Award | USA, August 2018
Kazakhstan’s Governmental Scholarship “Bolashak” | Kazakhstan, January 2010

Akerke Alseitova

Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer

Degree Qualifications
Candidate of PhD in Computer Sciences, SDU University, KZ
MSc in Computing systems and Software (2013), SDU University, KZ
BS in Information Systems(2011), SDU University, KZ

Working Experience
Senior Lecturer in SDU University, Kaskelen, 2019 – present
Computer Sciences Instructor in NIS, Almaty, 2018 – 2019
Computer science teacher and alumni coordinator in BIL, Taraz, 2013 – 2018
Computer science teacher and alumni coordinator in BIL, Shymkent, 2012 – 2013
Teacher of computer science in International School of Nurorda, Oskemen, 2011 – 2012

CSS 105 Fundamentals of Programming, Bs
CSS 108 Programming Technologies and Educational Practice, Bs

Research Interests
IT Education, Personalization, Gamification, Data Mining in Education

1. ‘What Forces Us To Gamify The Programming In Higher Education: A Literature Review'(2023). 2023 17th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO).Lazzat Tolegen.

Internal grant of SDU University, 2021

Kamila Orynbekova

Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer

Degree qualifications
Candidate PhD in Computing Systems and Software, SDU University, KZ, present
MS in Computing Systems and Software, SDU University, KZ , 2017
BS in Computing Systems and Software, SDU University, KZ, 2013

Working Experience
Senior Lecturer, SDU University, Kaskelen, 2019 – present
Lecturer, SDU University, Kaskelen, 2017 – 2019
Teacher-assistant, SDU University, Kaskelen, 2015 – 2017

CSS 615 Big Data Analytics, Ms
CSS 439 Distributed Big Data Systems, Bs

Research Interests
Big Data Distributed Systems

1. MapReduce Solutions Classification by Their Implementation. // International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), 13(5) 2023, pp. 58–71
2. Defining Semantically Close Words of Kazakh Language with Distributed System Apache Spark. // Big Data and Cognitive Computing 7.4 (2023): 160.
3. Recommendation System for Human Resource Management by the Use of Apache Spark Cluster. // 2023 17th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO). IEEE, 2023.
4. MBTI personality classification using Apache Spark. // 2021 16th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO). IEEE, 2021.
5. Optimization of data segments and number of cores for defining popularity of Kazakh words using Apache Spark. // Engineering Journal of Satbayev University 143.3 (2021): 39-42.
6. Computing feature vectors of students for face recognition using Apache Spark. // 2019 15th International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Computation (ICECCO). IEEE, 2019.

Aliya Zhunis

Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer

Degree qualifications
MA of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kocaeli University, Turkey, 2019
BA of Radioengineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, International Information Technology University, KZ, 2

Working Experience
Lecturer at Computer Sciences Department, SDU University, Kaskelen, KZ, 2020 – present
Internalization coordinator of Engineering and Natural Sciences Faculty, SDU University, Kaskelen, KZ, 2021 – 2023

Certified Peer Reviewer Course; Researcher Academy; 23 February 2024; 4 hours
Wintered 2024: Transform Teaching, Inspire Learning; SDU University; 9-23 January 2024; 72 hours
Reviewer of papers at 16th ICECCO Conference; SDU University; 25-26 November 2021
Participated in Organization of 16th ICECCO Conference; SDU University; 25-26 November 2021

NF 106 Information and Communications Technologies (CS and IS faculty), Bs
INF 313 Computer Networks 1, Bs
INF 440 Digital Image Processing, Bs
INF 425 Wireless networks, Bs
CSS 230 Digital Design, Bs
CSS 250 Electronics, Bs
MAT 122 Algorithms and Programming 1, Bs
MDE 173 Information and Communications Technologies, Bs

Research Interests
Aftificial Intelligence

1. Epileptic Seizure Prediction in EEG Signals using EMD and DWT (2019), IEEE, 1-4, M. Bekbalanova and Z. Duisebekov

Binara Imankulova

Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer

Degree Qualifications
MS in Electronics and nanoelectronics. Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, RF
BS in Radiotechnics, telecommunication and electronics. Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, KZ

IoT Fundamentals: IoT Security, Cisco, 2019
CCNA Cybersecurity Operations, Cisco, 2019
Linux for Developers, Coursera, 2022
Robotic Process Automation, IBM, 2023
Blockchain engineering training, Blockchain center, 72 hours, 2023

Working Experience
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Aug 2023 – present
Scientific Intern, Hochschule Schmalkalden, Germany Senior Lecturer, IIT University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Aug 2018 – present
IT Project Manager, Documentolog, Almaty, KZ Lecturer, Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Aug 2017 – May 2023
Project Manager, Green Rise, Almaty, KZ
IPTV Engineer, Eltex Alatau, Almaty, KZ
Junior Researcher (Intern), Crystal T., Tomsk, Russia

CSS 252 Electronics, Bs
CSS 254 Digital Design, Bs
INF 106 ICT, Bs

Research Interests
Internet of Things, Robotics

1. B.B. Imankulova. Transmission, storage and preprocessing of data received from sensors using lora technology. (2024) AUPET Bulletin. 1(64), 16-24. Co-authors: L.A. Kozina, N.T. Duzbayev, S.T. Amanzholova. https://doi.org/10.51775/2790-0886_2024_64_1_16
2. Imankulova B. Development And Research of A Two-Contour Solar System In The Lorawan Network. (2023). WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer. 18 (5). 51-58 pp. Co-authors: Kunelbayev M., Sundetov T., Tyulepberdinova G., Issabayeva S., Sagimbayeva L..
3. B. Imankulova. Data security, modeling and visualization of data from IoT devices. (2022) Scientific Journal of Astana IT University. 10, Co-authors: S. Alpar, S. Amanzholova. DOI: 10.37943/ACWT2121
4. Imankulova B.B.. Software and technical aspects of data collection from end nodes: problems and prospects. (2020) AUPET Bulletin. 4(51), 164-172. doi: 10.51775/1999-9801_2020_51_4_164. Co-authors: Amanzholova S.T., Duisebekova K.S.
5. Imankulova B.B. Research of data transmission problems in automated systems of commercial accounting energy resources. (2019) Herald of the Kazakh-British technical university. 16(3), 249-252.

Grant funding for scientific research on the topic: “Software and hardware complex for analysis and monitoring of climatic and ecological changes in the environment” AR05134597, 2020

Assem Kaliyeva

Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer

Degree qualifications
PhD Physics-Pedagogy, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, KZ , 2019
MA Physics, D.Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University, KZ, 2005
BA Engineer-Physics, S.Amanzholova East Kazakhstan State University, KZ, 2003

National conference’ Astana – 29 Mart 2019.

Working Experience
Physics teacher, D.Serikbayev University, Oskemen, 2003-2005
Senior Lecturer, S.Amanzholov University, Oskepen, 2005-2012
Senior Lecturer, SDU University, Kaskelen, 2012-present

CSS 112 – Bachelor level – Physics
CSS 152 – Bachelor level – Physics 1

Research Interests

1. University Improving the Problem of In-depth learning in the Electrodynamics Department // Improving the problem of in-depth training of the Department of electrodynamics of the University, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. “Messenger”. -2018. -№1(61). P.181-186.
2. Methodology for solving problems of electrodynamics using vectors in the course of physics// Methodology for solving problems in electrodynamics using vectors in the course of physics, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. “Messenger”. -2023.- №2(402). Pp. 134-147
3. Computer-assisted methods of physical calculations at a higher education institution // Computer methods of physical experiments in higher educational institutions, “Bulletin of the Kazakh Academy of transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshbayev” scientific journal -2023. – December.
4. The Development of Education Methods of Electricity and Magnetism Discipline in Higher Educational Institutions / / electricity and magnetism in Higher Education development of educational methods of the discipline. Conference ICECCO. -2018. -P. 14. Conference ICECCO. -2018. -P. 14. ISBN 978-1-7281-0133-0
5. General characteristics of teaching methods in electrodynamics // General solutions of teaching methods of the discipline electrodynamics. “URALIntellects.r.XVI International materials of the scientific and practical conference. – Prague, 2018.”ASP-Inter”. – Tyumen, Russia. P.65-67.

National conference’ Astana – 29 Mart 2019

Physics 1(2016), Kaskelen, SDU, Guverdzhin S.
Physics 2(2017), Kaskelen, SDU

Membership of professional organisation
EMCD 2015-2017

Perizat Yessenova




Degree qualifications
MA in Informatics, AIU, KZ, 2019
BA in Computer Science, SDU University, KZ, 2013

Working Experience
Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Sep 2021 – present.

CSS 206 Database Management Systems, Bs
CSS 489 Diploma Preparation, Bs MDE 173

Zhumaniyaz Mamatnabiyev

Senior Lecturer



Senior Lecturer

Degree Qualifications
MSc in Computing Systems and Software, SDU University, Kaskelen, Kazakhstan, 2019
BSc in Computing Systems and Software, SDU University, Kaskelen, Kazakhstan, 2017

Working Experience
Teacher, Al-Farabi High School for Gifted Children, Almalybak, Kazakhstan, 2016-2019, Robotics and Programming Teacher
Assistant-instructor, Department of Computer Sciences, SDU University, Kaskelen, Kazakhstan, 2017-2019, Advisor
Senior Research Assistant, Department of Computer Sciences, SDU University, Kaskelen, Kazakhstan, 2021-2023
Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Sciences, SDU University, Kaskelen, Kazakhstan, 2020-now, Hardware and Operating Systems Track Leader

CSS 356 Introduction to IoT, Bs
CSS 524 Networking in IoT, Ms
CSS 641 IoT in Industry, Ms
CSS 372 IoT Data Management and Analytics, Bs
CSS 215 Introduction to algorithms, Bs
CSS 220 Advanced algorithms, Bs
CSS 514 Advanced Digital Design, Ms
CSS 410 Research Tools and Methods, Bs
INF 231 Web Programming: Front End, Bs

Research Interests
Educational robots, IoT Application in education

1. A Holistic Approach to Use Educational Robots for Supporting Computer Science Courses. Computers, 2024, 13(4), 102.
2. Design and Implementation of an Open-Source Educational Robot for Hands-On Learning Experiences in IoT. Paper presented at 2023 17th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO), Kaskelen, Kazakhstan, 2023, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICECCO58239.2023.10146599.
3. Animal Tracking System based on GPS sensor and LPWAN. Paper presented at 2022 International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies (SIST), 2022, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/SIST54437.2022.9945724.
4. Development of Attendance Monitoring System using IoT Technologies. Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO 2021), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICECCO53203.2021.9663827.
5. Application of Visible Light Communication (VLC) in various areas: Survey. SDU Bulletin: Natural and Technical Sciences, [S.l.], v. 55, n. 2, p. 11-16, June 2021. ISSN 2709-2631. doi:10.47344/sdubnts.v55i2.539.
6.Comparative Analysis of Sorting Algorithms Used in Competitive Programming. SDU Bulletin: Natural and Technical Sciences, [S.l.], v. 55, n. 2, p. 64-70, June 2021. ISSN 2709-2631. doi:10.47344/sdubnts.v55i2.546.
7. Project-Based Curriculum for Internet of Things Online Course. Suleyman Demirel University Bulletin: Pedagogy and Teaching Methods, [S.l.], v. 55, n. 2, p. 20-25, June 2021. ISSN 2709-264X. Doi: 10.47344/sdu bulletin.v55i2.562.
8. Heart Rate Sensor and Its Applications: Review. Paper presented at the International Conference on Digital World and Engineering Education (ICDWEE), 2021. RFID Technology as a Part of Monitoring Systems. SDU Bulletin: Natural and Technical Sciences. 2020/1 (52), pp. 100-108, ISSN 2709-2631
9. Survey of IoT Hardware Platforms Used for Monitoring Systems. Vestnik KazNRTU, 2019, no. 6 (136), pp. 273-279, ISSN: 1680-9211
10. Development of House Automation System Controlled using IoT Technologies (with R. Suliyev). Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Computation, ICECCO 2018, pp. 206-212. doi:10.1109/ICECCO.2018.8634734.

‘Investigating the Effectiveness of Robotics in Computer Science Education.’ ERASMUS+ ACeSYRI Workshop under the Int. Conf. on Information and Digital Technologies at the University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia, June 20-22, 2023

Meraryslan Meraliyev

Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer

Degree qualifications
PhD in Computer systems and software, SDU university, KZ, current
MA in Computer systems and software, SDU University, KZ, 2017
BA Information Systems, SDU University, Kz, 2015

Working Experience
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Nov 2019 – present.
Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Aug 2017 – Nov 2019.

INF 337 Deep Learning, Bs
CSS 324 Introduction to Machine Learning, Bs
CSS 399 Applied AI, Bs
CSS 633 Machine Learning, Ms
INF 369 Data visualization and storytelling, Bs
INF 415 Leadership in IT, Bs
CSS 105 Fundamentals of Programming, Bs
CSS 225 Web programming fundamentals, Bs
CSS 410 Research tools and methods, Bs
CSS 302 Software Engineering, Bs

Research Interests
Deep Learning, AI, Reinforcement Learning, Vehicle routing problem

1. Machine learning to solve vehicle routing problems: A survey (2024) A Bogyrbayeva, M Meraliyev, T Mustakhov, B Dauletbayev IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
2. Face extraction and recognition from public images using HIPI A Bogdanchikov, D Kariboz, M Meraliyev 14th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation, ICECCO 2018, 2018, 8634718
3. Algorithm for Reduction of Space Allocation of the Boxes in the Warehouse K Orynbekova, R Suliyev, A Issabek, M Meraliyev, A Talasbek, D Kariboz, 14th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation, ICECCO 2018, 2018, 8634695

‘Choosing Best Machine Learning Algorithms for Breast Cancer Prediction.’ (2017), Academics World 64th International Conference, Putrajaya, Malaysia, 4th-5th May 2017, p11-16, M.Zhaparov, K. Artykbayev

Research grant funded. DAAD grant for I2P2 project

Taukekhan Mustakhov

Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer

Degree qualifications
MS in Computer Science, SDU university, KZ, 2023
BS in Information Systems, SDU university, KZ, 2021

Working Experience
Senior Lecturer, SDU, Kaskelen, Almaty, Sep 2023 – Present
Assistant Instructor, SDU, Kaskelen, Almaty, Sep 2021 – Aug 2023
Software Engineer, DAR, Almaty, KZ, Sep 2020 – Aug 2021

CSS 108 Programming Technologies and Educational Practice, BS
CSS 215 Introduction to Algorithms, BS
CSS 220 Advanced Algorithms, BS
CSS 417 Linux Administration, BS
INF 368 The Go programming language, BS

Research Interests
Machine learning, Reinforcement learning, Vechile Routing Problems

1. Machine Learning to Solve Vehicle Routing Problems: A Survey. 2024 IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. pages 1 – 19. Bogyrbayeva, A., Meraliyev, M. and Dauletbayev, B.

Yelnur Mutaliyev

Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer

Degree Qualifications
MS in Computer Science, 2023

Working Experience
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Sep 2023 – present.
Assistant-Instructor, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Aug 2021 – Sep 2023.

CSS 105 Fundamentals of Programming, Bs
CSS 108 Programming Technologies and Educational Practice, Bs
INF 106 Information and Communications Technologies, Bs

Sadyk Ualikhan

Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer

Degree qualifications
PhD in Computer Science, SDU University, Kaskelen, Kazakhstan, 2022-2025
PhD in Data Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai, China, 2021-2023
MSc in Computer Science, SDU University, Kaskelen, Kazakhstan, 2019-2021
BSc in Radioengineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, Karaganda State University,Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Working Experience
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Sep 2022 – present.
Assistant-Instructor, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Sep 2019 – Sep 2022.

CSS 152 Physics 1, Bs
CSS 112 Physics 1, Bs
CSS 105 Fundamentals of Programming, Bs
CSS 108 Programming Technologies and Educational Practice, Bs
CSS 410 Research tools and methods, Bs
CSS 489 Diploma preparation, Bs
MAT 370 Methods of Scientific research, Bs
INF 405 Personal Development in Computer Science, Bs

Research Interests
Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision

1. Sadyk, U., Turan, C., & Baimukashev, R. (2023, June). Overview of Deep Learning Models for Banknote Recognition. In 2023 17th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
2. Sadyk, U., Baimukashev, R., Bozshina, A., & Turan, C. KZ-BD: Dataset of Kazakhstan Banknotes with Annotations. Available at SSRN 4606449.
3. Shaikym, A., Zhalgassova, Z., & Sadyk, U. (2023, June). Design and Evaluation of a Personalized Job Recommendation System for Computer Science Students Using Hybrid Approach. In 2023 17th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
4. Zhalgassova, Z., Shaikym, A., Sadyk, U., Kutzhan, A., Amirkumar, M., & Assangali, B. (2023, June). MBTI-based recommendation system for extracurricular activities for high school students. In 2023 17th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
5. Kutzhan, A., Shaikym, A., & Sadyk, U. (2023, June). A Comparative Study of the Impact of Electronic Devices on University Students’ Academic Performance. In 2023 17th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
6. Sadyk, U., Duisebekov, Z., Sapargali, N., & Amirzhanov, A. (2021, November). Effective Ways to Pass Exams in Programming Disciplines and Optimize the Process of Analyzing Results. Case Study: Suleyman Demirel University. In 2021 16th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO) (pp. 1-3). IEEE.

1. “Transfer Learning in Banknote Classification: A Comparative Analysis of Fine-tuned CNNs – AlexNet, GoogLeNet, and VGG16 on the Kazakhstan Banknotes Dataset”. The 4th International Workshop on ACeSYRI: Modern Experience for PhD students and Young Researchers, Paris, France, September 25-29, 2023
2. “Design and Evaluation of a Personalized Job Recommendation System for Computer Science Students Using Hybrid Approach”. International Conference: International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation, Almaty, Kazakhstan, June 1-3, 2022
3. “MBTI-based recommendation system for extracurricular activities for high school students”. International Conference: International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation, Almaty, Kazakhstan, June 1-3, 2022
4. “A Comparative Study of the Impact of Electronic Devices on University Students’ Academic Performance”. International Conference: International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation, Almaty, Kazakhstan, June 1-3, 2022

Bolashak 2023 scholarship

Membership of professional organisations
Expert in Computer Science & Data Science Accreditation by ASIIN Accreditation Agency in Dusseldorf, Germany, and ACQUIN Accreditation Agency in Bayreuth, Germany

Gulnara Saimassay

Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer

Degree qualifications
BS in Information Systems (2021). SDU University, KZ.
MS in Computer Sciences (2023). SDU University, KZ
PhD student in Computer Sciences (current). SDU University, KZ

IELTS 7.5, 2023

Working Experience
Senior Lecturer, SDU University, Integrates current research findings and methodologies into teaching, ensuring students learn cutting-edge techniques and applications in deep learning. 2023 – present
International Coordinator, SDU University, Integrates current research findings and methodologies into teaching, ensuring students learn cutting-edge techniques and applications in deep learning. 2023 – present
Assistant-Instructor, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, SDU University, Kaskelen, Kazakhstan, 2021-2023.

INF 305 Database Management Systems 2, Bs
CSS 105 Fundamentals of Programming, Bs
CSS 206 Database Management Systems 1, Bs
CSS 489 Diploma preparation, Bs

Research Interests
Data Science, IT in Education

1. Recommendation System for Human Resource Management by the Use of Apache Spark Cluster, 2023, 17th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO), pp. 1-4, A. Serek, K. Orynbekova, A. Talasbek, D. Kariboz, A. Bogdanchikov
2. Analysis of Self-esteem on Students’ Performance in Online Programming Competition, 2023, 17th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO), pp. 1-4, A. Serek, M. Zhaparov, C. Nguyen Giang, V. Truong Hoang and Z. Zhalgassova

Ardak Shalkarbayuly

Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer

Degree Qualifications
MSc in Computer Science, SDU, KZ, 2010
BSc in Computer Science, SDU, KZ, 2004

Working Experience
Senior Lecturer, SDU University, Kazakhstan, Kaskelen, 2008 – 2024

INF 106 Information and Communications Technologies, Bs
INF 336 Information Search and Retrieval, Bs
INF 225 Introduction to Java Programming, Bs
INF 376 Natural Language Processing, Bs
INF 202 Database Management Systems 1, Bs
CSS 316 Advanced Programming Techniques, Bs
CSS 213 Foundations of WEB Programming, Bs
CSS 311 Computer System Interface, Bs
CSS 423 Artificial Intelligence, Bs
CSS 431 Collective Intelligence , Bs
CSS 410 Research tools and methods, Bs
CSS 489 Diploma preparation, Bs
CSS 671 Scientific Research Work of Master Student 3, Ms

Research Interests
Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing

Duman Telman

Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer

Degree qualifications
BS in Computer Sciences, SDU University, KZ, 2021
MS in Computer Sciences, SDU University, KZ, 2023
PhD in Software Engineering, Satbayev University, KZ, current

Working Experience
Cybersecurity track leader, , SDU University, Kazakhstan, Kaskelen, Sep 2023 – present
Senior Lecturer, , SDU University, Kazakhstan, Kaskelen, Sep 2023 – present
Coordinator of Practice in Computer Science department, , SDU University, Kazakhstan, Kaskelen,2021 – 2023
Assistant teacher, SDU University, Kazakhstan, Kaskelen, Sep 2021 – Aug 2023

INF 231 Web programming: front end, Bs
INF 106 Information and Communications Technologies, Bs
INF 228 UX/UI design, Bs
INF 370 User Interface Design, Bs
MAT 122 Algorithms and programming 1, Bs
MAT 122 Algorithms and programming 1, Bs
MCM 104 Algorithms and programming 1, Bs
MDE 173 Information and Communication Technologies, Bs
MMS 106 Computer graphics programming and Educational Practice, Bs

Research Interests
Natural language processing (NLP)

ACeSYRI project, Europe, 2023-2024

Diana Abdrakhim

Teaching Assistant


Teaching Assistant

Degree qualifications
Bc in Information system, KarU University, KZ, 2022
Ms in Computer science, SDU University, KZ, 2024

Working Experience
Assistant instructor, SDU University, Kazakhstan, Kaskelen, Sep 2022 – Present
Assistant instructor Narxoz University, Almaty, KZ

CSS 206 DBMS 1, Bs
INF 305 DBMS 2, Bs
INF 338 Linux Administration systems, Bs
MAT 106 ICT, Bs
MMS 101 Computer programming 1, Bs
MMS 105 Computer programming 2, Bs

Research Interests
Computer vision, Machine Learning

Zhadyra Zhalgassova

Teaching Assistant


Teaching Assistant

Degree Qualifications
MS in Computer Science, SDU University, KZ, 2024
BS in Information Systems, SDU University, KZ, 2022

Working Experience
Assistant instructor, SDU University, Kazakhstan, Kaskelen, Sep 2022 – present

INF 202 Database Management Systems 1, Bs
MAT 122 Algorithms and programming 1, Bs
MAT 106 Information and Communication Technologies, Bs
CSS 152 Physics 1, Bs
CSS 328 Introduction to Data Analysis, Bs
MMS 106 Computer graphics programming and Educational Practice, Bs

Research Interests
Machine learning, Data Science

1. Zhalgassova, Z., Shaikym, A., Sadyk, U., Kutzhan, A., Amirkumar, M., & Assangali, B. (2023, June). “MBTI-based recommendation system for extracurricular activities for high school students.” In 2023 17th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
2. Shaikym, A., Zhalgassova, Z., & Sadyk, U. (2023, June). “Design and Evaluation of a Personalized Job Recommendation System for Computer Science Students Using Hybrid Approach.” In 2023 17th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
3. Serek, A., Saimassay, G., Zhaparov, M., Giang, C. N., Hoang, V. T., & Zhalgassova, Z. (2023, June). “Analysis of Self-esteem on Students’ Performance in Online Programming Competition.” In 2023 17th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
4. Saimassay, G., Zhaparov, M., & Zhalgassova, Z. (2023, June). “Analysis of Programming Education at the Primary Education Level.” SDU Bulletin: Natural and Technical Sciences, 63(2), 14-23. ISSN 2709-2631.
5. Sarsenbay, S., Turan, C., Varlamis, I., & Zhalgassova, Z. “A Novel Job Recommendation System Using the Benefits of the Gallup Test.” Available at SSRN 4687922. (preprint)

Yernar Akhmetbek

Teaching Assistant


Teaching Assistant

Degree qualifications
MS in Computer Science, SDU University, KZ, 2024
BS in Computer Science, SDU University, KZ, 2022

Coursera Certificate, Machine learning specialization
Coursera Certificate, Deep learning specialization

Working Experience
Research Assistant, SDU University, Kazakhstan, Kaskelen, Sep 2022 – Present
Junior Android Developer, DNA Payments, England, Oct 2022 – Oct 2023
Intern Android Developer, Dev House, Kazakhstan, Almaty, Jan 2022 – Apr 2022

NF 106 ICT, Bs
INF 423 Statistics and Data visualization, Bs
CSS 226 Backend programming, Bs
CSS 328 Introduction to Data analysis, Bs
CSS 324 Introduction to Machine Learning, Bs

Research Interests
Machine learning

1. Mustakhov, T., Akhmetbek, Y., & Bogyrbayeva, A. (2023). “Deep Reinforcement Learning for Stochastic Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem.” In 2023 17th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO). IEEE.
2. Akhmetbek, Y., & Mustakhov, T. (2023). “Stochastic Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem Survey.” SDU Khabarwysy.

Kazakhstan Ministry Grant funding, Kazakhstan, 2023

Mukhtar Amirkumar

Teaching Assistant


Teaching Assistant

Degree qualifications
MS in Computer Science, SDU University, KZ, 2024
BA in Computer Systems and Software, Kazakh-British Technical University, KZ, 2022

Working Experience
Assistant instructor, SDU University, Kazakhstan, Kaskelen, Sep 2022 – present

INF 202 DBMS 1, Bs
INF 305 DBMS 2, Bs
CSS 206 Database Management Systems 1, Bs
MAT 122 Algorithms and programming 1, Bs
MMS 106 Computer graphics programming and Educational Practice, Bs

Research Interests
Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning

1. Amirkumar, M., Orynbekova, K., Talasbek, A., Ayazbayev, D., & Cankurt, S. (2024, May). Comparative Effectiveness of Rule-Based and Machine Learning Methods in Sentiment Analysis of Kazakh Language Texts. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University.
2. Zhalgassova, Z., Shaikym, A., Sadyk, U., Kutzhan, A., Amirkumar, M., & Assangali, B. (2023, June). MBTI-based Recommendation System for Extracurricular Activities for High School Students. In 2023 17th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.

Nursat Bakyt

Teaching Assistant


Teaching Assistant

Degree Qualifications
BS in Information Systems, SDU University, KZ, 2023

Working Experience
Teacher Assistant, SDU University, Kaskelen, Sep 2023 – present
Senior Frontend Developer, Kinopark & Kinoplexx Theaters, Almaty, May 2022 – present

CSS 105 Fundamental of programming, Bs
INF 231 Web programming: frontend, Bs
CSS 217 Software Architecture and Design patterns, Bs
CSS 342 Software Engineering, Bs

Research Interests
Web Development

Yerbol Baigarayev

Assistant Instructor


Assistant Instructor

Degree qualifications
BS in Information systems, SDU University, KZ, 2021

ICPC Honorable mention certificate

Working Experience
2-time World Finalist Coach, providing coaching and mentorship for competitive programming teams Assistant-Instructor, SDU University, Almaty, Sep 2021 – Present

CSS 215 Introduction to Algorithms, Bs
CSS 228 Advanced Algorithms, Bs

Research Interests
Machine Learning Algorithms

Nuray Dauletkhan

Teaching Assistant


Teaching Assistant

Degree qualifications
MS in Computer Sciences, SDU University, KZ, current
Bachelor in Media Technologies, Astana IT University, KZ, 2023

Working Experience
Assistant instructor, SDU University, Kazakhstan, Kaskelen, Sep 2023 – present

MAT 122 Algorithms and programming 1, Bs
MDE 173 Information and Communication Technologies

Research Interests
Machine Learning

Dina Kengesbay

Teaching Assistant


Teaching Assistant

Degree Qualifications
MS in Computer Science, SDU University, KZ, current
BS in Information Systems, SDU University, KZ, 2023

Working Experience
Assistant instructor, SDU University, Kazakhstan, Kaskelen, Sep 2023 – present

MDE 173 ICT, Bs
INF 423 Visualisation for Data analysis, Bs

Research Interests
Machine Learning, Data Analysis

Assel Yembergenova

Teaching Assistant


Teaching Assistant

Degree qualifications
MS in Computer Science, SDU University, KZ, current
BS in Information Systems, SDU University, KZ, 2023

Academic IELTS certification 6.0

Working Experience
Assistant instructor and Beta Carrot coordinator, SDU University, Kazakhstan, Kaskelen, Sep 2023 – present

MAT 122 Algorithms and programming 1, Bs
MAT 124 Algorithms and programming 2, Bs

Research Interests
Machine Learning, Deep Learning

Maksat Maratov

Teaching Assistant


Teaching Assistant

Degree qualifications
MS in Information System, SDU University, KZ, current
BA in Software engineering, Astana IT University, KZ, 2023

Working Experience
Android Developer, MN Partners. Astana KZ. 06.01.22 – 15.02.23
Assistant instructor, SDU University, Kaskelen, Sep 2023 – Present

CSS 108 Fundamentals of Programming 2, Bs
CSS 105 Fundamentals of Programming 1, Bs
CSS 217 Software Architecture and Design Patterns, Bs

Research Interests
Machine Learning, NLU, NLP

Zhaniya Medeuova

Teaching Assistant


Teaching Assistant

Degree Qualifications
MS in Computer Science, SDU University, KZ, current
BS in Information Systems, SDU University, KZ, 2023

Working Experience
Assistant instructor, SDU University, Kazakhstan, Kaskelen, Sep 2023 – present
Intern Frontend Developer, Pimmer Company, Almaty, KZ, Jan 2023 – Jun 2023

MAT 122 Algorithms and programming 1, Bs
MAT 124 Algorithms and programming 2, Bs

Research Interests
Machine Learning, Deep Learning

Amina Shaiky

Teaching Assistant


Teaching Assistant

Degree qualifications
MS in Computer Science, SDU University, KZ, 2024
BA in Computer Science, Nazarbayev University, KZ, 2022

Working Experience
Assistant instructor, SDU University, Kazakhstan, Kaskelen, Sep 2022 – present

CSS 105 Fundamentals of Programming 1, Bs
CSS 108 Java 2,
Bs MDE 173 ICT, Bs

Research Interests
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Recommendation System

1. Design and Evaluation of a Personalized Job Recommendation System for Computer Science Students Using Hybrid Approach. (2023, June). In 2023 17th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO) (pp. 1-7). IEEE. Shaikym, A., Zhalgassova, Z., & Sadyk, U.
2. MBTI-based recommendation system for extracurricular activities for high school students. (2023, June). In 2023 17th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. Zhalgassova, Z., Shaikym, A., Sadyk, U., Kutzhan, A., Amirkumar, M., & Assangali, B.
3. A Comparative Study of the Impact of Electronic Devices on University Students’ Academic Performance.(2023, June) In 2023 17th International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation (ICECCO) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. Kutzhan, A., Shaikym, A., & Sadyk, U.

Membership of professional organisations
ACM Woman Lab



Дарынды студенттерді қолдау

Бұл бағдарлама көрнекті студенттерге, олардың әл-ауқатына қарамастан арналған. Бағдарламаға лайықты студенттер белгілі академиялық және әлеуметтік жетістіктерді көрсетуі тиіс. Бұл бағдарлама толық немесе ішінара гранттар беру немесе жатақханалық орын беру арқылы студенттердің кәсіби және жеке дамуына ықпал етуге арналған. Грантты оның барлық әрекет ету мерзімі ішінде сақтау үшін алушы әр семестр белгіленген ең төменгі орташа ұпайға сәйкес келуі тиіс.

Профессорлық-оқытушылар құрамын (профессорларды) қолдау

Ғылыми-зерттеу тағылымдама бағдарламасын қолдау. Профессорлық-оқытушылар құрамы академиялық бағдарламаны әзірлейді және университетте ғылыми зерттеулер жүргізеді. Осы бағдарлама аясында СДУ профессорлық-оқытушылар құрамына шетелде ғылыми зерттеулермен айналысуға мүмкіндік береді. Сіздің қайырмдылық көмегіңіз ұшуға, тұруға және ай сайынғы еңбекақысының 6 айдан 1 жылға дейін өтейді. СДУ сондай-ақ шетелден келген профессорларды жергілікті оқытушылар мен студенттермен өз білімдері мен тәжірибелерін бөлісуге шақырады.
 “Жас маман”бағдарламасын қолдау. “Жас маман” бағдарламасы СДУ үздік түлектерін іріктеу және оқытушылардың ассистенті ретінде академиялық мансабының бастапқы кезеңінде оларға көмек көрсету арқылы университеттің адами капиталын дамытуға бағытталған. Жас мамандар шетелде докторлық дәреже алуға және беделді университеттерде бай ғылыми зерттеу тәжірибесін алуға ынталандырылады. Оқытушылардың ассистенттері профессорлық-оқытушылық құрамнан стипендиялар мен кәсіби кеңестер алады.

Университетті қолдау

СДУ кампусы студенттердің білім беру және сауықтыру іс-шараларын өткізу үшін орталық орын болып табылады. Университет жаңа объектілерді салу және бар объектілерді елеулі жаңарту жолымен өзінің базалық инфрақұрылымын жаңартуға ұмтылады. Бұл ғимараттар, жолдар, коммуналдық қызметтер, аумақтық және ландшафтық дизайн, студенттік тұрғын үй және университет миссиясына толық қолдау көрсету үшін қажетті ақпараттық технологиялар ресурстары кіреді. Сондай-ақ, заманауи кітапханалық ресурстарды және ғылыми-зерттеу мекемелерін, жабдықтар мен технологиялық құралдарды қолдаудың маңызы зор.


Question? Contact us! infomatrix@sdu.edu.kz

Since Infomatrix Asia is an international project competition and current lingua franca is English language, we decided that everything(documentation, presentation, submission) will be in English.

Starting from this year, participation doesn’t give opportunity get max at ENT.

All participants who study at secondary school must participate with their supervisors. Due to the security concerns of the participants.

Mail to infomatrx@sdu.edu.kz (Only technical questions)

Look carefully at category requirements, but common thing is: great presentation, clear documentation, completed project, short video demonstrating your knowledge of English Participants from Kazakhstan should have participated on regional, city, republic project competitions before.

Infomatrix Asia is an independent competition. Therefore, you are free to submit your project to any other competitions.

The participation fee is a required fixed cost that covers: transportation, medals, t-shirts, certificates, food, lodging and so on…


We are inviting participants to stay in our comfortable and modern “Student House” located on the territory of SDU.

The student house of Suleyman Demirel University offers students not only accommodation and meals on the territory of the Smart Campus during their studies, but also the opportunity to improve their social skills and strengthen international relationships.

Do you need help? Contact us!  infomatrix@sdu.edu.kz

Бонус ұпай қалай жинауға болады?

Қатысушылардың Instagram желісіндегі парақшасында SPT олимпиадасы туралы қызықты әрі креатив пост жариялау арқылы 1-ден 5-ке дейін бонус ұпайға ие болу мүмкіндігі бар. Пост сурет, мәтін немесе видео сияқты кез келген форматта бола алады.

Шығармашылық шектеу жоқ, қиялыңа ерік бер!
Арманыңды жаз, әңгіме құрастыр, видео түсір, достарыңа мотивация бер,  оларды да қатысуға шақыр!

Бұл – тіпті қосымша 0,5 ұпайдың грант иесі атануда шешуші рөл атқара алатын тұсы. Сондықтан мұндай тамаша мүмкіндікті міндетті түрде пайдалануға кеңес береміз.


  • Қызықты және креативті пост жариялау (мәтін 50 cөзден кем емес, қатысышының өз атынан жазылады)
  • Cуретте @sdukz белгілеу (tag)
  • Хэштег – #spt2020 #sdukz
  • Пост соңында аты-жөнін, кластер мен ЖСН соңғы 6 цифрін хэштег арқылы көрсету (мысалы, Ахметов Айбек, #Кластер5, #123456).
  • Қатысушы парақшасы 10 наурызға дейін ашық болуы керек.

*Посттарды олимпиада ұйымдастырушылары былай бағалайды (жалпы ереже):

▫️1 ұпай:
— Пост жарияланған, талаптарға сай;
▫️2 ұпай:
— Мәтіні өте жақсы жазылған пост;
▫️3 ұпай:
— сапалы түсірілген және монтаждалған видео-пост;
▫️4 және 5 ұпай:
— Көп қаралым жинаған, лайк пен комментарий саны көп сапалы пост. 

Алайда баға беруші посттың сапасына көбірек қарайды. Яғни, тек қана мәтінмен-ақ +5 балл алу мүмкіндігі де бар. Немесе керісінше, көп лайк жинаған пост сапасыз болғандықтан 1 ұпай ғана жинауы мүмкін.

Посттар онлайн тіркелу аяқталғанға дейін қабылданады.

Қажетті құжаттар тізімі:

  • 3х4 өлшемінде 3 фото
  • 086 медициналық формасының көшірмесі (Қазақстан Республикасының емханасынан алынған)
  • Жеке куәліктің көшірмесі
  • Төлем туралы құжаттың көшірмесі

Құжаттарыңызды жіберіңіз:





Ұлдар: + 7 702 958 79 10
Қыздар: + 7 702 958 79 11


ISPT Registration


«Болашақ» халықаралық стипендиясының екі дүркін иегері. 2011 жылы Англияның Newcastle университетінің магистратурасын Халықаралық мультимедиалық журналистика мамандығы бойынша бітірген. Ал 2021 жылдың наурыз айында Шотландияның Glasgow университетінде үш жылдан астам уақыт бойы жазған докторлық диссертациясын мерзімінен бұрын сәтті қорғап шықты. 1 айдан кейін оған Медиа және мәдени саясат мамандығы бойынша ресми түрде Философия докторы ғылыми атағы берілді. Dr Әсел негізі 1451 жылы қаланған университеттің Мәдени саясатты зерттеу орталығында (Centre for Cultural Policy Research) қызмет еткен. Аты әлемге әйгілі, nationalism ұғымының Ұлыбританияда негізін қалаушылардың бірі Эрнест Геллнерден тәлім алған Филип Слесинджердің шәкірті. Сондай-ақ, ол  магистратура студенттеріне Зерттеу әдістері (Research Methods) пәнінен дәріс оқып, Қазақстаннан тұңғыш рет PhD дәрежесін иеленген маман атанады. 

Докторлық диссертациясы, «Қазақ киносы және ұлт: сыни талдау» тақырыбы, ұлт құрылысы (nation building)  тәсілімдемесі арқылы зерттелген (Kazakh cinema and the nation: a critical analysis – Enlighten: Theses (gla.ac.uk)). Ғылыми еңбекте ол қазақ киносына британ әлеуметтанушы Энтони Смиттің энтосимволизм концепциясы бойынша талдау жасап, қазақ халқының ұлт болып қалыптасуына атажұрттық фильмдердің әсері қаншалықты деген сұраққа жан-жақты жауап беруге ұмтылады. 

Диссертацияның жаңалығы – бұл отандық Еуразия Халықаралық  кинофестивалін академиялық тұрғыдан алғаш рет зерттеп, ғылымның фильм фестивальдері (film festival studies) атты жаңа саласына EurIFF ұғымын тұңғыш рет енгізді (бұл турасында ағылшын тілді ғылымда бір де бір диссертацияны айтағанның өзінде,  ғылыми орта назар аударарлық мақала да жоқтың қасы). Сонымен қатар, осы саланы зерттеп жүрген әлем зерттеушілеріне қазақ киносын, Қазақстанның халықаралық фестивалін ғылыми еңбегі арқылы танымалдандырды. 

Бұған дейін Әсел Қамза «Хабар» арнасында 2006-2010 жж. аралығында  «Азамат» жастар бағдарламасының редакторы, кейіннен продюсері, «Біз айтсақ…» ток-шоуының шеф-редакторы, қазақ және орыс тілінде хабар таратқан «Бизнес мекен» таңғы бағдарламасының сценарисі қызметін атқарып, ондаған тікелей эфирлерде жұмыс жасап, практик-журналист ретінде тәжірибесін толықтырды. Оның ішінде 2008-2009 жылдары «Қазақстанда жасалған» атты отандық өндірушілерді қолдау мақсатында ашылған тележобаның сценарист-редакторы әрі жүргізушісі болып жұмыс істеген. 2011-2014 жылдары «Қазақстан темір жолы» ҰК» АҚ Ішкі протокол және бұқарамен байланыс департаментінде маман деңгейінен бастап, жарнама бөлімінің бастығы позициясына дейін көтеріліп, 160 000-нан астам қызметкері бар  ұлттық компанияның  PR стратегиясын дамытып, үйлестіруге үлес қосқан. 

Сулейман Демирель Университетінде бакалавриат және магистратура шәкірттеріне қазақ және ағылшын тілдерінде Масс коммуникация теориясы, Зерттеу әдістері, Масс коммуникациядағы зерттеу әдістері, Медиа Социология және Бейне композиция пәндерінен сабақ береді. Ұлыбританияда 5 жылға жуық уақыт ішінде жинаған бүкіл өнегесі мен бар тәжірибесін күнделікті дәрісінде пайдалануға тырысады. Студенттеріне сыни ойлауға, сындарлы пікір білдіруге жөн сілтейді. Ғылыми жұмыс жазған кезде, кеңестік кезден келе жатқан дәстүрлі жүйе бойынша, тек ғылыми жетекшінің жөн-жобасын ғана басшылыққа алуды ғана үйретпей, шын мәнінде бүкіл жауапкершілікті өз мойнына алуға, өз бетінше, еркін және тәуелсіз жұмыс істеуге дағдыландырады. 

Мақалалары отандық ғылыми журналдарда жарық көрген. Қазіргі таңда толерантты журналистика, автобиографиялық фильмдерге қатысты зерттеу жұмыстарымен айналысады. 

Өмірлік ұстанымы – талап, сапа, нәтиже!

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