Akmarzhan Nogaibayeva
PhD Assistant Professor
Aray Tlepbergenova
Assistant teacher, coordinator
Academic career
BA: SDU University 2017-2021
MA: SDU University 2021-2023
English Language Teacher: Republican training center “Aiplus” 2020-2023
Assistant instructor: SDU University 2023
Lecturer: SDU University 2023-present
Education program coordinator “Translation Studies”, “Foreign Philology”: SDU University 2023
Research and development projects over the last 5 years
Out-of-school English Language Learning and Academic Achievement in Kaza- khstani High Schools
Important publications over the last 5 years
1. Tlepbergenova, A. (2023)., Out-Of-School English Language Learning and Academic Achievement in Kazakhstani High Schools. Available at SSRN 4480621.
2. Tlepbergenova, A., Zhaparova, A., Izbassova, B., Yeradiluly, A., Arabaci, Z. (2023) Academic achievement and socioeconomic status, urbanicity, school type, and tutoring: An ex- ploratory review. Available at EdArXiv
3. Tlepbergenova, A. (2022) , Learning English in and out of school in Kazakhstan. SocArXiv
Activities in specialist bodies over the last 5 years
Organization: Nova Education - Consecutive interpreter
Leila Mirzoyeva
PhD Professor
Academic career
BSc: Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi 1984-1989
Candidate of Philology: Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi 1989-1992
Doctor of Philology: Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi 2010
Candidate of Philology, Senior Instructor: KazUIR&WL named after Abylai khan 1991-2000
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor: “Adilet” Academy of Jurisprudence 2000-2009
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor: SDU University 2010-2017
Professor, Doctor of Philology: SDU University 2018-present
Research and development projects over the last 5 years
1. Применение метода моделирования для описания языковых ситуаций с плюрицентрическим языком (на примере Казахстана), финансируемый Комитетом науки Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан. Номер проекта: 1930/ГФ4. Руководитель – д.ф.н. Шайбакова Д.Д.
2. Проект 1899/ГФ2 – Разработка гуманитарных технологий в формировании общественного сознания гражданина интеллектуального общества; приоритет «Интеллектуальный потенциал страны», руководитель – д.п.н. Султанбаева Г.С.
3. Инициативный проект «Использование интерактивных игровых технологий в процессе обучения теоретико-лингвистическим дисциплинам» Номер госрегистрации: 0113РК01203
Important publications over the last 5 years
1. Machine Translation Shortcomings and Teaching Translation. - Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională e-ISSN: 2067-9270 Covered in: Web of Science (WOS) 2023, Volume 15, Issue 3, pages: 232-242 https://lumenpublishing.com/journals/index.php/rrem/article/view/6045/4409
2. Cultural implications of the nouns 'Debt'/'Duty' in Russian and English with respect to translation problems - Cadernos de Traducao, https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/traducao/article/view/85801 - November, 2022
3. Mirzoyeva L.Yu., Yesirkepova S.A. Use of authentic texts in teaching professional English language for bachelor program students (on the material of Russian-English translation). Philological Sciences Bulletin. 2023. 3 (6). P. 198 – 203. https://vfn-journal.ru/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/vestnik-filolog-nauk-t-3-6-2023.pdf
4. Mock Conference In Pre-Service Translators Training. – Society. Integration. Education. Conference book Latvia, Riga, 2023.
Activities in specialist bodies over the last 5 years
Kazakhstani Methodological Council
Madina Ashirimbetova
MA Senior Teacher
MA, senior lecturer
Academic career
BSc: SDU University 2004-2008
MSc: SDU University 2008-2010
PhD: SDU University 2021-present
Senior Lecturer: SDU University 2015-present
Teacher Researcher: SDU University 2023-present
Foreign Philology and Translation Studies EP Coordinator: SDU University 2018-2020
Research and development projects over the last 5 years
PhD thesis title: Scientific – theoretical Framework of the Cognitive Competence Development in the Process of Professional Foreign Language Education
Important publications over the last 5 years
Teaching Culture in The Modern ESP Classroom: The Journal Of Teaching English For Specific And Academic Purposes Vol. 11, No 2, 2023, Pp. 495−506 (SCOPUS)
О коммуникативном поведении и выборе коммуникативных тактик: Taras Shevchenko International Congress on Social Sciences. Kiyv, Ukraine, 2021. Pp. 88-94.ISBN - 978-605-70554-1-5
Культура коммуникации в контрастивной лингвистике: Taras Shevchenko International Congress on Social Sciences. Kiyv, Ukraine, 2021. Pp. 83-87. ISBN - 978-605-70554-1-5
National Identity Preservation in the Framework of Multiculturalism: Materials of the first cycle of international scientific events Philosophical and Political Aspects of International Educational Projects within the framework of project “Multidimensional study of the history, problems and prospects of the introduction of international educational projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, KazNPU named After Abay. Almaty: Ulagat. 2018. Pp. 42-46. ISBN 978-601-298-716-4
Activities in specialist bodies over the last 5 years
Membership without a specific role need not be mentioned
Diyar Nurmetov
MA Senior teacher
Diyar Nurmetov joined the SDU University in 2018 as a senior lecturer and an international champion in the faculty of Education and Humanities. In SDU Diyar teaches Extensive reading, major foreign language, expository writing courses for Two foreign languages, Translation studies and Foreign Philology students. He started his teaching career from 2011 at the International Information Technologies University as a senior lecturer where he taught ESP for Engineering, Business school and Journalism students.
Degree Qualifications
PhD in Language Teaching (in process), SDU University.
MA in Translation studies(simultaneous interpreter) Kazakh Abylaikhan University of International Relations and World Languages.
BA in Philology Kazakh Abylaikhan University of International Relations and World Languages
Certificate of attendance "Methodology of teaching ESP", IITU, 31 May,2019
Certificate of attendance "21st century skills for 21st century success", Pearson, 29 April.
Certificate of attendance "Language is a life skill", Macmillan, 22 April, 2014
Certificate of attendance "Bringing Business English to Life", Oxford University press, 24 April, 2014
Certificate of attendance "Globalisation, Teaching and Learning in the 21st century" , SDU, 16 January, 2019
Certificate of achievement "ACADEMICA Teacher Training E-course", Burgas Free University/Erasmus+
Certificate of achievement "Language policy and language processes in post Sovet countries", RUDN university
Intermaediate plus, intermediate Major foreign language
Intermaediate plus, intermediate Extensive reading
Intermaediate plus, intermediate Expository writing
Intermaediate plus, intermediate Listening and speaking
Intermaediate plus, intermediate Functional grammar
"Peer evaluation" (2013), Науковi записки, 128, 553-559, Zhuginisova A.
"Ілеспе аударма кезіндегі сөйлеу компрессиясының лексико- семантикалық деңгейдегі технологиясы" (2011), Вестник КазУМОиМЯ 1(14)2011
"The problems of translating internet jargons" (2017), Annual symposium in Kazakh Abylaikhan University of International Relations and World Languages
"Information and communication technologies" textbook, (2017), Almaty, IITU
"Preparation for IELTS speaking" (in process)
"New format of presentation to teach languages", Winter school, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 16.01.2018.
"Using games in teaching languages", Winter school, Kaskelen, Kazakhstan
Research interests
Classroom management, Language teaching methods
Scholarships & Awards
Erasmus + EAP Teacher Development: Leicester University, UK (2019)
Adilzhan Anay
MA Senior teacher
Academic career
BSc: SDU University 1998-2002
MSc: Kazakh Abylaikhan University of World Languages and International Relations 2022-2004
English Teacher: Public Schools 2006-2013
Senior lecturer: SDU University 2013-present
Research and development projects over the last 5 years
Erasmus project “ALLVET”, Implementing Bologna principles in VET.
Industry collaborations over the last 5 years
Providing simultaneous interpretation services
Activities in specialist bodies over the last 5 years
Membership without a specific role need not be mentioned
Idayatulla Adikhanov
MA Senior Teacher
Academic career
BSc: M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University 2006-2010
MSc: SDU University 2012-2014
PhD: Nazarbayev University 2019-2023
Teacher of English As a Foreign Language: Astana Bilim-Innovation boarding school 2010-2013
Teacher of English As a Foreign Language: Akmola Bilim-Innovation boarding school 2013-2018
Vice – Principal: Akmola Bilim-Innovation boarding school 2013-2016
Principal: Akmola Bilim-Innovation boarding school 2016-2018
Director: “Galaxy” International School 2018-2019
English Language Instructor: Astana International University 2021
Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant: Nazarbayev University 2019-2023
Research and development projects over the last 5 years
“QTOP” Kazakhstani Teaching Protocol, funded by Nazarbayev University 2021-2023
Activities in specialist bodies over the last 5 years
Membership without a specific role need not be mentioned
- Certificate, 1st place in the National contest of Teaching performance among teachers of Kazak-Turkish Lyceums, 2013
- Certificate of Appreciation of Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation for Research guide of the prizewinner of XXII Vernadsky National Contest, 2015 Moscow
- Holder of the International Bolashak Scholarship of the President of the Kazakhstan, 2014
- Certificate of Appreciation of Director of Educational Department of Akmola oblast, 2015
- Certificate of Appreciation of Vice Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2015
- Certificate of Appreciation of Republican Scientific-Practical Center "Daryn" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2015
- Certificate of Merit of Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2017
- Letter of Appreciation for contribution to the enhancement of the education system in Kazakhstan through sharing Nazarbayev University experience, Director of Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education of Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2021
- Letter of Appreciation from Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2022
- Certificate for successful completion of courses and becoming a member of “Taldau” analytical centre within Senate Parliament, Chair of Senate of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2023
Laura Lyadova
Teacher Assistant
Academic career
BSc: SDU University
MSc: SDU University 2023-present
IELTS instructor General English Teacher: Educational Center “Smart School” 2020-2023
Research and development projects over the last 5 years
“TFL Students’ Perceptions of IELTS Listening Preparation: Challenges and Proposed Solutions” – 2022 – 2023
“The Effectiveness of PBL in Fostering Critical Thinking Skills of the 1st year TFL students” – 2023 – now
Kamshat Zholdasbek
Assistant Instructor
Academic career
BSc: SDU University 2018-2022
Assistant Instructor: SDU University 2022-present
Aisulu Utemuratova
Academic career
BSc: SDU University 2017-2021
MSc: SDU University 2021-2023
Admissions Officer: SDU University 2018
English Language Teacher: Centers of English Studies 2019-2021
Product Manager: Alpha Academy 2021-2023
Admissions Officer: 2021-2023
Lecturer: SDU University 2023-present
Research and development projects over the last 5 years
The Role of Using L1 in EFL Classrooms in a Private University, 2021
Exploring Graduate Students' Perceptions of Educational Psychology Courses: A Study at a Private University in Kazakhstan, 2022-2023
Students’ Experience with Academic Writing: Challenges and Strategies, 2023
Undergraduate Students’ Challenges with Academic Writing in an English-medium university in Kazakhstan, 2021-2023
Professional development certificates
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
“Teach English Now! Foundational Principles” authorized by Arizona State University, Coursera 2020
“Get organized: How to be a Together Teacher” authorized by Relay Graduate School of Education, Coursera 2020
“Giving Helpful Feedback” authorized by University of Colorado Boulder, Coursera 2020
“Intercultural Communication and Conflict Resolution” authorized by the University of California, Irvine, Coursera 2020
“Data Collection: Online, Telephone and Face-to-face” authorized by University of Michigan, Coursera 2020
Important publications over the last 5 years
Utemuratova, A. (2022). EFL Students’ Challenges with Academic Writing in a Higher Education Context. Collection of scientific and practical conference. 11. Pedagogical Sciences, volume V. ISBN 978-601-332-271-1
Shaikenova, D., Amangeldiyev, S., Aitenova, S., Urazbekova, L., & Utemuratova, A. (2023, January 1). Exploring Graduate Students' Perceptions of Educational Psychology Courses: A Study at a Private University in Kazakhstan. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/ayuh6
Utemuratova, A. (2023). Students’ Experience with Academic Writing: Challenges and Strategies. Scientific Collection «InterConf», (149), 99–105. https://archive.interconf.center/index.php/conference-proceeding/article/view/2892
Activities in specialist bodies over the last 5 years
Organization: Nazarbayev University. Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan – GSE Educational Leadership - Internship
Aisulu Gatiat
MA Senior teacher
Academic career
BA: SDU University 2017-2021
MA: SDU University 2021-2023
Sales Office Assistant: JSC Pension Saving Fund "Astana" 2012
Tour operator: "AMG Holidays" 2012-2013
Tourism Manager: "Violet Travel" Agency 2013-2014
Lecturer: "Oxford Vision" Language School 2014-2015
Lecturer: Dostyk Education Center 2015-2016
Assistant Lecturer at Language School: SDU University 2014-2015
Lecturer at Education and Humanities faculty: SDU University 2017-present
Program Coordinator of "Translation Studies" and "Foreign Philology" disciplines: SDU University 2020-present
Activities in specialist bodies over the last 5 years
Organization: Nova Education - Consecutive interpreter