Gulnara Kassymova
Associate Professor
Gulnara Kassymova joined the SDU University in Kazakhstan in 2014 as an associate professor of the foreign languages department (TFL). Since the 2015 she took different positions: coordinator of bachelor, master and PhD programs in this department, from 2015-2016, she was a head of foreign language department, and from 2016 -2018 was a head of philology department at the Philology and Education Sciences Faculty (currently named as the Faculty of Education and Humanities). In 2019 she was appointed to the current position: associate professor, teacher& researcher. Her research interests lie in foreign language teaching and learning issues in higher education institutions, curriculum development, and intercultural communication research. In her free time Gulnara enjoys watching movies, reading books, and travelling.
Degree Qualifications
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.08 ' Theory and methods of professional education (2009). Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, KZ
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.01 'General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education' (2009). Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, KZ
Specialist (Hons): Teacher of English and German languages (1986), Zhambul Pedagogical Institute.
Certificate of internal auditor Quality & Assurance Management , SDU University, 2017
TFL 538, master program, 'Tertiary Teaching: Special Issues of TEFL Pedagogy in Higher Education'
TFL 542, master program, 'Curriculum Design and Material evaluation'
TFL 715, PhD program, 'Intercultural Communication Research in TESOL'
List of papers published in Bulletin of RK:
1. Новые технологии в сфере устного перевода. Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая. СерияПедагогические науки, №3(47), 2015 С.69-73
2. Developing intercultural communicative competence in the context of Kazakhstani educational environment. Вестник КазНУ имени аль-Фараби. Серия Филологические науки, №2 (160), 2016 С.296-300
3. Метод кейсов в формировании межкультурной коммуникативной компетенции будущих специалистов иностранных языков. Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ Хабаршысы Педагогика и психология. ¬ 2016.¬№4. ¬ С. 93 -¬98
4. Теоретические основы обучения переводу как коммуникации. Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ Хабаршысы.№ 2 (29) 2017
5. Information –technological competence formation in translation studies program in the RK. Вестник КазНИТУ, Специальный выпуск, 2017, С.303-305
6. Motivating learners’ autonomous foreign language study by means of modern video technologies. Вестник КазНИТУ, Специальный выпуск, 2017, С.299-302. Co-author - A.Shudabay.
7. Multimedia Principle on Vocabulary Learning. Вестник КазНИТУ, Специальный выпуск, 2017, С.338-343. Co-author - U. Dulaev.
8. Developing critical thinking of future foreign language teachers by means of socio-cultural text. Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ Хабаршысы. Серия Педагогические науки № 2 (29) 2017, с.120-125. Co-author - А.Medeuova.
9. The influence of foreign language teachers on learner’s attitudes and achievements. Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ Хабаршысы. СерияПедагогические науки № 2 (29) 2017 год с.313-316. Co-author - А.Zhuasbayeva.
10. Мадиниетаралык кузыреттыликты калыптастыруда фрейм технологиясын колдану. АПН Казахстана, №4, 2017, С.72-77, Co-author- П.Кудабаева.
11. The material development strategies in teaching English language in mixed-level classes at private educational centers. Вестник ЕНУим.Гумилева, Серия Гуманитарные науки №5 (120), 2017, С.299-306. Co-author - A.Shudabay.
12. Коммуникативная компетентность как компонент в развитии человеческого капитала. Вестник Павлодарского государственного университета, Серия Филологические науки, Спецвыпуск. ISSN1811-1823. № 4, 2017, С.275-282.
13. Student’s and Teacher’s Perceptions of an «Ideal English Language Teacher» at SDU University. КазНУим.аль-Фараби. Хабаршы. «Педагогикалық ғылымдар» сериясы. №1 (54). 2018 С.87-94, ISSN 2520-2634. Co- author: U.Urazalieva.
14. Socio-cultural factors affecting the development of English language proficiency at non-linguistic department. Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Полиязычное образование и иностранная филология», №2(26), 2019 г. c. 103 -112, ISSN 2307-7891. Co-author -K. Zhaiykbay, G.
15. Developing pre-service foreign language teachers’ competence in criteria based assessment. ,Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Полиязычное образование и иностранная филология», №2(26), 2019 г. c.119-125, ISSN 2307-7891. Co-author Badayeva D.
16. The impact of project-based learning on developing Intercultural Communicative Competence at B1 level. ISSN 2307-7891,Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Полиязычное образование и иностранная филология», №2(26), 2019 г. c.125-130.ISSN 2307-7891. Co-author- Kanatkyzy A.
17. Digital literacy of foreign language teacher in the framework of continues professional development. Вестник КазНацЖенПУ №4 (80), 2019, pp.141-147, ISSN 2306-5079O. Co-authors- O. Surmen, T.N. Efremtseva.
18. Formation of professionally oriented competence in teaching English for academic purposes for Chemistry- Biology students. ВЕСТНИК КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Педагогические науки», №1(65), 2020 г, с. 125-131, Co-author- D. K. Raikhanova.
19. English for Specific Purposes courses Design parameters for Chemistry- Biology Students.Вестник Торайгыров университета, Серия Педагогическая № 3. 2020, Pp. 428- 438, ISSN 1811-1831. Co-author- D. K. Raikhanova.
20. “Influence of formative assessment on students’ self-evaluation in foreign language learning: theoretical aspects”. SDU Bulletin: Pedagogy and Teaching methods, 53 (2), 2021, 5-11.1. Co-author-Kuatova A.
21. M. Authentic literary texts in developing learners’ perception of foreign language culture at pre-intermediate level. SDU Bulletin: Pedagogy and Teaching methods, 53 (2), 2021, 12-18. Co-author - Zhanat, Zh.
List of publications in international journals, including Web of Science and Scopus:
1) Principles of developing the students’ sociocultural competence in teaching foreign language. Alatoo academic studies, № 1, 2016 (International Scientific Journal) а publication of International Ataturk Alatoo University Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 252-256 Co-author- А.Medeuova.
2) Ethical issues in training future literary translators. International Journal of Learning & Teaching, Vol.9, No 1 January (2017).
3) The Impact of Meta-Cognitive Writing Strategies Usage on the Writing Performance Among Kazakhstani Secondary School Students. Talent Development & Excellence 688 Vol.12, No.1, 2020, 688-697 Co-authors: Delovarova K., Tulepova S., AitzhanT.
4) Linguistic, Social and Cultural Factors Influencing Language Learning in the Context of Higher Education. Foreign Psychology and Education Journal. ISSN:. 0033-3077 2021-02-20 Volume 58, N.3 Volume: 58(3): Pages: 2980-2988 Co-authors: Saule Tulepova, Kuralay Mukhamadi, Zhaiykbay Kumis, Lukashova Svetlana.
5)The problems of psychological training in the future Translators/Interpreters education Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 114, 21 February 2014, Pages 727-729 WoS.
6) National cultural Identity in teaching English to Kazakhstani learners. «The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology». Special Issue for INTE 2017 November 2017. ISSN 2146‐7242., p. 591-598. Indexed by Educational Resources Information Center – Eric Scopus –ELSEVIER
7) Psychological Readiness of Students for Digitalization of Educational Process. In: Popkova E.G., Ostrovskaya V.N., Bogoviz A.V. (eds) Socio-economic Systems: Paradigms for the Future. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 314. Springer, Cham. Co-author- Putilovskaya T.S. (2021)
1. Коммуникативная компетентность в условиях многоаспектной деятельности. Монография, изд. «Танбалы», 2016, 392стр.
2. Развитие коммуникативных умений студентов. Психолого-педагогический тренинг. Учебное пособие. Каскелен, SDU, 2016.-50с.
1) Some issues on developing and assessing future foreign language teachers’ intercultural communicative competence.7th International Conference, Building Cultural Bridges: Integrating Languages, Linguistics, Literature, Translation, Journalism, Economics And Business Into Education, SDU, Kazakhstan, April 23-24, 2015
2) Ethical issues in training future literary translators.3d Global Conference on Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching LINELT 2015 ( 16-18 November, Turkey, 2015
3) National cultural Identity in teaching English to Kazakhstani learners. International Conference on New Horizons in Education (INTE), Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. July, 2017.
4) Implementation of blended learning in foreign language education. Международная научно-практическая конференция «Содержание профессиональной подготовки по иностранным языкам в неязыковом вузе», РМАТг. Химки, Московская область, 2 апреля 2019,c.126-132.
5) Future translators’ intercultural communicative competence: reflective approach. Международная научно-практическая конференция «Переводческий мир аль-Фараби и трансформация межкультурных исследований в аспекте изучения иностранных языков».КазНУим.аль-Фараби, Казакстан, 5-6 апреля, 2019
6) Linguistic, Social and Cultural Factors Influencing Foreign Language Learning in the Context of Higher Education. 5th International conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for all, Azerbaijan, Baku, 9-11, July, 2019.
7) Curriculum Development and Syllabus Design in TEFL: Needs Analysis. International Scientific and methodic conference: Pedagogical competency in the context of digitalization. KazNU named after al-Farabi, Kazakhstan, 12.02.2020
8) Implementation of Intercultural approach into EFL teaching and learning in the Kazakhstani education. International Scientific Seminar: Diversity and Education: Crossed Views. KazNU named after al-Farabi, Kazakhstan, 27-28.02. 2020.
9) The Purpose statement in different types of research. Scientific seminar for Zhas maman, SDU, Kazakhstan. 02.04.2021
10) Qualitative Methods in Intercultural Communication Research. International Scientific and methodic conference: Akhanov's readings– XXV: Sustainable Development: Language, Intercultural Communication and Digital Technologies, KazNU named after al-Farabi, Kazakhstan, 27.05.22г.
Research interests
Foreign language teaching and learning issues in higher education system, translation studies, curriculum development, professional and intercultural communication research
Membership of organizations
National Center of Science and Technology Development, Expert of scientific project applied for state funding, since 2012;
Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, Expert on accreditation of programs, since 2010
Scholarships & Awards
MES RK: scholarship and award of the Best Teacher of Higher Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2007year;
SOROS - scholarship for professional development: “Cultural Policies in a Globalized World”, Hungary, Budapest, 2011;
MEVLANA Exchange program.- Anadolu University, Istanbul – Turkey, 2015.
Kymbat Smakova
PhD Assistant Professor
Kymbat Smakova joined SDU University in Almaty in 2014 after having worked as an EFL teacher for 16 years in Bilim Innovation Lyceum (former KTL). She started teaching a variety of courses at the departments of Translation, Foreign Philology, and Language Teacher Education as a senior lecturer. Recently, she has concentrated on teaching critical thinking, academic writing and research, which are among the top success skills at the core of modern society. Moreover, she worked as an academic advisor and diploma project supervisor of undergraduate theses in English language education. She particularly emphasizes student engagement in her teaching and advisory sessions, which are manifestations of a teacher’s role as a ‘coach’. Currently, she is a doctoral researcher working on the development of intercultural competence in the secondary education. She visited Dalarna University in Sweden (2018) as a research intern to investigate the implementation of the project-based approach in Swedish schools and established collaboration with scholars at the host university.
Degree Qualifications
MA in TEFL (2010) SDU University, Kazakhstan
BA in TEFL (1996) Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketov, Kazakhstan
TFL 366- (B2-C1) Introduction to Research in Applied Linguistics
TFL 333- (B2-C1) Critical Thinking Strategies
TFL 207-(B2-C1) Academic Writing
TFL 335- (B2-C1) Methods of Foreign Language Teaching
TFL 226- (B2) Major Foreign language [English ] in Intercultural Communication Contexts - 2
'Competency-Based Approach in Foreign Language Education'. (2019) Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University BULLETIN of Pedagogical sciences vol.2(62), pp. 98-104. co-author(s): Islam A.
'Peer Feedback in EFL Classes: Teachers' and Students' Perceptions'. (2019) Вестник ПГУ. vol. 1,pp. 285-296. co-author(s): P. M. Saparbayeva2, M. Kulakhmetova
'Collaborative Project-Based Approach to Translator Training: A Subtitling Project in Practical Translation'. (2016) Alatoo Academic Studies vol.2, pp. 117-122. co-author(s): Yaylacı Yu.
'Английский Язык- Учебное пособие и сборник тестов' (2011), ШЫҢ-кітап. co-author(s): Kim Y.
'Constructing Communicative Competence by Applying Socratic Questioning into the EFL Classroom'. IX International Scientific Conference on Current Problems of the Theory and Practice of Philological Research. Prague, Czech Republic - 25–26 March, 2019.
'Teachers' Perceptions on Teacher Roles in Project-Based Learning.' 1st International Congress on New Horizons in Education and Social Sciences (ICES) Istanbul, Turkey- 9-11 April, 2018.
'Teaching Critical Thinking in ELT Classroom: The Socratic Method'. International Scientific Conference on Philosophical and Political Aspects of International Educational Projects. Almaty, Kazakhstan. 2018.
'Contemporary Approaches in ELT' - a 220 hour Intensive Customized Teacher Training Workshop for EFL Teachers. U-study, Almaty, 03-28 July, 2017.
'Teaching Cultural Values in Intermediate EFL Classes: The Case of “Nauryz” Celebration'. International Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Applied-Socio Linguistics. Astana, Kazakhstan-11-13 May, 2017.
'Evaluating an Elective Junior course for Translation Studies Major SDU University.' ICBCB, Almaty, Kazakhstan. 23-25 April, 2015.
'A learner-Centered Product Approach in EFL Lessons: Project-Based Learning'. ICBCB, Almaty, Kazakhstan. 23-25 April, 2013.
'Language Learning Strategies: The practical Implications for English Language Teachers' ICBCB, Almaty, Kazakhstan. 24-25 April, 2009
Research interests
Her research interests cover such interdisciplinary areas as intercultural communication competence in English language teaching and the best practices of project-based learning.
Saule Tulepova
PhD Assistant Professor
Saule Tulepova joined the SDU University in Kazakhstan in 2013-14 academic year as an assistant professor of foreign languages department. In 2015-18 yy. she worked as a coordinator of Bachelor program (TFL), then Master and Doctoral programs in SDU. Her research interests include Bilingualism, Cultural Linguistics, Educational Research. In her spare time, Saule enjoys cooking and reading.
Degree Qualifications
Candidate of Philological Sciences (2010). Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylaikhan. KZ.
Graduate school (аспирантура). Theory of Language. (2006). Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylaikhan. KZ.
BA (Hons) English language teaching (1998). Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylaikhan. KZ.
Certificate in Accreditation & Rating Expert (valid through 2015-2020), SDU.
Certificate in Teaching Content through English: EMI and CLIL (2017), SDU& Orleu.
Certificate in Contemporary Technologies of teaching ESP (2018), SDU.
Certificate in Basics of Online Education by using Cisco Webex (2018), SDU
TFL 437 (BA), English for Academic Purposes;
TFL 549 (MA) Advanced Grammar of English (C1-C2);
TFL 739 (PhD) Academic Writing (C1-C2);
Ped 632 (PhD) Academic Writing (C1-C2);
TFL 536 (MA) Advanced English for Academic Purposes (C1-C2).
Different views on Multiple Intelligences theory: for and against.(2018).Tulepova Saule, Bekturova Madina. SDU Bulletin: Pedagogy and Teaching methods. № 4.
The role of reading in the development of English as a Foreign Language learners’ writing skills.(2020). Global Trends and Values in Education. SDU.
Exploring the case of online learning: problems and solutions. (2021). SDU Bulletin: Pedagogy and Teaching methods /2 (55).
Linguistic, Social and Cultural Factors Influencing Foreign Language Learning in the Context of Higher Education. (2021) Psychology and Education Volume: 58(3): Pages: 2980-2988.
TO USE OR NOT TO USE: INSTAGRAM AS A FACILITATOR OF DEVELOPING ENGLISH WRITING SKILLS. (2022). SDU Bulletin: Pedagogy and Teaching Methods 2022/1 (58). 55-61.Books:
Cultural linguistics: theory and practice. Study guide. (2018). Ахметжанова З., Тулепова С. Academie International Concorde, Editions du JIPTO, 103 p. France, Paris.
Interference as a result of bilingualism'. Материалы международной научно-теоретической конференции, посвященной 110-летию профессора К.Жубанова «Қазақ тіл білімінің өзекті мәселелері». Институт языкознания им.А.Байтурсынова Алматы, 2009.
'О формировании вторичной языковой личности в процессе овладения иностранным языком'. Материалы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием, посвященной 100-летию Башкирского государственного университета «Актуальные проблемы современной науки и образования» Том 5.Уфа: РИЦ БашГУ, 2010.
'Уровни формирования языковой личности билингва'. Материалы международной научно-теоретической конференции, посвященной ко Дню Первого Президента РК «G-global и проблемы нового мирового порядка» Алматы, 2012.
'Грамматическая интерференция и анализ ошибок'. V – «Мәдениеттер тоғысындағы тіл, әдебиет, аударма және журналистика мәселелері» атты халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары. I том. Алматы, SDU University, 2013.
'Types of bilingualism in Kazakhstan'. VI – «Мәдениеттер тоғысындағы тіл, әдебиет, аударма және журналистика мәселелері» атты халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары. II том. Алматы, SDU University, 2014.
'To the problem of syntactic interference and its types'. VII – «Мәдениеттер тоғысындағы тіл, әдебиет, аударма және журналистика мәселелері» атты халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары. Алматы, SDU University, 2015.
'To the question of error analysis in terms of Kazakh-English interference '. VIII– «Мәдениеттер тоғысындағы тіл, әдебиет, аударма және журналистика мәселелері» атты халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары. //Бишкек, Алатоо университеті, 2016.
Research insterests
Applied Linguistics, Cultural Linguistics, Educational Research
Aidana Shapambayeva
MA Senior Teacher
Idayatulla Adikhanov
MA Senior teacher
Yakup Doganay
PhD Senior teacher
Doganay Yakup joined the SDU University in Kazakhstan in 1999 as a lecturer in Two Foreign Languages department (TFL), in Faculty of Education and Humanities. He has been working as an assistant professor, MA thesis supervisor on this degree programme since 2014. From 2008 to 2012, Doganay Y., was Head of Translation Studies and Two Foreign Languages department, in the the Philology and Educational Sciences Faculty (currently named as the Faculty of Education and Humanities) at the SDU. From 2014 to 2017, he was appointed to work as a vice-dean responsible for Science and Social Affairs. Since 2019, Doganay Yakup has been the online-remote lecturer and MA thesis supervisor of the SDU University. His research interests lie in foreign language education, methodology of FLT, Pedagogy, and intercultural communication. In his spare time, Doganay enjoys reading and travelling.
Degree Qualifications
Doctoral - PhD Degree - 2014: (with the equivalence of diploma of France I, 21.06.2021, reference file: 665891): SDU University, English Language Teaching Department, Almaty, Kazakhstan. ‘Typology of Communicative Exercises in the Formation of Intercultural Communicative Competence’.
Master Degree - 2001: English Language Teaching Department, Kazakh State University of World Languages and International Relations named after Abylai Khan. Almaty, Kazakhstan. ‘Methods of Teaching English Modal Verbs’.
BA, University - 1996: (with the equivalence of diploma of France II, 21.06.2021, reference file: 665891), Ataturk University, English Language Teaching Department, Turkey. The Reality of Humanity in ‘The Lord of Flies’, William Golding.
General English, in Prep. School
Listening-Speaking, Reading-writing, Grammar in Prep. School
Literary Terms and Currents, Bachelor degree
Narrative Analysis, Bachelor degree
Introduction to Education, Bachelor degree Year
Linguistics, Bachelor degree
Methods of Language Teaching, Bachelor degree
Teaching Young Learners, Bachelor degree
Lexicology, Bachelor degree
Stylistics, Bachelor degree
Curriculum design and material development, Bachelor degree
Contemporary Methods of Teaching Translation, Bachelor degree
Foreign Language Testing, Bachelor degree
Theory and Methods of Training Work, Bachelor degree
Lingua-Cultural aspects of Translation, Bachelor degree
Measurement and Assessment in Education, Bachelor degree
Contemporary Methodology of Foreign Language Teaching. Master degree
New Trends in Linguistics, Master degree
Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher Education, Master degree
Training in Higher Education, Master degree
Diagnostics and Training Control, Master degree
Motivation of Educational Activities, Master degree
Actual Problems of Inclusive Education, Master degree
Mentorship in FLT, Master degree
19 articles, published in VAK journals in Kazakhstan, international Journals and journals in Scopus database.
1. «Using Cartoons and Comic Stripes in Teaching a Language», SDU Хабаршысы/The journal of SDU University, 27-33 p. (VAK), 2011, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
2. «A Comparative Critical Analysis of Articles on “Culture in Foreign Language Teaching”», the journal of Kazakh National University, Philology series, № 4 (134), 299-302 б. (VAK), 2011, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
3. «On Cognitive and Cultural Linguistics», the journal of Kazakh National University, Philology series, № 3, 137, 222-128 б. (VAK), 2012, Almaty Kazakhstan.
4. «Cognitive Lingua-Cultural Aspects in Teaching Translation for Intercultural Communicative Competence», the journal of the University of World Languages and İnternational Relations named after AbylaiKhan, philology series, № 2, 86-92 (VAK), 2012, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
5. «Modern Approaches in Intercultural Communication», The journal of SDU University, № 4(24), 4-12 p. (VAK), 2012, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
6. The Place of Cognition and Culture in Language Teaching for Intercultural Communicative Competence, БГУ жарчысы/the journal of BGU University, №3 (23), 2012, Kyrgyzistan.
7. Маданияттарарасында байланышуу сөздөр, the academic journal of İnternational Ataturk Alatoo Unıversıty; № 1 vol:8, 2013, Kyrgyzistan.
8. «Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary in Beginner Classes, Cognitive Lingua-Cultural Background», The journal of Kazakh National Pedagogic University named after Abai, (VAK), No:1, (37), 2013, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
9. The Impact of Cultural Based Activities in Foreign language Teaching at Intermediate (B1) Level, CY-ICER, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 00 (213) 000-000, (SCOPUS), 2013.
10. The Impact of Culture-based activities in foreign language teaching at upper-intermediate (B2) level, Science PG, Education Journal, 2(4): pp. 108-113, doi: 11648, 2013.
11. Making Culture Happen in the English Language Classroom, ELT journal (Canadian Center of Science and Education – SCOPUS), 2011, with Madina Ashyrymbetova, Brent Davis.
12. «Teaching Concepts of Natural Sciences to Foreigners through Content-Based Instruction: The Adjunct Model», ELT journal (Canadian Center of Science and Education – SCOPUS), vol. 8, No 3 (2015), DOI: 10.5539/elt.v8n3p97, 2015, with Yilmaz Satilmis, Selim Guvercin.
13. «Determining the Ideas and Thoughts of Language Teachers about the Impact of Cultural Based Activities in Foreign Language Teaching», Scottish Journal of Arts, Social Sciences and Scientific Studies - ISSN 2047-1278,, volume 24, issue II, February 2015.
14. The Effect Mentor and Mentee Interaction in Problem Solving and Problem Posing Processes, Қаз ХҚ және ӘТУ дің хабаршысы, «Филология» сериясы № 2, Алматы, 152 (VAK), 2015, with Selim Guvercin.
15. TEACHERS CALL FOR EFFICIENT CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT, Қаз ХҚ және ӘТУ дің хабаршысы, «Филология» сериясы № 2, Алматы, 152 (VAK), 2016, with Selim Guvercin.
16. THE ISSUES ON TRANSLATION OF FILM TITLES AND PUBLICISTIC HEADLINES, Тип: статья в журнале - научная статья Язык: английский, Номер: 1, Год: 2016, Страницы: 52-56, УДК: 791, ALATOO ACADEMIC STUDIES, Издательство: Международный университет Ататюрк-Алатоо (Бишкек), ISSN: 1694-5263
18. “EFFECTIVE USE OF STORYTELLING IN TEACHING SPEAKING”, © Nəşriyyat «Vüsət», 2017 © Научно-издательский центр «Мир науки», 2017, Kazakhstan.
19. “The Concept of Competence in Foreign Language Teaching for Intercultural Communication”, Eurasian Journal of Higher Education, 2(2), 39–46., Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): March Issue.
1. Fundamental Considerations in Foreign Language Teaching for Intercultural Communication (ICC), ISBN 978-601-7537-40-1, UDK 80/81(075), © Doganay Y. 2016, SDU University Publications; The Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2016.
2. Fundamental Considerations in Foreign Language Teaching for Intercultural Communication (ICC), ISBN 979-88412839523, ASIN B09RM3YYZC, 2022, UKEY Publishing, London.
1. «The Use of Computer in English Language Teaching», “БІЛІМ ЖӘНЕ ҒЫЛЫМ САЛАСЫНДАҒЫ ИННОВИЯЦИЯЛАР” атты халықаралық ғылыми тәжірибелік конференцияның ЕҢБЕКТЕРІ, Алматы, 2011
2. «Language Modality and Practical Techniques in Teaching Modal Verbs», Proceeding of republican seminar organized by INYAZ university, Алматы 18 наурыз, pp.29-32 б, 2011
3. «A Comparative Critical Analysis of Articles on “Culture in Foreign Language Teaching”», Ғылым мен білімсаласындағы мәдениеттер тоғысы атты халықаралық ғылыми конференция, ІІ том; 299-303 б. Алматы, 2011
4. «Cognitive-Linguacultural Aspects in Language Teaching for Intercultural Communicatice Competence», Мәдениеттер тоғысындағы тіл, әдебиет, аударма және журналистиканың мәселелері атты халықаралық ғылыми конференция, ІІ том; 3437 б. Алматы, 2012
5. «Considerations on Cognitive and Cultural Linguistics», Kazakh National University after Al-Farabi and four other universities, Scientific Theoretical conference, “Language and Intercultural Communication”, Almaty, 2012
6. «Cognitive Lingua-Cultural Aspects in Teaching Translation for Intercultural Communicative Competence», Intercultural Linguistic Competence and Foreign/ Second Language Immersive Environments; 291-299 p, Sarayevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, 2012
7. «The Use of Cartoons and Comic Stripes in Teaching A Foreign Language» (FLT), Intercultural Linguistic Competence and Foreign/ Second Language Immersive Environments; 299-303 p, Sarayevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, 2012
8. The Impact of Cultural Based Activities in Foreign language Teaching at Intermediate (B1) Level, CY-ICER, 2nd Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research, 13-15 February 2013, Ataturk Teacher Training Academy, Lefkosa (Nicosia), North Cyprus, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 00 (213) 000-000, (SCOPUS), 2012
9. «Determining the ideas and thoughts of language teachers about the impact of culturebased activities in foreign language teaching», Ғылым мен білімсаласындағы мәдениеттер тоғысы атты халықаралық ғылыми конференция, ІІ том; 299-303 б. Алматы, 2013
10. «The impact of culture-based activities in foreign language teaching at upperintermediate (B2) level», Kazakh National University after Al-Farabi and four other universities, Scientific Theoretical conference, “Language and Intercultural Communication”, 2013
11. «Effeсtive Use of Interaсtive Whiteboards in Teaсhing English Language at Kindergarten», Proceedings of International ICBCB conference organized by SDU University, p. 34-37, Almaty, 2015, with Aigul Tolegenova MA.
12. «The Impact of Teaching Professional Oriented English in Students’ Future Professional Lives», Proceedings of International ICBCB conference organized by SDU University, Almaty, 2015, with Aynur Aliyeva, MA.
13. «Cognitive Lingua-Cultural Basis of Vocabulary Teaching», Kazakh National University after Al-Farabi and four other universities, Scientific Theoretical conference, “Language and Intercultural Communication”, 2015
14. The Concept of Competence in Foreign Language Teaching for Intercultural Communication, Global Illuminators FULL PAPER PROCEEDING Mul tidisciplinary Studies Full Paper Proceeding MIAR-2015, Vol. 1, 120-124 ISBN: 978-969-9948-32-9, with Gaipov D., Sadykbekov K.
15. Management of Heterogeneous and Crowded Classes, Zhetysu State University Named After Ilyas Zhansugurov, The International Scientific Conference, “Science, education and Innovations-factors of Implementation of the Strategy “Kazakhstan – 2050”, 2016.
16. «The Issues on Translation of Film Titles and Publicistic Headlines», Proceedings of international Conference organized by International Ataturk Alatoo University and SDU University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzistan, 2016. № 1, p. 52-59.
17. ‘Key Concepts in Foreign Language Teaching’, ‘Sampling an average interactive, practical, effective language class’, Complex of Galaxy International School, SEMINAR entitled ‘Intercultural-Multilingual Perspectives in Education’, March 17, 2018.
18. The Advantages of Using Promethean Active panel in Teaching English to Young Learners, Organised by International Journal of Teaching and Learning,, Paper ID: EDL048-A, July 17-19, 2018, Nice, France.
19. Online Pedagogy Course, 07-24 April 2020, North American University.
20. “Advantages of Using iPads in Classroom Instruction in Secondary Education”, London International Conference, 01-03 April 2021.
21. “Making Entrepreneurship Happen and Be Acquired Throughout Education”, 28-30 January 2001, UKEY Publishing and Consulting. London International Conferences, London.
Research interests
Methods of Foreign language teaching, pedagogy, intercultural communication
Membership of professional organizations
Member of editorial board of two international journals in America
Head of State Exam and Dissertation Defense for MA, in Korkut Ata University, Kazakhstan
Member of republican academic project in INYAZ University, Kazakhstan.