Book an Appointment with career center
During Individual Career Counselling sessions we offer you career information resources and recommend various job and internship searching techniques. You can arrange individual appointment on weekdays and ask questions about internships, job search techniques, graduate school applications, interview techniques and employment opportunities. Confidential and supportive atmosphere is guaranteed during individual counselling sessions.

Peer consulting
They are well-trained sophomore and junior students who are willing to assist peers in the search of career, academic, internship and study opportunities, networking and navigating career resources.
Great atmosphere, excellent team and tremendous contribution to first ever Peer Consultant Center in Kazakhstan. You will get high quality trainings, receive first access to internship and job opportunities information, get familiar with graduate scholarships and job searching techniques as well as develop professional skills in consulting.
Services on creating professional CV/resume, writing outstanding motivational and cover letters, advising on graduate applications are provided to help students ensure taking timely advantage of career and academic opportunities. Enrich your student life experience by consulting your peers, ask different questions and be sure that all information stays confidential.