At «SDU University», a doctoral dissertation will be defended for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Assanbayeva Gulzhaukhar on the topic: «Methods of teaching students for stochastic elements based on interdisciplinary links» in the specialty «8D01501 – Mathematics».
Official reviewers:
- Seyitova Sabyrkul – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Mathematics at Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov; 13.00.02 – Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (Mathematics);
- Nurbekov Bakhyt – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Higher Mathematics at Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov; 13.00.02 – Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (Mathematics).
Scientific consultants:
- Daultekulova Aigul – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at SDU University;
- David Mendez Coca – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Professor at Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid, Spain.
Composition of permanent members of the Dissertation Council: 1. Sydykhov Bakhyt – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at SDU University, Chair of the Dissertation Council;
- Nuri Balta – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor at SDU University, Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council;
- Akhmedov Anvarzhon – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor at Dallas College, USA, member of the Dissertation Council; 4. Daultekulova Aigul – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at SDU University, Scientific secretary of the Dissertation Council.
Composition of temporary members of the Dissertation Council: 1. Kadyrbayeva Roza – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Mathematics at O. Zhanibekov South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University;
- Zykryna Symbat – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Kokshetau;
- Sapazhanov Yershat – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor at NARXOZ University.
The defense will take place in a mixed format on November 28, 2024 at 11:00 in the «8D01501 – Mathematics» Dissertation Council of «SDU University» at Almaty region, Kaskelen city, Abylai Khan 1/1 / on Webex platform.
Link: 0e351b2