The teaching staff of SDU University met with the delegation of Fergana State University
The purpose of the meeting was to exchange pedagogical ideas and cooperation in training students in the programs “Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education” and “Preschool Training and Education”.
Head of the Department of Primary Education Methodology of Fergana State University – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Kurbonova B.K., Head of the Department of Preschool Education – (PhD), Associate Professor Soliyev I. S., Head of the Department of Preschool Education – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Zokirova S. M., Head of the Department of Preschool Education – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Kholdarova I. V..
Also the head of the Department of “Preschool and Social Pedagogy” of the National Pedagogical University named after Abai Kyyakbaeva U. K. К. attended the meeting.
According to the results of the negotiations it is planned to exchange teaching staff, mobile exchange of students, preparation of joint scientific projects, organization of events, round tables and international scientific conferences on these educational programs.
We thank Fergana State University for its valuable contribution to the exchange and cooperation with pedagogical ideas!