At «SDU University», a doctoral dissertation will be defended for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Meraryslan Meraliyev on the topic: «Neural Combinatorial Optimization for Vehicle Routing Problem with Drones» in the specialty «6D070400 – Computing Systems and Software».
Official reviewers:
- Orken Mamyrbayev – PhD in the specialty «6D070300 – Information Systems», professor in the specialty «Computer Science and Informatics», Deputy General Director of the RSE on the right of EM «Institute of Information and Computing Technologies» of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Lyazzat Ilipbayeva – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department «Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications», International IT university.
Scientific consultants:
- Aigerim Bogyrbayeva – PhD, assistant professor at «SDU University»;
- Fuad Hajiyev – PhD, assistant professor at «ADA University», Baku, Azerbaijan.
Composition of permanent members of the Dissertation Council:
- Andrey Bogdanchikov – PhD, associate professor, vice-rector for academic affairs at «SDU University», Chair of Dissertation Council;
- Azamat Zhamanov – PhD in specialty «Engineering in Informatics», assistant professor at «North American University», Houston, USA, Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council;
- Al-Hadeethi Mohammed Alaa Fadhil – PhD in specialty «Computer Science and Information Technology», assistant professor at «SDU University», member of the Dissertation Council;
- Dana Utebayeva – PhD in specialty «6D071900 – Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications», assistant professor at «SDU University», Scientific secretary of Dissertation Council.
Composition of temporary members of the Dissertation Council:
- Bakhytzhan Akhmetov – Doctor of technical sciences, professor of the Department of «Informatics and Informatization of education», Abai University;
- Mansurova Madina – Сandidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor, Head of the «Artificial Intelligence and Big Data» Department, KazNU named after Al-Farabi;
- Smailov Nurzhigit – PhD in specialty «6D071900 – Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications», Associate Professor and Leading Researcher of the RSE by REM «Joldasbekov Institute of Mechanics and Engineering» of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The defense will take place in a mixed format on January 31st, 2025 at 10:00 in the dissertation council at the institution «SDU University» for the training direction of information and communication technologies in the specialty «6D070400 – Computing Systems and Software» and D094 – Information Technologies under the educational program «8D06102 – Computer Science» at Almaty region, Kaskelen city, Abylai Khan 1/1 / on Webex platform.
DC Scientific secretary Utebayeva D.
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