SDU University keeps its position between 1201-1400 rank in QS World University Rankings 2025
We are delighted to announce that SDU University keeps its position between #1201-1400 rank in QS World University Rankings 2025, measuring academic reputation globally.
Among 120 Kazakhstani Universities, only 21 universities have ranked.
SDU University demonstrates commendable performance across various indicators compared to other universities in Kazakhstan: Citations per Faculty (Ranked 5th), International Research Network (Ranked 7th), Employer Reputation (Ranked 11th) and Academic Reputation (Ranked 14th).
In the QS World University Rankings 2025, over 5,600 universities worldwide underwent evaluation, a notable 1.5-fold increase from the previous year. However, despite this considerable expansion in the number of universities assessed, only one-third succeeded in securing positions in the rankings.