Results of NIRS competition
SDU University held a national competition of research and development works of students in the direction of “Accounting and Auditing”. 25 works were submitted to the contest.
Having considered the scientific works of students, the competition committee decided to present for awarding:
1. Diplomas of the Ministry of I degree: o Begalykyzy Amina, Bizhigit Aset Bakhytzhanuly, Zhanuzakova Orynay Zhenisbekkyzy, Narkhoz University o Supervisor: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Andybaeva G.T., 2. Diplomas of the Ministry of II degree: o M. Zhuravleva, M. Proskurina, V. Sukhinina, Almaty Management University o Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Zhumabayeva M.D., Almaty Management University. 3. Diplomas of the Ministry of II degree: o Makhatova Sabina Azamatovna, Nygmet Madina Turzhankyzy, Ungarbayeva Eleonora Askarkyzy , SDU University o Supervisor: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Tulegenova R. A, 4. Diplomas of the Ministry of III degree: o Alimzhan Aknaz Dekabrkyzy, Kyzylorda University named after. Korkyt Ata o Scientific supervisor: Candidate of economic sciences Nauryzbaev A.Zh., 5. Diplomas of the Ministry of III degree: o Tileukhan Gulzat Serikkhankyzy, Kabdolova Zhansaya Sakenkyzy o Scientific supervisor: PhD. associate professor Zholayeva M.A., Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumilev.
We congratulate all winners and their scientific supervisors with their deserved awards and wish further success in scientific activity!