The conference " Professional orientation: the future begins today" took place within the university walls
From April 12 to 14, the conference ” Professional Orientation: the future begins today” organized by SDU Extension School was held at the university. The event was attended by the strongest career guidance specialists from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Mongolia, who showed ways of choosing a profession, applying for grants, and provided valuable information.
The main speakers of the conference were qualified specialist Ruslan Toktarbekovich, who worked for 2.5 years as the head of the National Testing Center, expert on higher education abroad, IRO director Beibit Dyussyupov, Sinan Erarslan, Harvard Summer School for College Institutions grant holder, Babur Adilkhan, GALLUP expert, Aidos Zhumanazar, founder of Eduserapp, Ilyas Saduakasov, career guidance methodologist of the 5 Schools Project, and Omarbek Kushkimbayuly, Director of SDU Extension School, spoke and shared their experience.
The career guidance conference showed young professionals how to become career counselors and navigate their career choices. We hope that this initiative will be continued in the future.