About us
The SDU Technopark is a center for the commercialization of intellectual property, technological solutions and products developed within the university.
The main task of the SDUTechnopark is the cultivation of technological entrepreneurs (start-ups) within the walls of the university. To solve this problem, the University through the Technopark should develop an innovative “eco system” that supports the joint work of the teaching staff, students and private initiatives.
Accordingly, the technopark will build capacity of the university, as well as the teaching staff and students, in particular, in the field of technological entrepreneurship.
Technopark SDU is the part of Corporate Development. Corporate Development has the following subdivisions: Technopark SDU and Fundraising office.
Head of Technopark's message
Kazakhstan recently has developed the Digital Kazakhstan program, which should stimulate the development of digital technologies in the country, implementationelements of industry 4.0, development of human capital and technological entrepreneurship.
The key role in this journey will play universities who have clear vision about preparing new generation of entrepreneurs with technologic mindset. In order to realize that vision universities need establish sound relationship with industry, government and professionals. The SDU Technopark will always be in cutting edge in this area on behalf of university.
Head of the Department is Bekzhan Tolybay. Coordinator of Technopark is Ainur Baikara. Fundraising office expert- Aydar Aukenov
Services and resources
1) Training. Intensive business with practical tasks on the project, consultations of the best experts, meetings with businessmen, etc.
2) Team building. Assistance in finding team members with the necessary competencies for the project. In the formation of teams, teachers and students from other faculties (for example: software developers, lawyers, marketing specialists, financiers, etc.) with relevant competences will be required.
3) Mentors. Each team is assigned a mentor, who delves into all the details of the project and helps to deal with emerging issues, which contributes to the rapid growth of team members.
4) Investment. Assistance in obtaining the first investment for the further development of the project: grants, business angels, investments from venture funds, etc.
5) Partners. Search for partners required for project implementation, including launching pilot projects with companies.This also includes finding partners that are willing to oursource some of their projects.
Ainur Baikara
Head of Technopark SDU
+7 727 307 95 65 (ext. 518)