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4 года
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Требуемый уровень английского языка
Не требуется
Целью образовательной программы является подготовка высококвалифицированных специалистов в области публичного права для центральных и местных исполнительных органов, которые смогут стать частью элиты юристов Казахстана и отвечать современным вызовам общественности. Качественное отличие данной программы заключается в подготовке специалистов, не только обладающих достаточным объемом знаний в сфере национального права, но и способных к дальнейшему саморазвитию, самостоятельному поиску, постановке и решению правовых проблем, используя, в том числе, креативные и нестандартные подходы. ОП ориентирована на профессиональный социальный заказ посредством формирования особых (общих и специальных) компетенций, связанных с необходимыми видами учебной и практической деятельности, скорректированных с учетом требований работодателей.
- Будет способен разрабатывать правильную тактику решения поставленных задач для достижения профессионального результата в области публичного и частного права;
- Будет способен вести переговоры, разрабатывать проекты договоров, управлять ими, участововать в судебных процессах и анализировать их, способен вести юридический бизнес на национальном уровне, создавать и поддерживать коммуникативные связи;
- Будет способен анализировать возможные перспективы развития национального законодательства и основные теории и концепции развития современной правовой науки;
- Будет способен проводить правовые исследования с использованием первичных и вторичных правовых ресурсов для решения практических и теоретических проблем;
- Будет способен составлять квалифицированные юридические заключения (оценка) и документы правового характера;
- Будет способен анализировать правовые нормы и решать юридические вопросы в сфере гражданско-правовых, трудовых, административно-правовых, уголовно-правовых, конституционных, международных правовых, корпоративных, налоговых и других отношений;
- Будет способен оказывать юридическую помощь в целях защиты и содействия в реализации прав, свобод и законных интересов граждан;
- Будет способен свободно оперировать юридическими понятиями и категориями; владеть методами и техникой конкретных исследований в области права, в том числе сравнительными методами.
AE – Area elective | code | title | th | pr | cr | ects | type | term |
LAW 116 | Legal Research Methods | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 1 |
LAW 128 | Legal thinking and methodology | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 1 |
LAW 126 | Research Methods and Accessing Legal Information Resources | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 2 |
LAW 135 | Personal data in civil circulation | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 2 |
LAW 301 | International Public Law | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 3 |
LAW 381 | International contract law | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 3 |
LAW 280 | Environmental law of the RK | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 4 |
LAW 357 | Land law of the RK | 1 | 2+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 4 |
LAW 281 | Administrative law of the RK | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 5 |
LAW 308 | Law enforcement agencies and public Prosecutor’s supervision | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 5 |
LAW 384 | Legal regulation of labor activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 5 |
LAW 386 | Labour relations and labour disputes | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 5 |
LAW 335 | International legal protection of human rights | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 6 |
LAW 351 | Criminology | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 6 |
LAW 375 | Tax law and tax disputes | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 6 |
LAW 397 | Financial law of the RK | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 6 |
LAW 398 | Costoms law | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 6 |
LAW 406 | Ideology “Mangilik El” and international politics | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 6 |
LAW 414 | Budget Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 6 |
LAW 422 | Criminalistics | 1 | 0+2 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 6 |
LAW 466 | Regulation of public-private partnerships | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 6 |
LAW 475 | International trade law | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 6 |
LAW 136 | Legal aspects of e-сommerce | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 7 |
LAW 288 | Legal writing | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 4 | Elective | 7 |
LAW 356 | Execution of judgment | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 7 |
LAW 374 | Practical application norms of CPC | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 7 |
LAW 435 | Drafting of criminal procedural documents | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 7 |
LAW 465 | Statistics | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 7 |
LAW 467 | International relations and diplomacy | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 7 |
LAW 468 | Inter-Professional Legal Skills | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 4 | Elective | 7 |
LAW 477 | Professional ethics of a lawyer | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 7 |
LAW 492 | Information Law | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 7 |
LAW 500 | Making criminal procedural documents | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 7 |
LAW 138 | Internship | 0 | 4+0 | 4 | 8 | Elective | 8 |
LAW 490 | Pre-diploma practice | 0 | 4+0 | 4 | 8 | Elective | 8 |
NAE – Non-area elective | req | code | title | th | pr | cr | ects | type | term |
MDE 107 | Foreign Language 1 (General English – A1 level) | 0 | 3+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 1 | |
MDE 109 | Foreign Language 1 (General English – A2 level) | 0 | 3+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 1 | |
MDE 131 | Turkish Language 1 (А1 level) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 1 | |
MDE 135 | Turkish Language 1 (B1 level) ( Media club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 1 | |
MDE 201 | Turkish Language 1 (B1 level) (Debate club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 1 | |
MDE 205 | Turkish Language 1 (B1 level) ( Cooking club ) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 1 | |
MDE 209 | Turkish Language 1 (B1 level) ( Storytelling club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 1 | |
MDE 213 | Turkish Language 1 (B1 level) (Singing club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 1 | |
MDE 217 | Turkish Language 1 (B1 level) (Translation club ) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 1 | |
MDE 221 | Turkish Language 1 (B1 level) (Poetry club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 1 | |
MDE 225 | Turkish Language 1 (B1 level) (Movie club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 1 | |
MDE 229 | Turkish Language 1 (B1 level) (Turkology club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 1 | |
MDE 233 | Turkish Language 1 (B1 level) (Drama club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 1 | |
MDE 237 | Turkish Language 1 (B1 level) (Art club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 1 | |
MDE 281 | German language 1 | 0 | 3+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 1 | |
MDE 291 | Physical Education 1 | 0 | 1+0 | 1 | 2 | Elective | 1 | |
MDE 108 | Foreign Language 2 (General English – A1+ level) | 0 | 3+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 2 | |
MDE 110 | Foreign Language 2 (General English – A2+ level) | 0 | 3+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 2 | |
MDE 132 | Turkish Language 2 (А1 level) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 2 | |
MDE 136 | Turkish Language 2 (B1 level) ( Media club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 2 | |
PR | MDE 202 | Turkish Language 2 (B1 level) (Debate club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 2 |
MDE 206 | Turkish Language 2 (B1 level) ( Cooking club ) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 2 | |
PR | MDE 210 | Turkish Language 2 (B1 level) ( Storytelling club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 2 |
MDE 214 | Turkish Language 2 (B1 level) (Singing club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 2 | |
PR | MDE 218 | Turkish Language 2 (B1 level) (Translation club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 2 |
PR | MDE 222 | Turkish Language 2 (B1 level) (Poetry club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 2 |
PR | MDE 226 | Turkish Language 2 (B1 level) (Movie club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 2 |
MDE 230 | Turkish Language 2 (B1 level) (Turkology club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 2 | |
PR | MDE 234 | Turkish Language 2 (B1 level) (Drama club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 2 |
MDE 238 | Turkish Language 2 (B1 level) (Art club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 2 | |
MDE 282 | German Language 2 | 0 | 3+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 2 | |
MDE 113 | Kazakh Language 1 (B1 level) | 0 | 3+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 3 | |
MDE 123 | Russian Language 1 (B1 level) | 0 | 3+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 3 | |
MDE 133 | Turkish Language 3 (А2 level) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 3 | |
MDE 137 | Turkish Language 3 (B2 level) ( Media club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 3 | |
MDE 203 | Turkish Language 3 (B2 level) (Debate club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 3 | |
MDE 207 | Turkish Language 3 (B2 level) ( Cooking club ) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 3 | |
MDE 211 | Turkish Language 3 (B2 level) ( Storytelling club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 3 | |
MDE 215 | Turkish Language 3 (B2 level) (Singing club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 3 | |
MDE 219 | Turkish Language 3 (B2 level) (Translation club ) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 3 | |
MDE 223 | Turkish Language 3 (B2 level)(Poetry club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 3 | |
MDE 227 | Turkish Language 3 (B2 level) (Movie club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 3 | |
MDE 231 | Turkish Language 3 (B1 level) (Turkology club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 3 | |
MDE 235 | Turkish Language 3 (B2 level) (Drama club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 3 | |
MDE 239 | Turkish Language 3 (B2 level) (Art club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 3 | |
MDE 114 | Kazakh Language 2 (B1 level) | 0 | 3+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 4 | |
MDE 124 | Russian Language 2 (B1 level) | 0 | 3+0 | 3 | 5 | Elective | 4 | |
PR | MDE 134 | Turkish Language 4 (А2 level) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 4 |
MDE 138 | Turkish Language 4 (B2 level) ( Media club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 4 | |
PR | MDE 204 | Turkish Language 4 (B2 level) (Debate club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 4 |
MDE 208 | Turkish Language 4 (B2 level) ( Cooking club ) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 4 | |
PR | MDE 212 | Turkish Language 4 (B2 level) ( Storytelling club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 4 |
MDE 216 | Turkish Language 4 (B2 level) (Singing club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 4 | |
PR | MDE 220 | Turkish Language 4 (B2 level) (Translation club ) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 4 |
MDE 224 | Turkish Language 4 (B2 level) (Poetry club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 4 | |
PR | MDE 228 | Turkish Language 4 (B2 level) (Movie club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 4 |
MDE 232 | Turkish Language 4 (B1 level) (Turkology club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 4 | |
PR | MDE 236 | Turkish Language 4 (B2 level) (Drama club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 4 |
MDE 240 | Turkish Language 4 (B2 level) (Art club) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 | Elective | 4 |
NTE – Non Theoretical Elective | code | title | th | pr | cr | ects | type | term |
LAW 486 | State examination | 5 | 0+0 | 5 | 8 | Elective | 2 |
LAW 487 | Diploma project | 5 | 0+0 | 5 | 8 | Elective | 2 |
LAW 488 | Writing and defense of thesis | 5 | 0+0 | 5 | 8 | Elective | 2 |
1 semestr | code | title | th | pr | cr | ects |
LAW 127 | Introduction to law | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
LAW 131 | Theory of public administration | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
MDE 153 | Module of Social and Political Knowledge (Cultural Studies) | 1 | 0+0 | 1 | 2 |
MDE 154 | Module of Social and Political Knowledge (Psychology) | 1 | 0+0 | 1 | 2 |
MDE 160 | Community engagement and value based Society 1 | 0 | 1+0 | 1 | 0 |
LAW XXX | [ NAE ] MDE 107 Foreign Language 1 (General English – A1 level) / MDE 109 Foreign Language 1 (General English – A2 level)/ MDE 281 | 0 | 3+0 | 3 | 5 |
LAW XXX | [ NAE ] Turkish language 1 (MDE 131, MDE 135, MDE 201, MDE 205, MDE 209, MDE 213, MDE 217, MDE 221, MDE 225, MDE 229, MDE 233, MDE 237) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 |
XXX XXX | [ NAE ] Physical Education 1 (MDE291/MDE 241, MDE 245, MDE 249, MDE 253, MDE 257, MDE 261, MDE 265, MDE 269, MDE 273, MDE 277) | 0 | 1+0 | 1 | 2 |
XXX xxx | [ AE ] Elective (LAW 128/LAW 116) | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
Local Credit | ECTS |
Theoretical course: 17 | Theoretical course: 29 |
Non Theoretical course: 1 | Non Theoretical course: 0 |
Sum: 18 | Sum: 29 |
2 semestr | code | title | th | pr | cr | ects |
LAW 129 | Constitutional law of Kazakhstan | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
LAW 139 | Methods of scientific research | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
LAW 142 | Fundamentals of Anti- corruption Culture | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
LAW 213 | Educational Practice | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 1 |
MDE 170 | Community engagement and value based Society 2 | 0 | 1+0 | 1 | 0 |
MDE 171 | History of Kazakhstan | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
MDE 292 | Physical Education 2 | 0 | 1+0 | 1 | 2 |
LAW XXX | [ NAE ] MDE 108 Foreign Language 2 (General English – A1+ level) / MDE 110 Foreign Language 2 (General English – A2+ level)/ MDE 282 | 0 | 3+0 | 3 | 5 |
LAW XXX | [ NAE ] Turkish language 2 (MDE 132, MDE 136, MDE 202, MDE 206, MDE 210, MDE 214, MDE 218, MDE 222, MDE 226, MDE 230, MDE 234, MDE 238) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 |
Local Credit | ECTS |
Theoretical course: 14 | Theoretical course: 23 |
Non Theoretical course: 7 | Non Theoretical course: 8 |
Sum: 21 | Sum: 31 |
3 semestr | code | title | th | pr | cr | ects |
LAW 200 | Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (general part)-I | 2 | 2+0 | 4 | 6 |
LAW 203 | Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (general part)-1 | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
MDE 151 | Module of Social and Political Knowledge (Political Science) | 1 | 0+0 | 1 | 2 |
MDE 152 | Module of Social and Political Knowledge (Sociology) | 1 | 0+0 | 1 | 2 |
MDE 293 | Physical Education 3 | 0 | 1+0 | 1 | 2 |
LAW XXX | [ NAE ] Turkish language 3 (MDE 133, MDE 137, MDE 203, MDE 207, MDE 211, MDE 215, MDE 219, MDE 223, MDE 227, MDE 231, MDE 235, MDE 239) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 |
LAW XXX | [ NAE ] Russian Language 1 (MDE 123, MDE 125, MDE 127) | 0 | 3+0 | 3 | 5 |
XXX xxx | [ AE ] Elective (LAW 301/LAW 381) | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
Local Credit | ECTS |
Theoretical course: 17 | Theoretical course: 28 |
Non Theoretical course: 1 | Non Theoretical course: 2 |
Sum: 18 | Sum: 30 |
4 semestr | code | title | th | pr | cr | ects |
LAW 204 | Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (special part)-2 | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
LAW 206 | Criminal Law of RK (special part)-2 | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
MDE 173 | Information and Communication Technologies (in English) | 1 | 2+0 | 3 | 5 |
MDE 294 | Physical Education 4 | 0 | 1+0 | 1 | 2 |
LAW XXX | [ NAE ] Turkish language 4 (MDE 134, MDE 138, MDE 204, MDE 208, MDE 212, MDE 216, MDE 220, MDE 224, MDE 228, MDE 232, MDE 236, MDE 240) | 0 | 2+0 | 2 | 3 |
LAW XXX | [ NAE ] Russian Language 2 (MDE 124, MDE 126,MDE 128) | 0 | 3+0 | 3 | 5 |
XXX xxx | [ AE ] Elective (LAW 357/LAW 280) | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
Local Credit | ECTS |
Theoretical course: 17 | Theoretical course: 28 |
Non Theoretical course: 1 | Non Theoretical course: 2 |
Sum: 18 | Sum: 30 |
5 semestr | code | title | th | pr | cr | ects |
LAW 137 | Civil procedural law of RK | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
LAW 387 | Administrative offences and responsibility | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
LAW 393 | Criminal Procedure Law of the RK | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
MDE 172 | Philosophy | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
XXX xxx | [ AE ] Elective (LAW 308/LAW 281) | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
XXX xxx | [ AE ] Elective (LAW 386/LAW 384) | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
Local Credit | ECTS |
Theoretical course: 18 | Theoretical course: 30 |
Non Theoretical course: 0 | Non Theoretical course: 0 |
Sum: 18 | Sum: 30 |
6 semestr | code | title | th | pr | cr | ects |
LAW 400 | Procedure and features of proceedings in cases of administrative offences | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
XXX xxx | [ AE ] Elective (LAW 398/LAW 335) | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
XXX xxx | [ AE ] Elective (LAW 422/LAW 351) | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
XXX xxx | [ AE ] Elective (LAW 406/LAW 466) | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
XXX xxx | [ AE ] Elective (LAW 414/LAW 397) | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
XXX xxx | [ AE ] Elective (LAW 375/LAW 475) | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
Local Credit | ECTS |
Theoretical course: 18 | Theoretical course: 30 |
Non Theoretical course: 0 | Non Theoretical course: 0 |
Sum: 18 | Sum: 30 |
7 semestr | code | title | th | pr | cr | ects |
LAW 411 | Public service and ethics | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
LAW 469 | Administrative procedures and administrative court proceedings of the Republic of Kazakhstan | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
XXX XXX | [ AE ] Elective (LAW 288/LAW 468) | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 4 |
XXX xxx | [ AE ] Elective (LAW 477/LAW 492) | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
XXX xxx | [ AE ] Elective (LAW 356/LAW 374) | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
XXX xxx | [ AE ] Elective (LAW 467/LAW 136) | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
XXX xxx | [ AE ] Elective (LAW 465/LAW 500) | 2 | 1+0 | 3 | 5 |
Local Credit | ECTS |
Theoretical course: 21 | Theoretical course: 34 |
Non Theoretical course: 0 | Non Theoretical course: 0 |
Sum: 21 | Sum: 34 |
8 semestr | code | title | th | pr | cr | ects |
LAW 470 | Internship | 0 | 8+0 | 8 | 10 |
LAW XXX | [ NTE ] Final Assessment (LAW 486/487/488) | 0 | 5+0 | 5 | 8 |
XXX xxx | [ AE ] Elective (LAW 490/LAW 138) | 0 | 4+0 | 4 | 8 |
Local Credit | ECTS |
Theoretical course: 4 | Theoretical course: 8 |
Non Theoretical course: 13 | Non Theoretical course: 18 |
Sum: 17 | Sum: 26 |
Total Local Credit | Total ECTS |
Theoretical course: 126 | Theoretical course: 210 |
Non Theoretical course: 23 | Non Theoretical course: 30 |
Sum: 149 | Sum: 240 |
Корпоративные юристы, Государственные учреждения, Адвокаты, Прокуроры, Суды, Юрисконсульты, Правоохранительные органы, Министерство внутренних дел, Преподаватели, Полицейские.
Вместе с дипломом наши обучающиеся имеют возможность получить сертификат Республиканской Палаты частных судебных исполнителей.
Aizhan Kopbayeva
PhD Assistant professor
PhD Assistant Professor
Academic career
BA: Kunayev University, 2006
MA: LLM, Kunayev University, 2009
PhD: PhD in Law, International University of Kyrgyzstan, 2018
LAW 273 Land and property law
1. Mavlyanov A.S., Kopbaeva A.B. Problems of applying the rule on criminal liability for damage to land // Materials of the XXIII international scientific and practical conference “Current problems in modern science and ways to solve them.” – Moscow, February 26-27, 2016, pp. 117-119
2. Mavlyanov A.S., Kopbaeva A.B. Problems and possible ways to improve the criminal legal protection of land // Materials of the XXXII international scientific and practical conference “Current problems in modern science and ways to solve them.” – Moscow, November 26, 2016, pp. 77-79
3. Mavlyanov A.S., Kopbaeva A.B. Improving criminal legislation in terms of establishing responsibility for registering illegal transactions with land // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Current problems of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. – Almaty, March 30-31, 2017, pp. 121-125
4. Mavlyanov A.S., Kopbaeva A.B. Foreign experience in criminal legal protection of land // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “New tasks in the socio-economic and legal development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the light of the implementation of the strategy “Kazakhstan-2050”, a course towards expanding the democratic foundations of society.” – Almaty, December 8, 2017, pp. 56-60
5. Mavlyanov A.S., Kopbaeva A.B. Improving criminal legislation in terms of establishing responsibility for registering illegal transactions with land // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Current problems of ecology and environmental law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. – Almaty, October 27, 2017, pp. 20-24
6. Mavlyanov A.S., Kopbaeva A.B. Criminal legal regulation of liability for registration of illegal transactions with land // Materials of the International Congress of Young Scientists “Economics, Business and Law in the Modern Picture of the World”, dedicated to EXPO-2017. – Almaty, May 11, 2017, pp. 21-24
7. Tazhmagambet A.S., Apakhaev N.Zh., Kopbaev D.Z., Kopbaeva A.B. Comparative legal analysis of the criminal legislation of individual foreign countries on land protection // Science and Life Kazakhstan. – №6(53)2017, pp.80-85
Bashaga Salayev
Candidate of law, associate professor
Candidate of law, associate professor
Forensic expert of the Operational and Technical Department of the Eastern Department of Internal Affairs on Transport from 1978 to 1980.
Head of the Cabinet, teacher of the cycle of criminal procedure and criminalistics from 1980 to 1990;
Senior lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminalistics and Forensic Expertise from 1993 to 1996;
Head of the Department of Criminalistics from 1996 to 2004
Deputy Head of the Law Institute of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 2004 to 2010;
Head of the educational and methodological Center of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 2010 to 2012. (after retirement);
Professor of the Department of Technical and Forensic Support for Crime Detection and Investigation at the Law Institute of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan From 2012 to 2014.
Associate Professor of the Department of Law and Social Sciences at Suleiman Demirel University from 2014 – present.
LAW 422 Criminology
For the first time among criminologists of the former USSR, at the level of dissertation research, he developed ” tactics of presentation for identification and organization of identification of the identity of victims in emergency situations associated with mass loss of life “(1993).
1. B. A. Salaev (Co-Author) Commentary to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Kazakh SSR / Ed. by E. Ya. Lopushny and A. Ya. Ginzburg. Almaty: Baspager Publ., 1995.
2. Salaev B. A. Establishing the identity of victims in emergency situations: (Textbook) Almaty: NIiRIO of the Almaty Higher Investigative School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1997.
3. Scientific works of the Karaganda Higher School of the State Investigative Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Salaev B. A. article on the topic: “The essence and methods of establishing a person by signs of appearance”. Karaganda: KVSH GSK RK, 1997. Issue 1.
4. B. A. Salaev (Co-Author) Forensic methods and means of identification of the individual.( Educational and practical guide) Almaty: Ayan Edet LLP, 1998.
5. Scientific works of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2001. Salaev B. A. article on the topic: “Criminalistics in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Almaty.
6. Salaev B. A. (Co-Author). Kriminalistika: Uchebnik [Criminalistics: Textbook] / Ed. by B. M. Nurgaliev, Karaganda: Bolashak-Baspa Publ., 2009.
Aigul Kassenova
Candidate’s degree in Jurisprudence
assistant professor
Candidate’s degree in Jurisprudence, assistant professor
Academic career
BA: Kazakh State Law University (KazGUU), 1998
PhD: Аpplicant at the Department of Civil Procedure of KazGUU – 2001-2006, PhD thesis defense at the Dissertation Council of KazGUU, Almaty. Award of the academic degree of Candidate of Law by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2006.
2012 – to date – assistant professor at the Department of Law at SDU University, coordinator of the doctoral program
from 1998 to 2012, she worked as a lawyer at the Almaty Regional Territorial Committee of State Property and Privatization of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, KazInYurCollegia LLP, Akhmetov & Partners LLP, PJSC Chamber of Auditors of the Republic of Kazakhstan, head of the legal department of SECATEL COMPANY LLP , senior lecturer at the University of Economics and Law in Almaty and at the Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure of JSC KazGUU, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay
LAW 385 Civil procedural law of RK 1
LAW 388 Civil procedural law of RK 2
LAW 386 Labour relations and labour disputes
LAW 469 Administrative procedures and administrative court proceedings of the Republic of Kazakhstan
-2 the articles was published in the journal of the Scopus database: 1) Conflict Resolution Quarterly. 2022;1–14, https://doi.org/10.1002/crq.21343;
– State and Telecommunications Review, v. 15, no. 1, p. 191-206, May 2023. / Revista de Direito, Estado e Telecomunicações //https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/RDET
– Published articles: 1) Some issues of improving the mechanism of civil rights protection in Kazakhstan //Bulletin d’ EUROTALENT-FIDJIP, 2015, No. 6. pp. 63-67 (Materials of the seminar of the International Academy Concord (Paris, from July 1 to July 10, 2015).
– Problems of legal regulation of the revision of decisions of the arbitration court on the opened circumstances in the Republic of Kazakhstan // in the Collection of articles “International commercial arbitration and issues of private law” / Compiled and edited by I.P. Greshnikov. Moscow: Statute, 2015. – pp. 102-113.
– On the conciliation commission and on certain issues of the application of conciliation procedures when resolving individual labor disputes / in collaboration with Zhumaeva M.S.- Journal “Science and Life of Kazakhstan”, 2020, No. 6, pp. 54-58.
– Some thoughts on trust in the institution of judicial power, a completely independent and fair judicial system / in collaboration with Tuleuov A.S. //https://online .zakon.kz/m/Document/?doc_id=32328903
– Mariya S. Zhumayeva, Aigul Zh. Kassenova, Gabiden A. Zhailin, Fatima A. Tlegenova, Zhassulan M. Akhmetov. Conciliation procedures in civil proceedings: Comparative legal aspec // Conflict Resolution Quarterly. 2022;1–14.
– MAGAUIYA, A, OMAROVA A.B., KASENOVA, A., AKHMETOV, ZH., AKMADI, M.The Practices of Advanced Countries in the Legal Regulation of Intellectual Property Objects Created by Artificial Intelligence. The Law, State and Telecommunications Review, v. 15, no. 1, p. 191-206, May 2023. Том. 15 № 1 (2023): Обзор права, государства и телекоммуникаций / Revista de Direito, Estado e Telecomunicações //https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/RDET
Maigul Abilova
PhD, associate professor
PhD, associate professor
Academic career
BA: KAZGUU, 2002
MA: KAZGUU, 2004
PhD: KAZGUU, 2015
Associate professor, SDU
Partner, Lex Contractus LLP
LAW 128 Legal thinking and methodology
Law 271 Law of Obligation I
LAW 405 International Arbitration
LAW 139 Methods of scientific research
LAW 272 Law of Obligation II
LAW 347 International Private Law
1. 36 scientific publications, including 1 monograph; 1. Determination of applicable law in case of violation of personal non-property rights // Objects of civil rights: Materials of an international scientific-practical conference (within the framework of annual civilistic readings). Almaty, September 25-26, 2003 – Almaty: KAZGUU, 2004. – p.310-314.
2. Public policy clause in private international law // Economy and law of Kazakhstan. – № 12 (228), 2004. – p.35-38.
3. Order public clause as a way to protect the interests of the state // Protection of civil rights: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Kazakh Humanitarian and Law University (as part of the annual civilistic readings). Almaty, May 13-14, 2004 – Almaty: KAZGUU Research Institute of Private Law, 2005. – p.460-464.
4. Reciprocity and retortions as ways of establishing and limiting subjective civil rights // Subjective civil law and means of ensuring it: Materials of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the memory of Yu.G. Basin (within the framework of the annual civilistic readings). Almaty, June 13-14, 2005 – Almaty: KAZGUU Research Institute of Private Law, 2005. – p. 408-412.
5. Legal nature and consequences of evasion of the law // Subjective civil law and means of ensuring it: Materials of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the memory of Yu.G. Basin (within the framework of the annual civilistic readings). Almaty, June 13-14, 2005 – Almaty: KAZGUU Research Institute of Private Law, 2005. – p.413-416.
6. Qualification issues in international private law // The role of the Constitution in the formation and development of independent statehood in Kazakhstan: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Karagandy: KarGU Publishing, 2005. – p.356-359.
7. The concept and significance of peremptory norms in private international law // Problems of improvement and development of parliamentarism in the context of modernization of Kazakhstani society: collection of articles in materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Almaty, 2006. – p.426-430.
8. Correlation of the concepts of “norms prohibiting circumvention of the law”, “peremptory norms”, “public order clause” // Responsibility in civil law: Materials of an international scientific and practical conference (within the framework of annual civilistic readings). Almaty, May 22-23, 2006 – Almaty: KAZGUU Research Institute of Private Law, 2006. – p.389-392.
9. Questions arising in the course of application of conflict of law rules // “Adilet” Scientific works.– №1 (19-а), 2006. – p.169-174.
10. Application of the norms of foreign law on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Kazakhstan Journal of International Law. – №4(36), 2009. – p.61-63.
11. Characteristics and types of norms of private international law // Bulletin of the University named after D.A. Kunaev. – №4(33), 2009. – p.183-187.
12. The concept and stages of application of the norms of private international law // Scientific notes of the Academy of Economics and Law. – №1(18), 2010. – p.138-143.
13. Determination of the law applicable to the status of legal entities // Civil law and corporate relations: Materials of international scientific-practical conf. within the framework of the annual civilistic readings dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Yuri Grigorievich Basin (Almaty, May 13-14, 2013) – Almaty, 2013. – p.689-694.
14. Restrictions in the application of the norms of private international law and foreign law under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (theoretical aspects) // “Theoretical and practical problems of the application of international law in the legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (Astana, December 7, 2013): Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. – Astana: «Dame» LLP, 2014. – p.105-109.
15. Problems of application of foreign law in the international private law of the Republic of Kazakhstan: theoretical bases and conflict regulation // Science and life of Kazakhstan. – №6(27), 2014. – p.158-164
16. On the question of the place of private international law in the system of law // Interdependence of international and national law: Collection of publications of the foundation for the development of legal sciences. – St. Petersburg: Foundation for the Development of Legal Science, 2014. – p.44-46.
17. Application of foreign law according to conflicts regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan// «The Third International Scientific Conference on Private and Public Law». Proceedings of the Conference (September 3, 2014). «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH. Vienna. – P.33-40.
18. To the question of the establishment of foreign law content in conflict regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan// The Strategies of Modern Science Development: Proceedings of the VII International scientific-practical conference. North Charleston, USA, 14-15 October 2014. North Charleston: CreateSpace, 2014. – P.73-77.
19. On the essence and meaning of the law evasion institute in the Private International Law// 12th International scientific conference «European Applied Sciences: modern approaches in scientific researches»: Papers of the 12th International Scientific Conference. October 15, 2014, Stuttgart, Germany. – P.155-158.
20. Some conflicting issues in the application of private international law// Improvement of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of intellectual property: materials of the international scientific and practical conference dated January 30, 2015, dedicated to the anniversary of Doctor of Law, Professor, Director of the Research Institute “Civil Law Research”, Head of the Department of Civil and Civil Procedure Law Kazakh Humanitarian and Law University T.E. Kaudyrov – Astana, JSC “Kazakh Humanitarian and Law University”, 2015. – p.186-190.
21. To the question of the meaning of the norm prohibiting evasion of the law in private international law // Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2015. №2 (38). – p.182-187.
22. The problem of qualification in determining the applicable law: theoretical approaches and legislative consolidation in the Republic of Kazakhstan// http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ass/article/view/46540/25082// Asian Social Science (Canada). – 2015. – V.11. – Iss 8. – P. 80-87. Scopus, SJR _2013 : 0.139
23. Establishing the content of foreign law: theoretical issues and the legislator’s approach // Science and Life of Kazakhstan. – №6(33), 2015. – p.88-92.
24. Public order clause in the law enforcement practice of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Science and Life of Kazakhstan. – № 6 (42), 2016. – p.145-148.
25. English law in the system of protection of the law of the International Financial Center “Astana” // Law and State. – №3 (72), 2016. – p.29-36. (co-author M. Daulenov)
26. Concept of the Guidelines for the Application of Principles and Laws of England and Wales by the Astana International Financial Center Court. Fundamental applied research// http://academy.kazguu.kz/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Kontseptsiya-Rukovodstva.pdf (team of authors)
27. Issues of establishing the content of foreign law (in the light of the approaches of common and continental law) // Improvement of the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of the implementation of the provisions of English law: Mater. Int. scientific-practical conf. November 25, 2016. – Astana: «Institute of Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan», 2017. – p.49-55.
28. The effectiveness of custom as a source of private international law// Science and Life of Kazakhstan, №1(43)2017, p.194-197 (co-author K.Nurmagambet)
29. Application of foreign law in accordance with conflict regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (restrictive measures) // Nevolin readings. Actual problems of the development of municipalities: legal and socio-economic aspects: a collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, November 17, 2017 / Volgo-Vyatka Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow State Law University named after O. E. Kutafin (MGUA)». – Kirov, 2017. – p.16-22.
30. Determination of applicable law: questions of theory and practice. Monograph – Almaty, Zhety Zhargy, 2018. – 200p.
31. English law in the context of social and legal changes in the Republic of Kazakhstan: a general overview of certain aspects // Science and Life of Kazakhstan, №4 (60) 2018, p.256-258 (co-author S.Moroz)
32. Issues of the implementation of institutions of English contract law into the legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan // English law and the legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan: materials of the international round table (October 23, 2018)/ ed.S.Moroz, Almaty, 2018. p.115-127.
33. Conceptual approach to the issue of expanding judicial discretion in Kazakhstan in the aspect of correlation with judicial precedent // Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, №4 (53) 2018. ‒ p.65-77 (co-author V.Konussova)
34. Theoretical issues of renvoi// Science and Life of Kazakhstan, № 1 (75) 2019, p.48-53 (co-author S.Moroz)
35. The legal nature of private international law // Science and Life of Kazakhstan, № 1 (75) 2019, p.90-93.
36. Zhanara T. Kumisbekova, Svetlana P. Moroz, Maigul N. Abilova, Alia N. Seitova, Vitaliy V. Ten, Agreement on share participation in housing construction: historical aspect and legal nature// Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. Volume 22, Issue 1, 2019. Online ISSN: 1544-0044// https://www.abacademies.org/articles/agreement-on-share-participation-in-housing-construction-historical-aspect-and-legal-nature-7956.html.
Aigul Malikova
Candidate of law, associate professor
Сandidate of law, associate professor
Degree Qualifications
BA: 1995-1999 Al-Farabi Kazakh National State University, Almaty
MA: 1999-2001- Magistracy, Al-Farabi Kazakh National State University, Almaty
PhD: 2006-2009- Doctoral student- KAZGUU
Candidate of Juridical Sciences, association professor, judge. present -partially teaching at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences SDU University, Almaty
2014-2020 – partially taught at Academy Public Administration Under the President,Criminal Procedure Law, Astana
2006-2014 Academy of Public Administration Under the President, Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure Law, Astana
2000-2006 – Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Law of Law Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National State University, Almaty
2020-present – chairman of Medeo areacourt
2018-2020 – adviser of chairman of Medeo area court
2014-2020 – judge of Specialized International Criminal Court
2006-2014 – Academy of Public Administration Under the President, Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure Law, Astana
2000-2006 – Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Law of Law Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National State University, Almaty
LAW 287 Compilation of Criminal Procedure documents
Project Works
Monographie «Qualification of Crimes: theory and practice» (2012) and other (2006-2014- 2 Monographie and 5 Publications)
Monographie «Qualification of Crimes: theory and practice» (2012) and other (2006-2014- 2 Monographie and 5 Publications)
Gaini Serim
PhD, associate professor
PhD, associate professor
Academic career
BA: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (bachelor’s degree) 2005-2009
MA: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (master’s degree) 2009-2011
PhD: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (doctoral studies) 2012-2015
Specialist of the legal department of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 2010-2011
Assistant teacher of the department «International law» Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 2013-2014
Senior Lecturer of the «Law» department Narxoz University 2015-2016
Associate professor of the department of «Law» Narxoz University 2018-2020
Associate professor of the scientific and educational society «Law» Narxoz University 2020-2021
Associate professor of of faculty of Law and social science SDU 2021-2022
PhD research «Conceptual (theoretical) problems of the category of guilt in civil law» (total more than 15 Publications)
Azamat Tuleuov
Сandidate of law, senior lecturer
Candidate of law, senior lecturer
Academic career
BA: Al-Farabi Kazakh State University, Almaty, 1990-1995
PhD: Institute of State&Law of National Academy of sciencies of the Respublic of Kazakhstan, 1998
2020 – present: Chairman of the Board of Trustees of PE «Rule of Law Institute», Kazakhstan
2013 – present: Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC «Mangistaugeology», Kazakhstan
2004: Vice President of JSC «Transtelecom», Kazakhstan
1999-2007: Presidentof «KazInJurCollegium» LLP
1996-2003: Lawyer, thenthe Head of the Legal Department of JSC «Kazakhstan International Bank», Kazakhstan
1995-1996: Assistant for Project Coordinator for the development of Environmental Legislation, “Pepper, Hamilton & Scheetz” Law firm
Member&Head of various group of experts of Working Groups, Kazakhstan
LAW 273 Land and property law
LAW349 Property Law
Project Works
September 2021: «Features of hybrid education». Center for professional Development and Innovation. SDU University, Almaty
May 2009: Certificate of Training «International standards of law in the media sphere ofKazakhstan»
Monographie «The right of trust management on property» (1998) and other (total more than 50 Publications)
Darkhan Orynbassarov
MA, senior lecturer
MA, senior lecturer
Degree Qualifications
BA: Abay state University Almaty Kazakhstan International law, 1999-2004
MA: SDU University Kazakhstan, 2009-2011
LAW 143 introduction to International law and international legal order
Project Works
Inclusive education
Universities of Kazakhstan: Inclusion and transition of disabled people to the labor market
Yergali Issakulov
MA, senior lecturer
MA, senior lecturer
Academic career
BA: Faculty of Law of KazGNU, 1996
MA: Turan Astana University, 2015
Specialist of the legal department of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 2010-2011
Assistant teacher of the department «International law» Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 2013-2014
Senior Lecturer of the «Law» department Narxoz University 2015-2016
Associate professor of the department of «Law» Narxoz University 2018-2020
Associate professor of the scientific and educational society «Law» Narxoz University 2020-2021
Associate professor of of faculty of Law and social science SDU 2021-2022
PhD research «Conceptual (theoretical) problems of the category of guilt in civil law» (total more than 15 Publications)
Adilkhan Abzalbek
MA, senior lecturer
MA, senior lecturer
Academic career
BA: Auezov University, 2013-2016
MA: LLM, Warwick University 2020-2021, UK
2016-2021: Judicial Assistant in Almaty city court
Law 370 – International Commercial Law
Law 361 – Corporate and Business Law
Project Works
Legal Tech, Blockchain Related Research
Dissertational work: Online Dispute Resolution
Balzhan Tursynova
MA, senior lecturer
MA, senior lecturer
Degree Qualifications
BA: SDU University, 2011-2015
MA: SDU University, 2017-2019
2021 – 2022: “Senimdi Kurylys” LLP (was established by Bechtel and ENKA) – contract assistant
2019 – 2020: “Ustaz Professional Learning Centre” LLP – Lawyer
2017-2019 BILIM-INNOVATION” International educational fund- Lawyer 2016 – 2017: “Asitane Unity” LLP – Lawyer
2015 – 2016: Semey City Сourt – secretary/assistant
2013: Student exchange programs, Gediz University Law, Republic of Turkey, Izmir
LAW 140 Innovation trends
LAW 477 Professional ethics of lawyer
Project Works
XII International Scientific and Practical Conference”GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2021: CENTRAL ASIA” 2021
International scientific journal “GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2021: CENTRAL ASIA” 2021, article: Major transactions and related party transactions: specific aspects of legislative regulation
Abay Nazhimov
MA, senior lecturer
MA, senior lecturer
Academic career
BA: SDU University
MA: SDU University
Lecturer at the SDU University
Aruzhan Seitmagambet
MA, senior lecturer
MA, senior lecturer
Academic career
BA: SDU University
MA: SDU University
I have 3 years of teaching experience at the university level, coupled with 1 year of practical work in legal firms, such as: Rödl & Partner and Synergy Partners.
Law 370 – International Commercial Law
Law 361 – Corporate and Business Law
Project Works
Legal Tech, Blockchain Related Research
Dissertational work: Online Dispute Resolution
Galymbek Kereibayev
MA, senior lecturer
MA, senior lecturer
Degree Qualifications
BA: Al Farabi University (Kazakhstan, Almaty), Faculty of International Relations 1991-1996
MA: Albert – Ludwigs University (Freiburg, Germany), Faculty of Law 1994- 2000
Managing Partner «Russell Bedford А + Partners», Parker Consulting & Appraisal LLP etc.
Senior Associate / Integrites Kazakhstan LLP
Senior Associate / Lawyer / Tax Consultant / Rodl & Partner LLP
Lawyer / Tax Consultant / Rodl & Partner LLP
Deputy Head of the Tax Accounting and Reporting of the Department of Accounting and Taxes / BTA Bank JSC
Head of Methodology and monitoring of the tax legislation of the tax Accounting of JSC BTA bank
Deputy director of the legal department Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation of Natural Monopolies and competition protection
– A number of articles on taxation under the norms of the Conventions on the avoidance of double taxation and the Kazakhstan Tax Code
– Gewinn-und Kostenverteilung zwischen deutschen Hauptunternehmen und ihren Betriebstaetten in Kasachstan, Munich, WIRO 01/2020
– Auslaendische Investitionen in Kasachstan, Munich, WIRO 10/1998
– A new law required (with respect to the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On competition and restriction of monopolistic activity”), the competition number 1, 2004
– Legal basis of regulation of natural monopolies, controller number 1, 2005
Marat Yestemirov
PhD, associate professor
PhD, associate professor
Academic career
BA: Bachelor in Law, Kazguu University, 2002
MA: LLM, Kazguu University, 2004
PhD: Maqsut Narikbayev University (MNU), 2018
2004 – 2007: Kazguu University
2007 – 2008: “Adilet” Law school
2008 – 2009: Institute of legal analyze and reseach
2010 – 2022: Maqsut Narikbayev Unuiversity
2022: SDU UNiversity
Project Works
“Publications in local and international academic journals, conference proceedings
1. «Банкроттық құқық» пәні бойынша практикум: Оқу құралы. – Нұр-Сұлтан, 2021. – 64 бет. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4008340
2. «Корпоративтік құқық» пәні бойынша практикум: Оқу құралы. – Нұр-Сұлтан, 2021. – 52 бет. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4008312
3. Корпоративтік құқық негіздері: Оқу құралы. – Алматы, 2021. – 416 б.
4. Сыйға тарту шартының күшін жою негіздерінің отандық сот практикасындағы қолданысы // Кұқық және мемлекет, № 3 (92), 2021 https://km.kazguu.kz/articles/articles/view/id/525
5. Банкроттық рәсімді құқықтық реттеудің жекелеген қырлары // Кұқық және мемлекет, № 4 (92), 2022
6. 6. Сот практикасындағы бірізділік талабының сақталынбауы – қоғамның сот билігіне деген сеніміне жасалған елеулі соққы // ВЕСТНИК ИНСТИТУТА ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛЬСТВА И ПРАВОВОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ РК No 4 (67)-2021 https://vestnik.zqai.kz/index.php/vestnik/article/view/242/257
7. 7. Кредиторлар талаптарының тізіліміне құрылтайшылардың (қатысушылардың) талаптарын енгізудің құқықтық реттелуі // Кұқық және мемлекет, № 3-4 (80-81), 2018 https://km.kazguu.kz/uploads/files/9.%20%D0%95%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%20%D0%9C.%D0%90.%20%D0%A1.%20102-110..pdf
8. «Жауапкершілігі шектеулі және қосымша жауапкершілігі бар серіктестіктер туралы» Қазақстан Республика-сының Заңының 11-бабына түсініктеме // Вестник Института законодательства и правовой информации РКNo3 (57) – 2019 https://vestnik.zqai.kz/index.php/vestnik/article/view/259/275 “
Textbooks, study guides, flagship publications:
1. «Банкроттық құқық» пәні бойынша практикум: Оқу құралы. – Нұр-Сұлтан, 2021. – 64 бет. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4008340
2. «Корпоративтік құқық» пәні бойынша практикум: Оқу құралы. – Нұр-Сұлтан, 2021. – 52 бет. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4008312
3. Корпоративтік құқық негіздері: Оқу құралы. – Алматы, 2021. – 416 б.
4. Сыйға тарту шартының күшін жою негіздерінің отандық сот практикасындағы қолданысы // Кұқық және мемлекет, № 3 (92), 2021 https://km.kazguu.kz/articles/articles/view/id/525
5. Банкроттық рәсімді құқықтық реттеудің жекелеген қырлары // Кұқық және мемлекет, № 4 (92), 2022
6. Сот практикасындағы бірізділік талабының сақталынбауы – қоғамның сот билігіне деген сеніміне жасалған елеулі соққы // ВЕСТНИК ИНСТИТУТА ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛЬСТВА И ПРАВОВОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ РК No 4 (67)-2021б https://vestnik.zqai.kz/index.php/vestnik/article/view/242/257
7. Кредиторлар талаптарының тізіліміне құрылтайшылардың (қатысушылардың) талаптарын енгізудің құқықтық реттелуі // Кұқық және мемлекет, № 3-4 (80-81), 2018 https://km.kazguu.kz/uploads/files/9.%20%D0%95%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%20%D0%9C.%D0%90.%20%D0%A1.%20102-110..pdf
8. «Жауапкершілігі шектеулі және қосымша жауапкершілігі бар серіктестіктер туралы» Қазақстан Республика-сының Заңының 11-бабына түсініктеме // Вестник Института законодательства и правовой информации РКNo3 (57) – 2019 https://vestnik.zqai.kz/index.php/vestnik/article/view/259/275
Abylay Akay
MA, senior lecturer
MA, senior lecturer
Academic career
BA: Master of judicial studies – KazGUU University, 2017
MA: Master of Law – Duke University, 2023
10 years – 3 years as a private lawyer, 7 years as a public prosecutor, 5 months as a senior lecturer
June 2016 — September 2019 – Committee on Legal Statistics and Special Accounts of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Senior Prosecutor (check inspections on control and supervision in respect of private entrepreneurs, verification of their legality and validity, maintenance of records of persons discharged from public service on negative motives and perpetrators of disciplinary offences of damaging public service)
September 2019 — July 2022 – Law Enforcement Academy under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Prosecutor (development of international cooperation of the Academy, conclusion of agreements with leading scientific and educational institutions, international organizations and diplomatic missions and analyzing of best practices in conducting research and advanced training in the field of law enforcement and law) Venia docendi.
2023-till now SDU University, senior lecturer in international law
LAW 383 International Criminal Law
LAW 484 International Investment Law
Project Works
Conflict resolution training in OSCE Academy in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 2023
Seminar for certified trainers of Council of Europe. Master of law of Duke University in 2022-2023
Research internship in Istanbul University in 2019
Maksat Aitbek
MA, senior lecturer
MA, senior lecturer
Degree Qualifications
BA: SDU University
MA: SDU University
LAW 129 Constitutional law
1.Administrative Justice: сomparative legal study
2. Administrative justice: introduction and historical review
Aidana Osserbay
MA, senior lecturer
MA, senior lecturer
Academic career
BA: SDU University
MA: SDU University
SDU University PROCEEDINGS of the VII Interuniversity Science Week “Development and prospects through the eyes of youth” 2019
Kazakhstan Journal of International Law “The importance of foreign investments in the formation of the rule of law” No. 1(70)2019
Amanzhol Akayev
Сandidate of law, associate professor
Candidate of law, associate professor
Academic career
BA: All-Union University of Law, Faculty of Soviet Construction of the named Institute, 1984, Moscow
MA: Нigher political education in the system of party studies, 1976. Vladivostok / Higher Officer Courses, Moscow, 1980
PhD: University named after D. A. Kunaev, 2012
1982-1984: Ministry of Communications of the Kazakh SSR, mechanical Engineer
1984-1987: Executive Secretary of the Administrative Commission of the Soviet Executive Committee
1987-1991: Senior lecturer Secretary of the CPC Party Committee at the Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical Institute
1992-1996: Head of Department, Alembank Kazakhstan
1997-2001: Private legal practice
2002-2012: D.A.Kunaev University, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor
since 2012, Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, D.A.Kunaev University
He is also a Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence at the University of SDU
LAW 129 Constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Zhasulan Akhmetov
PhD, assistant professor
PhD, assistant professor
Degree Qualifications
BA: Kazakh State Law University named after M.S. Narikbayev, 2003-2008
PhD: Academic Difference for Doctoral studies / Law of the European Union Galatasaray University, 2008-2009, Doctoral Degree in Private Law Istanbul University, 2009-2014, The decision to award a Doctor PhD in the specialty 6D030100 Jurisprudence of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2017, Confirmation of a foreign academic degree and title (Anerkennung) JGU – Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz/ Stabsstelle Zulassung – International 2018
2016 – 2017: Managing Partner Akhmetov and LLP Partners
2017 – 2019: The trainer is the first accredited professional organization of accountants
2014 – 2017: Head of the Legal Department Global Analytics LLP
2011 – present: Senior Lecturer at the University of SDU
2017 – present: Lawyer/ Almaty City Bar Association
LAW 385 Civil procedural law of RK 1
LAW 388 Civil procedural law of RK 2
LAW 386 Labour relations and labour disputes
LAW 469 Administrative procedures and administrative court proceedings of the Republic of Kazakhstan
LAW 469 Administrative procedures and administrative proceedings of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2 the articles was published in the journal of the Scopus database: 1) Conflict Resolution Quarterly. 2022;1–14. //https://doi.org/10.1002/crq.21343
Kumissay Yeraly
Assistant lecturer
Assistant lecturer
Academic career
BA: SDU University
MA: SDU University
Azamat Nurtan
Senior lecturer
Senior lecturer
Academic career
Bachelor: EKSU named after S.Amanzholov
Master: EKSU named after S.Amanzholov
Partner and Director of Lex contractus Law Firm LLP
LAW 127 General Theory of Law
LAW 128 Legal Thinking and Methodology
LAW 190 Legal Thinking and Methodology
LAW 356 Enforcement Proceedings
There are 24 publications in total, including 7 in KOK HBO journals
- Бета Карьера
- Работодатели
- База практики
Бета карьера
Beta Career — это специальный курс для студентов четвертого курса который охватывает все факультативные курсы предпоследнего семестра учебной программы. Бета-карьера не является обязательной и имеет свои требования, описанные в следующих разделах.
Цели Beta Career следующие:
– Овладеть профессиональными навыками
– Применять теоретические знания на практике
– Получить необходимые базовые знания
– Построить сеть контактов
Продолжительность бета-карьеры составляет 15 недель. Начинается в сентябре каждого года и завершается в декабре.
Политика выставления оценок
Указанная оценка в ведомости составляет 60 процентов от Организации и 40 (15 баллов за предоставление еженедельного отчета, 25 баллов заключительная презентация) процентов от Университета.
Критерии оценивания должны соответствовать качеству усвоения и применения навыков, по соответствующим предметам 7 семестра, указанных в силлабусе.
Компания должна быть расположена в городе Алматы.
Компания должна входить в список:
– The legal 500; и/или
– Asia Pacific Law; и/или
– Chambers and Partners.
Меморандум | Сроки | Двухсторонний договор |
ТОО NLC Partners | безсрочный | МЦРИАП |
Департамент полиции г.Алматы | безсрочный | |
ТОО Sсhmitt & Orlov | безсрочный | АО “Пассажирские перевозки” |
Республиканская палата частных судебных исполнителей РК | безсрочный | |
ТОО MG Partners Almaty | безсрочный | ТОО Центр иследований,аналица и оценки эффективности |
Алматинский городской филиал Общественного объединения Красного полумесяца РК | безсрочный | Частное учреждение “Samruk Business Academy” |
Управление полиций Карасайского района Департамента полиции Алматинской области МВД РК | безсрочный | Алматинская городская коллегия адвокатов |
Карасайский районный суд Алматинской области | безсрочный | Департамент полиции Мангистауской области Министерства Внутренних Дел РК |
ТОО Артюшенко и партнеры | безсрочный | |
ТОО Юридическая фирма “GRATA” | безсрочный | |
ТОО Integrites Kazakhstan | безсрочный | |
ТОО Akhmetov &Partners | безсрочный | |
Администрация судов по городу Алматы | безсрочный | |
ТОО Unicase Law Firm | безсрочный | |
ТОО Юридическая фирма Synegy Partners | безсрочный | |
Администрация судов по Жамбылской области | безсрочный | |
Отдел полиций Жалыойского района | безсрочный | |
ТОО Форс-Мажор | безсрочный |
Меморандум | Сроки | Двухсторонний договор |
ТОО NLC Partners | безсрочный | МЦРИАП |
Департамент полиции г.Алматы | безсрочный | |
ТОО Sсhmitt & Orlov | безсрочный | АО “Пассажирские перевозки” |
Республиканская палата частных судебных исполнителей РК | безсрочный | |
ТОО MG Partners Almaty | безсрочный | ТОО Центр иследований,аналица и оценки эффективности |
Алматинский городской филиал Общественного объединения Красного полумесяца РК | безсрочный | Частное учреждение “Samruk Business Academy” |
Управление полиций Карасайского района Департамента полиции Алматинской области МВД РК | безсрочный | Алматинская городская коллегия адвокатов |
Карасайский районный суд Алматинской области | безсрочный | Департамент полиции Мангистауской области Министерства Внутренних Дел РК |
ТОО Артюшенко и партнеры | безсрочный | |
ТОО Юридическая фирма “GRATA” | безсрочный | |
ТОО Integrites Kazakhstan | безсрочный | |
ТОО Akhmetov &Partners | безсрочный | |
Администрация судов по городу Алматы | безсрочный | |
ТОО Unicase Law Firm | безсрочный | |
ТОО Юридическая фирма Synegy Partners | безсрочный | |
Администрация судов по Жамбылской области | безсрочный | |
Отдел полиций Жалыойского района | безсрочный | |
ТОО Форс-Мажор | безсрочный |
Члены консультативного совета ОП «Прикладное право» на 2023-2024 учебный год
Бекетова М.К. | Обучающаяся 4 курса ОП «Прикладное право» EP |
Саудбаев М.Х. | Декан факультета «Права и социальных наук» |
Копбаева А.Б. | Заведующая кафедрой «Правоведения» |
Стамкулов Н.А. | Партнер Юридической Фирмы Synergy Partners |
Музаппар Д. | Выпускник ОП Прикладное право, главный юрист ТОО «Көркем телеком» |
Турсынова Б. | Координатор ОП «Прикладное право» |
Нурланулы А. | Советник Международной юридической фирмы Unicase |
Идрисов Р.Д. | Адвокат АГКА, Партнер АК «Legit» |
Едилова Б.М. | Судья Бостандыкского районного суда г.Алматы |
Ералы К. | Директор Научного центра «IT & LAW» |
Тулеуов А.С. | Председатель Попечительского совета в Частном учреждении «Институт Верховенства Права» |