Дополнительная ОП Учет и Аудит
Бизнес школа
Язык обучения
Эта дополнительная программа будет развивать предпринимательские навыки, такие как управление бизнесом, построение команды и лидерство, навыки создания продуктов ориентированных на клиента, финансовые навыки, аналитические навыки и навыки решения проблем, а также навыки критического и стратегического мышления.
Обязательные дисциплины:
- ACC 207 Принципы бухгалтерского учета (5 ECTS);
- FIN 202 Финансовый учет (5 ECTS);
Элективные дисциплины: (Обучающиеся выбирают один из элективных предметов)
- ACC 302 Аудит и обеспечение качества (АССА) (5 ECTS);
- ACC 303 Налогообложение (ACCA)(5 ECTS);
- FIN 204 Учет по МСФО (ACCA) (5 ECTS).
Программа обучения на английском языке, поэтому уровень английского должен быть на уровне В2 (IELTS 5> или сертификат SDU CEC)
Talshyn Baimuldanova
Senior lecturer
Senior lecturer
Talshyn Baimuldanova joined the SDU University in Kazakhstan in 2020 under the “Zhas Maman” program: she has been working as an assistant instructor at SDU Business school from 2020 to 2022. In 2022 she was appointed as a senior lecturer. Her research interests lie in human resources development, and organizational behavior. In her spare time, Talshyn enjoys hiking and travelling.
Degree qualifications
BA in Marketing (2020). SDU University, KZ
Master of Economics (2022). SDU University, KZ
TRA 457 – Еntrepreneurship
MAN 209 – Management
MAR 201 – Principles of Marketing
Ugur Choban
Ugur Choban joined SDU University in 2005. Since then, he has been engaged in various academic and pedagogic activities such as; revision, control and development of course syllabuses, design of curriculum plans for faculty programs, teacher training, and teaching-learning coordination. The classes he delivered mainly include; Accounting, Financial Management (ACCA). He has been counselling students in academic, social and psychological issues. He completed his master degree in SDU in 2012 and later won his doctoral degree (PhD) in 2021 from National University of Malaysia (UKM). Recently, he has been appointed as the research coordinator of SDU Business School. He has supervised numerous dissertations and his research interests include; entrepreneurship, network theory, small firm strategy and financing. He likes travelling and nature.
Degree qualifications
Bachelor (1995): Istanbul University
MSc (2012): SDU University, KZ
Doctor of Philosophy (2021): National University of Malaysia (UKM)
IELTS, British Council. (2020)
ECO 109 Principles of Economics I, Bachelor
ACC 207 Principles of Accounting, Bachelor
ECO 203 Statistics I, Bachelorbr
ECO 212 Statistics II, Bachelor
FIN 303 Fundamentals of Financial Management, Bachelor
FIN 302 Corporate Finance, Bachelor
FIN 405 Financial Management, Bachelor
FIN 307 Cost Accounting, Bachelor
FIN 306 Managerial Accounting, Bachelor
MAN 413 Data Analysis in Business and Economics, Bachelor
– Choban U. 2014. An Overview of the Credit Management Performance of Turkish Banking Sector during Global Financial Crisis. Economics: Strategy and Practice. 1(29):61-67.
– Чобан, У., & Жубанова, Г. 2018. An Empirical Analysis of Accounting Students’ Career Plans in Kazakhstan. Вестник КазНУ. Серия Экономическая 125(3):18-26.
– Özdemir, C., Özdemir, E. D., Choban, U., & Uysal, S. 2019. Determination of Problems in the Basic Language Skills of University Students learning Turkish in Kazakhstan. The European Educational Researcher, DOI: 10.31757/euer.212.
– Choban U., Meyrambek A. 2021. An Examination of Digital Banking Technology Acceptance among Middle-aged People in Kazakhstan: A Conceptual Investigation. Suleyman Demirel University Bulletin: Social Sciences 6(2): 44-61.
– Nizar N., Choban U., Amri Hussain M. H. 2021. Application of TPB on the Saving Intention among the Students of Community Colleges: Moderating Effect of Mobile Applications. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal 13(4).
– Fundamentals of Financial Management (2016) SDU
– Choban U. 2005. An Overview to Rural Development Policies and Sustainable Development- Some Selected Countries. International Ataturk Alatoo University. “Problems and Success Factors in Business: Perspectives from Emerging Markets and Transition Economies II”, Bishkek (November 10)
– Choban U. 2005. Agriculture-Environment-Economy Circle in the Developing countries-The Case of Aral. SDU University and Abay National Pedagogical University. “Competitiveness of National Economies in the context of Sustainable Development” (December 22-23 )
– Choban U. 2006. Theoretical Aspects of Agricultural Efficiency. International Ataturk Alatoo University “Problems and Success Factors in Business: Perspectives from Emerging Markets and Transition Economies III”. Bishkek (September 21)
– Choban U. 2006. Small Business Development and Support Programs in Kazakhstan. SDU University and Abay National Pedagogical University. “Public Support on the development of SMEs in Central Asian Countries”. Almaty (November 3-4)
– Choban U. 2011. Effects of Financial Crisis on Management of Working Capital for Small and Medium Sized Businesses: case of Kazakhstan”. Zhambyl Technical University. Taraz (Ferbruay 9)
– Choban U. 2015. Role of Social Networks on Entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan. World Business Institute 8th Asia Pacific Business Research Conference. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (9-10 February 2015)
– Choban U., Hashim NA. 2018. Role of Social Networks on Entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan; An Exploratory Study. 9th International Management and Accounting Conference (IMAC 9). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (9-10 February 2015)
Research interests
Network and Institutional Studies, Entrepreneurship, Social Capital, Quantitative Analysis
Scholarships & awards
BOLASHAK scholarship for the research internship, George Washington University (GWU), 2022
Mariya Yesseleva-Pionka
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Dr Yesseleva-Pionka held teaching and senior academic management positions in Australia and Central Asia (Kazakhstan). She specialised in general investments and personal and corporate superannuation investments while working for Westpac Banking Corporation and
BT Financial Group in Australia. She was elected to join The Housing Connection, a not-for-profit organisation in Sydney, Australia, as Treasurer and Board Member in November 2019. In 2020 and 2021, she received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Commonwealth Bank, recognising her contribution to the Australian community.
Dr Yesseleva-Pionka is the Associate Editor of the Journal of the International Council for Small Business (JICSB). She is a Master Teacher for the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) Global Certificate in Entrepreneurial Finance. She was appointed as ICSB Global Certificates Manager in January 2021. In July 2021, Dr Yesseleva-Pionka was awarded the International Council for Small Business Presidential Award. The ICSB Presidential Award winners are selected from the pool of exceptional ICSB members who integrate both service and empathy into their roles as innovative leaders.
She co-authored a textbook titled Financial Planning and Personal Finance – 1st Edition in Australia and New Zealand, published in September 2022 by the Cengage Publishing House.
She won teaching awards at the University of Sydney Business School, Top Education Institute, and SDU University and was recognised as TOP 20 at the UTS Business School. She is a Grant Holder/Principal Researcher for the National Bank/Central Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the project titled " Combating financial fraud, in particular financial pyramids, Internet and telephone fraud".
Degree Qualifications
Institute of Community Directors Australia: Course for New Community Board Member (2020)
International Council for Small Business in collaboration with the U.S. Small Business
Administration (SBA): ICSB Global Certificate: 10×10 Program (2018)
Charles Sturt University, School of Business, Australia: PhD in Finance (2016)
Dissertation: “Australian SMEs and their access to external debt finance.”
Harvard University (Graduate School of Education), Boston, USA: Management Development Program (2011)
University of Technology Sydney (Australia): Master of Business in Finance (2005)
Charles Sturt University (Sydney, Australia): Bachelor of Business Studies (2003)
Martin College (Sydney, Australia): Diploma of Business Administration (2001)
Corporate Finance: Fundamentals of Financial Mathematics and Institutions
Financial Modelling and Analysis: International Finance
Capital Markets: Financial Statement Analysis
Critical Thinking in Business: Financial Institutions and Market
International Finance: Principles of Finance
Accounting for Business Decisions: Personal & Entrepreneurial Finance
Financial Management: Research Proposal and Literature Review
Succeeding in Business: Business Research Methods
Financial Technologies in Banking: Investment Management
- Cengage Publishing House. Co-author of the “Financial Planning and Personal Finance: Australia and New Zealand” textbook. Published in September 2022.
- Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2019). Overview of Finance: A Collection of Infosheets. ASIN: B07RWSS9BL. Amazon Publishing.
Teaching Case
Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (January, 2023). Financial Management of FinTech Start-ups in Times of Uncertainty: Lessons from Australia. Sage Business Cases.
Journal Articles
- Invited paper
Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2021). Blockchain for SME Finance: Call for Empirical Testing. Asian Development Bank and Institute of Global Finance Working Paper Series. - Terdpaopong, K., Rickards, R.C., Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2020). Techniques used and adjustments made in valuing privately-held enterprises in Thailand: Initial Research. Corporate Ownership and Control Journal.
- Yesseleva, M. (2013). Professional Advice and its effect on SMEs access to external debt finance in Australia. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal Vol. 5 No. 1.
- Yesseleva, M. (2011). Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Data Sources in Australia. Global Journal of Business Research. Volume 6(2), pages 83-92.
- Yesseleva, M. (2010). Australian Small Enterprises and Their Business Banking and Finance Needs. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 57″.
Conference, Report & Congress proceedings
- Taufiq, A. & Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (7 April, 2022). Embedding Sustainable Behaviors: Case of Origin Energy Australia. CIGRE Symposium held in Kyoto, Japan.
- Taufiq, A. & Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (23 October, 2021) Intrapreneurship and the Role of Hackathons in Australian Corporate Energy Sector. George Washington University Conference, United States.
- Prajapati, B., Yesseleva-Pionka, M. and Majumder, S. (23 October, 2021). Exploring the Significance of Organisational Learning on the Sustainability of SME Family Firms in Australia. George Washington University Conference, United States.
- Mavani, J., Yesseleva-Pionka, M. and Valinatajbahnamiri, M. (23 October, 2021). Exploring the Influence of Servant Leadership at Promoting Women’s Intrapreneurship in the Australian Construction Industry. George Washington University Conference, United States.
- Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2021, 12-16 July). Financial Management of FinTech Start-ups in Times of Uncertainty: Lessons from Australia. 65th ICSB World Congress held in Paris, France. https://icsb2021.com/
- Taufiq, A. & Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2021, 12-16 July). Future of Clean Energy: Free Electrons-Global Accelerator Program for Start-ups. 65th ICSB World Congress held in Paris, France. https://icsb2021.com/
- Thapa, S., Voola, A.P. & Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2021, 12-16 July). Leadership and Digital Communication in the Australian SMEs amid COVID-19. 65th ICSB World Congress held in Paris, France. https://icsb2021.com/
- Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2021, May 12). Digital Transformation of the Entrepreneurial Finance. 2021 ICSB Global Entrepreneurship Education Report.
- Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2020, 26-28 October). Blockchain for SME Finance and the Policy Environment published in the e-publication launched at the Global SME Finance Forum 2020 organised by the International Finance Corporation member of the World Bank Group.
https://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/cfff29f7-5114-49ce-8993-62e77b588c1d/2020-12-Call-for-Insights-E-publication.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID=npOGOF- - Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2020, 23 September). Blockchain Network System for assessing SMEs’ creditworthiness. Asian Development Bank. A conference titled “FinTech to Enable Development, Investment, Financial Inclusion, and Sustainability”.
http://abfer.org/media/abfer-events-2020/specialty-conf/22_paper_mariya_Blockchain-Network-for-Assessing-SMEs-Creditworthiness.pdf - Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2020, 27 June). Blockchain for SME Finance. Published in the ICSB 2020 MSME Global Report submitted to the United Nations.
https://icsb.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/ICSB2020GlobalMSMEsReport.pdf - Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (December 2019) “FinTechs and the speed of financing for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)” 32nd Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney.
https://www.cfainstitute.org/-/media/regional/arx/post-pdf/2019/11/12/afbc2019–fintechs-and-the-speed-of-financing-for-smes.ashx - Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (June 2019). Australian Higher Education Sector and SMEs. 64th ICSB (International Council for Small Business) World Congress “The Future of Entrepreneurship”, held between 18-21 June 2019 in Cairo, Egypt. Received the Best Paper from Australia and New Zealand Award. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2383820900?pq-origsite=gscholar&fromopenview=true
- Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2018). Emerging Trends in SME Finance. George Washington University October Conference organised by the ICSB. Received the “Best Paper Award”.
http://gwoctoberstage.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Emerging-Trends-in-the-SME-Finance1.pdf - Terdpaopong, K., Yesseleva-Pionka, M., Gibson, B., & Weaver, M. (2017). How small business is valued – An Overview of Valuation Methods in Thailand. Proceeding of the ICSB 2017 World Conference. Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 27 – July 1, 2017.
- Yesseleva-Pionka, M., Steen, A., Wong, A. (2016), “Factors affecting Australian SMEs access to debt finance”, 29th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney, Australia.
Monthly Finance Column
ICSB Entrepreneurial Finance Series
- Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2021, 22 March). Financial Literacy for Entrepreneurs. International Council for Small Business. https://icsb.org/financial-literacy-for-entrepreneurs/
- Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2021, 22 April). The Crucial Elements of the Financial Decision-Making Process. International Council for Small Business. https://icsb.org/financial-decision-making/
- Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2021, 18 May). Alternative Investments and Cryptocurrencies. https://icsb.org/alternative-investments-and-cryptocurrencies/
- Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2021, 21 June). Ethical Finance. https://icsb.org/ethical-finance/
- Yesseleva-Pionka M. (2021, 20 July). Environmental Sustainability and Global Finance https://icsb.org/environmental-sustainability-and-global-finance/
- Yesseleva-Pionka M. Alternative Investments and Pink Diamonds. (2021, 16 August).
https://icsb.org/alternative-investments-and-pink-diamonds/ - Yesseleva-Pionka M. (2021, 10 September). Investment Choices and The Power of Gold Shield.
https://icsb.org/investment-choices-and-the-power-of-gold-shield/ - Yesseleva-Pionka M. (2021, 10 October). Behavioural Finance and Generation Z.
https://icsb.org/behavioural-finance-and-generation-z/ - Yesseleva-Pionka M. (2021, 10 December). Alternative Finance Landscape and Roboadvising
https://icsb.org/alternative-finance-landscape-roboadvising/ - Yesseleva-Pionka M. (2022, 14 January). From Digital Revolution Back to the Barter System in One Day.
Research Interests
Financial literacy, personal finance, entrepreneurial finance, traditional and alternative ways to finance small and medium enterprises (SMEs), corporate finance, policies for the small business sector, innovation and SMEs, AI, FinTechs and Blockchain.
Membership of professional organisations
- Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand (SEAANZ)
- International Council for Small Business (ICSB)
- European Finance Association
- American Finance Association
- Western Finance Association
Scholarships & awards
ICSB Presidential Award
Teaching awards at the University of Sydney Business School, Top Education Institute, and SDU University and was recognised as TOP 20 at the UTS Business School.
Bolat Tatibekov
Tatibekov Bolat joined the SDU University in 2011 as full professor of the fuculty of Administrative Science and Economimcs.. From 2011 to 2013 he worked as head of the department of management and economics. Since 2013 he has been working as full profesor of Business School and Scientific supervisor of the Center of Economic, Social and Busines Studies. Bolat Tatibekov is recognized professor with international experience . He worked as professor at Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA (2002); Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan (2008); Oklahoma State University m(2009-2010),Oklahoma USA; KIMEP University (2002, 2019-2022) Kazakhstan; SDU University, Kazakhstan
Degree Qualifications
Diploma, Engineer – Economist. Almaty Institute of National Economy, 1968-1973
Diploma, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, 1989
Diploma, Doctor of Sciences (Management and Economics) Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana. 2007
– Chest Sign Ward for Outstanding Activity in the Sphere of Education. “The Best Instructor of University”. Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. January 2018
– Chest Sign. Ward for Outstanding Activity in the Sphere of Science. Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. December 2016.
– Certificate of Appreciation for active cooperation and participation in info-communicative platform G-Global. Association “Eurasian Economic Club of Scholars” .2013. Astana. Kazakhstan
– Letter of Appreciation for cooperation and valuable contribution to the Launch of the Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2009. United Nations. Economic and Social Comission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP). June 2009
– Certificate in Recognition of Outstanding Faculties. Department of Management and Entrepreneurship at Michael J. Coles College of Business in the Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA. April, 2002
– Academic Award for “Best Conceptual Paper”. American Society for Competitiveness. The joint paper with Dr. Janet Adams and Nancy Prochaska “Characteristic of Labor Market and Human Resource Management in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Virginia. USA. October, 2002
– Certificate of Honor from Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan. May 2011
– Honorary Member of International Geographical Society GAMMA THETA UPSILON., Chi Chapter. Oklahoma State University, USA. April, 2010
– Certificate of Completion of five-day intensive course “ Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods.” IV International Summer School in Research Methods and Data Science. RWTH Aachen University, German, August. 2018
– Certificate of Completion of five-day intensive course “Introduction to Applied Advanced Econometrics”. IV International Summer School in Research Methods and Data Science. RWTH Aachen University, German, September. 2018
ECO113 . Undergraduate program: Economic Theory
ECO 303 Undergraduate program: International Economics
MAN 305.2 Indergraduate program: Human Resource Management
ECO 633 Graduate program: International Business
MAN 525 Graduate program: Human Capital management
More than 70 papers. Among them:
1. Informal Economy in The Transitional Economy of Kazakhstan, 2020
(ASC) American Society for Competitiveness Publication, Competition Forum. Vol. 18, Number 1&2, 2020. ISSN# l5452581. Pages 208-222 Tatibekov B. Fatehi K. 2020
The Competition Forum (CF) is the Research Publication of the American Society for Competitiveness. It is listed in the Cabell’s Directory, Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, Gale Group, Oxbridge Communications, EBSCO and ProQuest
2. Development and Formalization Strategy of Labor Market of Kazakhstan under Conditions of Digitalization Reports on National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018, #6 Page 129-137. ISSN 2224–5227 Tatibekov B.
3. Spatial Dynamics of External labor Migration in Contemporary Kazakhstan Eurasia on the Move. Interdisciplinary Approaches to a Dynamic migration Region, 2018, National Analytical Washington University.Pages 69-88 Tatibekov B. Hanks R.http://centralasiaprogram.org/wp content/uploads/2018/07/migration_final_print.pdf
4. Policies measures to facilitate transition from informal to formal employment: the Kazakhstan model Material of International Conference which was organized by International Organization of Labour in Geneva “Regulating Decent Work”, Geneva, 2013
5. Concept of Migration Policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan (In Japanese language) Book: “Contemporary Migration Issues in Central Asia and Russia”, 2010, Japan, ISBN978-623-05752-8
6. Migrants to Astana, the New Capital City of Kazakhstan American Society for Competitiveness. USA Competition Forum, Annual Publication. Vol. 6, Number 2, 2008, ISSN# 1545-2581
7. Transitive economy of Kazakhstan: main features of the development (In Japanese language) Journal of the Institute of Eurasian studies: “Russian-Eurasian economy”, JAPAN, No. 917, December, 2008 ISSN 1882-0042
8. Millennium Development Goals in Kazakhstan: Implementations and Priorities The Journal of Central Asia Studies, Volume:XVII, 2008, No1. The University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India
9. Characteristics of Labor Market and Human Resource Management in the Republic of Kazakhstan (In The paper was awarded as Best Conceptual Paper at Conference of American Society for Competitiveness. USA) American Society for Competitiveness. USA Competition Forum. Annual Publication. An article from: Advances in Competitiveness Research http:findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb6482/is_1_12/ai_n29148723/
10. Peculiarities of Demographic Processes and Labor Market Development during the Transition Period in Kazakhstan(In English) Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, JAPAN, April, 2004 http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/apcity/unpan021591.pdf
1. Tatibekov Bolat Labor Economics of Kazakhstan: Development of Labor Market and Employment in Transitive Economy” Monograph. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the SDU University (Minutes №3, October 25, 2018) Kaskelen., SDU University. “Guppy Print”, 2018, 8.1 p. ISBN 978-601-7537-79-1
2. Tatibekov Bolat, Hanks Ruel Gravity Model of Ethnic Migration and Its Manifestation in Kazakhstan (in English) Monograph. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the SDU University (Minutes №9, April 27, 2017) Kaskelen., SDU University. “Guppy Print”, 2017.- 8.3 printer’s sheet. ISBN 978-601-7537-61-6
3. Tatibekov B., Dzholdybayeva S Regulation of Labor Market and/or Unemployment Insurance in the Time of Transition of Kazakhstan to Market Economy (In Russian) Monograph. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the SDU University (Minutes №8, April 04, 2017) Kaskelen., SDU University. “Guppy Print”, 2017.- 12.0 printer’s sheet ISBN 978-601-7537-54-8
4. Tatibekov B., Temirbekova Zh., Smirnova Y., Izekenova A. Mechanism of Unofficial Labor Market Reduction and Informal Employment in the Republic of Kazakhstan (in Russian) Monograph. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the SDU University (Minutes №4, October 26, 2017) Kaskelen., SDU University. “Guppy Print”, 2017.- 11.0 printer’s sheet ISBN 978-601-7537-68-5
Research interests
He was scientific supervisor and Head of the Kazakhstani’s team of scholars in different national and International projects like:
– INTAS project: “Labor, Migration, Identities: challenges and relations of social insecurities in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan”. 2005-2007
– INTAS (The International Association for the Promotion of Co-operation with Scientists from the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union. Funded by EU)
– UNESCAP “Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific” 2004
– ILO «Policies Measures to Facilitate Transition from Informal to Formal employment: The Kazakhstan Model. KAZ 153» 2011
– IOM “Migrants in the New Capital of Kazakhstan” 2005
– UNDP “Adaptation of Oralmans in Kazakhstan” 2005
– Research project: “Mechanism of Declining of Unofficial Labor Markets and Informal Employment in the Republic of Kazakhstan” Project is funded by Ministry of Education and Sciences. (2015-2017) Total sum of the project is 9745729 KZT or 28.664 USD
Membership of professional organisations
Honorary Member of International Geographical Society GAMMA THETA UPSILON., Chi Chapter. Oklahoma State University, USA. April, 2010
Member of Society for Human Resource Management (USA)
Member of International Studies Association (USA)
Scholarships & awards
Fulbrignt Scholarship, USA 2009-2010
Bibizhamal Amangeldi
Bibizhamal Amangeldi joined SDU University in September 2023 as a lecturer at SDU Business School. From 2019-2022 she has worked at the Centre for International Programmes “Bolashak” as a manager coordinating scholarship holders and working with international educational organisations such as Campus France, DAAD and etc. After obtaining master’s degree, Bibizhamal worked as a Project Manager at the AlmaU Technology Commercialization Center.
Degree Qualifications
BA in Political Science and International Relations (2019), Nazarbayev University
MSc in International Management (2022), University of Sheffield, UK
Certificate in Business Analytics (2023)
– MAN 209 Management
– MAN 316 Project Management
– MAN 329 Production Management
Research interests
– Entrepreneurship
– SME internationalization
– Management competencies
Scholarships & awards
Bolashak scholarship holder for master’s degree
Ardak Korzhinbayeva
Senior lecturer
Senior lecturer
Ardak Korzhinbayeva joined SDU University in Kazakhstan in 2009 as a lecturer of Economics Faculty. From 2012 to 2019 Ardak was senior lecturer of Economics Faculty. In 2019 she has been chosen as a teacher trainer of Business School and from 2021 she is a teaching and learning coordinator of Business School. Her research interests are strategic human resource management in education institutions.
Degree Qualifications
BA International Economics (1997-2001) SDU University, KZ
Msc in Economics (2008-2010) SDU University, KZ
PhD in Management(2018-currently) SDU University, KZ
Certificate in Research Methods. S.P.Jain School of Management, 2021
ECO 208 Macroeconomics CIMA
ECO 209 Macroeconomics CFA
ECO 218 Microeconomics CIMA
ECO 205 Microeconomics CFA
ECO 303 International Economics
ECO 360 Entrepreneurial Economics
HSS 309 Management in Education
Research interests
Strategic Human Resource Management in Education Institutions
Scholarships & awards
State scholarship for PhD. SDU University, KZ, 2018
Altynay Omirzakova
Senior lecturer
Senior lecturer
Altynay Omirzakova graduated bachelor’s degree in Journalism from the International IT University (2011-2015). Since 2013, she has worked as an editor and PR manager at local TV-channels and at the Press-service of the local government. From 2016-2017 she studied MA in Corporate Communications, Marketing and Public Relations at the University of Leeds. She was also a member of the IABC organizing team at the Leeds University Business School. In addition, Altynay gained practical experience in the company operated in the Oil & Gas sector as an Advisor. Since 2018, she has been working in an academic field as a lecturer: International IT University (2018-2019), SDU University (2019 – ).
Degree qualifications
Bachelor’s degree in Journalism (2015). International IT University, Kazakhstan
MA in Corporate Communications, Marketing and Public Relations (2017). University of Leeds, UK.
MAR 223 Basics of Marketing
MAR 301 Digital Advertising Strategy
MAR 309 Social Media Marketing
‘The influence of country brand equity on sustainable development of Kazakhstan tourism’. “Modernization of the Society in the Context of the National Program of Ruhani Zhangyrou” dedicated to President’s Day, IITU, Almaty, November 2018 .
Investment Opportunities and Strategies in an Era of Coronavirus Pandemic (2020). Elsevier Inc.
Research interests
– Marketing strategy
– Consumer Behaviour
– Corporate communications
Scholarships & awards
Bolashak Scholarhip: Kazakhstan government in 2015
Huawei scholarship: Kazakhstan, Almaty 2011-2015
Ilyas Imachikov
Senior lecturer
Senior lecturer
Ilyas joined SDU in 2009, after he developed his personal business. His primary areas of interest include securities trading and analysis, portfolio management and business development. Hobbies include crossfit and mountain hiking.
Degree qualifications
MSC in Economics, 2012, SDU, Kazakhstan
Portfolio management
Equity Valuation
Accounting according to IFRS
Fixed income securities
Research interests
Equity trading and valuation, asset management, portfolio management