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Цель программы: EМВА/МВА «Менеджмент KZ» фокусируется на мягких навыках, необходимых для руководящих должностей, принимая во внимание культурные и другие различия. Подготовка управленческих кадров, обладающих современными знаниями и практическими навыками в области менеджмента, необходимыми для принятия эффективных стратегических решений в динамично развивающейся бизнес-среде Магистранты познакомятся с различными структурами и принципами лидерства и обсудят разницу между менеджментом и лидерством

— профессорско-преподавательский состав Университета им. Сулеймана Демиреля – SDU University;
— лекторы из индустрии с большим практическим опытом в сфере управления и бизнеса; 
— зарубежная стажировка;
— курсы проходят онлайн, в формате blended-learning;
— возможность обучаться без отрыва от работы

Course Titles in GREEN shows the courses which has EQUIVALENT Course in the Active YEAR, 2024 Take into consideration that, only courses in active year will be OPENED in the Course Section Management.

1 семестр
код атауы th pr cr ects
ECO 514 Business research 1 1+0 2 3
MAN 503 Strategic Management 1 1+0 2 3
MAN 561 Experimental- research work of a Master student -1, including internship and Master’s thesis 0 1+0 1 9
MAN 579 1C Accounting for management 1 1+0 2 3
MAN 583 Project Management and Role of Project Managers 1 1+0 2 4
MAN 58X [ AE ] Area Elective Course (MAN 580/MAN 581) 1 1+0 2 4
XXX XXX [ AE ] Area Elective Course (ECO 564/ MAN 341) 1 1+0 2 4
Local Credit ECTS
Theoretical course: 12 Theoretical course: 21
Non Theoretical course: 1 Non Theoretical course: 9
Sum: 13 Sum: 30

2 семестр
код атауы th pr cr ects
MAN 562 Experimental- research work of a Master student-2, including internship and Master’s thesis 0 1+0 1 7
ECO XXX [ AE ] Area Elective Course (ECO 616/ECO 559) 2 1+0 3 5
FIN 5XX [ AE ] Area Elective Course (FIN 578/ FIN 588) 2 1+0 3 5
MAN 5XX [ AE ] Area Elective Course (MAN 587/MAN 547) 2 1+0 3 5
MAN 5XX [ AE ] Area Elective Course (MAN 578/MAN 574) 1 1+0 2 3
MAN XXX [ AE ] Area Elective Course (MAN 568/MAN 806) 2 1+0 3 5
Local Credit ECTS
Theoretical course: 14 Theoretical course: 23
Non Theoretical course: 1 Non Theoretical course: 7
Sum: 15 Sum: 30

3 семестр
код атауы th pr cr ects
MAN 563 Experimental- research work of a Master student-3, including internship and Master’s thesis 0 1+0 1 4
MAN 589 Marketing Management 2 2+0 4 7
MAN 665 Relationship communication 2 2+0 4 6
ECO 5XX [ AE ] Area Elective Course (ECO 589/ECO 579) 1 1+0 2 3
MAN 55X [ AE ] Area Elective Course (MAN 552/MAN 553) 2 1+0 3 5
MAN 6XX [ AE ] Area Elective Course (MAN 649/ MAN 661) 2 1+0 3 5
Local Credit ECTS
Theoretical course: 16 Theoretical course: 26
Non Theoretical course: 1 Non Theoretical course: 4
Sum: 17 Sum: 30

4 семестр
код атауы th pr cr ects
ECO 699 Industry practice 0 3+0 3 8
ECO 799 Final attestation (Master’s project presentation and defence) 0 4+0 4 12
FIN 605 Experimental- research work of a Master student, Master’s project- 4 0 3+0 3 10
Local Credit ECTS
Theoretical course: 0 Theoretical course: 0
Non Theoretical course: 10 Non Theoretical course: 30
Sum: 10 Sum: 30

Total Local Credit Total ECTS
Theoretical course: 42 Theoretical course: 70
Non Theoretical course: 13 Non Theoretical course: 50
Sum: 55 Sum: 120

AE – Area elective
код атауы th pr cr ects type term
ECO 564 Corporate financial management 1 1+0 2 4 Elective 1
MAN 341 Public finances and Economic Tools for Sustainability 1 1+0 2 4 Elective 1
MAN 580 Introduction to Python 1 1+0 2 4 Elective 1
MAN 581 Introduction to machine learning 1 1+0 2 4 Elective 1
ECO 559 Financial Analysis 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 2
ECO 616 Data analysis 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 2
FIN 578 Digital Innovation and Transformation 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 2
FIN 588 Innovative entrepreneurship 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 2
MAN 547 Innovation and technology management 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 2
MAN 568 Project Management Tools and Techniques 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 2
MAN 574 Apprenticeship abroad (near abroad) 1 1+0 2 3 Elective 2
MAN 578 Apprenticeship abroad (far abroad) 1 1+0 2 3 Elective 2
MAN 587 AI for Managers 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 2
MAN 806 Operations management 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 2
ECO 579 Advanced Research Topics 1 1+0 2 3 Elective 3
ECO 589 Research methods 1 1+0 2 3 Elective 3
MAN 552 Leadership and teamwork/communication 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 3
MAN 553 Organisational behaviour 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 3
MAN 649 Electronic commerce (e com) management and digital marketing 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 3
MAN 661 Brand Management 2 1+0 3 5 Elective 3
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Darkhan Zamanbekov

Director of the Master’s Degree Program


Director of the Master’s Degree Program

Darkhan Zamanbekov joined SDU University in Kazakhstan in 2014 as an assistant professor to devote my attention to teaching Financial modelling, SAP accounting to their staff and to expand my knowledge base so that I could tutor other aspects of corporate finance and banking in general. He attended a number of courses including those on Banking Basics, Corporate Finance and Valuation, Interest Rates and Derivative Products. To demonstrate the widening of his expertise, he took responsibility for teaching the majority of the theoretical subjects covered in the Corporate Finance weeks of the Graduate Training Programme that the bank runs for all newly recruited graduates and MBAs. His topics included each of the many different ways to value a company.

Degree qualifications
Bachelor of Sciences, 1995 – 1999 Finance Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Almaty, Kazakhstan
PhD Islamic Finance, 2007-2010 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Almaty, Kazakhstan

Membership of professional organisations

Scholarships & awards
Postdoctoral Executive Education Program Finance 2012-2014
JSC «Center for International Programs Bolashak» London School of Business & Finance London UK

Ardak Korzhinbayeva

Senior lecturer


Senior lecturer

Ardak Korzhinbayeva joined SDU University in Kazakhstan in 2009 as a lecturer of Economics Faculty. From 2012 to 2019 Ardak was senior lecturer of Economics Faculty. In 2019 she has been chosen as a teacher trainer of Business School and from 2021 she is a teaching and learning coordinator of Business School. Her research interests are strategic human resource management in education institutions.

Degree Qualifications
BA International Economics (1997-2001) SDU University, KZ
Msc in Economics (2008-2010) SDU University, KZ
PhD in Management(2018-currently) SDU University, KZ

Certificate in Research Methods. S.P.Jain School of Management, 2021

ECO 208 Macroeconomics CIMA
ECO 209 Macroeconomics CFA
ECO 218 Microeconomics CIMA
ECO 205 Microeconomics CFA
ECO 303 International Economics
ECO 360 Entrepreneurial Economics
HSS 309 Management in Education

Research interests
Strategic Human Resource Management in Education Institutions

Scholarships & awards
State scholarship for PhD. SDU University, KZ, 2018

Assylbek Nurgabdeshov

Associate Professor


Mariya Yesseleva-Pionka

Associate Professor




Associate Professor

Dr Yesseleva-Pionka held teaching and senior academic management positions in Australia and Central Asia (Kazakhstan). She specialised in general investments and personal and corporate superannuation investments while working for Westpac Banking Corporation and
BT Financial Group in Australia. She was elected to join The Housing Connection, a not-for-profit organisation in Sydney, Australia, as Treasurer and Board Member in November 2019. In 2020 and 2021, she received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Commonwealth Bank, recognising her contribution to the Australian community.
Dr Yesseleva-Pionka is the Associate Editor of the Journal of the International Council for Small Business (JICSB). She is a Master Teacher for the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) Global Certificate in Entrepreneurial Finance. She was appointed as ICSB Global Certificates Manager in January 2021. In July 2021, Dr Yesseleva-Pionka was awarded the International Council for Small Business Presidential Award. The ICSB Presidential Award winners are selected from the pool of exceptional ICSB members who integrate both service and empathy into their roles as innovative leaders.
She co-authored a textbook titled Financial Planning and Personal Finance – 1st Edition in Australia and New Zealand, published in September 2022 by the Cengage Publishing House.
She won teaching awards at the University of Sydney Business School, Top Education Institute, and SDU University and was recognised as TOP 20 at the UTS Business School. She is a Grant Holder/Principal Researcher for the National Bank/Central Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the project titled " Combating financial fraud, in particular financial pyramids, Internet and telephone fraud".

Degree Qualifications
Institute of Community Directors Australia:
Course for New Community Board Member (2020)
International Council for Small Business in collaboration with the U.S. Small Business
Administration (SBA): ICSB Global Certificate: 10×10 Program (2018)
Charles Sturt University, School of Business, Australia: PhD in Finance (2016)
Dissertation: “Australian SMEs and their access to external debt finance.”
Harvard University (Graduate School of Education), Boston, USA: Management Development Program (2011)
University of Technology Sydney (Australia): Master of Business in Finance (2005)
Charles Sturt University (Sydney, Australia): Bachelor of Business Studies (2003)
Martin College (Sydney, Australia): Diploma of Business Administration (2001)

Corporate Finance: Fundamentals of Financial Mathematics and Institutions
Financial Modelling and Analysis: International Finance
Capital Markets: Financial Statement Analysis
Critical Thinking in Business: Financial Institutions and Market
International Finance: Principles of Finance
Accounting for Business Decisions: Personal & Entrepreneurial Finance
Financial Management: Research Proposal and Literature Review
Succeeding in Business: Business Research Methods
Financial Technologies in Banking: Investment Management


  • Cengage Publishing House. Co-author of the Financial Planning and Personal Finance: Australia and New Zealand” textbook.  Published in September 2022.
  • Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2019). Overview of Finance: A Collection of Infosheets. ASIN: B07RWSS9BL. Amazon Publishing.

Teaching Case
Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (January, 2023). Financial Management of FinTech Start-ups in Times of Uncertainty: Lessons from Australia. Sage Business Cases.

Journal Articles

  • Invited paper
    Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2021). Blockchain for SME Finance: Call for Empirical Testing. Asian Development Bank and Institute of Global Finance Working Paper Series.
  • Terdpaopong, K., Rickards, R.C., Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2020). Techniques used and adjustments made in valuing privately-held enterprises in Thailand: Initial Research. Corporate Ownership and Control Journal.
  • Yesseleva, M. (2013). Professional Advice and its effect on SMEs access to external debt finance in Australia. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal Vol. 5 No. 1.
  • Yesseleva, M. (2011). Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Data Sources in Australia. Global Journal of Business Research. Volume 6(2), pages 83-92.
  • Yesseleva, M. (2010). Australian Small Enterprises and Their Business Banking and Finance Needs. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 57″.

Conference, Report & Congress proceedings

  • Taufiq, A. & Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (7 April, 2022). Embedding Sustainable Behaviors: Case of Origin Energy Australia. CIGRE Symposium held in Kyoto, Japan.
  • Taufiq, A. & Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (23 October, 2021) Intrapreneurship and the Role of Hackathons in Australian Corporate Energy Sector. George Washington University Conference, United States.
  • Prajapati, B., Yesseleva-Pionka, M. and Majumder, S. (23 October, 2021). Exploring the Significance of Organisational Learning on the Sustainability of SME Family Firms in Australia. George Washington University Conference, United States.
  • Mavani, J., Yesseleva-Pionka, M. and Valinatajbahnamiri, M. (23 October, 2021). Exploring the Influence of Servant Leadership at Promoting Women’s Intrapreneurship in the Australian Construction Industry. George Washington University Conference, United States.
  • Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2021, 12-16 July). Financial Management of FinTech Start-ups in Times of Uncertainty: Lessons from Australia. 65th ICSB World Congress held in Paris, France. https://icsb2021.com/
  • Taufiq, A. & Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2021, 12-16 July). Future of Clean Energy: Free Electrons-Global Accelerator Program for Start-ups. 65th ICSB World Congress held in Paris, France. https://icsb2021.com/
  • Thapa, S., Voola, A.P. & Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2021, 12-16 July). Leadership and Digital Communication in the Australian SMEs amid COVID-19. 65th ICSB World Congress held in Paris, France. https://icsb2021.com/
  • Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2021, May 12). Digital Transformation of the Entrepreneurial Finance. 2021 ICSB Global Entrepreneurship Education Report.
  • Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2020, 26-28 October). Blockchain for SME Finance and the Policy Environment published in the e-publication launched at the Global SME Finance Forum 2020 organised by the International Finance Corporation member of the World Bank Group.
  • Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2020, 23 September). Blockchain Network System for assessing SMEs’ creditworthiness. Asian Development Bank. A conference titled “FinTech to Enable Development, Investment, Financial Inclusion, and Sustainability”.
  • Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2020, 27 June). Blockchain for SME Finance. Published in the ICSB 2020 MSME Global Report submitted to the United Nations.
  • Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (December 2019) “FinTechs and the speed of financing for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)32nd Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney.
  • Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (June 2019). Australian Higher Education Sector and SMEs. 64th ICSB (International Council for Small Business) World Congress “The Future of Entrepreneurship”, held between 18-21 June 2019 in Cairo, Egypt. Received the Best Paper from Australia and New Zealand Award. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2383820900?pq-origsite=gscholar&fromopenview=true
  • Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2018). Emerging Trends in SME Finance. George Washington University October Conference organised by the ICSB. Received the “Best Paper Award”.
  • Terdpaopong, K., Yesseleva-Pionka, M., Gibson, B., & Weaver, M. (2017). How small business is valued – An Overview of Valuation Methods in Thailand. Proceeding of the ICSB 2017 World Conference. Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 27 – July 1, 2017.
  • Yesseleva-Pionka, M., Steen, A., Wong, A. (2016), “Factors affecting Australian SMEs access to debt finance”, 29th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney, Australia.

Monthly Finance Column
ICSB Entrepreneurial Finance Series

  • Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2021, 22 March). Financial Literacy for Entrepreneurs. International Council for Small Business. https://icsb.org/financial-literacy-for-entrepreneurs/
  • Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2021, 22 April). The Crucial Elements of the Financial Decision-Making Process. International Council for Small Business. https://icsb.org/financial-decision-making/
  • Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2021, 18 May). Alternative Investments and Cryptocurrencies. https://icsb.org/alternative-investments-and-cryptocurrencies/
  • Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (2021, 21 June).  Ethical Finance. https://icsb.org/ethical-finance/
  • Yesseleva-Pionka M. (2021, 20 July). Environmental Sustainability and Global Finance https://icsb.org/environmental-sustainability-and-global-finance/
  • Yesseleva-Pionka M. Alternative Investments and Pink Diamonds. (2021, 16 August).
  • Yesseleva-Pionka M. (2021, 10 September). Investment Choices and The Power of Gold Shield.
  • Yesseleva-Pionka M. (2021, 10 October). Behavioural Finance and Generation Z.
  • Yesseleva-Pionka M. (2021, 10 December). Alternative Finance Landscape and Roboadvising
  • Yesseleva-Pionka M. (2022, 14 January).  From Digital Revolution Back to the Barter System in One Day.

Research Interests
Financial literacy, personal finance, entrepreneurial finance, traditional and alternative ways to finance small and medium enterprises (SMEs), corporate finance, policies for the small business sector, innovation and SMEs, AI, FinTechs and Blockchain.

Membership of professional organisations

  • Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand (SEAANZ) 
  • International Council for Small Business (ICSB)
  • European Finance Association 
  • American Finance Association 
  • Western Finance Association

Scholarships & awards
ICSB Presidential Award
Teaching awards at the University of Sydney Business School, Top Education Institute, and SDU University and was recognised as TOP 20 at the UTS Business School.

Marek-Marian Pionka

Senior lecturer


Senior lecturer

MBAe in Entrepreneurship, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
MSCHE in Chemical Technology, University of Technology in Radom, Poland

Marek Pionka, an Australian citizen, is a professional who catalyses innovation and collaboration. He stands at the intersection of education, entrepreneurship, international business, and leadership. Equipped with an MBA in Entrepreneurship from the University of Technology Sydney and a Master’s in Leather Tanning Technology from Radom, Poland, Marek blends extensive experience in academia and industry insights and is a compelling collaborator and consultant for corporate clients seeking innovative solutions navigating the complexities of corporate landscapes, and brings a unique blend of academic prowess and practical experience to his teaching endeavours.

Marek Pionka is a dynamic Senior Lecturer currently serving at Suleyman Demirel University (SDU) in Almaty, Kazakhstan, since October 2023. His teaching portfolio includes undergraduate courses in Financial Management, Monetary Economics, Entrepreneurship, Professional Skills, Wellbeing and Leadership, along with postgraduate instruction in Financial Modelling, Developing Yourself for Professional Success and Developing Enterprise. Marek’s expertise extends beyond the classroom, having played pivotal roles such as Director of Eurasian Entrepreneurial Hub (E2HUB), senior consultant in the industry for chemical engineering and Founder of the Academy of Social Dance (ASD) Company.

Fluent in English, Polish, and Russian, Marek’s multicultural background enriches his teaching and research initiatives. His passion for entrepreneurship, coupled with his proficiency in academia, makes Marek Pionka a valuable asset in shaping the next generation of business leaders and innovators.

Bolat Tatibekov




Tatibekov Bolat joined the SDU University in 2011 as full professor of the fuculty of Administrative Science and Economimcs.. From 2011 to 2013 he worked as head of the department of management and economics. Since 2013 he has been working as full profesor of Business School and Scientific supervisor of the Center of Economic, Social and Busines Studies. Bolat Tatibekov is recognized professor with international experience . He worked as professor at Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA (2002); Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan (2008); Oklahoma State University m(2009-2010),Oklahoma USA; KIMEP University (2002, 2019-2022) Kazakhstan; SDU University, Kazakhstan

Degree Qualifications
Diploma, Engineer – Economist. Almaty Institute of National Economy, 1968-1973
Diploma, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, 1989
Diploma, Doctor of Sciences (Management and Economics) Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana. 2007

– Chest Sign Ward for Outstanding Activity in the Sphere of Education. “The Best Instructor of University”. Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. January 2018
Chest Sign. Ward for Outstanding Activity in the Sphere of Science. Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. December 2016.
– Certificate of Appreciation for active cooperation and participation in info-communicative platform G-Global. Association “Eurasian Economic Club of Scholars” .2013. Astana. Kazakhstan
– Letter of Appreciation for cooperation and valuable contribution to the Launch of the Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2009. United Nations. Economic and Social Comission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP). June 2009
– Certificate in Recognition of Outstanding Faculties. Department of Management and Entrepreneurship at Michael J. Coles College of Business in the Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA. April, 2002
– Academic Award for “Best Conceptual Paper”. American Society for Competitiveness. The joint paper with Dr. Janet Adams and Nancy Prochaska “Characteristic of Labor Market and Human Resource Management in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Virginia. USA. October, 2002
– Certificate of Honor from Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan. May 2011
– Honorary Member of International Geographical Society GAMMA THETA UPSILON., Chi Chapter. Oklahoma State University, USA. April, 2010
– Certificate of Completion of five-day intensive course “ Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods.” IV International Summer School in Research Methods and Data Science. RWTH Aachen University, German, August. 2018
– Certificate of Completion of five-day intensive course “Introduction to Applied Advanced Econometrics”. IV International Summer School in Research Methods and Data Science. RWTH Aachen University, German, September. 2018

ECO113 . Undergraduate program: Economic Theory
ECO 303 Undergraduate program: International Economics
MAN 305.2 Indergraduate program: Human Resource Management
ECO 633 Graduate program: International Business
MAN 525 Graduate program: Human Capital management

More than 70 papers. Among them:
1. Informal Economy in The Transitional Economy of Kazakhstan, 2020
(ASC) American Society for Competitiveness Publication, Competition Forum. Vol. 18, Number 1&2, 2020. ISSN# l5452581. Pages 208-222 Tatibekov B. Fatehi K. 2020
The Competition Forum (CF) is the Research Publication of the American Society for Competitiveness. It is listed in the Cabell’s Directory, Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, Gale Group, Oxbridge Communications, EBSCO and ProQuest
2. Development and Formalization Strategy of Labor Market of Kazakhstan under Conditions of Digitalization Reports on National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018, #6 Page 129-137. ISSN 2224–5227 Tatibekov B.
3. Spatial Dynamics of External labor Migration in Contemporary Kazakhstan Eurasia on the Move. Interdisciplinary Approaches to a Dynamic migration Region, 2018, National Analytical Washington University.Pages 69-88 Tatibekov B. Hanks R.http://centralasiaprogram.org/wp content/uploads/2018/07/migration_final_print.pdf
4. Policies measures to facilitate transition from informal to formal employment: the Kazakhstan model Material of International Conference which was organized by International Organization of Labour in Geneva “Regulating Decent Work”, Geneva, 2013
5. Concept of Migration Policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan (In Japanese language) Book: “Contemporary Migration Issues in Central Asia and Russia”, 2010, Japan, ISBN978-623-05752-8
6. Migrants to Astana, the New Capital City of Kazakhstan American Society for Competitiveness. USA Competition Forum, Annual Publication. Vol. 6, Number 2, 2008, ISSN# 1545-2581
7. Transitive economy of Kazakhstan: main features of the development (In Japanese language) Journal of the Institute of Eurasian studies: “Russian-Eurasian economy”, JAPAN, No. 917, December, 2008 ISSN 1882-0042
8. Millennium Development Goals in Kazakhstan: Implementations and Priorities The Journal of Central Asia Studies, Volume:XVII, 2008, No1. The University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India
9. Characteristics of Labor Market and Human Resource Management in the Republic of Kazakhstan (In The paper was awarded as Best Conceptual Paper at Conference of American Society for Competitiveness. USA) American Society for Competitiveness. USA Competition Forum. Annual Publication. An article from: Advances in Competitiveness Research http:findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb6482/is_1_12/ai_n29148723/
10. Peculiarities of Demographic Processes and Labor Market Development during the Transition Period in Kazakhstan(In English) Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, JAPAN, April, 2004 http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/apcity/unpan021591.pdf
1. Tatibekov Bolat Labor Economics of Kazakhstan: Development of Labor Market and Employment in Transitive Economy” Monograph. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the SDU University (Minutes №3, October 25, 2018) Kaskelen., SDU University. “Guppy Print”, 2018, 8.1 p. ISBN 978-601-7537-79-1
2. Tatibekov Bolat, Hanks Ruel Gravity Model of Ethnic Migration and Its Manifestation in Kazakhstan (in English) Monograph. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the SDU University (Minutes №9, April 27, 2017) Kaskelen., SDU University. “Guppy Print”, 2017.- 8.3 printer’s sheet. ISBN 978-601-7537-61-6
3. Tatibekov B., Dzholdybayeva S Regulation of Labor Market and/or Unemployment Insurance in the Time of Transition of Kazakhstan to Market Economy (In Russian) Monograph. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the SDU University (Minutes №8, April 04, 2017) Kaskelen., SDU University. “Guppy Print”, 2017.- 12.0 printer’s sheet ISBN 978-601-7537-54-8
4. Tatibekov B., Temirbekova Zh., Smirnova Y., Izekenova A. Mechanism of Unofficial Labor Market Reduction and Informal Employment in the Republic of Kazakhstan (in Russian) Monograph. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the SDU University (Minutes №4, October 26, 2017) Kaskelen., SDU University. “Guppy Print”, 2017.- 11.0 printer’s sheet ISBN 978-601-7537-68-5

Research interests
He was scientific supervisor and Head of the Kazakhstani’s team of scholars in different national and International projects like:
INTAS project: “Labor, Migration, Identities: challenges and relations of social insecurities in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan”. 2005-2007
– INTAS (The International Association for the Promotion of Co-operation with Scientists from the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union. Funded by EU)
– UNESCAP “Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific” 2004
– ILO «Policies Measures to Facilitate Transition from Informal to Formal employment: The Kazakhstan Model. KAZ 153» 2011
– IOM “Migrants in the New Capital of Kazakhstan” 2005
– UNDP “Adaptation of Oralmans in Kazakhstan” 2005
– Research project: “Mechanism of Declining of Unofficial Labor Markets and Informal Employment in the Republic of Kazakhstan” Project is funded by Ministry of Education and Sciences. (2015-2017) Total sum of the project is 9745729 KZT or 28.664 USD

Membership of professional organisations
Honorary Member of International Geographical Society GAMMA THETA UPSILON., Chi Chapter. Oklahoma State University, USA. April, 2010
Member of Society for Human Resource Management (USA)
Member of International Studies Association (USA)

Scholarships & awards
Fulbrignt Scholarship, USA 2009-2010

Madina Kenzhegaranova

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

Madina Kenzhegaranova joined SDU University in September 2019. She holds a PhD degree in Management (Kazakh National University after Al-Farabi, 2015 ) and a master’s degree in educational human resources development (Texas A&M University, 2008, The Presidential Bolashak sholarship holder). Madina Kenzhegaranova has 17 years of teaching experience and three years of the administrative staff experience (2016-2019) in the position of the Director of Doctoral programs at Almaty Management University (AlmaU). Research interests of Madina Kenzhegaranova: change management in organizations, entrepreneurship. She has taught at Universities of Lithuania and Poland within the framework of the Erasmus plus program (2017 (one week program), 2018 (one week program)

Degree qualifications
Zhetysu State University after I.Zhansugurov, Taldykorgan, RK (foreign languages) 2002
Master of Science in educational human resources development, Texas A&M University, Texas, USA 2008
PhD in Management, Kazakh National University after al-Farabi, Almaty, RK 2015

1. “Strategic thinking and capability course”, Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics, Jyväskylä city, Finland (28.04. 2019 – 03.05.2019)
2. “Agile management” course, Solbridge International School of Business, Daejeon city, South Korea (May 2017).
3. Training seminar “Organization and implementation processes of the e-learning in higher education institution” – IAB, January 24th, 2014
4. Certificate of professional development on the program “Teaching Excellence (2ndlevel)” – (28th of February to 16th June 2015), AlmaU.

– Change management
– Innovation management and business communications for bachelors
– Research methods in Social sciences for masters

1. Kenzhegaranova M.K. On the questions of theories and technologies of continuous improvement. Herald of the Kazakh National University after al-Farabi.Economic Series. Almaty. – 2015. – № 2 (108). Pp 140-145
2. Kenzhegaranova M.K. Organizational development patterns and regularities during implementation of change management strategies. Herald of the Kazakh National University after al-Farabi. Economic Series. Almaty. – 2014. – № 2 (102). Pp 138-143
3. Kenzhegaranova M.K. Concept of quality management in the implementation of organizational changes. Herald of the Kazakh National University after al-Farabi.. Economic Series. Almaty. – 2013. – № 6 (100). Pp 190-195
4. Kunanbayeva D.A., Kenzhegaranova M.K. Theoretical aspects of resistance to change in organizations. The monthly scientific journal “Young Scientist” Chita – Moscow, Russian Federation – 2013. – №9 (56). C. 200-204

Учебное пособие «Менеджмент: теория и практика Казахстана». Раздел: «Управление изменениями» – Алматы, 2-ое изд., доп.- Алматы: Игілікgroup, 2017 г. – 1,9 п.л.

1. International Conference: “Entrepreneurship and Business Education in a Changing World”, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the International Academy of Business, October 31, 2013, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2. IX International scientific-practical conference of IAB: “Business and Education: development vector”. The role of innovation in the international transfer of knowledge. International Academy of Business (IAB), February 8, 2013 in Almaty, Kazakhstan
3. International scientific-practical conference “Regulation of economic issues in the CU and the CES: Practice and Problems” Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, on December 6-7, 2013 in Almaty, Kazakhstan
4. International Conference: «ICEBMM 2012: International Conference on Economics, Business Management and Marketing», 12-13 May 2012 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Research interests
Change management in organizations, entrepreneurship

Scholarships & awards
International Presidential Bolashak Scholarship 2005-2008, Master’s program at Texas A&M University, Texas, USA.

Elnura Nabigazinova

Senior lecturer


Senior lecturer

2014 as student, 2018 as staff, information systems, Dms analyst

Degree qualifications
BA: Information Systems 2018, SDU University

Alisher Tleubayev

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

Alisher Tleubayev joined the SDU University in Kazakhstan in 2014 as a lecturer of SDU Business School. In 2015, he was a vice-dean of SDU Business School on research. From 2017 to 2020, Alisher did a PhD in agricultural economics at Martin Luther University in Germany. Since 2020, he has been the director of Science Department at SDU. He is a fellow of CERGE-EI career integration program and his research interests include gender and agricultural economics.

Degree qualifications
MSc in Financial Engineering and Risk Management, 2013, The University of Essex, United Kingdom

BOLASHAK scholarship for MSc degree, The University of Essex, United Kingdom, 2012

Yerzhan Syzdykov

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

Yerzhan Syzdykov joined the SDU University in the Kazakhstan in 2015 as a lecturer for the bachelor level students: he had worked as a junior lecturer until 2018. From 2018 to 2019, Yerzhan was senior lecturer of the Business school in Management field. Since 2019, he has been working as a coordinator of management and economics programs. He is currently completing his PhD studies in University Putra Malaysia (UPM) in Malaysia.

Degree qualifications
BA in Economics (2012). SDU University, KZ
MSc in Financial Engineering and Risk Management (2014). University of Essex, UK
PhD in Organizational Behavior, Management (in progress). University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

ACC 403, Bachelor, Financial Statement Analysis
MAN 209, Bachelor, Management
MAN 213, Bachelor, Cases in Management
ACC 206, Bachelor, Corporate and Business Law
MAN 203, Bachelor, Organizational Structure and Behavior
MAN 609, Masters, Organizational Behavior

Research interests
OB, HRM and Management

Nurzhan Mukashev

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

1. Anderson A, Mukashev N, Zhou D, Bigler WC, The Costs of Disparities in Preventable Heart Failure Hospitalizations in the US South, 2015-17, Health Affairs 2023, 42:5, 693-701.
2. Benberin VV, Byurabekova LV, Mukashev N, Using Modern Management Tools in Providing Healthcare Services, Herald of the Medical Center of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No.2 (55), p.5. Jun 2014.
3. Benberin VV, Byurabekova LV, Kairgeldina SA, Mukashev N, Regarding Sanatorium Rehabilitation of Public Service Employees, Herald of the Medical Center of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No.2 (55), p.38.
4. Benberin VV, Sultangaziyev TS, Byurabekova LV, Mukashev N, Main Performance Indicators of Subsidiary Organizations of the Medical Center of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2013, Herald of the Medical Center of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No.1 (54), p.5. Mar 2014.

Poster presentations
1. Anderson A, Mukashev N, Zhou D, Bigler WC, The High Costs of Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Heart Disease Preventable Hospitalizations Among Medicare Beneficiaries in the US South, 2022 Annual Research Meeting (ARM). Washington, DC, USA (June 4-7, 2022).
2. Mukashev N, Karp L, Decision Making for new Health Financing Model in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Poster Pres. at 15th Biennial SMDM (Society for Medical Decision Making) European Meeting, Antwerp, Belgium, 2014.


Бағдарлама координаторы

Дарынды студенттерді қолдау

Бұл бағдарлама көрнекті студенттерге, олардың әл-ауқатына қарамастан арналған. Бағдарламаға лайықты студенттер белгілі академиялық және әлеуметтік жетістіктерді көрсетуі тиіс. Бұл бағдарлама толық немесе ішінара гранттар беру немесе жатақханалық орын беру арқылы студенттердің кәсіби және жеке дамуына ықпал етуге арналған. Грантты оның барлық әрекет ету мерзімі ішінде сақтау үшін алушы әр семестр белгіленген ең төменгі орташа ұпайға сәйкес келуі тиіс.

Профессорлық-оқытушылар құрамын (профессорларды) қолдау

Ғылыми-зерттеу тағылымдама бағдарламасын қолдау. Профессорлық-оқытушылар құрамы академиялық бағдарламаны әзірлейді және университетте ғылыми зерттеулер жүргізеді. Осы бағдарлама аясында СДУ профессорлық-оқытушылар құрамына шетелде ғылыми зерттеулермен айналысуға мүмкіндік береді. Сіздің қайырмдылық көмегіңіз ұшуға, тұруға және ай сайынғы еңбекақысының 6 айдан 1 жылға дейін өтейді. СДУ сондай-ақ шетелден келген профессорларды жергілікті оқытушылар мен студенттермен өз білімдері мен тәжірибелерін бөлісуге шақырады.
 “Жас маман”бағдарламасын қолдау. “Жас маман” бағдарламасы СДУ үздік түлектерін іріктеу және оқытушылардың ассистенті ретінде академиялық мансабының бастапқы кезеңінде оларға көмек көрсету арқылы университеттің адами капиталын дамытуға бағытталған. Жас мамандар шетелде докторлық дәреже алуға және беделді университеттерде бай ғылыми зерттеу тәжірибесін алуға ынталандырылады. Оқытушылардың ассистенттері профессорлық-оқытушылық құрамнан стипендиялар мен кәсіби кеңестер алады.

Университетті қолдау

СДУ кампусы студенттердің білім беру және сауықтыру іс-шараларын өткізу үшін орталық орын болып табылады. Университет жаңа объектілерді салу және бар объектілерді елеулі жаңарту жолымен өзінің базалық инфрақұрылымын жаңартуға ұмтылады. Бұл ғимараттар, жолдар, коммуналдық қызметтер, аумақтық және ландшафтық дизайн, студенттік тұрғын үй және университет миссиясына толық қолдау көрсету үшін қажетті ақпараттық технологиялар ресурстары кіреді. Сондай-ақ, заманауи кітапханалық ресурстарды және ғылыми-зерттеу мекемелерін, жабдықтар мен технологиялық құралдарды қолдаудың маңызы зор.


Question? Contact us! infomatrix@sdu.edu.kz

Since Infomatrix Asia is an international project competition and current lingua franca is English language, we decided that everything(documentation, presentation, submission) will be in English.

Starting from this year, participation doesn’t give opportunity get max at ENT.

All participants who study at secondary school must participate with their supervisors. Due to the security concerns of the participants.

Mail to infomatrx@sdu.edu.kz (Only technical questions)

Look carefully at category requirements, but common thing is: great presentation, clear documentation, completed project, short video demonstrating your knowledge of English Participants from Kazakhstan should have participated on regional, city, republic project competitions before.

Infomatrix Asia is an independent competition. Therefore, you are free to submit your project to any other competitions.

The participation fee is a required fixed cost that covers: transportation, medals, t-shirts, certificates, food, lodging and so on…


We are inviting participants to stay in our comfortable and modern “Student House” located on the territory of SDU.

The student house of Suleyman Demirel University offers students not only accommodation and meals on the territory of the Smart Campus during their studies, but also the opportunity to improve their social skills and strengthen international relationships.

Do you need help? Contact us!  infomatrix@sdu.edu.kz

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Это тот самый момент, когда даже 0,5 баллов решают, достоин ты гранта или нет. Поэтому очень советуем воспользоваться этой  возможностью.


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  • Страница участника должна быть открытой до 10 марта.

Посты оцениваются организаторами олимпиады таким образом:

▫️1 балл:
— есть пост, выполнены все условия;
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— пост с хорошо написанным текстом;
▫️3 балла:
— интересный пост с качественно снятым и смонтированным видео;
▫️4 и 5 баллов:
— качественные посты с хорошим охватом, количеством лайков и комментариев.

Оценивая посты, организаторы в первую очередь обращают внимание на качество поста. То есть, даже с текстом можно получить максимальный балл. Или наоборот, посты которые набрали тысячи лайкав, могут получить только 1 балл из за плохого качества.

Посты принимаются до завершения онлайн регистрации.

Необходимые документы:

  • 3 фотографии формата 3х4
  • Копия медицинского заключения 086 (можно получить в любой Казахстанской клинике)
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Девочки: + 7 702 958 79 11


ISPT Registration


«Болашақ» халықаралық стипендиясының екі дүркін иегері. 2011 жылы Англияның Newcastle университетінің магистратурасын Халықаралық мультимедиалық журналистика мамандығы бойынша бітірген. Ал 2021 жылдың наурыз айында Шотландияның Glasgow университетінде үш жылдан астам уақыт бойы жазған докторлық диссертациясын мерзімінен бұрын сәтті қорғап шықты. 1 айдан кейін оған Медиа және мәдени саясат мамандығы бойынша ресми түрде Философия докторы ғылыми атағы берілді. Dr Әсел негізі 1451 жылы қаланған университеттің Мәдени саясатты зерттеу орталығында (Centre for Cultural Policy Research) қызмет еткен. Аты әлемге әйгілі, nationalism ұғымының Ұлыбританияда негізін қалаушылардың бірі Эрнест Геллнерден тәлім алған Филип Слесинджердің шәкірті. Сондай-ақ, ол  магистратура студенттеріне Зерттеу әдістері (Research Methods) пәнінен дәріс оқып, Қазақстаннан тұңғыш рет PhD дәрежесін иеленген маман атанады. 

Докторлық диссертациясы, «Қазақ киносы және ұлт: сыни талдау» тақырыбы, ұлт құрылысы (nation building)  тәсілімдемесі арқылы зерттелген (Kazakh cinema and the nation: a critical analysis – Enlighten: Theses (gla.ac.uk)). Ғылыми еңбекте ол қазақ киносына британ әлеуметтанушы Энтони Смиттің энтосимволизм концепциясы бойынша талдау жасап, қазақ халқының ұлт болып қалыптасуына атажұрттық фильмдердің әсері қаншалықты деген сұраққа жан-жақты жауап беруге ұмтылады. 

Диссертацияның жаңалығы – бұл отандық Еуразия Халықаралық  кинофестивалін академиялық тұрғыдан алғаш рет зерттеп, ғылымның фильм фестивальдері (film festival studies) атты жаңа саласына EurIFF ұғымын тұңғыш рет енгізді (бұл турасында ағылшын тілді ғылымда бір де бір диссертацияны айтағанның өзінде,  ғылыми орта назар аударарлық мақала да жоқтың қасы). Сонымен қатар, осы саланы зерттеп жүрген әлем зерттеушілеріне қазақ киносын, Қазақстанның халықаралық фестивалін ғылыми еңбегі арқылы танымалдандырды. 

Бұған дейін Әсел Қамза «Хабар» арнасында 2006-2010 жж. аралығында  «Азамат» жастар бағдарламасының редакторы, кейіннен продюсері, «Біз айтсақ…» ток-шоуының шеф-редакторы, қазақ және орыс тілінде хабар таратқан «Бизнес мекен» таңғы бағдарламасының сценарисі қызметін атқарып, ондаған тікелей эфирлерде жұмыс жасап, практик-журналист ретінде тәжірибесін толықтырды. Оның ішінде 2008-2009 жылдары «Қазақстанда жасалған» атты отандық өндірушілерді қолдау мақсатында ашылған тележобаның сценарист-редакторы әрі жүргізушісі болып жұмыс істеген. 2011-2014 жылдары «Қазақстан темір жолы» ҰК» АҚ Ішкі протокол және бұқарамен байланыс департаментінде маман деңгейінен бастап, жарнама бөлімінің бастығы позициясына дейін көтеріліп, 160 000-нан астам қызметкері бар  ұлттық компанияның  PR стратегиясын дамытып, үйлестіруге үлес қосқан. 

Сулейман Демирель Университетінде бакалавриат және магистратура шәкірттеріне қазақ және ағылшын тілдерінде Масс коммуникация теориясы, Зерттеу әдістері, Масс коммуникациядағы зерттеу әдістері, Медиа Социология және Бейне композиция пәндерінен сабақ береді. Ұлыбританияда 5 жылға жуық уақыт ішінде жинаған бүкіл өнегесі мен бар тәжірибесін күнделікті дәрісінде пайдалануға тырысады. Студенттеріне сыни ойлауға, сындарлы пікір білдіруге жөн сілтейді. Ғылыми жұмыс жазған кезде, кеңестік кезден келе жатқан дәстүрлі жүйе бойынша, тек ғылыми жетекшінің жөн-жобасын ғана басшылыққа алуды ғана үйретпей, шын мәнінде бүкіл жауапкершілікті өз мойнына алуға, өз бетінше, еркін және тәуелсіз жұмыс істеуге дағдыландырады. 

Мақалалары отандық ғылыми журналдарда жарық көрген. Қазіргі таңда толерантты журналистика, автобиографиялық фильмдерге қатысты зерттеу жұмыстарымен айналысады. 

Өмірлік ұстанымы – талап, сапа, нәтиже!

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