The purpose of this project is to explore the research environment in the universities and research institutions in Kazakhstan using qualitative and quantitative methods and develop context-specific recommendations for creating research favorable environments.
This project aims to answer the research question: What challenges do the Kazakhstani Higher Education Institutions with English Medium Instruction (EMI) face at organizational and instructional levels, and how can these challenges be responded effectively?
The main goal of our project is to increase the interest of foreign citizens in learning the state language, to develop a modern methodology of teaching the Kazakh language, to present the scientific and theoretical foundations of teaching the Kazakh language as a foreign language both in the country and in other countries through an open educational platform.
The historical geography of Kazakhstan and Central Asia in modern times was mainly studied according to Russian sources. The original eastern written sources of the 17th – early 20th centuries, written in Persian, Chagatai, and Chinese, remained outside the field of view of researchers. Historical chronicles, historical and geographical works, memoirs and diaries of officials and travelers provide numerous information about cities, villages and fortresses, describe nature, flora and fauna, economy, water resources, minerals, etc. Most of the eastern sources of this period are all still remain little studied, their data on the historical geography of Kazakhstan and Central Asia have not yet been studied by Kazakh and foreign orientalists, historians and geographers.
Целью является развитие справедливого и сильного государства с фокусом на институционализированную социальную справедливость и эгалитарную республику (что подразумевает устранение структурной бедности и защиту широко понимаемых прав на здоровье, здравоохранение и образование) и развитие инклюзивной культуры и идентичности, что коррелирует с ценностями универсальности прав человека..
Цель исследования изучение фрактальных размерностей множеств, связанных с диофантовым приближением, разработка новых методов анализа иррациональности математических констант и исследование распределения иррациональных квадратичных чисел. Цель состоит в том, чтобы получить более глубокое понимание этих математических понятий и их свойств.