Zhainagul Duisebekova, PhD
Dean of the Faculty of
“Education and Humanities”
Babur Rashidov
Vice Dean for Social Affairs of the Faculty of “Education and Humanities”
Akmarzhan Nogaibayeva, PhD
Head of the Language Education Department
Zhanyl Abilbek
Head of the Department “Pedagogy of Natural Sciences”
Dana Moldabayeva, PhD
Head of the Department “Humanities”
Gulzhaina Nurmanova
“Kazakh language and literature” Educational Program Coordinator
Gaziza Otarbayeva
“Applied Philology” Educational Program Coordinator
Aisulu Gatiat
“Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” Educational Program Coordinator
Kamshat Zholdasbek
“Translation Studies” Educational Program Coordinator
Ardak Mukhanbetzhanova
Coordinator of the “Preschool Education and Training” Educational Program
Gulmira Myshbayeva
“Pedagogy and Methods of Teaching in Primary Education” Educational Program Coordinator
Dinara Yertargynkyzy
“Pedagogy and Psychology” Educational Program Coordinator
Madina Suleimen
Coordinator of the “Social Pedagogy” Educational Program
Azat Kali
Coordinator of the “History” Educational Program
Nurdaulat Shynarbek
Coordinator of the “Mathematics” Educational Program
Nurbek Sagyndyk
Coordinator of the Master’s and Doctoral Programs in the “Mathematics” Educational Program
Azatzhan Baitekov
Coordinator of the “Physics-Informatics” and “Physics” Educational Programs
Aiatolla Gabdullin
Coordinator of the Master’s Program in the “Physics” Educational Program.
Nurbul Aidarbaev
Coordinator of the “Informatics” Educational Program
Yylmaz Satylymish
Coordinator of the Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs in the “Chemistry-Biology” Educational Program
Aibek Smagul
Coordinator of the Master’s Program in the “Biology” Educational Program
Gulmira Bekenova
Coordinator of the Master’s Program in the “Chemistry” Educational Program
Akbota Abiyr
Coordinator of Master’s and doctoral programs “Kazakh language and literature”
Zhanel Shaikhi
Coordinator for Social Affairs
Diyar Nurmetov
Chairman of the Committee on Internationalization
Gulmira Zhilkeldi
Practice Coordinator of the “Language Education” Department
Zhamilya Eleusizova
Chair of the Academic and Methodological Committee
Abzalbek Ulasbekov
Coordinator for Staff Development
Guldana Muzdybaeva
Practice Leader in Natural Sciences Pedagogy
Roza Zhilkibaeva
Practice Leader in Humanitiesy
Abbas Bodaubekov
Coordinator for Alumni Affairs and Career Development